Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

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Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) Page 8

by Michelle Woods

  Tank held still after he’d thrust fully into Annie. Hell, she was so tight, he was afraid he’d come just lying here with her wrapped around him. He felt like a teenaged boy with his first fuck he was so worked up. He knew that this wasn’t going to last long, and he wanted to growl in displeasure. He needed to feel her little body clench around him. Taking her mouth with his he kissed her and moved inside her with a shallow stroke of his dick. He needed to get her close, and quick. Otherwise, his fantasy of feeling her come around him would have to wait, and that was just not acceptable. He moved his hand between them lightly working her nub, waiting to move until he felt her squirming with need and she began to beg him.

  “Tank, I need you to move, please.” She panted. He did, moving into her with hard thrusts. It didn’t take long with his hand moving over her button and his mouth devouring hers for her to come. Her silky depths clenching around him like a vise. Fuck, fuck that was so good.

  “That’s it sweetheart, come for me.” Tank roared, thrusting hard. He felt her clenching and thrust hard three more times before he felt his balls tighten and his dick exploded in the hardest, most satisfying orgasm of his life.

  He collapsed, almost crushing her before he rolled with her in his arms, until they were side by side. His breath coming in long uneven pants. He felt Annie wiggle a bit, and realized she was kicking off the pants he’d failed to remove all the way. Damn, he barely undressed her before he’d taken her like an animal. But as he looked at her beside him on the bed, seeing, her eyes heavy lidded, and a satisfied smile on her lips, he realized that it was okay.

  “So are you going to finally tell me about these?” She asked, running her hand down his tattoos.

  “They’re my brothers, my real ones. They died, a few years ago. Trance did the work for me, he’s a damned good artist. They look like them.” He kissed her forehead, watching her eyes sadden. That wasn’t what he’d intended.

  “Jake, I’m so sorry.” She whispered.

  “It’s okay, Annie. I loved them, but it was a long time ago. I still miss them though. This one is Harvey.” He said, indicating his left shoulder, “and this one is Garrett.” He showed her the other one.

  She ran her hand reverently over both then whispered. “I wish I’d known them, I bet they were wonderful.” Her eyes were still sad. He wanted to take the whole conversation back, he didn’t like that the warm glow had left her eyes.

  He kissed her forehead again before he whispered, “Go to sleep, sweetheart.”

  Smiling, she replied, “Bossy.” Before she closed her eyes and did as she was told. For Tank though sleep didn’t come easy, he was still worked up. He wanted to wake her and start all over again. She was just too sexy for words. That was his last thought before he fell asleep with her held tightly to his heart.

  Chapter 10

  Annie woke to the feeling of her body clenching in orgasm. Tank’s tongue was lapping at her. She looked at him is surprise, he met her eyes from between her legs with an arrogant smile. He then buried his head between her legs again, sucking on her clit making her wither in pleasure as she came apart in his mouth a second time, screaming his name.

  Tank slid up her body. His mouth taking hers in a rough claiming. He’d woke to the bright sun shining into his window. He’d thought to let her sleep, but he’d been unable to stop touching her. The way her body responded to his touches even as she slept had fascinated him. He’d wanted to know if she’d sleep through her orgasm. She hadn’t, he thought, as he slid his hard cock into her slick passage. Setting a rhythm that was both slow and hard. Making her moan and beg him to move faster.

  He didn’t, he just slowly fucked her until they both exploded into mind blowing orgasms. When they’d both caught their breath, he looked at her. “Morning, sweetheart.”

  “Morning,” she said, blushing. Ah, his hot, bold woman was a bit shy after sex. He liked that, it meant that not many men had touched her. That was good because the fact that any man had touched her made him a bit nuts. He wanted to hunt them down and shove their removed dicks down their throats.

  Two days before Katie and Trick’s wedding, shit hit the fan in a big way. Tank had ridden to Titus to pick up some supplies for the clubs store with Tiny and Stick. Standing near the cage, a large truck they used to transport goods, waiting on Tiny to take a leak, he was thinking about Annie. It seemed to be all he could manage to do lately. He wanted her constantly and he didn’t know how she felt. He was a little pissed off that she was still insisting on taking that van to its destination. She had rejected his plan to have a prospect deliver it, twice. He wanted to insist, but he knew women better than that. He wasn’t a neanderthal like Trick.

