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by Waheed Mohiuddin

  At last the bell rang and the game started, there was a great creepy sound aroused, people started fighting each other to get arrows but the contestants were aiming at the eyes of the people and shooting the arrows frequently. He saw the arrows were hitting the people all over their bodies but the skulls were the mostly hit and the blood was pouring all over. He requested Stella to not participate but stay with him in corner; she passed a smile at him and agreed. He thanked Stella for accepting his request and noticed that Stella was very excited to see the game.

  He saw a girl who was dying to receive the arrow in her eyes as to divert the attention of participants, she took off her clothes but in this competition no one attracted towards her whereas most of the people were trying to receive the arrows. He saw a man calling loudly to the contestants and requesting them to hit him but the contestants were so busy and involved in the game.

  He found this game the most brutal he ever saw in his life. After six hours, the bell rang and the game stopped, then the salted water was showered in the hall and the wounds of everyone got cured. Now it was the time to declare the result.

  King announced the results and told the people that thirteen contestants had played the game and out of those thirteen, top six will be awarded the prizes and the one who will be at the top of list, the great Lucifer will suck his/her blood and will award the special magical powers as well.

  Then he told them that Mr. Geodo secure sixth position to hit twenty million eyes followed by Ms. Tara who hit twenty two millions, then Mr. Bluebird who hit thity three millions, then Mr. Asseble who hit fifty millions, then at the second position Mr. Cell who hit eighty millions and above all Ms. Mediaze who hit six billion eyes with accuracy. Then there was a big applause for Ms. Mediaze. After a while Lucifer arrived himself down in the hall, he kissed on the hands of Ms. Mediaze and put his lips on her neck for a few minutes, so many magical powers to attract the people and to make a common man to a celebrity, were transferred by Lucifer. After that Ms. Mediaze hailed to Lucifer, showed her love for him and also thanked everyone who participated.

  Then, they left the hall and came back to the house, at the return, Rahas felt disgusted and started to vomit, Stella held him and led him to his bed and gave him tea and stayed with him for a long time until he got stable.

  Five years has completed, the great Lucifer invited Rahas again to win his heart in favor of the Oneland. The king Shelton led him to the Lucifer in a place which was a few miles above the earth, Lucifer was waiting for him in the clouds, when they reached to the Lucifer, again Lucifer ordered the King to leave the place and let them alone for the meeting, the king then vanished.

  He (the Lucifer) then started talking to him and said did you see the difference in your management and in mine. You see that in the world of your God, the children were dying in hunger, the patients were crying for medicine, murders, killings, theft, wars, bloodshed, jealousy, greed, poverty, and frustration was ruling over and in my land, luxuries, smiles, and health flourish everywhere. Did you notice I could manage the world in a better way than your God? Did you see my services for the elderly, my health care facilities, my housing authority, my banking system, and my governance? Did you notice why I had not bowed down my head in front of the Adam – your father”? Then he (the Lucifer) had a big nasty laughter and ordered him to speak in his favor.

  Rahas collected himself and said, “Chains, chains, chains and chains but nothing else I found in your Oneland. For the previous five years, I had been living in failed state”

  Lucifer got shocked to listen this because he was not expecting such reaction from him. Then he (Rahas) spoke in a louder voice, and said, “Lucifer, what you thought that human only need luxurious bedroom and tasty food to live happy, humans only need expensive dress to wear and only the sexual games were all that what a human need. (He took a short pause) No my dear Lucifer, you had been defeated again as you had been billions of years before”.

  At this the Lucifer’s face turned red. He (Rahas) continued and said, “in Oneland, he could not see a single living human but were all dead, all dead as they had no feelings, no emotions, no feeling of pain when somebody dies, no passions in the heart of girl when she became a wife, no emotion in the hearts of couple when they become parents, no feelings how a girl would know when a boy expresses his love for her”.

  He said after a short pause, “Lucifer, do you know where you made a mistake. (Lucifer looked at him with eager eyes) you made a basic mistake to understand the actual needs of a human and how could you understand a human since you are not a human but has the power to disguise, sometimes in a dream or in the cave, as young or old with long beard – to detract and to spoil and also to play with. You must understand that Humans need respect other than anything else, humans need a right to make decision, humans need the emotional chains of relations. Luxurious houses and delicious food had never become the basic need of a human. You have given your people everything but not the right to think, the right to take their decisions with freedom, the right of speech and the right of even live. Lucifer how cruel you are that you have changed even the body structures and the skin colors of the humans. Do you think that the people living in your Oneland ae human and you are ruling over humans, (after a short pause) no - never my dear Lucifer, you were ruling just over the very beautiful bluish creature that look like human”.

