Their Border Lands Refuge [Men of the Border Lands 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Their Border Lands Refuge [Men of the Border Lands 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Marla Monroe

  “Get your ass back in that house right this minute! I’m going to turn you over my knee before this winter is over, I can tell.”

  Owen’s voice was muffled by the scarf around his mouth and the wind blowing his words away. She had ventured out to find out if they were okay when neither man had returned for lunch at the appointed time.

  “I was worried about you.” She yelled back at him.

  “I don’t care. Get in that house.”

  She just shook her head and carefully climbed the steps to the porch using the handrail to keep her balance. Despite having swept the steps off before she’d ventured out looking for them, the wind had covered them in the slippery mess once again.

  Skyler stomped off her boots before opening the kitchen door and hurrying inside. Owen was right behind her. They quickly unbundled, hanging their gear on the pegs next to the door before rushing into the den to stand in front of the fire.

  “Where’s Simon?” She rubbed her hands together as she held them out to the fire.

  “He’s not far behind me. He was fixing a section of the fence that a limb had fallen on and torn down. What were you thinking coming out in the snow like that? There are wolves out there.”

  “It’s going on one o’clock and neither one of you had made it inside for lunch. I was worried sick.”

  “I don’t care if we don’t show up ’til three. Don’t ever go outside that door without one of us and a rifle. Do you hear me?” Owen popped her hard on the ass.

  She reached back and rubbed the offended cheek and frowned at him. It hadn’t really hurt, just startled her. Besides, she liked it when he spanked her. It made her pussy wet.

  “Don’t frown at me like that. I’m still tempted to turn you over my knee, and it wouldn’t be one of those love taps you’re so fond of, baby.”

  The sound of the kitchen door opening and then closing again drew their attention. Simon was back. She breathed a sigh of relief. Ever since Owen’s accident, she’d worried anytime one or both of them were outside for longer than planned. It terrified her that something would happen to one of them again.

  “Where is everyone?” Simon stomped his way into the den. “What are your boots doing wet, Sky?”

  “She came looking for us like a fool.” Owen scowled at the other man.

  Simon frowned and shook his head. “You obviously didn’t spank her for it. She needs a good one to keep her in line.”

  “You’re not going to spank me for being worried about you. I’m going to reheat the soup. Come on to the kitchen once you’ve warmed up enough.” She ignored them and walked back into the other room.

  Several minutes later, Simon and Owen both took their places at the table and ate while discussing the need to check the entire fence line for breaks. She let their conversation flow around her as she thought about the chores she still had left to accomplish that week. The one she dreaded the most was washing and drying their clothes. The only way to dry them was in front of the fire.

  “…wolf tracks so close to the house.”

  Skyler’s ears picked up on the tail end of Simon’s sentence. It jerked her attention back to the men.

  “Wolf tracks? Where?”

  Owen and Simon both frowned.

  “Haven’t you been paying attention the last couple of days? The wolves are moving closer to the house and the barn now. They’re looking for easy food.” Simon wiped his mouth and dropped the napkin to the side of his plate.

  “And you’re walking around out there as if there’s nothing dangerous to watch out for,” Owen said.

  “I’m careful. I watch around me.”

  “Watching around you isn’t going to do a bit of good when you see a wolf staring at you. You don’t have a rifle to kill it with.”

  “Then we need to get another rifle and you need to teach me how to shoot. I’m not going to stay in the house when you don’t show up when you’re supposed to. Something could happen to you and I’d be stuck inside not knowing or being able to help.”

  “Normally there’s no need for you to worry. One of us is always with you. Today just happened to be a one-off day. I needed to fix that fence and Owen had to see about keeping the cattle away until I got it fixed.” Simon stared hard at her.

  She knew he was trying to scare her into doing what he said. Usually, she followed his directions to the letter because he knew about the area and they didn’t, but this had been different. Skyler couldn’t stand the idea that something might have happened to her men. She felt a smile grow on her face at that thought. Her men. Both of them were hers. She was slowly coming to grips with it.

  “Hell!” He stood up and shook his head. “You’re not listening to me.”

  “Yes, I am, Simon. I’ll stay inside and not come outside unless you don’t show up for lunch or dinner.”

  Owen stood up this time and growled at her before walking over to grab a coat. He shoved his arms through the sleeves and pulled the gloves out of the pockets to put on.

  “I’m going to bring more wood up on the porch for the fire. Don’t come outside for any reason. I’ll be back in soon.”