  You’d think after reaching a certain age, you’d realize that women didn’t respond well to ultimatums. Only Trick seemed to think that it was fine to issue them at every turn to his old lady. She always set him straight right quick, but it was still surprising that he hadn’t figured it out yet. He looked over to the side of the building, wondering what the hell was taking Tiny so damned long. He puffed on the cigarette he’d snuck from Tiny. Tiny needed to hurry up. He wanted to get back to Devils Falls before six, and the man was taking forever. If they didn’t get on the road in the next thirty they were going to be pushing his time line. He finally saw Tiny walking from the bathroom they’d stopped at, with a grim look.

  Tank snapped to attention, sensing that something was wrong. Tiny neared the cage, pulling his gun from his holster, giving Tank a familiar look. Oh, fuck, this was going to get ugly.

  “Call Bone, we need everyone here. They’re moving today.” Tiny said.

  “Fuck, how do you know?” The other man had been looking into the Headhunter’s and Jackal’s movements for the past week. He’d discovered that they were planning a coup in Titus. They just hadn’t known when they were planning to try it.

  “One of my informants cornered me in the alleyway. They’re waiting till nightfall, then they’re moving in with everything they’ve got. And if my informant is right it’s going to get fucking ugly.”

  As he blew out a long puff, then tossed the cigarette down and stomped on it, he was already wanting another one. Pulling his cell out, and called Bone. Now, he was really pissed off, those bastards had ruined his plans. He’d been planning a nice fireside dinner for him and his woman, and he wasn’t happy that now he’d most likely be dodging bullets while protecting his family.

  “What’s up?” Bone demanded, he could hear giggling in the background, and knew that Bone’s voice was so clipped because he’d been with Molly.

  “Trouble. Coup is tonight, get the rest of the club here before nightfall.” Tank heard Bone talking to Molly, telling her he’d be back in a second

  “Fuck, tonight?” Bone asked.

  “Yeah, and it’s not going to be pretty. I’ll need some things from my place.” He rattled off a list of things for Bone to bring him.

  When he was done Bone muttered, “Shit, this is going to get bad isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, kiss your woman, be grateful you can. We might not get to again. Fuck. I hate these mother fuckers.” Tank growled, because tonight was going to be all out war. The Jackal’s hadn’t had the numbers before they‘d joined with the Headhunter’s, but now they did and this was going to be a shit storm that none of them wanted to deal with.

  “Okay, I’ll be there with the rest of the crew at six thirty. Sundown is at eight. Hopefully Tiny’s man isn’t wrong about when they’re moving in.” Bone said.

  “Yep, I sure as hell hope not. We have good numbers here, but not enough if Tiny’s contact is right.” Tank hung up and began walking around the truck. They needed to stow this load in a safe place and then get some defenses into place without too much fuss. They didn’t want to spook the assholes into waiting.

  Tank cursed as his phone began to ring twenty minutes later. Who the hell was calling him? Didn’t they know he was busy trying to keep them safe? Pissed, he dug out his phone and answered without
looking at the display.

  “What the hell’s going on Tank? Bone and two other men just left here with half your guns. What’s going on? Bone ignored me when I asked. What’s are you guys planning?” Annie’s panicked voice made his chest squeeze. Damn, he hadn’t thought to tell Bone to have Molly distract Annie. He didn’t want her to worry about him. Nor did he want her to worry about her own safety. He knew that even if something happened to him, his brothers would protect her.

  “Sweetheart, everything is fine. We just have to take care of some club business. It will be okay, and I should be home tomorrow.”

  “You know that I don’t believe that right? Tell me what’s going on.” Annie demanded.

  “I really need to go, babe. I will be home tomorrow. We can talk then. I miss you.” Tank told her, wanting to kiss her. He had no idea how tonight was going to go down, but he hoped like hell he wasn’t lying when he told her he’d see her tomorrow.

