Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

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Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) Page 2

by Michelle Woods

  Getting off his bike, he walked towards her. As he neared he realized that she was the perfect size for his six five frame. She was about five seven, which was tall for a woman. As he neared her he felt his cock harden. Damn, those were some nice tits, he thought, staring at them. She looked up at him, and his heart seemed to stop.

  Fuck, she was a beauty. She had an oval face, with plump sexy lips. Her eyes where a deep blue that reminded him of the ocean. Her hair was a deep mahogany with thick curls and it was pulled back from her face with two barrettes. She was sexy and wearing what looked like black slacks with a white top that looked like it was painted on. Damn, maybe this wasn’t such a crappy day after all. If all that shit that happened in Dadeville hadn’t happened, he never would have met this sex kitten on the road home.

  “Need a ride, sweetheart?” Tank asked, trying not to drool.

  “Not your sweetheart, asshole.”

  “Right, names Tank,” Humm…he’d like to put that sassy mouth to work, he thought as he waited for her to respond. When she didn’t he asked, “Well, what should I call you then?”

  “Tank?” She looked at him as if he’d lost his mind.

  “Yep.” He responded. Moving a few steps closer, watching as she stepped back.

  “I guess you can call me Wanda.” She replied, making him cock his head to the side. She didn’t really look like a Wanda. Huh, guess you get what you get with a name. It didn’t really matter anyway. When he was balls deep in her he really wasn’t going to be worried about her name.

  “So, where are you headed?” Annie asked, looking at him, a bit leery.

  “Devils Falls. That your van back a little bit? If it is I can get a friend to tow it for you.” Tank panted, wanting to take her home and have his way with her.

  “Hump, you know a strawberry blonde who lives there?” She asked, shocking him.

  “You mean Katie?” He asked.

  “Yep, I know her. Her boyfriend will eviscerate you if you fuck with me, got it.” She tilted her head. Her hand was inside her purse as she watched him. He was pretty sure she had a gun in that bag. He’d bet money on it. Good girl, he thought, he loved a woman who could handle herself.

  “Okay, Wanda. I just wanna get you somewhere safe. It’s not a good idea for a woman as beautiful as you to be out here on your own.” Tank watched her.

  “Fine, you can take me to Katie, but no funny stuff.” She said. “And quit trying to flatter me, it won’t work.”

  “Come on, darling. It’s safe.”

  “Not your darling either, Jackass.” He just grinned, turning he walked towards his bike.

  Annie watched the sexy mountain, moving back towards his bike. Still a bit unsure, even though she’d been happy at first when he’d stopped. She was hesitant to go with him, the world she lived in had taught her to be leery. Not everyone was safe, even when they looked harmless. And this guy didn’t look harmless by any stretch of the imagination. She pulled her hand off the modified taser and followed him to his bike, with her thighs on fire.

  Although, most of the burning may be from the walking, she was sure some of it was the fact that this guy was sexy as fuck. After all, her lady parts becoming hotter than the sun wasn’t likely from the walking. She really must need to get laid. She was so turned on her nipples were hard and her body was wet. Hell, she thought, climbing on the back of his bike behind him, she was so screwed.

  Chapter 2

  Annie clung to Tank as they rode towards Devils Falls. She wasn’t a very trusting person. She’d learned young that people would almost always disappoint you. So clinging to ‘Tank’, what a ridiculous name, she thought, was a little frightening. The man had to have a real name. Although, Tank fit him, she had to admit. He was huge, almost freakishly so, she thought, with a snort. And her who-ha was so soaked thinking about what else on the man was freakishly big that she was embarrassed. She wasn’t going to call him Tank though, that was ridiculous.

  Damn, she was in deep shit, she thought, still tingling in all the wrong places. Well, they could be the right places depending on how you looked at it. She just really hoped that he wasn’t a freak, and that he took her to Katie instead of a basement filled with chains.

  The bike slowed and she looked around seeing that they’d pulled up to a shop. Huh, well it wasn’t exactly where she’d wanted to go, but it would do. Tank stopped near the door in a parking spot beside another bike. He waited until she got off, then he climb off too.