  Simon was pulling his own coat on at the same time. “I’ll be out riding the fence. I’ll take the horse so I won’t be on foot. It won’t take as long that way.” He pointed a finger at Skyler. “You stay in the house. Owen might not give you a real spanking, but I will.”

  She huffed out a breath in irritation and started gathering the dishes to wash. Neither man would ever hurt her. She knew that. She wasn’t worried one bit. The front door slammed as Owen went out to stack wood. The back door slammed as Simon left through it. Cold air circulated through the house, causing a shiver to run down her back. It helped settle the heat between her legs from all the talk of spanking her.

  After washing dishes, she stood in front of the fire to warm up again. Getting her hands and arms wet with the dishes had given her a slight chill despite the warm water. It cooled off quickly in the cold house.

  The sound of the front door opening had her turning to welcome Owen back inside. He brought in several logs to stack by the fireplace. She slipped her hands inside his coat on either side of him and pulled him into her arms. Cold clung to his shirt and the coat like a second skin. She shivered again and he pulled back.

  “Warm back up. I’m going to bring in some more wood so we don’t have to go out again for a while, especially at night or early in the morning.”

  Skyler watched as he slipped back out the door only to return a few seconds later with his arms full once again. She stood by the window to watch for him so she could open the door for him each trip. Finally, he decided there was enough wood on the porch and inside to satisfy him. He shrugged out of his coat and she put it up for him, tucking his gloves back in the pockets as she did.

  “Simon was talking about maybe approaching our neighbors to join their co-op.”

  “What co-op? What is that?”

  “They work together to keep the wolf population down and trade back and forth between them for things they don’t have or have too much of. We’ve got way too many jars of tomatoes and someone else might not have enough. We could use another hen or two and who knows what else.”

  Skyler began to get excited at the prospect of meeting other women. Owen laughed at her when she clapped her hands in glee.

  “Settle down. You’re not going anywhere until we know more about them. One of us will go talk to them to find out the situation while the other stays with you. If everything works out, then maybe you can visit with the womenfolk.”

  She pouted briefly, but quickly changed it to a smile when Owen frowned at her. It wasn’t fair that she had to wait until they thought things were safe enough. There were two of them against one of her.

  Shaking her head, she turned and headed for the laundry room to start washing. With any luck, she would have everything washed before Simon made it back. Then she could work on him letting her go with him to see the other families. One of them had t
o cave. They couldn’t both be that stubborn, could they?

  As luck would have it, they were. Simon refused to let her go with him that afternoon.

  “No, you’re not going with me. That’s final. I’ll learn about them and see if we can work out an arrangement first. Then if I think it’s safe enough, we’ll look at letting you have a visit.”

  “Simon. Please. I get lonely for female company out here.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at his stern face.

  He sighed and looked down at her, his face becoming less imposing. “Baby, it’s not safe until I know which neighbors we can trust and who has a woman living with them. Let me go first and then we’ll set you up to visit later.” He hugged her back before pulling free of her embrace.

  “Come on, baby. I’ll help you clean up the kitchen. He’ll be gone a while.” Owen pulled her toward the other room.

  “Be careful, Simon,” she called back over her shoulder.

  The other man smiled at her and nodded. “I will. See you soon.”

  Skyler heard the front door open then close as Owen wrapped his arms around her from behind. He nuzzled her neck and groped her breasts through the two shirts she wore to stay warm in the house. She couldn’t help the giggles that erupted at his attempts to locate her nipples in the thick clothing.

  “You’re getting close.”

  “Wench. Don’t tease me or I just might strip you down in here and have my way with you.”

  “Promises, promises.” She wiggled her way from his arms and began to wash dishes.

  They worked in companionable silence until the kitchen was clean and all the dishes put away. Then she hurried to the den to get back in front of the fire. Washing dishes always left her chilled. This time though, Owen was with her and helped to warm her back up.

  “What are you doing?”

  Owen had started unbuttoning her outer shirt. She slapped at his hands halfheartedly and tried to keep him from stripping it off her when he had finished unfastening it.

  “Be still. I’m going to play with my stubborn little wench.” He then pushed his slightly cool hands beneath her undershirt and pushed her bra above her breasts.

  “Oh! Your hands are cold!” She wiggled away from him.

  “Be still, you little minx.” He laughed as he grabbed her again.

  Skyler gave an exaggerated sigh and relaxed in his arms. His soft chuckle told her that he knew she was enjoying his teasing fingers at her nipples. Callused tips rasped over them over and over before he pinched them between his thumb and forefinger, pulling on them as he did. She couldn’t prevent the moan that came out of her mouth as he nibbled at her neck. The tiny bites stung until he licked over them with his tongue. All of it was slowly working her into a state of heady arousal. Her pussy juices already soaked her panties. No doubt her jeans were wet as well.