  “Fine! If that’s the way you want to play this, but I’m warning you. If you have even a scratch on you when you get home. I’m going to kill you!” Annie growled, stabbing at the end call button, slamming the phone on the table in front of her. Son of a bitch. He was such a jerk. He was in trouble, and he wasn’t being honest with her. She was so mad right now she wanted to scream.

  Pacing back and forth in the kitchen, she couldn’t stay still. She was worried. In the last ten days Tank had somehow become important to her. Maybe it was the mind blowing sex, or perhaps it was the way she felt connected to him. Annie didn’t know how she’d become so attached to the man in such a short time. She knew that something was going on. Running her hands up and down her arms, she decided that she needed to get out of this house. She wasn’t the type to just wait around at home for a man. Too bad her van wasn’t fixed yet, or she’d hightail it out of this town, and never look back. After all, the man she cared about refused to tell her the truth, which pissed her off.

  Leaving the house with Tank’s truck, she headed to the diner, maybe a milkshake would make her feel better. Ten minutes later she pulled up to the diner to find Lisa and Brandy walking into Tammy’s.

  “Hey,” She called.

  Lisa turned holding her son, and Brandy smiled wanly at her. That was when she realized that they knew what was going on. Annie almost screamed, why did they get to know what was going on and she didn’t?

  “Hey, Annie. Come on inside, the rest of the girls are already here. You might as well join us.”

  Pissed, Annie followed them into the diner sitting down at the booth with Pearl, Katie, Molly and Racheal. There were five other women she’d met over the last week, and it seemed that the only two people missing where Charity, and MaryAnn. Turning to Brandy she demanded in a low voice. “I want to know what the hell’s going on. Tank won’t tell me, and I think you know.”

  “Oh, sweetie. I don’t know any more than you do. That’s the way this works. Our men are hella overprotective. They would never tell us what’s going on. Not till it’s settled anyway, and then only if they think we should know to protect us. We just all know that something is going down, and from the way our men are acting it isn’t going to be pretty. The last time my man looked this worked up we had three bombings and lost eight members of the club. Including Tank’s brothers.” Lisa said, leaning closer on her other side to fill her in. Annie couldn’t believe that they put up with this, she just couldn’t believe it. Their men were a bunch of jackasses.

  They left their women at home with no clue whether they’d ever return. And these women came here to huddle together in confusion while they did it. Assholes and idiots! She really hated men in that moment, and Tank in particular.

  Tank moved around the building, shooting a man in the back of the head as he charged towards Stick’s back. Fuck, this was not a fun night, and he was sick to death of these crazy mother fuckers doing this shit. Stick turned at the sound of the shot and quickly took in the man who’d fallen calling out. “Thanks, man.”

  Tank nodded, heading towards Bone. They’d been trying to stop the Jackal’s and Headhunter’s from getting to the warehouse where they’d holed up most of the residents from Titus. The damned Jackal’s had set two bombs already. Thankfully in a deserted part of town. Bone had pulled everyone to the warehouse, so that they’d be able to protect the town better. It was still an ugly fight. They’d almost finished this thank God. He was just tired, and he wanted a warm bath and his woman.

  As he rounded the next building he was surprised to find a man training a gun on him. Fuck, he jerked back, but it would be too late, and he knew it. Annie was going to kill him for getting shot, was the thought in his head as he moved to dive out of the man’s way. Only before he could shoot Tank, a bullet hit him between the eyes from the left of Tank.

  Tank turned to see Duck standing there shaking his head, “Damn, boy. You’re getting slow.”

  “Shut up, asshole. I’m still faster than you.” Tank grumbled. Although, he was grateful the other man had been there. If he’d gotten shot Annie would have cut off his balls, and as pussy whipped as he’d been acting the last week, he would have let her.

  “Ha, not even close.” Duck turned and headed towards the area where Bone was directing their attack, dismissing him.

