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by Waheed Mohiuddin

  In Noland, now he could communicate easily to the local creatures. He became famous among the birds, animals and the beasts, everyone loved him a lot even he was invited at the functions and parties arranged by them. He also established a small clinic for them where to prepare some medicines with the available herbal leaves and roots of trees and plants to heel up the wounds. The one gets injured or fell down from a tree, or was wounded during the sports; they rush towards this clinic to get treatment. He prepared the medicines after caring a long research and experiments.

  One night while he was enjoying the party arranged by lions and elephants, he was told by the lions that they (lions) have some ideas to make this land more attractive and safe where they would live in a more civilized way and there must be a political system to manage the affairs of the land. Elephants gave a suggestion that they should be made responsible of defense because they were big and strong. Leopards said that they may be responsible of the food availability, pigeons offered to get the information department, horses to be responsible of the housing system, cuckoo said to establish the music industry, buffalos and cows under took to produce milk for the community, dogs were willing to hold the department of night security and fox to hold the intelligence.

  While Rahas was listening all these suggestions, his face was turning red and he started shivering. He could not understand from where the innocent creatures learnt the word ‘civilized’ because he found the word ‘civilized’ the most ‘uncivilized’. He needed to drink some water to collect him; after that he drew attention of all the creatures and said to them to listen him carefully. After that he started a story to them, the story of the world he left behind, he said:

  “you do not know my dear kids when the billions years before, man got birth and was sent to this universe, the world was very beautiful and livable, there were human living in the world and the population was increasing every day, and then one day, the first murder have been committed, and you know Cain killed his real brother Abel, and you know why? For wealth, property, or woman – No but to show his brother that he was stronger than him, to show his power to his brother. Then, gradually the population had increased and the game of being born and death have been played by the powers, the powers of God and the powers of devil. Throughout the ancient history of the mankind, the powerful kings played games to prove their strength and power even more than God so no one in the world challenge them and they had no one to compete with and to give them opportunity to show their powers. There was a king who built a very tall tower so that he could throw the arrows at God, he (king) thought that God was living up in the sky and ignored his fellow human. Some kings ordered their public to bow down to them; millions of innocent people had lost their lives to build the towers and castles for the fools of kings. Then over the passage of time, the population increased more and the humanity divided in the small city states and tribes, the kings then had to show their powers and from that moment, nobody claimed himself as God because they could have enemies to kill and to show the power and be superior and to feed their instinct. In the game of power among the kings, billions of innocent humans had lost their lives in the battles and wars. These wars were not only to occupy the land and resources but to prove the same what Cain did to Abel”.

  After a short pause he said:

  “God sent His messengers to the people so that the right path should be followed but due to the sense of pride and superiority, the elite did not accept the messengers and turned against them, more than one hundred thousand messengers had been sent to the world but the man could not respect them and always followed his own created ideals, ideologies and idols resulted in massive killings of human. Then with the passage of time, man became civilized, modernized, developed and got success in every field but the basic instinct to show his power remain same and man showed it at all levels from individual to family, family to tribe, tribe to state, state to region, and region to the whole world and then the lust got a new turn and that was to become the ‘super power”.

  He said, “When I left the world behind, till then the two great wars had been fought and the third was at the edge, the game of power was at its worst form when different states were trying their best to oppress the others. war was the game that has never been ended throughout the year for the past hundreds of years, at others between two countries, sometimes between two religions, sometimes for water, sometimes for mineral resources, sometimes for oil and gold, sometimes for the personal grudge and pride of a king, sometimes for woman, sometimes for color and creed, sometimes for the ideology, sometimes between sects and sometimes for nothing, man has so many reasons to justify the killing and it seems that the two ideologies are still ruling the universe, the Cain’s and the Abel’s, the Devil’s and the God’s, and the right’s and the wrong’s. Sometimes I forced to think that the particular game of power is being played between the God and the Devil because where ever I saw bloodshed, I found both of them in the field. How brutally a man has been killed by the opponents, the men. I saw in the history that man had been cut into slices by the sharp blades alive. Somewhere else men had been torn apart in when their legs were tied up with two camels and the camels then run in opposite directions to slice them, men had been thrown into the boiling oil, men had been thrown in the rivers with a heavy stones so their bodies could not been found, men had been thrown in the jungle when their hands and legs been tied up so that the beasts could eat them up easily, men had been killed for the sport to the hounds. Oh God, what is the value and price of the feelings emerged in a man’s heart, and how important is the soul. When one dies, he did not die alone but relations also die and some invisible wounds would never heal up. I often think that if God does not like a particular race or a specific type of human then why He gave them the right of birth, why He Himself do not kill them and finish them from the face of earth. I could not understand how a three years old innocent baby would have been hated by God, its man’s job to hate and to crush the innocent flowers. God loves his all creatures and He loves the man the most – might be”.

