Carmichael, Stokely, 96
Carson, Wade, 78
Chase, Richard, 8, 44–48
Chavez, Cesar, 116
Chomsky, Noam, 25, 134 (n. 24)
Cline, Dave, 49, 52–56, 94, 140 (n. 76)
Cohen, Leonard (activist), 82, 84
Columbia, S.C., 4, 7; city history, 18–22; UFO coffeehouse in, 24–28, 36, 41–42, 70, 75; coffeehouse trial in, 79–87, 121
Committee on Internal Security, 68, 86, 134 (n. 9)
Coontz, Stephanie, ix, 61–63, 133 (n. 81)
Covered Wagon (coffeehouse), 8, 73–74, 101, 109–10
Cunningham, Cam, 56, 132 (n. 59)
Davis, Rennie, 8, 24–25, 66–67
Dellums, Ron (U.S. representative), 58
Democratic National Convention (Chicago 1968), 4, 44–46, 66
Deutsch, Daniel, 72
Different Drummer Café, 123–24
Drugs, 17, 21–22, 75, 82–86, 100–103
Duncan, Donald, 3
Fayetteville, N.C., 5, 9, 92–94, 101, 106–9,
Ferré, Merle, and Robert Duane, 81–84
Foard, John (5th Circuit solicitor), 83–86, 137 (n. 81)
Fonda, Jane, 10; and Oleo Strut coffeehouse, 51–52, 90; and FTA show, 105–13
Fort Bragg Women’s Project, 5
Fort Dix Coffeehouse, 5, 74
Fort Hood 43, 4, 44–45
Fort Hood Three, 2–3
Fort Hood United Front, 57–59, 98–99, 114
Fort Jackson: institutional history of, 18–23; and GI movement, 36–44, 60, 79–87
Fort Jackson Eight, 8, 36–44, 79–87
Fort Knox Coffeehouse, 8, 70–74, 101
Fort Lewis, 7–8; institutional history of, 33–36; and GI movement, 37–39, 61–64, 76–78, 115–19
FTA (“Free the Army” or “Fuck the Army”), 10, 70, 106
FTA show, 10, 103–11, 140 (n. 71)
Gardner, Fred, ix, 3–4, 7, 15–41, 51, 86, 103–6, 110, 120–24
Garson, Barbara, 38–39, 106
GI-Civilian Alliance for Peace (GI-CAP), 60–61
GI Rights Network, 122
GIs United Against the War in Vietnam, 42, 86
Gould, Josh, 28, 30, 45–46, 100, 111
Gregory, Dick, 107–8, 134 (n. 24)
Harvard Crimson, 15
Harvey, Kelvin, 57, 114
Hayden, Tom, 8, 24, 66–67
Haymarket Square Coffeehouse, 5, 101–3, 107–8
Heinl, Colonel Robert L., 67–68, 133 (n. 7), 134 (n. 12)
Hew-Kekaw-Na-Yo (GI organization), 79
Hoover, J. Edgar, 75
Hope, Bob, 104–5, 108
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 66–67, 134 (nn. 9, 13)
Ichord, Richard (U.S. representative), 68
Kent State shootings, 53, 85, 136 (n. 78)
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 44, 97
Killeen, Texas, 7–8, 28–36, 44–46, 50–60, 70–73, 90–92, 100–104, 109–14, 121
Kraus, Jon, 82, 85
Leesville, LA, 16–17, 28
Leon, Reverend Gonzalo, 82
Lettuce boycott, 116–17, 141 (n. 90)
Levy, Howard, 3, 15; and USSF, 25–27, 43, 74–75, 83; and FTA show, 104–6, 126 (n. 9)
Lifton, Robert Jay, 96
Lockard, Jay, 28–30, 111
Mailer, Norman, 24, 80, 127 (n. 33)
McChord Air Force Base, 33–34, 117–21
McLellan, D. H., 39
McNair, Robert (governor), 85
Mickleson, Donna, 20, 121
Miles, Joe, 42–44
Morrow, Rowland A., 69
Mountain Home, Idaho, 8, 73–74, 101, 109
Movement for a Democratic Military (MDM), 74, 97–98
Muldraugh, Kentucky, 8, 70–71, 101
Myerson, Alan, 20
National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam (Mobe); and Summer of Support, 24–25; and Democratic National Convention, 65–66
Nixon, Richard, 9, 34, 53, 62, 67, 76, 85, 88–92, 114
Oleo Strut coffeehouse, 7–8, 28–33, 44–60, 70–73, 90, 94, 98–104, 109–45
Operation Garden Plot, 47–48, 95
Pacific Counseling Service (PCS), 116–18, 141 (n. 89)
People’s Justice Committee, 59, 99, 114
Peterson, Bruce, 32–33
Petrick, Howard, 60
Post-traumatic stress disorder, 11, 116
Priest, John, 57, 114
Quaker House, 9
Rinaldi, Matthew, 76
Rivers, L. Mendel, 22
Seattle, Washington, 33–36, 60–63, 77, 92, 115–18
Shelter Half (coffeehouse), 7–8, 36–40, 60–64, 76–79, 114–20
Socialist Workers Party, 6, 35–36, 43, 60–61. See also Young Socialist Alliance
Spock, Benjamin, 25
Spring Offensive Committee (GI-SOC), 54–55
Stapp, Andy, 6, 60, 64, 132 (n. 72)
Stauffacher, H. W., 64
Stokes, Louis (U.S. representative), 58–59, 132 (n. 68)
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 1, 6, 28, 35, 61, 96–97, 115
Summer of Support, 4, 7, 23–24, 36, 40
Sutherland, Donald, 10, 105, 107–109
Tacoma, Washington, 7–8; city history, 33–40; and GI movement, 60–63, 76–77, 92, 114–19
Thurmond, Strom, 22
Tyrrell’s Jewelry, 8, 55–57, 132 (nn. 59, 61)
UFO (coffeehouse), 4, 7–8; and Columbia, S.C., 20–25, 28; and Fort Jackson Eight case, 41–44, 70; on trial, 79–87, 121
Under the Hood Café, 121
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 26, 93, 98, 127 (n. 42)
United Farm Workers, 79, 132 (n. 60)
United States Servicemen’s Fund (USSF), 25–28, 33, 70, 73–75, 94, 100–113
University of South Carolina, 82–84
University of Washington, 35–36, 61, 77, 141 (n. 93)
Vietnam Veterans Against the War, 17, 24
Volunteer Army (VOLAR), 10, 89–90, 115–18
Westmoreland, William, 92
Williams, Wes, 58–59, 114
Williams Bay, Wisconsin, 10, 91, 99
Wrightstown, New Jersey, 74
Young Socialist Alliance (YSA), 6, 35–36, 42, 61, 128 (n. 73). See also Socialist Workers Party
Zabriskie Point (film), 51
Zeiger, David, ix, 54–55, 102, 110–14
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