Portals of Infinity: Book One: Champion for Hire

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Portals of Infinity: Book One: Champion for Hire Page 8

by John Van Stry

  “Uh-huh,” she purred and fell asleep rather quickly. Personally, I wished I could take a nap. I wanted to check in with my new boss, and find out just where the hell I was going. If she had been carried to that place in one night, we should have gotten back by now. So I knew we weren’t on the way back to the palace. I was thankful for the nearly god-like body I now had, I was in okay shape in my natural body, but with this one I had run for hours already carrying a hundred pounds and felt like I could run all day as well.

  It started to heat up as the sun came up, we’d been heading down out of the mountains since just before sunrise, so the trees were getting thicker and the shade was improving. But it was still warming up; I didn’t have any water, because I didn’t have any gear. So I was hoping we’d get where we were going before the lack of water started to mess with my head.

  The sun was way up high in the sky when I encountered my first of the Hilanders, which is what my little queen’s people were called. I suppose Mulander and Hilander had much richer meanings if you grew up here, but to my translated mind, they sounded pretty unimaginative.

  “Halt!” He cried so I slowed my pace and walked up to him.

  “Who are you?” He asked.

  Rachel woke up when he yelled so I set her down.

  “He one of yours?” I asked her.

  She yawned and nodded, “He’s a member of the scouts, by his insignia he’s second scouting group attached to my second infantry, Captain Bezlan commanding. The second infantry that is.” And she smiled.

  I looked at her, “You have all their insignia memorized?” The troop was looking at her too. Because well, she was naked and rather beautiful and he was a guy after all.

  “Yeah, my dad told me if I was going to run things I needed to know how they worked.”

  “Who are you?” The troop asked again, looking at me and then her again. I noticed he had two more in back in the sparse trees keeping an eye on us. As well as their bows strung and arrows notched.

  “Don’t you know what your queen looks like?” I asked him surprised.

  “If she’s the queen, why the hell is she naked?” He asked bringing his sword up.

  “Long story soldier,” She said turning to him. “Take me to your commander, and do so immediately. That is an order!” And then she held her hand out so he could see the ring she was wearing.

  “Damn, why does this stuff always happen to me?” He swore and made a sign to the men in the trees who stood down some, but didn’t get any closer. “Follow me please.”

  It was about a half hour’s walk, apparently this was the safe side, but they still had their scouts out and were being rather wary of any kinds of traps. When we came around the rise I saw the encampment, it was huge. When I had heard ‘city state’ as a description from Fel and then the queen I was thinking small, ten thousand citizens, so maybe a thousand soldiers.

  There were at least ten thousand soldiers. Probably more.

  “Just how big is your army?” I asked Rachel.

  “Fifty-four thousand.” She sighed, “But I understand that the Mulanders have twice that. Our city is young, it was only settled a hundred years ago when we ended our nomadic existence. The Mulanders though have been down at the rivers for far far longer. And their fields produce much more food.”

  “So why are they attacking you?”

  Rachel shrugged, “They want to rule us. I think they need more slaves.”


  “Plus their god doesn’t like our god I suspect.”

  We got maybe fifty yards into the camp before a soldier, actually an officer I believe, bowed low before Rachel.

  “Your Highness! We had heard you were kidnapped! I am glad to see you are safe, let me get you something to wear!” And he ran off like a shot.

  “Damn,” I sighed.

  “What?” She looked at me.

  “I kind of like you naked.”

  I heard some kind of a choking noise coming from our escort and turned to see him cover his muzzle with a hand as his tail curled. She took advantage of his distraction to kick me in the shin.

  “Hey! What was that for?”


  “I’ll consider it.” I pinched her butt and she gave a muffled squeak and I got a lot of very nasty looks suddenly from all of the soldiers standing around who were starting to realize just who she was.

  “Better watch it, we’re on my turf now,” She grinned.

  “This is my turf now too,” I grinned back at her. “Remember why I’m here. Besides, you’re mine,” and I pulled her over and laid a nice long kiss on her. She resisted for all of a second and then gave in. A polite cough interrupted us and we both turned to look. The officer was back with a cloak. I noticed that the looks I was getting had changed. I wasn’t sure what to however.

  “I’m sorry I don’t have anything better, Your Highness,” he said embarrassed.

  “Oh, it’s fine. Now, where is General Holse?”

  “I’ll take you there myself, Your Highness.” He nodded to our current escort who actually seemed pleased to be able to separate himself from us.

  Obviously, I wasn’t going to be getting a cloak as well, but with my new fur coat I wasn’t feeling overly modest just yet. Then again, Rachel was doing absolutely sinful things with that cloak.

  “Would you prefer to be carried?” I asked her as we walked.

  “Oh no, I’m fine,” she purred at me smirking.

  “Keep that up and I’ll be dragging you into one of those tents.”

  She laughed, “But I’m wearing a cloak now, how could I possibly be affecting you.”

  “You’re a witch, you know that?”

  She laughed again.

  “Well if not me, have some consideration for the other guys around here. I’m sure your little show is driving them mad as well.”

  “I don’t know, sometimes you males need to be reminded of just what you’re fighting for....”