  “This doesn’t look like Katie’s.” Annie grumbled.

  “It’s not. This is the friend that will tow your van, though.” Tank said, looking at her. Damn, she was beautiful, he thought, watching her try to get her windblown hair under control. She looked like she had just gotten out of his bed, the effect was sexy as fuck.

  “I told you to take me to Katie, cupcake. Not your friends shop.” She growled, pursing her lips in distaste.

  “Cupcake? You can’t call me that. My names Tank, remember.” He scowled at her.

  “Sorry, not calling you by that ridiculous name.” Annie wanted to laugh when he glared at her.

  “Fine, call me Jake then.” Tank finally replied, almost sullen. He didn’t normally give his name out to strangers, but his little head was doing all the thinking at the moment. It had been hard since he’d seen her up close about twenty minutes ago on the side of the road like an offering from the gods.

  “Jake? Really?” She asked, then she scrunched her nose again. What the hell, she didn’t like his real name either? “That’s not much better.” Annie said, grinned, then turned and headed into the shop without waiting for him to follow.

  Women were a pain in the fucking ass, Tank decided, following her inside. She was waiting at the counter when he entered. Trick must be in his office, because there was nobody in the room with her. She was dinging the bell on the counter over and over. It was annoying as fuck.

  “Can you stop ringing that bell, Wanda? I’ll go get Trick.” He sighed. She turned around looking at him and asked with a confused look.

  “Who’s Wanda?”

  Tank just stared at her, didn’t the woman know her own damned name? “You are.” He said, looking at her like the insane person she obviously was. He still wasn’t opposed to screwing her brains out. He could do crazy when it came in a package like hers. Damned woman was hot as fuck. Hot enough to singe his cock from a mile away.

  “Ohhh, right.” She said, as if it were perfectly normal not to remember your own name. Fuck. He walked past her, headed to Trick’s office.

  Annie was standing at the counter, dinging the obviously useless bell on the counter. She’d been really confused when Jake, which was not as bad of a name as she’d pretended it was to annoy him, had come in and called her by the fake name she’d given him. The man probably thought she was an idiot now. Not that it mattered, he was just being nice by bringing her here. She was sure he’d hightail it out of here as soon as he’d passed her off to someone else, which was sort of depressing. She must really need to get laid, if the thought of him leaving made her sad. She didn’t even know him.

  Tank returned, followed by another dark haired, sexy man. Dang, these men sure were good looking, she thought. Tank walked around the counter, standing in front of her.

  “Give me your keys and we’ll have Tiny go get your van, Wanda.” Tank held out his hand.

  She stared at his out stretched hand with apprehension. Should she trust him, or was he after her mother’s product. She knew it was secured, and short of a bomb, which would ruin the product anyway, there was nothing they could do without her finger print. Of course, they could force her to open it for them, or hell cut off her finger and use it to open the vault. Another man came out of the back room, he was also shorter than Tank and the other man. He was just as hot as the first two, though. Damn, were there any average men around this town?

  “No, I am not giving you my keys, cupcake.” Annie replied.

  “Wanda, we have to have the keys
in order to bring your van in.” Tank sounded exasperated.

  The man from the back began snickering, “Did she just call him cupcake?” He asked the other man, who was grinning.

  “Yep, she sure fucking did.” Trick, she thought Jake had called him, replied.

  The door behind them opened and a female voice was calling out. “Trick, baby can I have the keys to the…Holy hell.” Annie had turned to look at the door, and she grinned from ear to ear, as the other woman squealed and they ran to meet, hugging.

  “Oh, my goodness, it’s been forever. How are you?” Katie asked, pulling away from her.

  “Not great, I was on the road for mom.” She shared a look with Katie, letting her know without words that the load she was carrying was dangerous. “Damned van broke down and left me stranded. He brought me here.” She nodded to Tank.

  Katie let out a laugh, “Tank?” She questioned.


  “Wanda, can we have your keys to go get your van, please.”

  Katie looked at Tank in confusion, “Who’s Wanda?” she asked.