  He continued his story and said:

  “Do you know about a kings of the ancient times who claimed himself to be God and he killed every baby boy throughout the year when he came to know that his crown will be destroyed by the boy who will be born in that particular year, and killed thousands of babies, can somebody imagine what the mothers of those babies would have felt for whose babies were killed in front of them, the babies who stayed nine months in their wombs and developed a strong friendship with them, why the king did not think about the mothers, the fathers and the siblings of the babies, he killed. Was this a sport or a game of chess? Was he afraid, if yes from whom? From his power which would be in danger or his vanity or both? If he was that much powerful then why he got afraid from a child, was his whole kingdom was as weak as a single boy could eliminate it, if yes and he knew it then why he was claiming himself as God. How human was being treated as a puppet in the hands of power elites”. He said and then took a pause.

  “I sometimes feel that being born and then dying is the favorite game of nature, if there is death, then why birth. I thought that it is because of the wisdom of man and his power of think and to make decision, may be the purpose of birth and life means to test the man’s decision whether he goes to God or follow the path of Devil, if I believe this ideology then what is the value of man, is he not just a toy, who is thrown in a field and then two players play with him and suddenly, the toy got broken and then to bury the toy under the soil or in the fire. What more could I think” he said while everybody was listening him very attentively. Then he pointed out to the ideology of taking birth in the Noland and said.

  “I can smell the world I left behind from your ideas and words my dear children, I can feel an upcoming danger. I have seen your generations my pigeons, my lions, my elephants, my dogs, my cats, my fox, my hawks, and all of yours’ my friends. I feel fear that you are going to be trapped by the ‘ideologies’ tha
t has already crushed the world I left behind, the human I can still remember, the kids in the fire, the women in the rape cells, the men under heavy tanks and bombs, the humanity in waste. So, I cannot allow you to make the world according to your thoughts, because now you all are expert of every art as one must be, you can defend yourself as you have been defending from the centuries, you all know the art of collecting food for yourself as you are doing from years, you all are managing your houses as you have learnt the art from your forefathers, you all are free and happy. You know what will happen if you make one world, you all will be dependent on others and will become idols and the negative thinking will rise in your minds, sense of jealousy and pride will destroy your innocent world, now you all are equal but after a few months of this system, some among you will think themselves more important and stronger than others, someone will think that the others will not be able to survive without their help and you will be finished, eliminated at all”. He said and then took a pause.

  “Today, you are happy to have whatever you already have but after this system, you will have to think of coins and gold bars, land and resources, and worst of all, you will develop a sense of supremacy and superiority over others that will divide you, the charming and soft feathers of you the pigeon, will be turned into red and the buffaloes you also will not give your milk to everyone in need but will select the one who belong to your group. Today you are not dependent on each other that are why you are together. So my children I advise you to not interrupt in to the natural system which you are enjoying for thousands of years and break the idol of ‘civilization’ and stop all the clashes before they crush you”. He said and took some water and carried on the story.

  A poisonous tree will take birth in your hearts against each other; you will learn then the art of hypocrisy, democracy, and the revenge. You will have to respect the one who do not deserve, and you will have to show your hatreds who does not deserve because you will be dependent on others. God has created you and He has given you the required skills, you know why a sparrow cannot swim and a fish cannot fly, a buffalo cannot run as fast as the lion, the skin of elephant is harder than a sheep, surely you do not know my children its God’s job who has awarded a specific skill to every creature so that the particular creature would survive, would collect food and manage the shelter. You all are equal, not by size or strength but the individuality and identity, God has not made a bull and fox of same size but both are awarded with their own specific identity that bull’s mind is not as sharp as the fox and the fox’s body is not as strong as the bull’s. So I want you to respect each other, love each other and care each other as you have been doing from millions of years and do not change your system because your system is thousands time better than I saw in the world which I left behind, your system had been established by the nature, it’s pure and has not the involvement of self-made useless and foolish ideals. You all have different abilities, and belong to different races, so how would it be possible for you to accept the supremacy of one over other which does not belong to you, how the flying birds would accept the creeping creature as their leaders, how the one that cannot fly would be your savior? your needs are different from each other, the food which is enough for the whole life of an ant may be a bit of that of a Hippo, so how one creature would be responsible of all others. You know in the world I left behind, I saw a place where people were depended on one an others to provide them food, medicine and shelter, but for the centuries long - they were still barefooted and until they quit the dependency, they would not be saved from hunger”. He said and felt that the foxes wanted to ask something then he looked at the fox with a smile.