  But she toned it down after that. I’d seen women slink before, I guess being part feline gave her extra flexibility, I just know I was impressed and a lot of the men stopped what they were doing when she passed.

  “Your Majesty!” A big, heavyset, almost leonine looking older male came out of what was obviously the command tent. “We got word last night that you had disappeared. What happened?”

  “One of the priests from the temple kidnapped me and tried to sacrifice me on the altar at seven hills!” She told him rather angrily walking into the tent as we all followed, “I want the high priest to be arrested!”

  I put my hand on her shoulder, “I think you should let me take care of that Rachel.”

  “Why?” She turned and stared at me. I could see she was furious. I was amazed at how quickly she had turned that on.

  “Because I’m pretty sure if you start killing clerics that the church will start preaching against the monarchy.”

  “And you can?”

  “Well, duh. I’m Feliogustus’s champion. In the church, I’m his word pretty much embodied.”

  She stopped glaring at me and I watched her tail twitching as she thought a moment.

  “You’ll kill him, right?”

  My, she was a bloodthirsty little minx.

  “Oh definitely, in front of the entire church.” I said watching her smile “Examples must be made after all.”

  I guess it was rubbing off, because I was feeling pretty bloodthirsty too.

  “Okay, I’ll allow you to handle it then.”

  “And who are you, and why are you addressing Her Majesty so familiarly?” Holse growled turning his attention now to me. He was taller than most, but he still only came up to my nose.

  “General Holse, allow me to introduce Will. He saved me from that priest,” she spit out that word, “and his two henchmen. You would have been impressed.”

  “That still doesn’t explain the familiarity or why he’s here Your Highness.”

  I watched her as her tail curled, her ears wen
t sort of flat and her eyes lowered. He also noticed her embarrassment and looked back and forth between us.

  “Well it’s really rather simple,” I said and moved next to her and put my arm around her in a very familiar manner. “Your god sent me here to deal with this little war, that’s why I’m here. As to the other, well she’s my woman and I’m her man. If you have a problem with either of those things we can step outside and I’ll just beat on you until you agree to see things my way.”

  “Your Majesty?”

  She nodded and kind of gave a little shrug. “He did just appear out of thin air and started to kill things.”

  He pondered that a minute. “Let’s step outside a moment,” he said looking at me. “I tend to prefer to see these things with my own eyes.”

  I shrugged and followed him outside. “Do you think you could find me some gear?” I asked as we walked outside.

  “If you’re still alive,” he grunted and then turned and attacked me now that we were clear of the tent.

  As soon as it was coming, I was shifted into that ‘high gear’ again, it was a rather interesting effect, and I was guessing now that it must be divine in nature. I dodged his first attack and dodged again watching his form. I then went at it with him, he was really good, and it was really a learning experience. I actually was enjoying it, with my extra speed though it wasn’t as much of a contest as it should have been.

  “So, why aren’t you beating me?” He growled softly when we clinched.

  “Because I’m actually enjoying this and I don’t want to show you up in front of your men. Bad for morale.”

  “Good points both,” he nodded.

  “Also, I don’t want my boss mad at me.”

  He laughed and dropped his point so I stopped as well.

  “What’s it like being a champion and all that?” He asked curious.

  “Ask me again in twenty years, maybe I’ll have an answer.”

  We went back inside again and Rachel had corralled some food and drink and had it being set out on a table.

  “Food!” I growled and set in with a will. I hadn’t realized how much I was starving.

  “Satisfied?” Rachel asked Holse.

  “I think so. Does he always eat like that?”

  “Well, he hasn’t eaten since I met him and he carried me most of the way.”

  “All that way?” He looked me over again, “Impressive.”

  “I’d like to see your plans for tomorrow’s battle,” I asked between bites.


  “Because I’m going to change them on you, why else?”

  “Taking on an awful lot, aren’t you?” He gave a soft warning growl.

  I sighed and looked at Rachel, “Could you please order him to, hon? If I beat him up I just know I’m going to get in trouble.”

  “Show him your plans and listen to his council, General, that’s an order.”

  “I know he’s impressive, but what does he know about war?”

  “General, we know where things stand and we’ve been praying for help. Well, there’s our help,” She said pointing at me, “And I’d sure hate to seem ungrateful. You will do as he says.”

  I put my drink down as the general acquiesced. “As you wish Your Highness.”

  “So when can you show me your plans?”

  “Now would be as good a time as any,” He said and standing led us over to the back of the tent where there was a rather detailed map of the land.

  I listened as he talked about what the opposing army would probably do, and what they planned to do. I was struck by the stream running through the field and something kept hammering around in my head. Finally, I figured it out.

  “Alexander the Great,” I mumbled.


  “Hmm? Nothing. Look, here’s what you’re going to do.” And I proceeded to show him how Alexander the Great had won the exact same battle against the Persians. I was glad Josh had gone over this one. The terrain wasn’t exactly the same, but it was similar enough.

  “One other thing. I want every able bodied man in the city to be given any kind of a weapon and taken here,” I pointed to a spot a mile off from the battle site. “When the word is given, I want them to come in on the rear flank here,” I pointed again.

