Wild Chase [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 10] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Wild Chase [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 10] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 4

by Jane Jamison

  “No! Stop, Harry.” Bonnie started after her son.

  Casey jumped in front of her, sending her reeling backward so fast that she landed on her butt.

  Aw, and what a nice butt it is.

  Her eyes were wide and round, her fear seeping off her in hot waves he could smell. Casey didn’t want her to be afraid. In fact, he wanted her to be just the opposite. Seeing how fearful she was, he did the only thing he could do. He shook his head and started to shift into his human form.

  * * * *

  Milly warned me.

  Yet as the fear stiffened Bonnie’s body and weakened her legs, she was thankful that Harry had gotten away. If she had to die to keep her son safe, she’d do it without a second thought.

  The huge dark golden wolf held his head up and pitched his ears forward. Didn’t that mean he wasn’t going to attack? She scrambled to her feet and started to leave, heading in the direction Harry had taken. But once again, the wolf blocked her path.

  “Go away. Scat.”

  He shook his head.

  Is he saying no?

  She moved back until she could feel the bushes scratching against her shirt. “Get! Scat!”

  He tilted his head at her, giving her that questioning look dogs did.

  Is he smiling at me?

  He started shifting. She held her breath, marveling at the ease of his shift. Like Dirk, the transformation didn’t include the moans that Harry had made his first time. The cracking of bones made her wince, but the change was so fast that he was in human form in less than a minute.


  The man standing before her was amazing. His body, all muscles that looked like rocks piled on top of each other, was spectacular. His strong legs were the size of small tree trunks and led up to—

  Oh, wow. Does he have a hard-on?

  She jerked her gaze upward to the taut abdomen.

  Now there’s a body I could bounce a nickel off.

  But she couldn’t linger on the abdomen. If she did, she’d drop her gaze down again to take in his massive shaft.

  And she did.

  Again, she jerked her gaze upward, going farther up his body this time. She’d never seen wider shoulders and such a massive chest. The man looked like he could lift a tank with his two powerful arms. Her mouth dried up as desire, raw and overwhelming, struck her between her legs.

  “You’re Bonnie Remington, right?”

  Her gaze found his. “How did you know that?”

  “Miss Clara pointed you out.”

  “Oh, I see.” Trouble was, she couldn’t help but see everything. And his everything was frickin’ amazing.

  He moved toward her, and she found she was paralyzed, unable to make her legs work. Before she could utter another word, he was by her side and brushing her hair away from her shoulder. She trembled as a zing of thrill ripped into her. She felt more alive than she ever had. The sensations rumbling through her, overtaking her were like nothing she’d ever experienced.

  “Take it easy. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  She managed to swallow then drag in a steadying breath. “I’d like to leave now.”

  “That’s up to you, but I’d rather you stayed.”

  She had an almost irresistible urge to lick the corners of his mouth. If she had her way, she’d lick every inch of him.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  “That was your son.”

  It was a statement rather than a question, but she answered anyway. “Yes. His name is Harry. I need to find him.”

  “Yeah, I got that.” He moved behind her, circling her even though the branches had to be scratching his skin. “What’s the hurry? He’ll come back whenever he’s ready. He’s safe around here. Especially while he’s in his wolf form.”

  “But he doesn’t know how—” He didn’t know how to what? How to be a werewolf? How to interact with other werewolves? She couldn’t tell him that. Harry hated anyone knowing their business.

  “He doesn’t know how to what? How to run at night? Because judging by the way he ran into me, he has a pretty good idea of how to put one foot in front of the other. So to speak.”

  “He doesn’t know this area.” She couldn’t help but glance down. Heat swamped her at the sight of his huge, thick cock. “Could you please cover up?”

  Not that I really want you to. Crap! Get a grip!

  Getting a grip, however, was easier said than done. Her pussy clenched, wetting her clothes until she was sure he could see a wet spot between her legs. That or smell her arousal.

  He glanced down at his nude form as though just now realizing he was naked. He looked around him. “Sorry, but I seemed to be fresh out of clothes. Here. Let me do this.”

  Breaking off several small branches, he grouped them together then held them over his cock. He cringed. “Not exactly what I’d call comfortable, but I’ll deal with the pain to keep you happy.”

  “Thank you.” She cleared her throat and ignored the fact that she missed seeing his cock. Not that she’d tell him to drop the twigs. If he did, she wasn’t sure what she’d do. “Like I said, he doesn’t know the area. Plus, the lady at the diner—”

  “Milly? Pretty blonde behind the counter?”

  “That’s right. Milly told me to be careful.”

  She liked his eyes. They were filled with humor. She hoped he didn’t think she was funny.

  “What was Milly warning you about?”

  “To be careful. That wild animals might get us.”

  He did laugh then. “I think Milly was yanking your chain. Although we do have a grumpy bear or two that wander around at night. Oh, and the vampires are out now, too.”

  He held up his hand when he saw how alarmed she became. “Hey, don’t worry about it. We have a truce with the bears, and the vampires wouldn’t care about a werewolf. Unfortunately, they might get a hankering for you. You look mighty tasty to me.”

  What does that mean? Is he going to eat me?