  Tank was suddenly convinced that all women were nuts. Katie seemed to know Wanda, but she acted like she had no idea what the other woman’s name was. Women were all crazy, maybe it was a good thing he hadn’t found ‘the one’ yet. She’d most likely be as looney as these two were.

  “She’s Wanda.” Tank said, stabbing his finger at Wanda.

  Katie surprised him by laughing. Then she looked at Wanda. “I think you’ve been naughty again, Annie.”

  “Annie?” Tank questioned.

  “Yes, that’s my name, Cupcake.” Annie replied, grinning.

  “But…why did you tell me it was Wanda?” Tank was really confused now. Why the hell had the woman told him her name was Wanda? Annie definitely fit her better though, it was softer, and less cold. Like she’d be when he took her curves to his bed, he thought, his cock twitching.

  “I wasn’t giving you my real name when you gave me an obviously fake one. I mean really? What did you expect?” Annie looked at him over her shoulder.

  “Stop calling me that! Call me Jake or Tank.” Tank growled, glaring at her. Hearing the laughter from the two buffoons standing behind him, he glanced over his shoulder shooting a dark glower at them.

  Trick stopped laughing and looked at him in shock. Yeah, so he’d told her his real name, big fucking deal. He thought, but it was. It was a big deal, and he was so screwed. The woman didn’t seem to like him at all, and he was already becoming as pussy whipped as the rest of the club was. Fuck.

  “Annie, I’ve missed you! What have you been up to?” Katie asked, leading Wanda, no wait, Annie over to the couch, where the two women sat. Tank watched them, pissed that she wasn’t even paying attention to him anymore. Why the fuck had he brought her here? He should have just taken her home, then had Trick send Tiny by his place to get her keys.

  “I missed you, too. I’m pulling one last job for mother, then it’s done.” She told Katie, knowing she would understand.

  “Ah, well that’s good. It’s a little…” She paused, searching for the right word.

  “Annoying.” Annie supplied.

  “Yes, among other things.” Annie knew she meant the danger part of the work she’d done for her mother. She knew that the other woman understood that she’d wanted out for nearly two years, and she’d been saving since that night. She shivered, thinking about the dark hole the Jackal’s had put her in after they’d kidnapped her after they’d beat her.

  “Can we get back to the van, ladies?” Tank demanded, annoyed that they didn’t seem to care that the men were waiting to take care of important shit.

  “He’s safe, give him your keys, Annie” Katie said, letting her know with a direct stare and a wink that he wasn’t going to steal her haul.

  Annie stood digging the keys from her purse. She moved towards him. When she stood just in front of him, she stopped, looking up at him. Which was kind of nice, considering that didn’t happen much, at five seven she was very tall for a woman.

  “Don’t bang it around a lot, cause it’s my mother’s and she is particular about her stuff.”

  “I just bet she is.” Katie snorted out a laugh.

  Annie looked over her shoulder, smiling at her. Katie winked at her. Tank scowled. Women, he thought, wanting to pull his hair out, they were all acting squirrelly today. What the hell were they talking about, now? Tiny wasn’t going to bang up the van, besides the damned thing had looked pretty beat up from what he could remember. It was just odd that they were laughing like hyenas. He took the keys from her hand, sighing.

  “Here,” he said, handing them to Tiny who took them and walked back into the bays to get one of the tow trucks.

  “Now, were can I get something to eat around here. I’m starving.” Annie asked Katie.

  Smiling, Katie stood and replied, “Tammy’s has good burgers.”

  “Sounds good.” Annie smiled back at her. Then the two women headed to the door leaving him staring after them. Pissed, he followed. The woman hadn’t even thanked him! Now she was leaving with Katie without even a see you later. What the hell was wrong with her?

  “Wait a damned minute, aren’t you going to invite me?” Tank demanded, following them.

  Katie looked back at him in surprise, then at Annie. Annie turned, looking at him for a long moment. Then she finally asked.

  “You wanna come with us? I figured you were dumping me on Katie. But if you wanna come too. It’s cool.” She smiled at him.

