The Education of a Cuckold

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The Education of a Cuckold Page 7

by Alex Hathaway

  “Alexis, I—”

  “Don’t say anything!” Alexis said, clearly hurt by the rejection. “So much for Big Poetry Man on Campus.” Alexis turned her back to me. God she was fine! I thought I heard some snarky laughter from a couple of bystanders. Did she make a small penis sign with her fingers? I could see out of the corner of my eye. But the laughter made me think she had done something. Ugh. I couldn’t even tell her I had voted for her; we were sworn to secrecy.

  Meanwhile, realizing things were getting awkward for me on the roommate front, in mid-November, I met with the Assistant Dean of Housing about off-campus living options. As much as I liked the possibility of running into more sexual trouble with Zach, I was more concerned about my bruised ego. I couldn’t take being single in the shadow of his conquests much longer.

  The Assistant Dean was an attractive black woman with meticulously braided hair who always seemed to take an interest in me. She was only a couple years out of graduate school herself. I always enjoyed flirting with her at the gym, though I kept it low key since she was a staff member. Alisha wasn’t afraid to lift a bit of weight on the barbells, which I found appealing. Anyhow, I made an appointment with her to request clearance to live off campus. For upperclassmen like me, this was a pretty routine process. Most off-campus housing requests for seniors were processed without much delay. As Alisha looked up my housing information, she noticed I was rooming with Zach. A funny look splashed across her face.

  “Why do you want to move out?” she asked me. “Any problems with Zach?”

  “No,” I said a bit hesitantly, not expecting this line of inquiry.

  “Are you having trouble getting work done?” Alisha asked. “During his freshman year, I know that Zach’s first roommate moved out because Zach was doing too much … partying. Too many overnight guests,” Alisha continued, smiling strangely. She gripped one of her braids as she talked.

  Even though Alisha was just a few years older than I was, this was awkward at best. I felt uncomfortable but also horny. Alisha had an angular face and strong cheekbones. Even when she was smiling and joking, she seemed one glance away from stern disapproval. That stern side was hot to me.

  “No, everything is fine,” I said, trying to avoid direct eye contact. “I just want a change of pace. I don’t get all my meals from the dining commons and cooking in the lounge is kind of a drag. I’d like my own place, a real kitchen.”

  “We don’t get too many guys who want to cook. Is your cooking really that good?”

  I blushed a bit. Was she questioning my masculinity? “Well, actually I am a good cook.” The questions were raising my hackles, so I got up to leave. Alisha seemed amused, enjoying my reaction.

  “Well, we’ll let you know what we decide,” she said as I headed for the door.

  What I did not know is that Alisha had made the decision already. She put me on an internal list for those who had been approved for off-campus housing. As it turns out, Zach logged into the housing system a few days after that, looking to help a buddy out, and he saw my name on the list. That kind of thing was too easy for him to even qualify as hacking.

  He wasn’t happy when he confronted me about this right after Thanksgiving. I had barely put my suitcase down when he moved up on me and glared.

  “What the fuck? When were you going to tell me?” Zach said, pounding a printout of the list on my dresser. It was the first time aside from that pool night that I had ever felt really intimidated by him—and this time he had his clothes on.

  “Well, I haven’t really decided yet,” I told him, stretching the truth. There was still time to back out. “I was actually just asking Alisha about what off-campus living is like,” I said, spinning the conversation on the fly. “I didn’t even know I had been accepted, I thought I’d have to give my final approval. Shit, I can’t believe she put my name on this list!”

  “Well I hope you tell me soon,” Zach said, “because if you’re moving out there’s no fucking way that two weeks is enough time for me to find someone I can deal with. They’ll put some tight-ass stiff in here.” Zach glared. Evidently roommate problems were not new to him either.

  Eager to buy myself time, I told Zach I had not yet decided, told him more about my problems with the meal plan, my desire to do my own cooking. I promised to give him a heads-up before any kind of move happened.

