Collared by the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 11)

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Collared by the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 11) Page 20

by Hayley Faiman

  “You were gone for a long time. You came home dirty and disheveled. Just, please tell me everything will be okay,” she murmurs.

  Gripping her hair in my fist, I gently tug her head back so that I can look into her pretty blue eyes. “Everything is fine, Raisa. Everything will be fine. It is not your concern,” I growl.

  She gulps and slides her hand up my chest, wrapping her fingers around the side of my neck. “It scared me,” she whispers.

  Lifting my head, I press my forehead against her own. “Okay, krasotka. Nothing to be scared about, yeah?”

  She sighs, obviously not believing me, as she shouldn’t. I’m not going to tell her that though. I need her to know that everything is okay, that she is safe, no matter what. It will be, okay, always. Even if I am no longer here, everything will still be okay. She will still be taken care of, she will still be safe. Even if I die tomorrow, Ilya will follow shortly behind me and Raisa will be completely protected.

  “I have no choice but to believe you,” she mutters. Her obvious frustration causes me to chuckle.

  Tugging her and moving her around so that she’s straddling my hips, I look up at her from my lying down position on the lounger. Her long dark hair tumbles over her shoulders, my diamonds shine and she looks gorgeous.

  Pressing my palm against her stomach, I gently slide it up her center, stopping at the base of her collar. “You have no choice, Raisa, you are correct,” I mumble.

  Shifting my hand over to her breast, I hold it in my hand, my thumb sliding across her nipple. Lifting my free hand, I cup her other tit, doing the same until both nipples are hard. Pinching both of her nipples, I roughly tug on them, watching as she sucks in a breath and lets her head fall back.

  She grinds her sticky wet pussy against my cock and rubs, searching for friction. The move has my cock hardening and I let out a grunt. I continue to twist, manipulate and play with her sensitive buds. Raisa continues to hump my slowly lengthening dick.

  “Are you going to ride me this time, krasotka?”

  Her head straightens and her lips twitch in a small smile. “May I, please?” she asks.

  I hum, pressing my lips together, making a show of thinking about her question. “Come this way, first, then you can.” I grin with a sharp pinch of her nipples. She hisses and her hips buck as her pussy floods my cock, dripping down my balls.

  It doesn’t take her long to make herself come, her clit already sensitive from earlier. I grunt as her hips move faster, her head falling back as her orgasm takes over. “Turn around,” I demand. “I want to see this red ass when you fuck me.”

  She smiles before the front of her disappears and I’m met with the gorgeous still bright red ass of hers. Watching her lean forward, I line up my cock with her sticky center and groan as she sinks back, taking all of me inside of her. We fuck again, the sun setting as she rides my dick.

  After the day I had, blowing up, almost dying then ordering the demise of one of the richest men in the country, coming home to a waiting Raisa is exactly what I needed. She erases all the shit in my life. Just the sight of her eases my stress.

  Raisa is my home. Her body my quiet place, my place to lose myself.

  She is my life.

  My slave.

  My lover.



  The doctor grunts as he checks out my arm. He examines it and feels all around. I expect it to hurt still, but it doesn’t. In fact, it feels fantastic. He lifts his gaze to mine and gives me a smile. He’s a kind man, and I find that I’m comfortable with him. Which usually isn’t the case when I’m alone with a man. Maybe it’s because I know with Sergei, I’m safe. No man is going to come in here and expect anything from me, not ever again. The only man I am here to please is Sergei, and that is something that I am happy to do.

  “Your body has healed? You don’t have any pains? How are you sleeping?” he asks, firing off a few questions at once.

  I answer his questions quickly, letting him know that I am sleeping well, and I feel absolutely wonderful. He gives me a smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “You’re young, Raisa. Have you thought about your future, about a life after this?” he asks.

  Tilting my head to the side, I wonder why he’s asking me this. He sounds a bit like the chef that we had in the country, a chef who incidentally did not join us here in the city. One I have not heard anything about since we left the estate.

  “Doctor, my trusted doctor, what are you implying?” Sergei asks from the doorway.

