The Ginger Tree

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The Ginger Tree Page 16

by Oswald Wynd

  One thing the Japanese house does not consider is any kind of comfort for a woman carrying a child, and I don’t think this is only because I am a Western woman carrying a child. What you cannot do in this condition is loll about on floor cushions, and if you attempt to sit up straight on one of them your back soon protests. I tried explaining to my maids that I must have one chair of some sort, but the best they could do as a result of my pantomime was produce a stout box that had once contained Australian apples, with a cushion on top. Once again there was no support for my back. Finally I appealed to Dr Ikeda and a chair duly arrived, quite light, made of wicker with a back, though low, which is adequate.

  During the days, in this pleasant warm weather, I have my chair out on the boards of the narrow verandahs, but it was in the evening when the problem arose, my chair having to be moved inside and, with my great weight added to it, the four legs prodding holes in the beautiful straw matting, something that brought my happy little maids near to tears, as though holes in the matting were the only thing that caused real distress in their lives. From my point of view this wasn’t a very satisfactory arrangement either, for the legs set on softness didn’t make my perch too secure. In the end we solved the problem by breaking up the apple box and laying its boards on the matting as support for the chair’s feet. This arrangement is all right, except that I can’t ever move my chair from its fixed position, and Misao San in particular continues to behave as though both chair and the boards under it outraged everything she had been brought up to believe in. Also, it has added to her not very arduous work. When the shutters have all been slid away along their runners and stowed into the boxes where they are kept by day, poor Misao has then to come in and carry my very light chair eight feet out on to the verandah, after which she takes the four boards away to the kitchen, returning with a hand broom and pan to sweep carefully around where the chair has been. The rest of the room is only swept once a week, though the wooden verandahs are polished daily with greasy cloths that I sometimes suspect have been recently used to dry my dishes.

  I don’t go into my Tokyo kitchen either, it seems wisest not to since there is nothing I could possibly do in there anyway. It has an earth floor with two steps down to it from the level of the rest of the downstairs, and in place of a cookstove three fat charcoal-burning braziers on which heat temperatures are controlled by using a stiff paper fan vigorously for fast cooking, or not using it at all for simmering. Any kind of baking is unknown, not a hint of an oven anywhere, but Fukuda San can fry things very well and is especially good with fish done in batter, which I learned early is called ‘sakana tempura’ so I could order it often. The water supply is piped to a tap over a cement sink with an open drain under it that I suspect has a serious leak somewhere, allowing seepage into our ornamental pond. The goldfish that Misao San keeps bringing home from the evening fairs have regularly to be fished out quite dead. The one modern feature of that kitchen and this house is electric light, this a total surprise to me coming from Peking’s lamps and my mother’s gas fixtures in Edinburgh. Large sections of Tokyo are now lit by this method, thanks to German enterprise, not British, and there is also a system of electric tramcars which, on still nights, can be heard clanking away in the distance along the Ginza, though the lines do not come down into Tsukiji as yet. The sanitary arrangements might be said to be slightly better than those in Peking, but not much.

  There are times when I feel almost content here, which I suppose ought to shame me. It is as though I am then able to close all the doors in my mind except the one opening into this living, so that I have no past and no future, and with a great excuse for unthinking laziness in my pregnancy. At night the winds of the world sometimes probe for cracks in the tightly closed shutters, but Misao and Fukuda have left no gaps and I am safe between my two quilts. I do not even think of Kentaro who has provided me with this.

  13 Tsukiji San Chome, Tokyo

  April 27th, 1905

  Dr Ikeda has been three times this week. I’m sure he is well paid to give me every attention, but this seems too often. I think he is worried about the position of the baby. He asks me questions about where I feel movement when it happens and I don’t think my answers satisfy him. He must be the quietest doctor in the world. His English is good enough but he never uses a word that is not necessary. I have no idea what he thinks of me as a person or as a patient, though I try to do what he tells me. Until recently he had me taking exercise every day, like walks to the Bund, but now he doesn’t seem to want me to move about very much.

