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by Waheed Mohiuddin

  On the next morning, he collected the particular data from his statistics department and invited the three senior representatives from every religion, he was very much careful to select the delegates for he did not want only those who believed on the worship only at all the time, but those who had the basic global knowledge, aware of social policy, had political vision and above all had an open heart to accept and respect the existence of every others. So nobody could declare the believers of other religions the infidels or kafir, humiliate them or pass death verdict against them.

  He gave special instructions to the construction department to build the religious temples first and also gave them a map of ‘Great Place’. The particular department had completed the project in a couple of months and made the great place as the real heaven on earth where the temples of every religion had been built among the beautiful gardens.

  On the first visit of ‘Great Place’ he was impressed and thought that how beautiful were all the religions because every religion belongs to God and God is the most beautiful. He declared the title to this place ‘Great Place’ so the name got a great fame in the whole world. People started to visit their temples, he thought it as the heaven on earth when he saw the Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, all walking through the great place with smiles and laughers, chatting and inviting each other in the gardens of great place. He saw every one as friend and close to each other.

  One day early in the morning, he saw a strange scene when he was walking in the great place, he was very impressed and glad at the services he provided to the humanity. He saw a group of Muslim boys was cleaning the walls of the mosque and also of church, synagogue and other temples. He was highly impressed. Same scenes he saw time and again when the people care and respect the temples of other religions, as Christian boys decorating the mosques and the Gurduwaras, similarly the Hindus and the Jews did. He thought it was the greatest nation he ever saw in his life. The nation became a blend and mixture of all religions and races. There was no discrimination of color, religion, or for any other reason. No was killing others, burning the houses of others. Life was important here in the Chains land. These people were bound by the invisible chains, the most powerful chains than of iron and steel.

  There a good tradition developed in the great place which was the saints of every religion would invite the others to attend the ceremonies of each other, so in the Chainsland, there were so many events to celebrate, people enjoy Christmass together, Eid, Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah, Holi and Diwali all together. In fact, it was heaven on earth, everybody thought in the same way. He looked up to the sky and said, ‘thank you very much’.

  He was worried about one thing which as he already had seen in the world before war that was the conspiracy. He has seen centuries ago how the world destroyed due to the conspiracy of a few people and how the whole world turned into hell. Thus he focused on the unity of the religions and told everybody that none of the religion can allow its followers to eliminate those who belong to other religions but spread the message of love and harmony. Although everyone was free to perform their religious practices but there were some restrictions from the center that nobody can say even a single word against any other religion and if any one try, there was the life imprisonment for such as punishment. No doubt it was the biggest challenge for him to maintain the harmony.

  A central hall was also built in the middle of the great place where the general meetings were organized.

  When all of the important departments started their work and the development was seen day by day in the world. Now he had to do a major job and that was to establish the ideals and to set the principles for these people, because after the basic human development, there must be a proper ideological system for it is the human psyche when the belly is full the mind thinks evil, therefore it was his prime responsibility to take care of his people ethically as well.

  He went to the riverside along with his close friend Mr. Eddy. They thought a lot for a couple of days and then made a plan.

  He gathered the project leaders of every department and the leading figures of every religion and asked them to discussion on the political foundations of the world, everyone asked him to reveal his recommendations. Then he told them that he was searching for a political system where everyone in the world could participate. The particular meeting was called at the central hall in the great place, so it was declared the first parliament of the Chains land, the new world. The participants assured him that they will respect his ideology and will accept whatever he will decide but he did not agreed with them and told them that they were gathered to make a constitution for the political destiny of the world, so only one man must not have to have powers of decision therefore he involved everyone in this process and demanded some proposals for the global constitution. He gave them one month time to make proposals and to bring him strong ideas till the next session. Then they all left the great place.

  He himself thought a lot about the political system of the world and had plans for devolution of power, since he knew a lot about the political systems of the world before war. He was not confused about dictatorship and democracy but he was thinking about pure democracy at logical grounds as the dictatorship and the rule of one man did not came in his mind even for a moment. He did not agreed with the democratic procedures which was adopted by different countries in the world before the war but desired to refine the concept of democracy and to polish the democratic system.

  The meeting was called out exactly after one month in same hall in the great place and everyone came along with their proposals. Then the first meeting of the world’s first parliament had started its work.