  The doctor jumps, and I swear his bones almost burst from his skin he looks so shaken. I would be too if I were him. “Nothing, boss. Just making sure that my patient is well,” he rambles.

  Sergei grunts and I watch as the doctor quickly packs up his bag. “Raisa is fine, doctor. She is safe, fed, and healthy.”

  “I was more questioning children, and living a happy life, Sergei,” the doctor states as he stands to his feet.

  Sergei growls, taking a step forward with his chest puffed up. He looks angry, and I don’t blame him. I’m not quite sure why people are so overly concerned with me and procreation. I realize I’m young, but this doctor doesn’t know me, doesn’t know my past.

  “Sergei and I are in agreement on our future, doctor. Thank you for looking at my arm and ensuring that it is better. Have a nice day,” I call out.

  The doctor and Sergei both look to me, then back to one another. The doctor leaves without a word and Sergei stays where he is, still staring at me in what I can only describe as disbelief. Untying my black silk robe, I let it fall to my feet. Sinking to my knees, I crawl toward Sergei only stopping when I’m at his feet.

  “Raisa,” he rasps.

  He doesn’t say anything else, he doesn’t need to. There is something so right between us, something that needs no words. I sigh, resting my cheek against his thigh as his fingers comb through my hair at the top of my head.

  We stay like that for a while. I relish in the quiet moment, two people in the calm of what is most likely chaos. Sergei hasn’t explained anything, but I can tell by the tension in his body, that there is something wrong.

  “I need to go. I have some things to attend to, you will be okay with Panya and your Byki for the day?” he asks.

  Tipping my head back, I give him a small smile. “I will be fine, hurry home to me?” I ask.

  He smiles, shaking his head and reaches into his pocket. “I was hoping to be able to break these in this morning, but I need to go,” he holds out his palm and I slip my hand inside.

  I expect him to tug me up, but he doesn’t. What he does is fasten a bracelet on. When he’s finished, I look at the piece and I gasp. It’s a gorgeous diamond lattice bracelet, intricate and breathtaking. He chuckles, bending down to take hold of my other wrist, attaching a matching cuff on the other end. The rings are on the inside of the wrists and so small that to the naked eye, they cannot be detected.

  “Sergei,” I mutter.

  “Nyet, you are mine. You will look the part, forever,” he shrugs. “Ankles,” he demands.

  He crouches down, and I sit on my ass, bringing my legs around. He attaches smaller cuffs on each ankle that match the wrist ones. When he’s finished, his eyes lift from my ankles to meet my own. “I love you, Raisa. Do not forget, yeah?”

  His words, they are rare, but they are real and my heart races at the sound of them. He sounds ominous as if he knows there is something that is going to happen. I don’t ask him, not again. Instead, I lift my arm and cup his cheek. His rough stubble meets my fingertips and I smile.

  “Never will I forget, never will you let me.”

  He nods, standing to his feet. Turning away from me, he walks away. I don’t know what it means, what he means, but I ache. My entire body aches with the unknown. I can practically taste the doom and dread as it hangs heavy in the air.


  Leaving Raisa covered in nothing but my diamonds, is not how I had planned for today to go. I wa
nted to stay with her, fuck her, and maybe even use the flogger on her. Now that she has the all clear from the doctor, I was planning a whole afternoon.

  Thinking about the doctor pisses me off, immediately. I should shoot his kneecaps out for that fucking shit he pulled earlier. However, thinking about Raisa putting him in his place causes my lips to twitch into a smile.

  Driving toward the training facility, I can’t wipe the fucking smile off of my face. Raisa is not fucking broken, not at all. My woman is strong, she’s fearless, and she knows how to stand up not only for herself but for me too. It was sexy as shit.

  Nikolai is waiting at the front door when I park my car. I drove today, in case I decided to leave early and go home to Raisa for a few moments of reprieve. He lifts his chin as I exit the vehicle.

  “Have you heard how they’re doing?” I ask, speaking of Raisa’s brothers. They’ve been submerged in our training for a few months now, and it’s time to check up on them.

