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by Waheed Mohiuddin

  The particular department had the prime responsibility to provide the welfare services to every human being; the word ‘welfare’ was the key word in the Chains constitution. The department allocated special teams to provide great human services to disables, elderly people, children, women, the jobless youth and the homeless people. There was a council of Special Social Services (SSS) which played its role when it found any case of human conflict, violence or divorce. So like other departments, the welfare department also was doing its best to make the world a heaven.

  The council advised the national development and the construction department to build streets and the foot paths as good for the disables and women with children trolleys as for the normal people so that the disables may use the path easily for their wheel chairs and also the public transport had the special ramps so that the disables, elderly and the women with children might easily travel.

  It was advised to the welfare officers to perform their duties without any type of discrimination of religion, race or color.

  The department gave special benefits to those who were unable to work so they would never feel themselves as burden on their families, and also support those to whom government could not provide job, and to pregnant women as well. To manage the shelter for the homeless people was also the responsibility of this department. The department managed its financial needs to collect a certain amount of tax from the rich people and the central government also allocated specific funds for welfare.

  There were many other departments established under this office which were essential for the social harmony and to uplift the living standards of the general public of the world.

  It was a very important department which was responsible to promote the sports and games in the world. The particular sport office was introduced under the welfare department to introduce and promote Football, Cricket, Hockey, Baseball, Snooker, Chess, table tennis, Long tennis, Swimming, and many other sports as Rahas guided the office about the games which were played in the world before war and told them the stories of the great players like Pele, Maradona, Zidane, Imran Khan, Don Bradman, Sachin Tendulkar, Brain Lara, Ronnie-O-Sullivene, Sania Mirza and many more. The council had a great responsibility to create harmony among youth and to make the nation as a nation of physically strong people and a nation of Athletes; he told them the story of the Aboriginal community in Australia that was the nation of athletes in fact. The sports office was also responsible to arrange the special events in the world. The council was specially advised not to promote the games of violence i.e. wrestling and boxing. The particular council got a great response from the people and within no time, it became the most popular council of the world.

  Rahas specially established a council to promote a culture of arts and performing arts in the Chains land. He knew that some people have innate skill of arts and there must be a council which should give opportunity to the one who had the particular skills.

  The council has also introduced the arts and performing arts in the colleges and universities at different levels so the talent should be channelized in a proper way. He told them the stories of Leonardo de Vinci, Alfred Monet, Raphael, Gull Gee and many more.

  The performing arts department also got a great response from the people because many people wanted to join the department as actors, writers, director, dancers and stage performers, and in no time, the world once again became a house of drama, movie and stage however the cartoons had been strictly discouraged in the Chains land because he had seen already how children got affected psychologically by seeing the imaginary figures which they could not see in reality throughout their lives.

  National Finance Office was one of the most important departments of the Chains land. Rahas had the idea of financial system of the pre third world war how brutally this system undermined the freedom of common people and trapping them for life time.

  He also knew the interest system where a common man could never get free from the cruel clutches of creditors since he had seen a lot of suicidal cases where the main reason was the brutality of the interest system.

  He desired such a financial system which could give smiles to the common people provide strength to the state as well. He appointed Mr. Chengtiens to make such system.

  Mr. Chengtiens was the chief finance officer of the Chains land who had been given the task to provide the equal sources of income to everybody in the world and to introduce such a system which distribute the wealth at equal basis and to promote hard work so that the people would not be idle to become burden on the government and possibly make their dreams come true. Mr. Chengtiens had given a philosophy to eradicate poverty and motivate the people to do hard work to be rich.

  He used the multiply techniques and introduced an idea of Personal Franchise Business where the people will have to sell the goods approved by the national quality control council and get commission on the sale. The beauties of this system was that a salesman who introduced and recruited another sales person, would also have the share of the one who directly sold the product and establish charming opportunities for the sales officers.

  The particular philosophy had changed the destiny of the world at its economic boarders and as the sales staff travelled to far away areas to sell the different products, in this way, the industry got a boom; the people get wealthy as they worked hard. Mr. Chengtiens had found the sales department as the backbone of any industry because the products meant to be sold and used to be marketwise by the consumer, the most effective media. So he involved people as the brand ambassadors. He actually established a chain of marketers and made every sales officer his partner, it was a strategy which he had never saw ever, he thought that every product has been sold by the people not by the advertisement. He already had seen in the world before war that the big companies were investing billions on advertisement so he shared the advertisement budget but here there was no need to invest on expensive commercials, so the particular policy made a revolution in the business field. This policy was greatly appreciated by Rahas and public.