  After that, he calmed down, but things now seemed forced between us. Of course, our interactions had been stilted ever since the infamous pool night, but now Zach seemed wary I would stab him in the back. Before, it was a different kind of awkwardness, a sexual tension of sorts. Not the kind men usually have, but the kind two men have who competed for the same women and know deep down who won and who lost. Now there was downright animosity. This wasn’t good.

  So there you have it: I had planted seeds of doubt and resentment with the wrong, not-so-random group of people. That Friday night, I stopped by my dorm room to pick up my iPod on the way to a party. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be in the room—just unplug the iPod and go. Surprise: Zach, Lisa, and Alexis were sitting down on our bean bags playing cards. The smell of marijuana blasted over me.

  “Can you put the rug back?” Alexis asked, looking up at me with less irritation than usual. Maybe it was the pot. The “rug” was a wadded up towel we used to put under the door in case anyone in the room was smoking it up, bolstered with foam and duct tape. It was a surprisingly good aroma seal from the hallway. I was taken aback that all three of them were acting so friendly, though I chalked it up to “happy stoner vibe.”

  Hmm … three people with grudges against me, all stoned in my own dorm room. The best course of action was to grab my iPod and get the hell out. But Zach took the hand-roller they were smoking and said, “Have a rip, man!”

  “Yeah, c’mon!” Alexis said, with a grin. Lisa forced a smile as well. Lisa was wearing some very short orange shorts—one of her ex-boyfriends went to Syracuse. It was too much to turn down. I sat down and bravely took a big drag. They all smiled. When I was able to hold down a big inhale without coughing, they applauded. I was a notoriously amateurish pot smoker, always coughing on the first drag.

  They were playing five card draw, not my favorite poker game, especially with the dealer picking additional wild cards. It was more of a party game than the strategy poker I fancied myself good at. But I hung in there for a few hands, trying not to win, which might piss them off even more than I already had of late. Instead of poker chips, we had peanuts in shells smuggled from the dining commons. After two rounds I managed to work my way down to my last ten peanuts. I figured with two aces I could bet the farm and lose, and get the heck out of there. But Lisa was goofing with a bluff. I thought for sure her hand would be better than mine, but when I called, she only had a king.

  “Nice bluff, girl,” Alexis said. “Next time try, uh, matching two cards together!” Suddenly I had about thirty peanuts again.

  “Let’s play a round with higher stakes,” said Zach.

  “Money? No way,” Alexis said. “I’m out.” She threw her peanuts in the middle and went to turn up the speakers. It was some kind of reggae beat, Peter Tosh maybe.

  “No, not money. Strip. Strip if you lose. One piece of clothes per round.”

  “Okay!” Lisa said without hesitation, surprising me again. It had been a while since I saw how she acted around Zach. She abandoned her academic professionalism instantly and became a giggling high school girl.

  “But no one’s gonna see these!” Lisa said, propping up her small breasts under her tight blue tank top before falling backward.

  “Damn I don’t know about that,” said Alexis. “Not if your last hand was any indication.”

  “I wouldn’t mind a look-see,” Alexis teased. Even stoned, Lisa couldn’t help but blush.

  Strip poker with these three was fraught with peril for me. But I also liked how Lisa’s nipples were poking through her tank top. And Alexis, thinking about her statuesque body nude … And like I sai
d, I’m a pretty good poker player, even with casual rules. Maybe I could turn the tables on them.

  I sat back down.

  The next hand, I ended up with a full house after trading in one card. Next time I cashed in two clubs and came back all hearts—flush. The peanuts were piling up in front of me, enough that I could even snack on a few without jeopardizing my game. But more importantly, Lisa and Alexis were down to their bras. The rule was, one significant item of clothing per loss. Only the winner kept all clothes on. So far, so good.

  “I’m not sure if I still want to do this,” Lisa said.

  “Oh you’re doing it, girl! Look at me. I’m in the same boat,” Alexis said. Her breasts were a lot bigger than Lisa’s and her bra was having a hard time containing them.