  I get quite frightened sometimes, more so than I think I did with Jane, though one forgets. I am not sure whether, if he was willing to, I would want Dr Ikeda to tell me exactly what he thinks is wrong. I am such an awful coward.

  I do a lot of reading, but not always with my complete attention, and sometimes I seem to see my old lives beyond the words, first with Mama in Edinburgh, then with Richard, and Jane lying in her cot looking at me, but all these as pictures seen through dusty glass. I have strange dreams: the other night I was walking along Princes Street wearing the blue evening dress Mama bought me though it was sunshine and clearly morning. Someone was with me but I couldn’t see who it was, as though unable to turn my head to look. What I did see was the fashionable Saturday crowd, the ladies pretending to shop, but really showing off their new outfits and then planning to meet friends for coffee in one of the restaurants. Princes Street has that slight dip in the middle so that at certain points you can actually see all the people promenading for at least half a mile ahead of you, and I was at one of those places when suddenly, directly in front of me, a yawning black hole opened up. Then beyond it coming towards me were people laughing and talking, and who couldn’t have seen that hole at all, but I was right on its crumbling edge, and knew that I was going to fall in and be swallowed up. That was when I woke soaking with perspiration. Unlike most dreams, I just couldn’t forget this one quickly.

  Sometimes I think of the little, unimportant-seeming accidents that have changed my life, like going to stay with Margaret Blair and meeting Richard, one chance in ten thousand really. Then there was a morning walk up a path through a clump of Chinese bamboo to Kentaro. Because such slight things can swing me completely off into another way of living, am I some special kind of fool? Do other people, too, make their lives from little accidents like these? I suspect that those who really succeed in living are the ones who don’t let accidents happen to them, who plot their days like a ship’s course on a chart, and never take their eyes off the compass.

  13 Tsukiji San Chome, Tokyo

  May 29th, 1905

  I have not been well, quite a lot of vomiting. Dr Ikeda has kept me in bed for the last week, lying flat most of the time. Today I have been propped up against another rolled quilt at my back, reading the papers.

  Unlike Peking there is a daily newspaper in English here, the Japan Advertiser and it is rather strange to again have world news quite soon after the events have happened. Yesterday there was a great battle between the Russian fleet which has sailed here all the way from Europe and the Japanese Navy. Just as Kentaro said he would, Admiral Togo has utterly defeated the Russians, sinking most of their ships. What had seemed the invincible power of the Czar has been broken and, in the Far East at least, apparently destroyed forever. The editorial in the paper says that the war on land cannot go on for much longer either, which means that Japan’s total victory is now a certainty. In the future she will have to be classed as one of the great powers of the world.

  Lying here in my wood and paper house, served by two kind but really very silly girls, I wonder how this can be. Though I have not seen much of the country, I have the feeling that it is a very poor land, if not so poor as China. On my walks to the Bund there is a bridge I never use now, going some distance to another to avoid it, because at one end sits a leper beggar, the same bundle of rags I saw so often in Peking, and the same droned petition as you pass. The leper is a man and he sometimes has a
small child with him, also in rags, the child trained to scream, or perhaps pinched to make him do it, when anyone approaches the bridge. The disease has almost completely destroyed one side of the man’s face, it looks as though the inside of his mouth had been turned outside. Whenever we have gone that way I have always given him something, though I haven’t much money, just my twenty-six pounds turned into nearly two hundred and fifty yen. However, all you give a beggar is a few sen. Misao thinks it quite unnecessary to give him anything. She and that shapeless wreck on the bridge are also part of these people who will soon have defeated one of the greatest nations in the West. Then I think of Kentaro praying his apologies to the souls of the men under his command who had been killed. To consider that God may be on the side of such a man, and thousands like him, is disturbing.