  Mr. Qadaf Bin Manoor, another financial adviser introduced the currency coins in the world but this currency was not as it had been used in the world before war where one kilo gram gold ironically was converted into just a piece of paper whose value would be less than a penny but this currency was in the shape of gold where one kilo gram gold meant one kilo gram gold not mere a piece of paper and the whole business was run in gold currency so the people would have the access to their wealth in a real sense.

  There was no interest system in the Chains financial structure and the one who got a loan from the government or from any individual, he had to return the same borrowed amount to the creditor so that the credit would be discouraged and business would be promoted.

  Chains land if there was only one state in the globe so there was logically no need to establish an army and a defense authority. But Rahas knew the powers of Lucifer and had seen the events of blood sucking exercises, for the victims were be dragged in chains from the Chains land and he got a decision that none of the human will be given to the devil for the blood games, so from the very first day, he had a secret plan in his mind that he will establish a very strong force, a very brave army and a very sharp intelligence department in the Chains land. The scientists who had already been advised to prepare the weapons for he gave directions to the scientists about the weapons of pre-war world so they had a concept of making weapons as soon as it would be possible.

  To establish this department, first of all he selected a few people who he found, having great creative minds with strong nerves as the generals, then they recruited people for different posts in the army after having a tough physical and mental test because they wanted a great force which would have the courage and skills to defeat the devil. There was no quota system introduced in the forces because he had seen the results of quota system when the ineligible individuals had been selected at some times, so in the Chains land anyone who clear certain tests, c
ould be a part of forces. So in the great Chains land forces, there were a number Jews, Muslims, Christians and the brave individuals from every religion had been selected and the title given to this force was ‘The Great Force’ which resembled to the Great Place, a combination of all religions, the force of God, the force of Humanity, the ideal force which he had never seen before in his hundreds of years life.

  The generals had made it a great disciplined force and trained them through tough exercises and made their body, soul and mind very strong. Everyone in the army was fully trained in martial arts, ninja, swimming, gymnastic, chess, along with the professional training of weapons.

  The defense authority advised the scientists to invent the weapons at a larger scale so that they would defend their Chains land from the Devil. Then the scientists invented the weapons of mass destruction including the atomic bombs, tanks, heavy machine guns, and high speed fighter jets. At the special advice of Rahas, the scientists made the superb sniper guns to fight on the ground.

  The intelligence department was the most important department of the great force which only the trained army officers would join after a very tough test of mathematics, statistics, philosophy, literature and logic. So the sharpest minds could join the intelligence department. This was the favorite department of Rahas and commanded them to establish a system which would keep an eye on the boarders of the world, and may have control under the sea and of the air, so they started work on it with the support of scientific council and in a couple of years the world’s satellite and radar system were established.

  Rahas gave the concept of Nano technology to the scientists for he had seen the miracles of Nano technology before the war, so they would invent the weapons which would be small in size, easy to move and would be immensely destructive. The scientists learned a lot from this concept and invented the spy cameras, voice recorders, mini radars, and micro electron chips so that the exact location of their soldiers and the artillery could be detected.

  The agents of Intelligence Department were well trained in disguise with very sharp mind and strong physique. They could be disguised any what they needed. These agents also were spread in the Chains land and always keep an eye on the people so that no one would be daring to disturb peace and harmony of the state.

  These agents were selected from every community and religion, so that proper check and balance system might be established. During the training, they had been taught to avoid any type of discrimination against any religion and community.

  One day Rahas noticed that a group of boys were gathered in the playground and making two teams to play a Football match. A boy said that the white boys would be in one team and the black ones, in the other, but the agent handled the situation in a very clever way and advised them not to divide the players at the base of colour but the teams should be decided according to the skills of the players so that the balance teams may be formed up. So he made two categories of the boys, the good players and the new comers, and then he mixed up the players from both of the categories in the teams. It was the best example of his training to the agents so that the love and harmony would be promoted at all levels in the Chains land. Along with that the particular agents also play a vital role to control the crime in the state.

  After having all of the achievements, he was so happy to have the great force and great place to make this world prepare to show the greatness of the people of God to the devil. He was glad to see how human made the progress in less than five years. Then he looked towards the sky and said, ‘thank you very much’.

  Rahas saw a dream one night, a terrible dream which he could not understand whether it was a message from God or his own illusion but he develop a strong feeling in his heart that something terrible and strange was about to happen. He thought to share this dream with saints but he did not.

  He saw a heavy flood in the Chains land, the water was clear blue and was flowing very fast but the terrible thing was that the water was flowing in the opposite direction from ground to the mountain; the people were flowing in the water and were crying for help. He found himself standing beside a wall and from there he see his close friends including his family members, advisers, scientists, and generals but they were safe and were trying to clear the surface with small pots on the other side of the wall where there was no flood but a little amount of water. Then he saw that the whole Chains land was about to be destroyed in the water as the flood was getting higher. He noticed that a few people were standing in the water peacefully.