  “Wow, your tits are out of control tonight,” said Lisa. “Let’s see if we can’t play that bra off of you.” She looked knowingly at me as I shuffled the cards. I called no wild cards, which caused groans from the group. But I wanted to play it straight, maybe even count up some cards and see if I could avoid having to reveal myself at all. I thought I noticed Alexis brush against Zach’s sweatpants a couple times, as if she was fishing around, but I tried to avoid looking. I shuffled the cards with as much concentration as I could, hoping my own boner would go down a bit as well.

  It’s hard to describe what happened next. I’ve had this happen in cards before, where a bad momentum develops. It seems like you can’t win. You get a bad hand, and you trade in for more bad cards. You think about bluffing, but as your hands go down in flames, you start to think your opponents can see right through you. Ordinarily, I would just ride it out, especially for peanuts. But this game wasn’t just for peanuts anymore. Maybe what happened next was something a part of me wanted. I guess I’ll never know.

  Losing the next two rounds was the easy part. First I took off my Yankees cap. The girls didn’t like that so much, arguing it wasn’t a “significant piece of clothing.” I begged to differ and pulled it off. Alexis did not hide her pleasure when she smoked me in the next round with four of a kind. Off came my shirt. Compared to what else I had taken off in front of them, the shirt was easy. Besides, the pot was kicking in and I was starting to talk myself into thinking these folks were my good-time pals. Zach still hadn’t lost a hand since we had changed the stakes. I was relieved to win the next hand with three of a kind. Zach lost and I expected him to take of his shirt. Instead he stood up and, without saying a word, took off his sweatpants.

  His big thick cock slapped to attention. I hadn’t seen it in a while and had forgotten how meaty it was. He was already mostly hard. Like me, he must have been distracted by the girls in their bras.

  “Commando. I knew it!” said Lisa.

  Zach sat back down, ready to play another hand, but with his big cock sticking out, the whole mood in the room changed. Lisa could not stop staring.

  “Wow,” she said, “just wow.” She was crossing and uncrossing her legs restlessly. I knew I should get out of the room right away, just leave and go anywhere, but I have to admit that I too, was fascinated by what was unfolding. The good cheer in the room seemed to have been replaced by a palpable tension.

  Lisa didn’t even attempt to hide her lust, which surprised me, given that Alexis and Zach were dating fairly seriously. I kept hoping Alexis would get pissed, but she seemed to be more curious about Lisa’s reactions than upset. It dawned on me that I had critically misjudged that relationship. I decided my best hope was to win the next hand, but it was not to be. Alexis had a full house and even though she hadn’t bet enough peanuts to really capitalize on it, her hand was more than enough to beat my three of a kind and put me in a tough spot. It wasn’t about the peanuts anymore.

  I tried to reach for my shoes as my next article of clothing to be shed, but Alexis and Lisa weren’t having any.

  “Oh no, that’s not going to do it!” said Lisa. I wasn’t used to the tone she was taking. But then our friendship had been shaky of late.

  “No, let’s have the pants now!” said Alexis.

  A part of me was deeply afraid but, here’s the thing I have to confess to you now, that I have never told anyone. I wanted what was about to happen to happen. Or at least a part of me did. At any rate, I felt powerless to resist their demands.

  I stood up and off came the pants. I was relieved to have my boxers on. But I heard everyone laughing. Too late. I looked down to see my cock at full erection poking out of the open fly in my boxers.

  “Off with those, since you don’t need them,” said Alexis.

  “Off! Off!” chanted Lisa.

  I had nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. At least during the pool incident, it had been mostly dark. And even with Beth and her sister, I had mostly been able to lurk in the shadows watching. Now I was at the center of things. And the overhead light in the room was on the highest setting. Why hadn’t I killed that in favor of the lava lamp? I pulled my boxers off and sat down, compulsively grabbing the cards to shuffle the deck.

  “Wait, I have to see this!” Alexis said.

  “Guys, please stand up!”

  Zach stood up willingly, smugly. When Alexis talked like that, you complied. I stood up as well.

  She kneeled near us.

  “No, move closer together.” I looked over at Lisa; she seemed fascinated.

  It was weird to stand next to Zach, because his skinny code geek body looked awkward next to my athletic build. I was also a bit taller.