  “That will drive all of them forward into us,” Holse murmured.

  “Maybe. But I suspect it will more likely cause panic in the rear. I doubt they’ll even notice they’re being set on by rabble and not soldiers. Take the city guard and put them in the front of it so they look like a trained force. If we can get them to hit once the battle is joined, we might throw all of them into disarray.”

  “That would leave the city undefended though, and I don’t know how many of the people will join. Especially on such short notice.”

  “It’s simple. Just tell them that if they don’t do it, they’ll all die the day after when the Mulanders sack the city. If we lose tomorrow, there won’t be another battle.”

  He nodded, “I can get a runner up to the city before dinner. With the proper motivation, I think we could have them there before noon.”

  “Good. Now where can I get some sleep?”

  He pointed to a bedroll that was laid out and I didn’t even remember hitting it before I was asleep.

  “So far so good,” said Feliogustus.

  I looked around; we were back in the tavern. “What happened to all my stuff? Showing up naked was a rather unpleasant surprise.”

  “Oh, I don’t know, the queen sure got to appreciate it.”

  “Very funny. But what happened there?”


  “Rules?” I looked confused.

  “As my champion you can’t bring any outside materials or tech in to help me on my home plane. But to make up for it, I buffed you a bit. Hope you don’t mind?” He grinned at me. Of course I didn’t mind.

  “The whole cat thing is a surprise,” I said instead.

  “Yeah, but telling you about it in advance wouldn’t have helped.”

  “So what do I need to know?”

  “Okay, here it is all in a nutshell. You killed the opposing god’s champion at the altar the other night.”

  “That explains his ability to move as fast as me,” I nodded.

  “Exactly, that’s a divine power you get. My opposition picked a guy for stealth and sneakiness, so once it came to a battle, you had him. But it allowed him to infiltrate my temple without me knowing it, as my attention was diverted elsewhere. He then stirred up issues and so many of my priests got misled that my powers got seriously cut before I could do anything about it. I’m going to need you to clean up my temple, and my priests and priestesses.”

  “I’ll get on it as soon as I can.”

  “Oh, you will, trust me on that,” He smirked.

  “What about my plans for tomorrow?” I asked.

  “They sound pretty good. With his god’s champion out of the way, the Mulander king can’t bring as much to bear as he’d like. It’ll be days before his god, my real opposition, can bring him back.”

  “He can bring that guy I killed back?” I blinked.

  “Of course. But it takes time and power. My power is limited, which is why I need you to clean up my followers.”

  “Huh,” I said and nodded.

  “They’re going to start their attack at noon tomorrow. Just so you know.”

  I nodded again.

  “You need to be out there in front fighting. I’ll have something for you to wear so everyone knows who you are. It will inspire the troops.”

  I nodded yet again.

  “And I need you to take no prisoners and kill as many of them as you possibly can.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “No prisoners, no quarter. I need them set back for at least a dozen years. Or they’ll be back again next fall. Once their god gets back on his feet this will start up again.”

  “Their god is behind this war?” I asked curiously.

this is a religious war. It won’t stop until we’re powerful enough that he won’t attack anymore.”

  “I didn’t know you gods pissed each other off.”

  “Yeah well, I beat him at a game of golf.”

  I coughed on my non-existent drink. “What?”

  Fel laughed. “Oh not really, but it’s a good an explanation as any.”

  “Now, wake up, take the queen up to the city where she’ll be safe, throttle that fucking head cleric so I can deal with his soul properly, read the rest of them the riot act, then get back down to the camp before dawn.”

  “Yes, sir, anything you say, sir, do you want coffee with that, sir?” I sighed.

  “No, there is no rest for the wicked. Unless of course you don’t want to be able to heal your own wounds tomorrow?”

  I blinked, “What?”

  “I can’t filter down most of my abilities to my clerics and my champion because the head priest has lost me. So until he’s replaced, the whole religion is a mess. I need him replaced ASAP, and with a true believer. Understood?”

  I stood up, “Then why the hell are we still talking? Wake me the hell up!” I growled.

  “Better!” He grinned.

  And I was awake. I looked at Rachel who was sitting there looking at me surprised as I sat up.

  “How long was I asleep?” I asked

  “I don’t know, ten minutes? Twenty? Why?”

  “Got my marching orders. You and I are heading up to the city. I need to strangle a certain head priest and see you safely home. Then I have to get back here by dawn.”

  “Sure you don’t need to sleep more?”

  “I can sleep when I’m dead,” I said and stretched giving a large yawn. To be honest, I didn’t feel that bad for such a short sleep.

  Holse came in then with some clothes for me and some things a bit more fitting for Rachel. We changed clothes and he assigned us several guards and we were off. I ended up carrying Rachel again because quite simply she couldn’t keep up. As it was, the guards with us were at the edge of their own abilities.

  We got to the city about an hour after sunset. The city was rather impressive; it was spread out over a very large area, taking up the whole of a rather large mountain valley, with buildings up the side. The highest of those being the Royal Palace of course. Though it was more like the original stronghold of the city from when it was first founded. The amount of terraced farms we’d passed as we got within an hour of the city also gave an indication as to how many people there were living up here.


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