  13 Tsukiji San Chome, Tokyo

  June 4th, 1905

  I had an uneasy night and fell asleep only after Fukuda San was up and banging about the kitchen. The noise she makes doing anything, which is a great deal, did not wake me, but a sharp, loud voice in our little vestibule did. It was a woman and she almost seemed to be shouting. A moment later, though the words were Japanese, I was sure the user was not, it was Japanese spoken with a marked English accent. I heard Misao trying to interrupt that voice, but with no success, and I was suddenly very uneasy, conscious of only two layers of papered doors between me and the entrance area. If it had been a European house I’m pretty sure there would have been no stopping our visitor, that she would have come surging along the verandah to the room in which I lay, but the matting meant that the attack could not really be a surprise one, the lady would have to unlace or unbutton her shoes. I heard Misao say the phrase which I already recognise from its constant use: ‘Choto maté kudasai’ – please wait a little – and a moment later the maid slid back the screen, which meant that I lay exposed to the garden. The visitor, foiled at the entrance, might at any moment make her appearance through a gate in the bamboo fence. There was something about that woman’s loud, positive Japanese which made me certain she would be very difficult to stave off.

  Misao had brought a calling card. On it was: ‘Miss Alicia Bassett-Hill’ and, also printed, up in one corner: ‘Society for the Propagation of the Christian Gospel’. ‘PTO’ was in pencil. The message on the back was as positive as the voice: ‘Have been meaning to call, but have had pneumonia.’

  The lady was almost certainly a neighbour. I knew there were a few foreigners living in the Tsukiji area but in my brief walks had seen no sign of any of them, and of course the language barrier means I get no real gossip from my maids. What I felt then, and am still feeling, was almost sheer panic. It looks as though arrangements have been made to spy on me here in Tokyo. My first thought was that Mama had done this, then I was sure it was Richard. In Peking I had heard talk about so-called undesirable Britons, who cause embarrassment in foreign countries by what they do or the way they live, simply being sent home by the Consular people on orders from the Embassy. I hadn’t registered at the Embassy in Tokyo, behaving like someone in hiding, which is really what I am doing in a way.

  I didn’t say a word to the waiting Misao, knowing too well that a whisper would travel through those thin walls, but shook my head violently, giving the card back with signs that it was to be returned to the visitor. Misao seemed to take fright at my agitation and went down the verandah. A moment later I heard more of the loud, confident English-Japanese, then a clicking on the flagstones of the front walk, after which the outer gate slid open and shut on its noisy metal runners. Misao San brought me a present from Miss Bassett-Hill, a tin of Huntley and Palmer’s assorted biscuits. I’m afraid that a meeting with this woman cannot be avoided.


  Tsukiji, Tokyo

  July 16th

  I fell into that black hole which in my dream I saw opening in front of me. I remember Dr Ikeda peering down. He seemed a long way up, a face at the mouth of a vertical cave. One of the nurses told me that after the operation he was always coming in to see how I was doing. She half admitted that she thought I was dying. They had to cut the baby from me, there was no other way. Nearly four weeks later I am still in pain from that, but insisted on breast-feeding my child as soon as I was conscious enough from the drugs they gave me. My baby is a boy, of course. He has some dark hair and a powerful voice, already with two slaves, Misao and Fukuda, three, if I am to be counted. It is easy to see that the maids are delighted the child looks like a Japanese. I keep thinking about names for him, but have got nowhere on that important matter.

  Perhaps I should have him christened, though I do not think Presbyterians are supposed to believe that infants who die unbaptised go to hell. I certainly don’t, and probably it is quite wrong to even consider baptism when his father is of such a different faith.

  I have only written to Mama twice since coming to Japan, with no reply. Ought I to let her know she has a grandson or would the news shock everyone in that house? Miss Bassett-Hill sent in a huge net bag of oranges the day after I got back from hospital. She must have known that I came home with a baby I am not entitled to by my marriage, and as a missionary ought to be shocked, especially as a single lady missionary. So why the oranges unless she has some commission to see me whatever I do? The thought of her makes me uneasy.