  It was a shocking dream for him and he was perplexed about the heavy flood, he did not know whether it was a message from the God or an indication of future destruction or good news for future development or an appreciation for his efforts. He had many things in his mind but he did not discuss this dream with any of his advisers. The whole day long he remained upset about the dream.

  In the very next night, he saw another strange dream where he saw a young women of the Chains land was being raped by a monster. The monster first came to the woman as a handsome guy but soon after when the woman agreed then, the guy turned into a black monster with so many hands and was looking like a crocodile. The woman realized that she was being raped by a monster and started crying for help then he saw that another woman stepped forward towards her as if she was going to help her. The woman was holding a heavy wooden stick in her hand, suddenly the stick hit by a wooden ladder which was standing under a thick tree, when the stick hit to the ladder, the ladder fell down, and the women who was coming for help, suddenly vanished at once. Then so many witches fell down from the tree with terrible voices and started moving very fast all around the monster and the girl. The girl got fainted while she was crying for help and the monster continued to rape and torn her whole skin and sucked her blood.

  On the third consecutive night he saw the death of Mr. Khatab in his dream that was an indication of the destruction of the social welfare system and the penetration of corruption in police and other social welfare departments.

  It was another shock for Rahas and he believed that something bad was about to happened. He was confused about the dreams which led him to the ocean of fears. He could not get any idea about the dreams but one thing was clear in his mind that the evil forces were about to enter in the Chains land to destroy the peace.

  The time came when the Lucifer’s special task force visited hell to drag the innocent humans for blood sucking exercise. Rahas and his army with the help of the intelligence office were already prepared to receive them, so they approached, great forces captured them all and told them that from now on, no one will be available for your bloody blood sucking ritual and had also been told to convey their message to the great Lucifer, then the army released them after a few days and they left the Chains land with empty hands. One the other hand, in Oneland people were waiting for the blood game. Rahas could realise the reaction of Lucifer of his action.

  They told the whole story to Lucifer, at this he became extremely furious and took a pause. He was thinking if the human would not available for ritual then his follower will may think him as a looser and weak, so it was a great challenge for him to provide humans for the ritual and to prove his powers to his followers. He then decided to visit himself with his special task force and left for the Chains land with his force immidiately.

  At the boarders, Rahas and his army were waiting for them; Rahas get wondered when he saw the Lucifer himself came to the Chains. It was like a historical scene when Lucifer requested Rahas for one to one meeting, the permission was granted by Rahas and all soldiers left them alone.

  Rahas lead him to the Great Place in a fast moving car which had been prepared by his scientists, Lucifer saw the Chains land similar with the world he destroyed in third world war, he became shocked to think how these dead people get this progress again, he (Lucifer) saw the children going to schools, men, women everybody was busy in their jobs, somewhere he listened the Church bells and some where Azaan from the Masjids, somewhere Je
ws in worship and somewhere the Hindus. He saw that every religion was prevailing; the people were happy and smiling. He saw that everyone was saying ‘hello’ to others, and white , black, brown, all were living like a one big family, Lucifer had no words for this human progress but first time, Rahas’s eyes shaded water drops but he remained silent. Then they reached at Great Place and sat under an olive tree.

  Rahas then stood up and said to him, ‘You lost again Lucifer and will continue to lose till a single human remain alive. I cannot understand why you started war against humans, since you knew that you will lose, just think for moment, how billions of people you have killed, how you turned the brother and cousins into enemies, how many women you have raped and left to die, how many children you have killed for nothing dear Lucifer. These are the same Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and Christians who were used to live together for thousands years but you made the great place a blood cell, now look how the man got back his dignity, every one lives again like brothers, no one is against any other. Lucifer you threw me to hell but it took it as a heaven, because here I found the people of God, the real human who could think, could make their own decisions, and was free. You thought that lack of sex, of bread and luxurious houses will make the heaven, the hell. Remember that financial crises can never kill the soul and never could change the ideology. Trust me Lucifer, I have done nothing for these people as they already were willing to be developed, I just showed them the way and motivate them. O poor Lucifer, today you will have to go empty handed because I cannot allow anybody to kill my brothers and sisters, the people of God. You know why I decided the title ‘the Chains land’ for this new world because the people of God always be in chains but these chains are not like those as you think but the chains, the beautiful chains of relations, man’s relation with God, man’s relation with the family, society, and with those who belonged to humanity, and this chain of relations made a strong chains to save humanity from all acts against them. Go back Lucifer and face your people and show them that you are nothing against God. Go Lucifer, go back because under the true world order, blood game is forbidden’.


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