  It took two more hours for them to round up the scattered Jackal’s forces. When it was done they’d killed ninety five of their men. They’d most likely finally crippled their club, because most of the dead were Jackal’s, not Headhunters MC. With the recent raids, and then this group getting killed. The Jackal’s be hard pressed to get anyone to side with then against the Red Devils. Which made Tank’s fucking year, he was tired of this constant fighting. They had been lucky again, the Devils only had thirty five men hurt and two dead. Fuck, this had been a bad one. If they hadn’t gotten wind of this when they did, the Jackal’s would have managed to take over Titus, and that was not good.

  This was a close one, and he was damned glad Tiny’s contact had heard about this raid before they’d gotten their asses handed to them. As it was, they had barely made it in time, and that worried Tank a bit. If they didn’t get this nightmare with the Jackal’s under control, and soon then it was going to become a serious issue for the club. Tank ran a hand through his hair, checking the time. Two am, damn. Too early to call Annie. He sighed, turning back to head inside the warehouse.

  “Tank, we need you.” Rock called out.

  “What’s up?”

  “Bone said for you to head downstairs, they’re questioning one of the men and he has some information on that gun shipment from that Loony guy.” He walked with Tank down to the basement, where he heard the gurgling of a man being tortured with water.

  That made him smile, grimly. He didn’t like some of the things they had to do, but after tonight he wasn’t feeling the usual remorse. The Jackal’s and Headhunter’s would have slaughtered half the town if the Devils hadn’t been here to stop them. Opening the door he entered, just as the man in the chair screeched.

  “Okay, I’ll tell you…I’ll tell you. Loony has a shipment that we wanted. Its missiles with a smart payload. They can be programed to find a specific place. So if you set it to the coordinates then they only go off at that spot, but the shipment never showed up. We waited, but for some reason it got called off.”

  Fuck, that was bad, and if the Jackal’s had gotten their hands on those, tonight would have gone very different, they were damned lucky the shipment hadn’t arrived. Tank walked over to the man.

  “Who’s Looney Louie?” Tank demanded, but the man seemed to have clammed up again. Hell, this was going to be a long conversation, Tank thought as the man’s head was shoved back into the water.

  Chapter 11

  Tank walked into his house, he was tired. He’d questioned the Jackal for over an hour and gotten nothing other than a crick in his neck, and a headache. He knew that Annie was here because his truck was out front, but when he entered he didn’t see her. He headed into the kitchen to fin
d Annie at the stove stirring a pot. She looked good, standing here in his kitchen. He suddenly had a vision of her with a swollen belly and his patch tattooed on her shoulder.

  Damn, he wanted to own this woman already and he barely knew her. She turned seeing him in the doorway. She slammed down the spoon on the stove, her hands went to her hips and her hair flowed around as she spun to face him.

  “So, you’re alive, I see. Damned nice of you to call me and let me know that, asshole!” Annie yelled, glaring at him. Shit, he’d thought Molly would tell her he was okay. Bone had talked to her, and she’d been with Molly and Katie at the time. He’d assumed that Molly would tell her he was okay.

  “Didn’t Molly tell you I was with Bone, earlier today?” He asked, not understanding why Molly wouldn’t tell Annie when she’d asked if he was okay for Annie in the first place.

  “Yes, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that YOU. DIDN’T. CALL. ME!” She roared.

  She turned back to the stove, getting a bowl, she filled it with soup, then carried it to the table, calmly. Tank watched her, his mouth hanging open in shock. He couldn’t believe she was mad that he’d had Molly tell her he was okay instead of calling her. She set the soup down on the table near the large picture window in the kitchen. He thought she’d sit down to eat it without talking to him, or offering to get him a bowl, but she surprised him again by turning back to him. She glared, then moved back from the table.

  “Eat your damned dinner. I’m going to lay down.” Then she turned storming out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

  Tank stood staring down at the bowl of delicious smelling soup, puzzled. What the hell had just happened? Sitting down, realizing that he was half starving, only having eaten a sandwich at around three this afternoon. He took a bite of the soup and groaned with pleasure. Damn, that was good, he thought, smiling. Even mad at him she’d thought to take care of him. He was making headway, he thought before digging in.


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