Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

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Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) Page 6

by Michelle Woods

  Annie was surprised that Katie wasn’t taking the man to his knees for that highhanded behavior, she must really love the man.

  “Well, I can tell you that I am not having this party. My last party as a single woman…”

  Trick interrupted her with a growl. “You’re not single Katie! NOT. AT. All!”

  “My last party as a single woman at Wink with you and my father breathing down my neck while I try to have fun. You can send some prospects and Pretty Boy and Log. I like dancing with them, anyway. Fancy’s is the place I want the party to be and I will be having it there with or without protection, it’s your choice. Make it happen.” She went on as if he hadn’t interrupted.

  “Why are you being difficult, you know I will punish you for this defiance,” His whispered to her, but Annie heard it because they were standing so close. Katie’s reaction to this statement surprised Annie. She seemed to melt against Trick and her face blushed bright red. A satisfied look appeared on Trick’s face. Letting Annie know that this was the reaction he’d expected, but then Katie snapped straight, her eyes narrowing.

  “No, you will not use sex to get your way, damn it!” Katie pulled away, looking up at him. Annie suddenly felt a little sorry for the man when she took in his anguished expression.

  “Sugar,” He whispered, his eyes filled with worry. “Please.”

  “No, you can make it safe. I want to go somewhere where no one is going to say that I can’t get shit faced at my own party. We will stay with whoever you send.” She rested her hand on his chest looking up into his eyes, her face serious.

  In that moment with such an intimate look on the couples faces as they stared at each other, she felt like an intruder. It was obvious that the two were well suited. They were both strong enough to handle each other. That was what she wanted some day, she realized.

  “You know that the idea of losing you makes me half mad, please.” Trick almost moaned, his eyes pleading with her to agree. Katie watched him for several minutes before she finally answered.

  “If you can make dad take the night off and either Rock or Log runs the bar then we can have the party at Wink. But if not, it’s happening at Fancy’s.” Katie gave in with a sigh, even as steal infused the last part of her reply.

  “I can’t tell the man he can’t work at his own damned bar, Katie.” Trick replied.

  “Then we’re going to Fancy’s in Titus.” Katie said, her eyes narrowing again.

  “Damn it, fine. I’ll work on it. I tell you tonight, okay?” He asked, looking down at her with desperation.

  “Okay,” Katie said, standing on her tip toes and kissing him lightly on the lips before moving away from him. He heaved a huge sigh then smacked her ass hard. He grinned, when she shrieked and glared at him.

  Leaving them with a parting shot at Katie, “Still going to punish you, sugar.” Then he was striding down the hallway towards his office.

  “Damn, girl. And I thought Bone was hot when he got all naughty, but your man just singed my eyebrows.” Molly said, from beside her.

  Katie laughed, sitting down next to her. “Yeah, he is pretty hot.” Grinning, she looked at Annie, “So we will be doing it at Wink instead of Fancy’s.”

  “I thought that wasn’t for sure yet.” Annie looked at her in confusion.

  “Ha, trust me. That man will move heaven and earth to keep me from going anywhere near the Jackal’s. It’ll be at Wink.” Katie snorted.

  “Oh, well, huh.” Annie replied, then looked up to see Tank entering the shop.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” He standing over her, where she sat on the couch. She looked up at his expectant expression. Umm. What the hell was he staring at her for?

  “Hey.” She said awkwardly, expecting that to be his cue to move along. Only the mountain stayed put looking down at her expectantly. Then when she just watched him back, wondering what the fuck was wrong with him, he sighed. Then he pulled her up by her arms and kissed her deeply right in front of the other three women in the room. What the hell? She thought, right before her brain dissolved and need filled her.

  She was trying to think of anything other than melting into his arms like a puddle of goo, but she was not succeeding. Her arms had wrapped around his neck and she was panting when his lips slid down the side of her neck. She moaned, when he sucked a particularly sensitive spot. Then she was being released and he was grinning like a madman as he nodded at the other women’s shocked faces, and headed down the hall to Trick’s office.

  Annie stood with her fingers on her lips, shocked at what had just happened.

  “Wow, now that was interesting.” Racheal said, watching as Tank disappeared down the hall. “He just claimed you.”