  Then he (Rahas) took a little longer pause and said, “I know why you have done this all my dear, you controlled the population because you thought that you would not control the large population, you have stolen the rights of thinking and decision making powers since you knew if people would start thinking, they would turn against you, and you would lose your control, then you involve people in the sexual games so much, so that they always keep themselves busy in these delicious activities, and made the games accessible and easy for all, furthermore your banking system - as you could easily destroy the ones who do not follow you, your political governance is the worst example of brutality, I see how you control the media so you may show to people what you want and remain them in complete ignorance, how easy for you to a hero as a villain and a villain as a hero. Lucifer you were a looser and you are a looser and you will remain a looser. My heart is beating for them who had been killed by you in the wars and also for those who have been left and trapped in your Oneland luxuries”.

  Lucifer was in a shock and could not interrupt him. Then he said, “Lucifer, your New world order had been flopped, I assure you, whenever you let your people free and will turn them human, your rule will finish because ultimately, human would definitely turn back to their God, the conscious, the ultimate truth. I tell you Lucifer that human is the combination of two things, love and hate, good and evil, health and disease, and have power to make decision but people in Oneland can only think one thing which is Lucifer, and can do only one thing which is sex and cannot distinguish the good and evil, they do not even have the concept of making a decision independently. That your entire world is, this is your Oneland. You know Lucifer what is the difference between you and God, that you trap and bind your followers to follow you and do a lot to maintain your rule but God has not to do anything to prove His supremacy because people themselves take decision to follow His path, thus the free will and the freedom of thought is the difference. Your system dictate the people to think what you want and to decide their fate according to your desires whereas in God’s world, we the people define our fate independently. Today again you lose that in this universe, I was the only one left who was free to make decision so I refuse you because I want to feel the emotions and want to think free, so Lucifer I do not want to live in your Oneworld forever, your sex games and the charming houses could not turn my heart so to accept your supremacy. Lucifer, your new world order failed, yes it is failed, a big failure of time. Alas you always made wrong decisions. You thought when there will be no geographical boarders then the world will become heaven, and when there will be a limited population then the con
trol would be easier, and when you will have the access to all resources, then you will be strong enough, and when people will always busy in their own activities and could get all the luxuries then nobody stand against you. Look, I am the only human left with free will in the world and I refuse your world even after spending five long years in your Oneland. You drink blood as water but you forget that the blood is red because of the beauty of strong relations which bound by the red roses, thus you do not only take the blood but the emotions, the feelings and the relations. You suck blood and we produce blood - this is the difference mate. My dear Lucifer, time will show you the ultimate reality of actual one world government as I am predicting that human beings will establish the world order and that will be the ‘True World Order’ not the ‘New World Order’ where humanity will rule and life will be respected. Then you will curse Lucifer”.

  “Free will, relations, and emotions what else dreams you have. Did you not see how true brothers killed each other for property, how defenders had raped the virgins and the little boys, how infants had given poison. You - the human so hypocrite, the master of the words, liars. I hate you the basters. You divided yourself – not me; you crushed yourself – not me; you sell yourself for the pieces of paper – not me; you have done all wrongs – not me. I told that you would do wrong but none had listened me. After millions of years, you have proved me right. You are the enemies of your God in the real sense – not me” said Lucifer in response.

  Lucifer took a pause, looked at him with nasty eyes, passed a smile and said, “o my poor human, you see that fifty millions people are worshiping me and none to your God, let me enjoy the feeling, and tell me what should I do with you, kill you as my dear child Bazil wished and let his soul pass a delicious message, or send you to hell”. He laughed again in nasty manner.

  “I have to say something Lucifer” Rahas said to him and was granted the permission. He requested him to get his real body back because he does not want to die with the false and borrowed body.

  He continue and said, “You can kill me and finish the incomplete work of Bazil, but throwing to hell, which hell for I am already in hell. Lucifer, the heaven was the place from where your children took me out from, and if you will leave me alive, I will spend my remaining life in search of my heaven (he then took a long pause and said to him) Lucifer why are you quite, pass your order now”.

  Lucifer looked at him and passes his verdict, he said, “I will through you to hell (he again said in a nasty way) my poor child, go to hell with this young and handsome body I am not gonna take it back, and enjoy your last night in my land because tomorrow when you will wake up, you will be in hell”. He then laugh and vanished. King led him to his house in the Oneland after that.

  He started thinking about hell; he did not have any idea of the words of Lucifer. He asked Stella to tell him about the hell, then he noticed then at first time in the previous five years, Stella had no answer. He thought heaven and hell is a mystery.

  Rahas came back in his room, sat alone in a chair and went into the ocean of thoughts, Stella came to him and asked him if he needs anything to eat or drink. He said “no, no not yet” and then put his hands on his forehead, Stella left the room. He had very strong emotions for Stella, he was wishing to be young in the real sense and one time even he thought seriously to join the Lucifer so that he may live with Stella forever. He felt that unwillingly, he had been fallen in love with Stella. He knew that tomorrow, he will have to leave Stella forever he then felt very passionate for her, it was very difficult for him to control his emotions, he just wanted to hold Stella in his arms, kiss her and make love scene with her, he knew Stella will not refuse him if he ask her but he did not wanted the kiss and get herself as granted but he wanted to win her, win her heart, then he shouted Stella, Stella, Stella, She rushed towards the room and held him for he has fallen down from the chair. She helped him to sit in the chair again, looked at him passed a smile at him and said, “Sir some water drops are falling from your eyes”. He asked Stella to stay in front his eyes and asked, “Stella do you know about the water coming out from my eyes” she said yes, “it’s just drops of water and nothing else”. “Nothing else” he said. “Yes nothing else” she replied. He asked her, “had the water drops came out from your eyes ever”? “No, no” she said and again passed a smile.