  Tank glared at her. Really? She thought he was just going to dump her on Katie and run? Of course, if she insisted on calling him cupcake, maybe he should run. Why was he even following her to the damned diner, he wasn’t even hungry. Only he knew that he was going to go with them, and it was all his dick’s fault.

  Tank growled, “Yes, I want to come with you.” He ignored Trick’s snickering behind him.

  “You hungry, baby? Want me to bring you something back when we come back? I need to get the keys to the shed. I want to store some of my things in it.” Katie called back to Trick, who smiled, walking over to her, and grabbing her around the waist.

  Pulling her close, he kissed her. Long and hard, it made Tank want to grab Annie and run. Maybe he was losing his shit, and trying to find the one had made him crazy, and now he was willing to take any woman who made his dick twitch. Even if she did disrespect him with a ridiculous name, and ignore him. He thought, glaring at her.

  “’Bout time you remembered I was in the room. I’m going to punish you for that later, sugar.” Trick growled.

  “Again?” Katie asked, breathlessly.

  “Again. Always, sugar.” Trick growled. His voice rough, and his eyes burning into hers. Annie watched, surprised that her friend wasn’t feeding him his own balls after that comment. She watched the two of them with surprise.

  “Trick…” Katie whimpered.

  He looked down at her with a stern look. Then in a commanding voice, he grunted, “You know the rules.” Leaning down, he whispered something in her ear, causing her to blush.

  Annie watched her friend’s reaction, surprised, neither of them were super girly it was one of the things they had in common. Trick released her from his arms, smacking her ass. Placed a peck on her nose, then began heading to his office. As he passed Annie saw the huge grin on his face. Katie looked dazed standing in the door of the shop.

  “Get me a club sandwich…”Trick called to her.

  “With no mayo, I know.” Katie called, seeming to shake herself out of her daze. Annie grinned, dang that had been interesting. She was happy for her friend.

  She turned to find Jake looking at her, “What?” She asked.

  “Nothing, could we leave. These sappy scenes always make me want to vomit.” Tank demanded, glaring at the women. They both ignored him and laughed as they exited the shop, then walked towards Katie’s cage.

  “Hey, you want to ride with me?” Tank called out to Annie.

>   She turned looking at him as if he were an idiot. Then shook her head. “No, I don’t want to get back on that death machine with you. I almost died the first time.” Annie said, barely listening to the man as he continued to defend his skills on the bike. She just shut the door on his words. She didn’t like motorcycles, but today it had been that or walking. In this heat, there really hadn’t been a choice.

  Katie looked at her and grinned widely. “That was mean. He really is a sweet guy, you know.”

  “I know, I just wanted to fuck with him. You know how I am. If a man isn’t willing to put up with the shit I throw their way then it’s better to know before I get too attached. Besides I just can’t help myself.”

  “I think you just want to run them away sometimes, Annie. That way they can’t disappoint you.” Katie said, watching her friend, cranking the truck.


  “What…I was very careful while you were on the…” Tank stopped, talking. The woman had just gotten into the car and slammed the door, not even letting him finish. How rude. Maybe he should just go home. This was a shit day after all, but his dick twitched again. Making him sigh before climbing on his bike and followed them to the diner. He wanted to stay with her. Even if she didn’t want him around. Fuck, he needed a smoke.

  He was already turning into a fucking pansy, he thought, sighing in displeasure. Only something was telling him that she was the woman he been looking for, and he was pretty sure it was his hard dick. The woman that would fit him, and if she was, he was going to keep her forever. There was no other option.

  Chapter 3

  Tank held the door for Annie and Katie, who entered Tammy’s ahead of him. He almost groaned, watching Annie’s ass in the slacks she wore. He could see a hint of its shape as she walked. Damn, he’d bet that she had a great ass under those pants. His dick twitched again, reminding him that it hadn’t been used in a while. He had a feeling it was going to be a while longer too from the way she was ignoring him. Annie seemed like the type of woman who didn’t rush into anything, except maybe trouble. Yep, he was sure that the woman ran head long into trouble, without a second thought.


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