  “He did not!” Annie scowled, glaring at her.

  “Sorry, hon, but he did. Without a doubt that was what that was.” Molly snorted out, around the snickers she was trying hard to hold in. How dare the man do that to her, Annie thought. She was going to have to talk to him. He needed to know that she didn’t belong to him like he seemed to think she did. He was a jerk. She really didn’t like his highhandedness. She wasn’t like these women here who were okay with being a man’s property. She wasn’t owned by anyone.

  “I will take care of that, I don’t belong to him or any other man.” Annie said, sitting back down. But even as she said it she looked at the other three women who were property, and saw the way they glowed with happiness. It was hard to understand their choice to be owned, and yet, she’d just watched Katie stand toe to toe with the man she was going to belong to for the rest of her life without any fear over how the man would react.

  She could remember the Jackal’s property, and she shivered. When she’d been there for a week, and her mother had laid down the law about her not giving a single gun if Annie was harmed any more than they already had, they’d sent the women in to take care of her needs. They’d worn property patches, and they had been nothing but bruises. Those women had been startled by every loud noise, and when their men where in the room they almost cowered away from them.

  Only none of these women, who were owned by the Red Devils looked anything other than well satisfied and happy. Not that she wanted Tank to own her. Hell no, that was soo not happening. Not in this lifetime anyway. Annie heard the women start to talk about the party again, probably realizing that talking about that scene Tank had just orchestrated was upsetting her. She sighed, and chimed in on foods they were planning for the party.

  Tank walked into Trick’s office wearing a smug smile. She was going to be shocked when she realized that he owned her already. He knew it in his bones. She was his, and she wasn’t going to like it. He could tell she was one of those women who felt like she couldn’t be tamed by anyone or anything. But he knew that wasn’t the case. She was his now.

  Trick slammed his phone down on the desk, grumbling. “Stupid old bastard!”

  “Duck?” Tank questioned.

  “No, my soon to be father in law. The girls want to have the bachelorette party at Wink’s, but if Sal’s not at the bar. And he refuses to allow it. If he doesn’t agree then they’re insisting that they are having it at Fancy’s.” Trick complained, running his hand through his hair.

  “The hell they are!” Tank roared, glaring at Trick. No way in hell was he allowing Annie anywhere near Titus with the Jackal’s new puppets moving in that area.

  “Exactly, but that old man is as stubborn as his daughter.” Trick sighed, banging on the desk.

  “I think if Bone asked he’d agree.” Tank said suddenly.

  “Do you think he will ask for me?”

  “Duh, Molly will be at this party, and we both know he’s over the top crazy when it comes to protecting her.” Tank grinned, glad they’d gotten that settled.

  “Shit, you’re right! Why the hell didn’t I think of that?” Trick asked, looking a little put out at his own lack of intelligence.

  “Don’t know, maybe your just an idiot.” Tank ducked as the stapler flew at his head. “Hey,
no need to get violent, we can’t all be brilliant.”


  Chapter 8

  Annie clung to Tank an hour later, trying to figure out how in the hell she’d ended up on his bike. They were headed to Tammy’s to get dinner before they went home, and she still didn’t know how the hell she’d ended up climbing on this huge Harley. She’d been adamantly opposed. She’d told him that she wasn’t getting on this bike for all the credits in the world when he’d grabbed her and kissed her senseless, again. The man must think that all he had to do was kiss her to solve any argument in his favor. Annie couldn’t honestly say that it didn’t work. Every time the man kissed her, her brain seemed to melt, and she was doing whatever he wanted her to do.

  He’d smiled smugly, as he’d urged her onto the back of his bike. He told her they just needed to grab a bite to eat before they headed home. Huh, she really needed to get her who-ha under control. Maybe she was hornier than she realized. It had been almost eight months since she’d had sex after all. That had to be the problem. Maybe if she just let him do her, she’d be able to resist his spine melting kisses.

  And he’d called it home, as in her home. Not that she’d mind having a house like his, she liked the layout, and the man had a huge yard. It would be perfect for a garden and she liked Katie and it seemed like a nice enough place. Most of the women weren’t bitches, which was nice. That was food for thought, only she wasn’t becoming his property. She might like to stick around for a little while, though.