  Her first thought of him chowing down on her bones morphed into a different way that he might eat her. She struggled to keep her eyes on his face.

  “Vampires? You’re telling me that there are real live vampires around here.” She glanced around her, almost expecting a vampire to hurl its body out of the darkness.

  He tilted his head, reminding her of the wolf he’d been. “Well, I wouldn’t say they’re alive. Not exactly anyway. Of course there are vampires. Werewolves, vampires, fairies, they all exist. I would’ve thought you’d know that.”

  She couldn’t come up with an answer to that. Instead, she simply shrugged. She tried to move, and again, he stopped her. “I need to find my son.”

  “Bonnie, let me give you a piece of advice.” He dropped the foliage that covered his huge cock. His huge erect cock.

  Advice from a werewolf? And yet, she nodded. Wasn’t that why she’d come to Forever?

  She couldn’t seem to think straight with him so close to her. Something about him had her body tensing up in that good way that signaled attraction. But the sensation that spun around her, inside her, taking hold of her very being was much stronger and sexier than any simple sense of physical awareness. She wanted to push her body against his and skim her hands over the hard muscles and lean sides of his skin. It was everything she could do to keep from kneeling at his feet and sucking his cock into her mouth.

  Again she wondered. What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Never tell a wolf, werewolf or otherwise, to scat. We’re wolves, not cats.”

  The fear that had held her prisoner shattered as she realized he was joking. Yet, although the fear was gone, the tug of desire that held her rooted in that spot intensified. She had to force herself to speak. “I’ll try to remember that. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go.”

  “Don’t bother. You’ll never catch up with him.”

  He was right, of course. Now that she’d seen Harry, she realized it. Even if she did manage to catch up with him, he wouldn’t come back w
ith her until he was ready. She had to hope that he’d already gone back to the RV.

  He touched her again, but this time it wasn’t a simple brush of his fingers. He bent forward and kissed her on the neck.

  She inhaled, her body stiffening to attention, and then heard a moan that she realized had come from her. Closing her eyes, she did the unexpected. She waited for him to take her.

  His chuckle warmed her ear as he moved his mouth to nibble her earlobe. His hand cupped her breast, and she took a deep breath wanting to give him more to fondle. He pressed his body against hers, and she felt the heat of him soak through her clothes.


  She wasn’t sure what she was asking, but she’d take anything he wanted to give her.

  The guttural sound of a growl flowed over her. She shivered and kept her eyes closed.

  “You’re mine.”

  His? But how can that be?

  And yet, the instinctual part of her knew that he spoke the truth.

  The hand that played with her breast and massaged her nipple through her shirt fell lower to tug the hem out of her jeans. She drew in a long breath and reached out to find purchase on his strong arms. He slipped his hand under the shirt then up to tug down the strap of her bra. Another tug brought the bra below her breasts.

  “Be still. Be quiet.”

  Her lips parted as she waited for whatever he wanted to do. She didn’t have long to wait. Lifting her shirt higher, he brought his mouth to her nipple and sucked it into his mouth.

  She mewled and dug her fingers into his arms. “Please.” Had she spoken the word out loud this time?

  His hands found the front of her jeans and had them unbuttoned and sliding to the ground. The night air coaxed goose bumps over her skin. But it was his hand going under her panties and between her legs that sent a shiver through her.

  I can’t do this. I can’t. I need to look for—

  She gasped as he swept two fingers between her pussy lips. Vaguely, she wondered if she’d drawn blood, but still dug in her fingernails even more. If she didn’t hold on to him, she’d collapse to the ground.

  His tongue lavished her nipple, alternating it with a quick nip or tug. His fingers found her warm wetness, and his thumb pushed against her throbbing clit.

  Her mind whirled, unable to fix onto one coherent thought. Another storm brewed inside her, rolling outward from her pussy to weaken the other parts of her body. He rubbed her, driving her closer and closer to the ultimate release.

  When he took his mouth away from her breast, she cried out in protest. But removing his hand from between her legs was the greatest form of punishment.

  He took her face between his hands. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

  She did, then failed to blink back the tears. Why was she crying?

  “Shh. Don’t cry. I understand. You’ve waited for this your whole life.”

  “I–I’m not a virgin.”

  He chuckled. “I’m not talking about sex.”

  He kissed her, quick yet with passion, then he grinned. Dropping to his knees in front of her, he took her hands and put them on his shoulders again. “Hold on, baby.”

  He reached his hands around to grip her butt cheeks and pushed his face to her pussy. She heard him inhale, drawing her smell in. His mouth pressed against her pussy. She cried out, digging her hands into his shoulders again, then watched his head move up and down as he raked his tongue between her folds. Holding her to him, he drank from her, the sound of his need echoing in the quiet night.

  The heat she’d experienced before was like the flame of a match compared to the inferno he gave her. Fire seared outward from her pussy, clenching it with lust as he sucked on her clit then swept his tongue inside to draw even more of her juices from her. She shuddered and held on, amazed that she was still on her feet. But he would’ve held her up even if her body had given out.