  A clever fox ask him were the human being in the world he left behind were same in size and body structure, ate the same food, and also lived under one roof – the sky then why they had wars against each other?

  He smiled and asked the fox to come near to him, he held the fox in his lap, kissed her with love and said:

  “My dear children, you all have two eyes, two ears, one nose, arms and legs, you all have mind and heart, and body and souls, are you all equal then? Please do not confuse yourself with the theory of equality God has created everyone equal at spiritual level not at bodily structure and physical strength wise. Similarly the humans may look like same as they all have same organs but with slight difference of color which is not a major issue. I agree with you that humans were equal, they all were the children of Adam and Eve, the father and mother of all human beings then why the differences and why there were wars and bloodshed? My dear children please understand that all humans do not wanted the wars and have the soft hearts and feelings for each other but a few had the evil spirit in their hearts, they are Satanists – the descendants of Cain and the followers of Devil, and unfortunately, these Satanists had a strong influence on the ruling elites and kings. So they use the kings to achieve their evil targets”.

  The fox asked him again in very innocent way, were the Zionists themselves human beings? ‘Yes my little baby’ he replied, “but they have adopted by the evil spirits and fallen angels, the spirit which adopted by Cain from the devil and killed his brother Abel, the same philosophy has been in practiced till the day I left the world behind, those who follow the devil - has a secret plan to implement the devil system in the world where the ultimate power would be in the hands of Satan, the devil so the devil may show to God that he has defeated Him (God), the devil made a plan to illuminate the existing systems from the world and to bring one world for the followers of devil and rest all must be crushed. The devil had to kill the people because he could not find himself as strong to control a big population therefore he introduced a sense of supremacy and pride in the kings to start wars to occupy the other’s land and to violate their rights. Then the secret agents of the devil organized wars and clashes and successfully killed the billions of human beings. Actually there were two groups in the world when I left it, one the devil’s followers who had no religion but disguised and the second was of those who did not follow the devil but the religions, societies, and states. When I left the world behind, I smelt the rising smoke of third world war, because once more in the history of mankind, the devil was coming in its worst form as he was using a different technique this time when the devils’ agents came to the world in the forms of religious group leaders, as Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, and all others because it was very easy for the devil to kill the millions of people without investing his own resources so that the followers of these religions will kill each other to save their own and to show their love to God but they (common people) did not understand that these leaders in fact were Satanists and they have nothing to do with the religions, that was the reason, I left the world because the devil plan was about to be completed successfully and the common man had been totally brain washed and trapped and was not willing to embrace the truth. Nobody knew at that time where the enemy was hiding, may be living at his next door neiboure or the one who met him every day as a friend or the friendly states; the devil has played a clever trick to end the world. First he create the sense of fear of others then he guided to invent the weapons of mass destruction to shift the fear and then finally, he used the secret weapons of pride, power and greed, oh my God there was no way to escape this time, the world was about to be ended and the devil’s system was just approaching”.

  Nightingale then asked him, “My old friend was there any way to stop that wars and massive killings”. He (Rahas) said to him:

  “He do not know but God might have sent somebody to save His beloved creature, the human, the one who saved the Noah’s ark, the one who saved Ibrahim from the fire, the one who saved the Moses from the ocean, and the one who saved Muhammad in the cave. There was no alternative way, he must come to save the feelings, and emotions, and the dignity of human kind, and to break the chains”.

  After a short pause he carried on and said:

  “My babies please learn the lessons from the blood of humans, the hot and red,
I do not know what happened to my world which I left a long time ago and now I have lost the sense of time, may be a hundred years, a thousand or even more, I do not know but my children. Finally, I advise you to not follow the path of humans and do not do the same what humans had experienced already. You are free and happy so please remain free and happy, you invited me in this meeting and had given me respect, it is your world, I am the only human living here among you as a tourist, I do not know how long will I have to live, maybe I die tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but you are living here for centuries and you will remain here for another centuries therefore make your own decision but think about my words carefully and do not revise the mistakes what humans already have made”.

  Then he left the meeting and came back to his hut but he had a fear in his heart about the future of this innocent world and the beauties of this heaven. He had no right to force them but he could only pray to the God to save this wonderful heaven like land from the sense of pride, superiority, greed and blood. He then lay down in his bed and slept.

  In the morning, he heard some human like voices, initially he did not believe his ears but when he slowly opened his eyes and saw a group of young boys and girls gathered around him and were staring him with wonder, a few were capturing him in their cameras. They thought that they found a supernatural creature with a very long beard and hair because they had never seen such a human ever.

  He opened his eyes completely and became conscious and noticed that the guys were human beings with bluish white complexion, average height and sound health he asked them “who you are and how you found this place”?

  A girl replied him, “we are students and are on an expedition to find the ancient treasures”.


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