  But that’s not what the girls were focusing on.

  “Look at this!”

  Alexis pointed to both our dicks.

  “The contrast is amazing!” Alexis said.

  It could not be denied. My dick had retracted a bit, perhaps wary of the attention. Zach wasn’t fully hard but he was still jutting way out and bending down. He was way farther out there than I would be at full erection. Then Alexis said something I was not expecting. Something I can remember like this happened today.

  “Let’s measure them!”

  “Lisa, do you have a ruler?”


  “Then go out in the hall and see if you can find one,” Alexis said.

  Lisa pulled on a sweatshirt from Zach’s closet and left to get a ruler.

  “If we’re going to measure you, we have to get you both erect,” says Alexis.

  “Maybe I can help with that,” she said. With that, she reached back and unhooked her bra. Her breasts came tumbling out, looking even more amazing up close. I had never seen them in the light. They were full but without any sag, and her areola were as huge as ever.

  Her ploy worked—at least on Zach. I could hear him groan as his cock twitched in the air.

  I was getting excited also, but somehow my cock wasn’t cooperating.

  “Let’s get you going a little bit,” said Alexis. Without asking permission, she started to touch my cock with her hand, coaxing it into a hard-on.

  That worked. No amount of shyness was going to stop me from getting an erection under those conditions.

  “That’s it … you’re twitching!” Alexis said with satisfaction.

  “Let’s get you both all the way up!” she said with that total Alexis confidence. She started stroking each of us, one in each hand. I was hard in a matter of seconds. I kept hoping Zach was hard, but I could see Alexis working her left hand up and down his thick shaft, and he wasn’t all the way there yet. I didn’t want him to get any bigger!

  “That’s it, Zach, let’s get that monster all the way up,” she said. Zach’s cock was so heavy it didn’t look like it would rise, but with Alexis spitting on her hand and then lubing him up, he finally got to full attention. He wasn’t poking straight out, but he was definitely hard enough to do some damage.

  “Wow!” Alexis said, looking up at both of us. “I can barely get my hand around you,” she told Zach. To me, she said, “And your entire dick is almost lost in my hand!”

  They both laughed. It was true. Her hand almost completely covered my
erection. Whereas with Zach, she might have been holding on for dear life, with plenty of cock to spare.

  Lisa came back into the room with a wooden ruler she had obtained from someone on the hall. I found myself hoping she had not told them why. Her eyes widened.

  I expected Lisa to hand the ruler to Alexis, but to my surprise she pushed Alexis aside.

  “I’ll handle this!” Lisa said. She started with my cock, putting the ruler up next to my erection and grabbing my cock to put it right next to the measurements.

  “Four … Four point two inches,” she said quietly, as if absorbing a shocking truth.

  “And now …” She reached for Zach’s dick, but not before looking at Alexis for permission. Alexis nodded, only too happy to be sharing this moment of triumph and humiliation.

  “Eight … eight point eight inches,” Lisa said. “More than twice as long!”

  “Zach!” Alexis said. “I’m really disappointed in you. I’ve measured you at nine inches before.” They all laughed.

  But Lisa didn’t laugh long. She had dropped the ruler and was working our cocks just as Alexis had, one in each hand. She had a puzzled look on her face.

  “I think we needed a tape measure,” Lisa said.

  “Why?” Alexis said.

  “Because we need to measure girth as well,” she said. “There’s obviously a girth thing going on here also.”

  “Yeah, Zach is WAY thicker,” Alexis agreed, as she sat on the edge of Zach’s bed and turned the scene over to Lisa.

  “Right,” Lisa said. “So let’s say Zach is one hundred fifty percent thicker. If he’s also one hundred percent longer, that means he’s … about five times the size in volume.”

  “True!” said Alexis.

  “But we don’t have a tape measure,” said Lisa, “so we can only guess.”

  “I have an idea!” Alexis said and left the room. I thought she might be going to the dorm office to find a tape measure —what would she have said to them in the middle of the night?—but she came back with a toilet paper roll.


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