  He started to weep as a child as if he lost his toys and he starts crying over to know that she cannot feel his tears.

  After a short while, he collected himself and asked Stella to have a long walk with him tonight, the last walk. She said “yes, sure” and passed a charming smile. Then he asked her to get ready, he again request her to wear the dress whatever she want. She left the room and he started fighting again with his passionate pink feelings and sense of responsibility.

  After a short while, he cook food for Stella, and asked her to let him serve tonight, Stella passed a smile. He served Stella in that dinner as she was serving him for last five years. Stella dressed up as she dressed up the first night when she received him five years before. Then he served the food with his own hands to her, after that he asked her to hold his hand for a walk.

  He wished she would ask him why he has served her food, why he let her allow to hold his hands, why the water has flew out from his eyes but she did not ask anything, she was just obeying him. He talked to himself that he does not need a slave Stella but a friend Stella, a wife Stella; who sometime would get angry to him, and sometime would love to him, but alas, she could not do so.

  While they were walking through a stream, he said, “Stella you are the most beautiful girl I have seen ever in my life and you have a very high and great place in my heart and no doubt, you are the best creature of Luciferian world”. She passed a smile at him and he ask her again, “Stella, talk to me” because the smile was not enough this time but he found zero response from her because she had no control of her heart and could not feel anything as her heart was enslaved by the great Lucifer.

  Then he collected himself and made this walk rather joyful and with full of fun, they danced on the roads, they shouted with joy, and shared the chocolates and shared jokes, and made fun of the others who were walking in the city, he felt himself a teen aged boys along with his first girlfriend. After a long walk, they decided to come back. He knew that it was the last night and last walk with Stella but she may not knew it and if she knew what difference would it make, just nothing but a smile.

  On the way back, he held her hands with passions and said, “Stella - I love you”. He then embraces her and put his head on her shoulders and starts weeping, and saying “I love you; I love you; I love you dear Stella”. Then Stella hold him, and said with a heavy voice as first time he felt some warm feelings coming out of her, “when I first saw you, I fallen in love, I love you too my baby” She then started weeping and dropped the oceans of tears from her eyes, they embraced, hold each other tight, kissed each other, and both were flowing rivers from their eyes, as it seems that they had a heavy burden upon their souls which was released. She told him that she liked it very much when he said to her to wear the long skirts, when he did not touch her body for granted and when he respected her as a woman.

  He wished Stella to say that but it was only his day dreaming, as Stella just held him, and was wiping the water of his eyes with her hands but with a smiles. He collected himself again and asked her in a low tone, “Stella, what will you do if I leave the place tonight”. “The great Lucifer will allot me a new project” she said very lightly and passed a smile at him.

  He said, “Stella, I wish I could take you with me but I do not know where I am going”.

  Then they reached home, almost the whole night they spent outside. He felt that he was looking Stella the last time when she was at the door step of his room, his eyes got wet, he embrace her, hold her face in his hands, and said, “Stella, I will miss you and keep you remember throughout my life as Roshni. You are the most beautiful creature in the Lucifer’s world”. H
e then kissed her hands and put his eyes on her hands for a while, then a few water drops spread on her hands. Then he stood up, embraced her last time and closed the door.

  Book Three

  Next morning when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a mountain. He could feel the sun’s heat after five years and also the cool breeze for he used to enjoy these in his past life. Then he suddenly woke up and came back to his senses and saw himself, he cursed that Lucifer did not returned his body back to him and he remained as young as he was in Oneland.

  Then he stood up and looked all around and saw the same human who had been brought for the blood sucking exercise. These people were in very miserable conditions, they had nothing to eat and drink, nothing to wear and it looked that they were just waiting for their death. They could not walk even properly and were leaning very slowly.

  He saw women, children, youngsters, and elderly, people of all ages. He also saw that here people belonged to every race and religion were living, white people of Europe and the western world, black people of Africa, brown people of south east Asia, yellow people of China and far east Asia, a few from the Arab states all were there. He became confuse to see these people and started thinking how they came here and who are they and why Lucifer sent them here?

  Then he remembered the words of Lucifer when he said to send him in the hell, then he realized that Lucifer called this world a hell and these might be the people who did not accepted his supremacy after the third world war so he gave them punishment and throw them all in this area which he called the hell but again he thought that how could they survive for more than two centuries. It was a mystery for him.

  He felt himself among the real human beings as he lived before in the rule of king Bazil. He could not even think that he could meet his people once again in his life. He felt a mixture of feelings in his heart for he was glad to see himself among the human beings and he also felt sad at seeing plight of the poor.


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