  He sucked, then nipped, then added a slap against her butt cheek. It startled her, yet enlivened her. Because of her jeans, she couldn’t spread her legs as she wanted, but it didn’t seem to hinder him. He flattened his tongue against her clit and circled it, driving her body to its conclusion.

  She moaned as the orgasm tore through her. He was eating her alive in his consumption of every drop of her sex. She groaned as he took her, lapping up her juices, and pushing her farther into her body-wracking release. And still he drank from her.

  When she had no more strength to stand, he pulled away, and keeping hold of her, stood to take her into his arms. She lay against him, weak and vulnerable, yet somehow empowered.

  “That’s it, baby. Let it go.”

  Her body trembled through the last of her climax. He caressed her buttocks, then her breast, and finally took her face in his hands again.

  “You’re mine. Remember that.”

  She couldn’t refuse, and at that moment, if he’d ordered her to go with him she would’ve followed.

  “Can you stand on your own?”

  She tested her strength and found that she could. But still she clung to him, not wanting him to ever let go.

  He chuckled, then pushed her away. She opened her mouth to protest as he moved away from her, making her feel alone and bereft. The loss of his touch gave her brain the ability to function again. The night air brushed over her thighs, but it couldn’t cool the heat still firing between her legs. She yanked her jeans up then straightened her bra and top. “Who are you?”

  “I’m glad you asked. Name’s Casey Colter.” His smile grew a little bigger. “Like I said. You’re mine.”

  “Why do you keep saying that?”

  “Because I’m your mate.”

  She was sure she hadn’t heard him right. “You’re my what?”

  “I know it’s sudden and all, but that sensation you’re feeling?”

  He waited for her to acknowledge his words with a nod, and she did. How could she ever deny it? She imagined that he could see its effect on her. After all, it was why she’d let him do what he’d done. And why she’d let him do it again if he wanted.

  “That’s what happens when a werewolf finds his mate. That’s the connection between them letting them recognize each other. I’ve found you.”

  At last, her mind clicked into full awareness. Was he crazy? It was as though he’d known what she was feeling and how she longed to stay with him. “That’s not possible.”

  He blinked, then furrowed his brow. “Yeah, I figured you wouldn’t buy it. Or at least not admit it at first, and that’s okay. I’ll give you time to get used to the idea. But I wanted to give you a taste of what’s in your future.” He gave her one of his wonderfully sinful-sounding chuckles. “You might say it was a taste for a taste.”

  She’d wasted too much time talking to the sexy stranger. Especially a stranger who might be insane. How had she let him do what he’d done? She must be the crazy one. “I don’t know why that just happened, but don’t think it means…” It means what? That they’re involved? That she believed his assertion that she was his mate?

  “I don’t think it means anything. And I’m sure that it can’t happen again.” And yet her body betrayed her, aching to tell her that she wanted it to happen again and soon.

  Spinning around, she headed back the way she’d come.

  “Hey, Bonnie?”

  She couldn’t resist turning back to him even as she held the branches away from her. She doubted she could deny him anything. “Yeah?”

  “Your generator on that RV isn’t going to last much longer. If you like, you can park it behind my house and use our electricity.”

  “Your house?”

  “Why not? You could still sleep in your RV, and besides, you’re already parked on our land.” He shot her a cocky, lopsided grin.

  “Your land?” She’d hoped that she’d found a patch of land no one owned, but it made sense that it was part of someone’s ranch. “I didn’t know this land belonged to anyone. If you want me to leave, I will. First thing in the morning

  “Naw. That’s not what I’m getting at. Like I said, feel free to park next to our house.”

  “I don’t even know you. You’re a complete stranger.”

  “After seeing me in all my naked glory, after letting me taste you, can you still call me a complete stranger?”

  She couldn’t answer that question. They both knew the answer.

  His grin grew wider and, God help her, sexier. “Good, then. It’s settled.”

  “Wait. I didn’t say I would.”

  “But you will. Follow the road you got off of down a few more miles, and you’ll see the sign to our ranch. It’s called Full Moon Ranch. Take the gravel road on the right, and that’ll take you straight to the house. Park your RV anywhere you like, although you might want to keep it a good piece away from the barn.”

  “Look, Mr. Colter—”

  “It’s Casey.”

  He skimmed his tongue over his upper lip, and she had to fight not to run into his arms.

  “Look, Casey, I don’t want to put you to any trouble. Besides, after what we, after what you did, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” But her politeness seemed to encourage him.

  I should leave.

  “No trouble at all. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to finish my run.”

  He’d already started shifting. In a matter of a minute, he’d returned to the gorgeous dark-yellow wolf. He whirled around once, then bounded through the bushes and into the night.

  Bonnie stood stuck in the same place for another minute. She could still feel his hard, sexy body calling to her. She closed her eyes and picked up on the sensations still heralding his need through her body.

  Was it simply a matter of an amazing, incredible physical attraction? Or had he called to her on a deeper, emotional level?

  Don’t be ridiculous. He’s a sexy man and that’s all.

  Yet something inside her wanted to argue.

  He called me his mate. But that’s crazy. Isn’t it?

  She shook her head, trying to force herself to think rationally. Yet being with him had been anything but rational.


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