  Rahas started the session in the name of humanity and then praised all the religions and prayed to God to help them to find a better system for the human kind. He asked the participants to start the discussion, then the very first comment he had crashed his mind when a man raised a point that the meeting should not had called at the great place because the great place was a religious place and devoted to worship and this meeting was the political in nature but Rahas straight way replied to him in a louder voice, ‘always treat politics as worship because politics must be for humanity and humanity is God itself, and do you think that God’s powers will not be a part of our political system and do you think that any political system can deliver great human services without the God, and who told you that politics is not religious’ then the one who raised the point, apologized. Then the debate started and the participants explained their ideas.

  He received so many ideas and suggestions but found none worth implementing because there was something missed in every proposal. Most of the ideas he received were more or less were resembled with the pre-war democratic system which was failed already and were not able to maintain inter-faith harmony which ultimately resulted in destruction.

  It was the greatest task he ever had because he was leading the whole human race, people with different colors, races and religions, thus it was very difficult for him to establish such a system which would create religious harmony and promote social interaction among the people. He did not like the previous democratic system because the particular system was blind and illogical where the value of the vote of an illiterate and of a university lecture was equal; it was somewhat the same concept of equality as he saw somewhere in his journey. He also thought that the system does not support the majority but give right to rule a minority, for the one who secured maximum votes would be selected in the government which had so many flaws i.e. if the one who secure 40 votes out of 100, the second secure 35 and the third 25 then the one who secure 40 will be the winner but on the other hand it must be noted that he had been rejected by 60 percent of people, so he rejected this system to think that in this system always minority rules.

  Then he gave them another month to think for more about system, and wanted not to make the constitution in a hurry because it was a matter of the future of whole human race.

  During thi
s month, everybody did a great research work to create the ideal system. So many proposals from the general public were also added in the debate. Thus, by the end of the month, the meeting had called again. Following the previous procedures, the meeting had started with the God’s mercy as he thought that God is the common among all of the religions however the differences came out with the concepts of God, but it was good to start meeting with the name of God.

  In this meeting, he attained great response from the delegates and there was a great debate and ultimately, they reached to their destination and where all agree include to Rahas at the following main points:

  First of all it was decided that all powers belongs to God and the government of the Chains land will use the powers under the supreme rule of God and there will never be any law which will oppose the law of nature and no law can be approved which allow anyone to enjoy the absolute power and the law which will be against any religion or discriminate humanity at the basis of race, color and financial status will never be approved in the world, and no such law will be accepted which support one particular religion, race or group and neglect the others.

  Head of state will be selected from the general public for a period of three years by direct election and everybody will have the right to vote however the weightage of the vote of every individual will vary on the basis of personal achievements of individuals for example the vote of a teacher, or a scientist will be of more value than the vote of an illiterate. The weightage of the vote will be on the basis of point system where the points will be allocated on the basis of professions and achievements.

  There will be no restriction for any gender, religion, color or race to be the head of the state because it was decided that the head will play his/her role as the assistant of God in the world and every religion belongs to God.

  To be the head of the state, it will be mandatory to get seventy percent votes overall for the system will not allow anyone to hold the position who gets 35 percent votes which may be highest than all other candidates as it happened in the previous democratic system before the war.

  Everybody will have to cast the vote and it will be taken as a serious crime against nation to not to cast the vote because it is one of the most important national responsibility of every individual.

  The head of the state could only have twelve advisers so that the financial burden on state could be managed easily and there will be no protocol for the heads, and one individual can be the head only for once in his life time so that others could also get the opportunity to play their role for the global development.

  The head of the state and the advisers will not allowed to get involved in any business activity while they were in the government and their every asset will be declared in front of public.

  There will be no room for corruption and the one who will be found out involved in any type of corruption, they must face death sentence because the corruption steels the rights of others and the first step of a big disaster.

  It will be state’s responsibility to provide good and respectable living standards to the public, and to provide social services to disables, to pregnant women, to orphans, to elderly and to those who could not work, will be the prime responsibility of the head.

  Education, shelter and health will be the most important for every head of the state to maintain and the one who will not provide these facilities to the people must resign from the office.