  As they pulled in and Tank knocked down the kick stand, she got off the bike, holding onto his shoulders as she did. He waited until she was off then followed her inside the diner. Holding the door for her to enter. She was still surprised by this, men in her experience rarely did that for her. It was kinda nice.

  Tank wanted to laugh, after he’d kissed her she’d been dazed, and she’d stopped arguing with him. It was funny. He held the door for her, allowing her to enter before him. They walked in and Tank wanted to walk right back out again. Damn it, why did that old geezer have to be here? He really didn’t want to deal with that bastard today.

  Annie chose to sit down in the booth closest to him. Of course, he thought, he needed a fucking cigarette. Why him? Fuck. Sliding into the booth facing her, he really hoped that the old man didn’t notice him sitting behind him. Annie grabbed a menu and began deciding what she wanted to eat. Tank already knew he wanted a burger, so when Tammy came over he ordered a beer and Annie asked for iced tea and a sub. Tammy took their order then wandered off, Tank was about to ask her how the planning had gone for the party when a hand slapped against the back of his head, making his ears ring. Asshole! He thought, turning to glare at the old man.

  “What the hell, Duck?” He demanded.

  “You deserved that, for church.” Duck cackled out a laugh.

  Annie had just decided that they needed to talk about Tank’s highhanded behavior when the man sitting behind him smacked him in the back of the head. She sat there shocked, her mouth hanging open. What the hell? Had that really happened? Her eyes narrowed as she heard Tank ask why the man had hit him, to get a vague reply that Tank just shook his head and ignored. What the hell? Why wasn’t he cleaning up the floor with that man?

  “Well, stop. I can’t help that you got into trouble with Bone because you’re an asshole.” Tank glared at the older man, who smacked him again.

  “Hey, stop it!” Annie demanded. “You can’t keep hitting him in the head. His brains already missing a few screws.”

  “Really? That’s what you’re going with to defend me?” Tank challenged, glaring at her now.

  “Ha, you’re funny girl. What’s your name?” Duck smiled at her.

  “Annie,” She replied earning a darker scowl from Tank. She wasn’t sure why that warranted another glare, all she’d said was her name.

  “You tell him your name? When you refused to tell me?” He growled.

  Oops, she forgot she’d given him a fake name the first time they’d met, but what did he expect? She’d been a woman alone on a deserted road, miles from anyone who could help her. She winced a bit, and shrugged her shoulders.

  “That’s just perfect isn’t it?”

  Duck smacked him again, laughing. Annie narrowed her eyes and jumped up, her hands on her hips.

  “Don’t you dare do that again, old man! I’m warning you.” She yelled at the grizzly looking man. The man started and stared at her standing with her hands on her hips and a dark scowl on her brow. Tank turned to smirk at Duck, who narrowed his own eyes and just barely stopped himself from hitting Tank again.

  “Sorry, darling. It’s just that the boy is such an idiot.”

  “And you think hitting his head is helping?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “No, but it amuses me.” Duck said, earning a growl from Annie.

  “Not anymore! Promise. He doesn’t need you smacking him around.” Tank wanted to kiss her when Duck grumbled, but nodded. “No, apologize to Tank for smacking him.”

  “What? I am not apologizing to that id…” She actually did something amazing then, she grabbed Duck by the ear and demanded again.


  “Fine, fine, no need to get nasty. Let go of my ear. Maybe, I don’t like you after all.” Duck grumbled, trying to detach her from his ear.

  Tank couldn’t believe that he’d just witnessed Duck, who was one scary mother fucker, get reprimanded by a woman in front of half the town.

  “Fine, sorry, boy.” He growled, finally pulling his ear free. He began rubbing it while glaring at Tank. Tank had no idea why the man was glaring at him when it was his own fault he’d gotten treated like a two year old, not his.

  “See that wasn’t so hard was it?” She asked, with a bright smile.

  “Yeah, it was.” Duck said, still glaring.