  Tsukiji, Tokyo

  July 23rd

  The terrible heat of the last ten days was broken by a violent thunderstorm last night, this seemed determined to stay circling over the Sumida River area and directly above us. The crashing sounded like the world breaking up. I had the maids for company, Misao letting out almost continuous squeaks of terror, but the baby slept solidly through it all in a way that amazed the three of us. Twice the electric light flickered and went out, but it came on again moments later. Rain was suddenly a cloudburst. Though the canal on the opposite side of our street should have acted as a drain it didn’t, and soon we had flooding over the lip of our outer gate, geysers spouting through the slats like the overflow of a reservoir. In minutes our entrance area was under water and the fishpond in the garden overflowed, but what looked like the beginnings of disaster was all gone by morning, the air fresh, the sun bringing heat without the muggy humidity we have been enduring. I was sitting out on the verandah in my chair and Misao had the baby on a mat in the garden when I heard her asking him if he was her friend: ‘Anata boku no o-tomodachi desu ka?’ My baby showed his gums, and there was his name – Tomo. The maids are delighted with it.

  This afternoon I decided I have been playing the invalid for long enough and I went for an enormous long walk, which was down the stepping-stones to the gate, through this and across the road to the canal bank where I stood looking down at mud left by a retreating tide, feeling that I had come far enough. A commotion at our gate didn’t make me turn at once but when I did it was to see a ricksha there with its shafts lowered and for a moment I thought I had been caught and Miss Bassett-Hill was lurking under the raised hood. However, what came out was not a person, but a huge parcel which Misao and Fukuda collected between them, apparently excited. By the time I had joined my maids the parcel was sitting in the middle of the living-room matting, the baby still out in the sun, for the time being neglected. It was obvious that the parcel as such was a suitable object for deep respect, almost veneration, Misao and Fukuda both sitting on their legs staring at it. I settled into my chair and then had practically to prod them into getting on with untying the string around brown paper, which was done with a solemn adherence to ritual. First I was handed a folded white and red paper symbol which indicated a gift and then a label on which was one word printed in English – ‘Mary’ – together with an address written with a black brush in Japanese. There was a second layer of wrapping under the brown paper, but what was eventually revealed was a red cloth fish.

  It was a very big fish, at least three feet long, about one and a half wide, and standing a couple of feet off its carved wooden base on which were decorations, in bright green, of art
ificial seaweed and water ferns. Fins and tails were of cloth, sewn on, but the scales and head were stylised hand painting. I had guessed the fish was stuffed with something before it was pushed over matting to me and Misao had demonstrated how you got inside, via a slit under the tail portion. I put in my hand and pulled. Out came yard upon yard of a heavy silk crêpe in a soft grey tone as a background to huge flaring blooms of peony flowers and a design of leaves, the material obviously intended for the most exotic of kimonos. With the last folds came something else, a wallet of gold brocade. Inside were twenty new one-hundred-yen notes.

  From my reading in Marie’s books on Japan I knew that the fish is the symbol of the male child. I sat in my wicker chair out on the boards of the verandah, watched by my bright-eyed maids, wondering if this was Kentaro’s way of acknowledging the birth of a son? It could also be my whore’s price, two thousand yen leaving him free to wash his hands of me and Tomo. I looked at the silk again. No respectable woman in this country would ever be seen wearing that heavy crêpe splashed with gaudy flowers. It could only be made up into the kimono for a courtesan.

  Tsukiji, Tokyo

  July 27th

  Last night I did not sleep. One says this often enough meaning that one did not sleep well, but I never closed my eyes. Every hour I heard the nightwatchman coming down our street, striking his wooden clappers together and shouting that he was busy watching for burglars but had seen none and we were not to worry.

  I kept thinking about what I could do with two thousand yen. It is exactly the money Mama insisted I carry out into the world from Edinburgh. Now I have it again. A thousand dollars is a lot more than most of the emigrants from Europe have to take with them to a new world but I’ve heard that the Americans are strict about refusing to admit the morally depraved. I’m sure that if I went to their Consul that is how he would classify me. Also, Tomo is a Japanese by birth, I couldn’t just take him anywhere I wanted to go. And wouldn’t it be wrong to bring up a half-Eastern child in the West? My thoughts kept going round and round, getting me nowhere.


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