  There will be a national development council which will have nothing to do with the election process, and the ins and outs of the heads and of the governments. The responsibilities of this office will be to launch and look after the national development projects and the heads will have no right to interrupt the department or to leave projects incomplete of the previous heads.

  There will also be a Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) which will establish good ties with those who live in faraway areas and not able to join the central events directly. This council will work with complete honesty and without any discrimination to provide the social and all other services which will be available in the center to all of the areas of the whole Chains land and above all CFR will not intervene in the election process of the world.

  All the people hailed to Rahas and accepted him as the first head of the Chains Land. He told to the people that he will never break the law and he cannot be the head without passing the legal election procedure.

  So was also decided that first elections will be held after two years so that the basic infrastructure of the development process might be completed and the people may become mature enough politically, and above all, today the whole nation was very busy in the development projects as they had to achieve a lot in science, technology, education, health, social services, food and shelter, transport services, and all others. Therefore it was important at this stage to establish a political ideology, which they have achieved and had made their constitution.

  Ultimately, he was successful to give the first constitution to the world which would save the humanity in future. The main points had been decided however the rest laws and the principals would be set out by the passage of time and also of needs. After this very successful session, everybody looked happy and shared smiles with each other, white, black, brown, yellow, pink, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, men, women, elderly, girls, boys, children, in short everyone made happy to have their political ideology today and everybody in the world had promised to love and care for each other. He then looked towards sky and said, ‘thank you very much’.

  Shelter remained always one of the basic necessities of man. In the Chains land, to establish the housing authority was one of the most important tasks after food. For this job, Rahas has already got the population census report of the world, so he collected about one million masons to build the housing colonies so that, the people would live in proper houses. He advised them to design the houses in three models, the first one for a small family where two bed rooms along with living room, kitchen and bath room will be attached, then for the family who got three children, would get three bed house and for the larger family than the four bed room house would be available and for those who wanted to have four or more children, they should built the extra rooms by themselves. One master bed room in every house should be available for the grandparents and for the elderly people living in the house.

  The chained masons started their construction work to build the housing colonies, great innovative design were prepared for all of the small, medium and large houses. It was decided that every house in this world will be same in style, outlook and construction material, however the people were free to use the different colors to paint their houses according to their choice. In every house he ordered to allocate a certain place to worship for those who could not come to the great place and a small room as a library as well. The dining room was decided to be comparatively larger so that the whole family and guests could enjoy the meal together. There was a reasonable distance between every two houses so that the privacy of every individual would be maintained and also the outlook should be attractive. The streets were well broad so that the movement would be easy. An underground street lights system had been developed, a playground in every street had been get apart so the children might play their games easily and also the families could enjoy together because he believed in strong social contacts and communication among the people for a healthy society. The housing societies were designed in such a way that in the extreme weather for example in the rain or in snow, the movement of the people would not be disturbed.

  He thought that to provide a good shelter was responsibility of the state so he ordered to build the houses as soon in year as possible. The project was completed in time and people started to live in their own houses. After that, it was the responsibility of the individuals to keep their houses clean and maintained.

  Every block consisted of one hundred houses, a central library, a community center, and graveyard however for religious practice
s there was a worship room in every house along with the big temples in every city. He wanted to make the world as beautiful as the Lucifer should felt jealous to see the human progress in a short time. He could design everything fast because he has seen the great human progress before the war and also have seen the Lucifer’s world, so he had so many ideas to implement and also knew the things which must not be done in the Chains land.

  There was a special formula to allocate the houses to the people. Everyone had to do some sort of work for the Chains land, because he did not wanted the people to be idles to think that the central authorities will provide them everything so they do not need to work however for the disables and elderly and for those who had no natural ability to perform any duty, for such there had been special services available in the Chains land.

  A small house was given to the couple who got married, so the marriages would be promoted, and also to create the sense of responsibility to the newly wedded couple, so that they would work hard to establish themselves.

  According to some religions, man can have only one wife, and can have more according to some religions, so the housing department has instructions to allot only one house to the married couple and those who want to have more wives and more children, may do rest at their own but the state would support only one wife and children up to four.

  The national housing authority was responsible to manage all the related affairs including the construction of new houses, the rebuilding of the houses in case of earthquake, tsunami or any other natural disaster occurs so the public would not be worried.


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