  “Well, I think you’ll live. Tank I will be right back, I have to use the bathroom.” Then she turned heading into the bathroom. Tank watched his woman’s sexy ass, as she walked towards the bathroom. Damn, that woman had a nice ass. That was the reason he didn’t see the foot that connected with his shin. He yelped in pain, glowering at the old man. Fuck. He was still an old bastard, he thought.

  Annie entered Wink two days later, she’d been slowly going nuts for the last few days. She’d managed to keep it together, barely. He kept heaping kisses on her, and she was hornier than she could ever remember being in her life. She was ready to have an orgasm at the drop of a hat. The man hadn’t taken it any further than a few hot as hell kisses, and she had no idea why. She’d been giving him the green light, and he seemed to be resisting. She just couldn’t figure out why. She waved to Racheal who was setting up the food at the bar with two other women Annie didn’t know. Carrying the tray of mini quiches to the bar, she was surprised to see that the other women wore property patches too. Huh, were there any women in this town not claimed by one of the Devils, she wondered.

  “Hey, Annie.” Racheal called to her as she set down the quiches. “Have you met Lisa and Brandy yet?” She asked pointing to the other two women standing near the bar filling trays with hors d'œuvres. Brandy smiled, waving to her.

  “Hi, I hear you’re living with our boy, Tank. Hubba hubba, he’s a hottie. If I hadn’t met Slim before him I might have been tempted to climb that hunk of mountain.” Lisa, the woman with bright purple hair said, wiggling her eyebrows.

  “You’re just a hoe. You would have taken any of our men if Slim hadn’t snapped you up and threatened to kill any man who got near you.” Brandy teased.

  “Watch it, bitch. Just ‘cause your man is behaving don’t mean you have to be a bitch.” Lisa said, pointing a fork at her.

  “Stop. You two are going to make Annie think we’re all crazy.” Racheal said, even as she laughed at the two women.

  “It’s okay. I just think that you guys are suffering from TMHM syndrome.” Annie smiled, waiting for them to ask what the hell that meant. She didn’t have to wait

  “What the hell is that?” Lisa asked.

  “Too many hot men.” Annie replied looking serious. “It’s a horrible disease that has only one cure. It’s sad.”

  “Okay, I’ll bite. What’s the cure?” Brandy asked, watching her.

  “Screaming Orgasms. Only thing that works.” Annie said, shaking her head while trying not to laugh. Only thinking of screaming orgasms made her think of Tank, and that was depressing since the man was a tease.

  Lisa let out a loud snort of laughter then between snorts she said, “I knew that I’d like you the minute you walked in here.”

  “You like everyone, Lisa.” Another woman was walking up to the bar holding a large jug of some red liquid that looked like punch. “Hi, I’m Terry.” She set down the jug and held out her hand. Annie took it and shook, still smiling.

  “Hi, nice to meet you.” Annie said.

  “I don’t like everybody. I never liked Monica. If you recall, I barely tolerated her.” Lisa frowned at the other woman.

  “Yep, but then there was a good reason for that. She was crazier than a loon.” Brandy muttered. “And don’t talk about her when Katie’s around, you know that’s a touchy subject for her.”

  “Who’s Monica? And why does she bother Katie?” Annie asked.

  “Shit, I didn’t realize that you didn’t know about that. She shot Trick about six months ago trying to kill Katie.” Racheal informed her.

  “What! Oh my God, that’s awful. I had no idea. I haven’t really been around lately. I’ve been very focused on…work.” Annie felt really bad about ignoring one of the few friends she had besides “the boys” as her mother called them, for the last year. She’d been focused on getting enough money together to get out of her mother’s business. She’d been selfish and her friend might have needed her.

  “Hey, don’t beat yourself up. He’s fine. Tank got to them in time to save her, and Trick is good as new.” Terry told her.

  “Tank saved her?” Annie asked, not a bit surprised. Over the past two days she’d seen that almost everyone in the club looked up to Tank. She didn’t know what he was to them, but they all seemed to think that the man walked on water. Bone was the only one they seemed to depend on more, and he depended on Tank. It was nice the way these people seemed to be a close nit family more than a club. It had quite frankly surprised her. After her time with the Jackal’s she’d been convinced that every MC was bad news, but after spending three days with these people. She saw that that was far from the truth.


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