  “Zeno, the older one is doing fantastically. He’s passed every test he’s been given. The younger, Tasher, has had a bit more trouble, but nothing that cannot be fixed. They will be assets, Sergei. You were wise to bring them on,” Nikolai explains as we walk through the door of the facility.

  We make our way down the hall and past the first holding room where Zeno sits. I stop, looking in on him. His back is straight, he’s staring forward, and he looks like a fucking soldier. Goddamn, he reminds me of myself, of Radimir, at that age.

  Continuing on to the next room, which holds Tasher. He’s a bit younger, a bit more sensitive. His spine isn’t as straight, his face not as hardened but that doesn’t mean that he lacks potential. Where Zeno has the potential to be a Brigadier one day, maybe even a Pakhan, Tasher will most likely be a sovietnik or an obshchak. He will do something less physical, and more technical. Both equally respectable in the organization.

  Deciding to visit with Tasher first, I make my way into the room. His spine straightens as soon as he sees me. His eyes downcast to the table in submission, which causes him to look and remind me of his sister.

  “I hear good things about you, Tasher,” I mutter. He lifts his eyes and they’re wide with surprise. “Tell me how you like it here? You may be honest,” I urge.

  He sucks in a deep breath before releasing it. “I didn’t think I would care for it. I thought this would be scary. I like it, Mr. Orolv. The training, the men, all of it.”

  I nod, realizing that this boy needed guidance from me, he needed a place and his parents were leeching off of he and his brother’s ability to work, to earn money. They were fucking useless people. I’m glad that I took care of them, rid the world of them and rid these boys of their burden.

  “I do have a question,” he calls out after a moment of quiet.

  Lifting my chin, I wait for him to continue. “I’ve been thinking about my sister. I would like to see her, if at all possible, someday,” he murmurs.

  Thinking of his words, I try not to react immediately. Without thinking, I want to tell him no, not because of who he is, or that I think he would upset her, but because I don’t want to share her. Not with anyone. However, I am typically not a man who acts on impulse. So, I take a deep breath, inhaling then exhaling.

  “I will arrange it. When I think you are all ready, you may all meet up again,” I agree.

  His eyes widen, and I swear to fuck he looks just like Raisa when I surprise her. My lips twitch, but I lift my hand, coughing into it to cover it up and school my features. Turning away from him, I wrap my fingers around the doorknob when he speaks.

  “Thank you, Mr. Orlov. Thank you for taking me out of there, and for saving my sister,” he calls out.

  I don’t turn around. I’m afraid what I feel inside would show on my face. I leave the boy alone in the room, my heart pounding against my chest. Thanks. He’s thanking me. I killed his parents, I hurt his sister and control her, use her as my slave and he’s thanking me.

  “You love Raisa. You do not use her as a slave,” Niko announces from next to me. I curse myself for speaking aloud. “You cannot deny it any longer. We all saw the diamonds you bought her. She is more than just your whore, Sergei.”

  Stopping between the boys’ rooms, I turn to Nikolai. “Raisa is mine. It’s what she is. You’re right, I do love her. That puts her in danger, it puts a price on her head, always. She is still very much my slave though.”

  Nikolai’s lips turn up into a wide smile. “Yeah, just like my wife is my dirty little slut,” he chuckles. “To us, they are that, but they’re so much more than that at the same time. To say Raisa is just a slave, it devalues what she truly is,” he says.

  “A queen,” I state.


  Leaving him in the hall, I walk into Zeno’s room. He’s still exactly where he was moments ago, spine straight, face serious and all fucking Bratva man. My meeting with him goes similarly to the one I had with his brother. I offer to allow him to see both his brother and sister at an undetermined time and he solemnly nods, unlike Tasher’s excited disposition.

  “Do you not wish to see them?” I ask.

  He shrugs, his dark blue eyes meeting mine. “I should have protected Raisa and Ryska better. I was their brother. I was young, but still old enough to be a man,” he says.

  I shake my head, thinking about the twelve-year-old boys that I’ve seen throughout my life. Boys that came here to train, to learn, and none of them would have been able to stand up to a set of parents to save their older sisters.

  “You are doing them a justice now,” I say.

  He shakes his head, his lips turned down in a frown. “It’s not enough. I want to find Ryska, or at least find out what happened to her. She needs to be at rest and she cannot be if we are all still wondering, still searching,” he offers.

  Thinking about his words, I lift my chin. “That is noble, Zeno. Raisa assuredly is curious as well. I had a man search for her a little, but not in depth. I will put someone on this. By the time we all meet, we will all know her fate, yeah?”

  Zeno nods. “I would be forever in your debt, Mr. Orlov.” I chuckle at his words.

  He is already forever in my debt. Maybe he doesn’t realize it, or maybe he does and he’s making sure I know that he is now voluntarily forever in my debt. Either way doesn’t matter. He will prove himself, and if my gut instincts are correct, both he and Tasher will prove themselves to be assets to the Bratva.

  Nikolai and I leave the training facility and head out to the parking lot. “The government is searching Ilya’s office?” I ask as I take a cigarette out of my pocket.

  He laughs. “Oh, undoubtedly.”

  “Good. Let’s make a little pit stop there on our way to our own office,” I smirk. “Follow me.”

  I drive toward Ilya’s office and sure enough, I see the government cars parked along the street. I park on the other side, exiting my vehicle, but I don’t go anywhere. I rest my ass against the car door, and cross my arms over my chest, just watching the activity.

  “What are we watching?” Niko asks from my side.

  Keeping my gaze on the building, I speak. “We are observing what happens when you fuck with Sergei Orlov. We are watching a man panic,” I chuckle.

  As if he knew we were speaking of him, he walks out of the building. I watch him as his hands fly around, his face turning red as he screams in the middle of the sidewalk. He pauses, his eyes catching mine and he stops.

  Lifting my hand, I give him a wave before I push off of the door. “Our job here is done, Niko. Let’s get to the office, yeah?”

  Nikolai laughs and walks over to his car. I slip inside of my own and we drive toward my office building. Ilya knows now that he fucked with the wrong man. He thinks a little bomb is going to bother me, he’s dead fucking wrong. I’ll break him financially before I make him fucking disappear.

  Picking up my phone, I dial my apartment. I want to check on Raisa, after seeing Ilya, I just want to make sure she’s okay. />
  “Sergei,” Panya practically sings into the phone. “The diamonds are exquisite.”

  I laugh, turning the wheel toward my building. “Thank you. All is well?” I question.

  She hums. “Yes, Raisa is on the balcony, her guard out with her. It is quiet as can be here,” she offers.

  “Good. If that status changes, you be sure to contact me,” I order.

  “You know I will if it is possible.”

  Ending the call, I shift my car into park once I pull into my marked spot. Unfolding from the front seat, I shove my phone in my pocket and head toward the front door. Raisa is safe. Her brothers are training. Nikolai and his wife are safe. My family in California is safe. Once Ilya is dealt with, then it will be smooth fucking sailing. I’m anxious to finish him, ready to breathe a bit easier for a moment or two.

  Opening the front door, Nikolai says something behind me, but it sounds muffled. I sway, gripping the handle of the door tighter, just to keep myself standing. Nikolai says something, but I have no fucking clue, I can’t make out his words, then everything goes black.



  Panya runs out onto the balcony and I look up from my morning fruit, freezing at the frantic look on her face. “Put clothes on, now. Hurry,” she snaps.

  The Byki looks from her to me, and I look over to him for direction. “What is it?” he asks.

  Panya opens her mouth when the Byki’s phone rings. He holds his hand out and answers it. His eyes cut over to Panya, then lower to me when he grunts a few times. He hangs up and lifts his chin to me. “Do as the woman says, Miss Raisa,” he grumbles.

  Standing, I pull my robe a bit tighter. I sway, placing my hand on the chair. “Panya, you must tell me, I urge.”

  “He was poisoned. He’s in the hospital with the doctor and Nikolai,” she says.


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