  “Please, Owen.”

  “What, Sky?” He sucked on her ear lobe, drawing it into the heat of his mouth.

  “I need you inside of me.”

  “I’m not finished playing with you yet. I love how you go crazy when I play with your breasts. I could play with them all day long.”

  “Oh, God. Please do something.”

  He was driving her crazy as he laid her back on the couch and pushed her undershirt up so that her breasts were exposed. She hissed out a yes when he finally replaced his fingers with his mouth. He circled her nipple with his tongue then sucked the rigid peak into his mouth where he held it still with his teeth while he teased it. The light bite sent shards of pleasure to her clit.

  Owen moved from one breast to the other sucking and nibbling her aching nipples to the point that she wouldn’t have been surprised if she had come from the sensations alone. He ran his tongue down her cleavage before laying wet kisses around her tummy. He licked her belly button before lifting up to stare into her eyes once more.

  “You’re the sexiest woman alive, Sky. I love how you respond to me.”

  Before she could say anything in return, he began unfastening her jeans and pulled them off of her legs. She was so turned on that the cold air that assaulted her couldn’t cool her down. She watched as Owen yanked them off her feet and dropped them to the floor. Then he returned to bury his face in the crotch of her panties.

  “You smell so fucking good. I’ll never get enough of your sweet pussy.” He jerked her underwear down and off in one swift movement before lowering his mouth to her slit.

  Skyler threw her head back and moaned as he sucked on her pussy lips before licking around her engorged clit. It throbbed for attention, but Owen only teased it, never actually lapping over it. The teasing was driving her crazy. She whimpered, trying to move and force his tongue where she wanted it.

  He chuckled against her, the vibrations stimulating her even more.

  “Easy, Sky. I’ll take care of you.”

  “You’re driving me crazy. Please, make me come.”

  “I’ll take care of you, baby. Don’t I always?” Owen stabbed her cunt with his tongue before replacing it with a finger.

  It wasn’t enough. She needed more. Her pussy clenched on the single digit. Then he added a second finger and began thrusting in and out of her as he continued to lick and suck up her juices. When she thought she would go crazy with need, he curved his fingers and began stroking her sweet spot as he latched onto her clit and stroked it with his tongue. Skyler came unglued. She screamed and bucked until the white-hot lightning heating up her blood cooled.

  Owen stroked her down from her orgasm before lifting her legs and plunging his thick cock deep into her cunt. It stretched already swollen and sensitized tissues to the point of pain but quickly morphed into a full feeling that had her pussy gushing. Once he was all the way in, he waited for her to adjust to his size before pulling out and thrusting back in again. The drag of his cock over her hotspot shot sparks straight to her clit. Her vaginal muscles quivered with need as once again, he stroked her toward release.

  “Fuck! You’re so tight around my dick. I can’t get enough of you.” His guttural groans excited her to a near frenzy.

  Knowing that she could steal some of his control always made her hot. Owen began tunneling in and out of her cunt with quick, short stabs that soon turned into deep thrusts. He stared into her eyes as he brought her closer and closer to another climax.

  “Please, Owen. Harder, faster. I need you so much.” She gasped as he finally let go of his control and gave her what she begged for.

  He hammered into her with his hard cock until she could feel her climax growing like some great avalanche of pleasure threatening to bury her. She was sure that when she came, it would be wonderful. Tension stretched along her muscles and tendons as her lover filled her over and over again with his stiff cock.

  “Aw, hell. I’m not going to last, baby.” His voice sounded strained as he reached between them and located her clit.

  As soon as his finger touched her aching nub, she succumbed to the overpowering explosion that took her breath and left her panting with no way to scream out her release. Owen grunted above her then called out her name as he filled her with his cum. Liquid heat splattered her cunt as he lowered his head onto her neck and growled.

  When he had recovered, he moved off of her and pulled her into the cradle of his arms. Kissing her on the cheek, he struggled to regain his breath while she fought to regain control of hers as well.

  “I love you, Sky.”

  “I love you, too. I think I’m useless now, though. I don’t even think I can cook dinner tonight.”

  Owen popped her on the side of her thigh with a laugh. “You’re not getting out of cooking tonight. Get up and get to work.”

  Skyler squealed and jumped off the couch, grabbing her clothes as she ran for the kitchen. She grinned to herself as she quickly gathered everything to make beef stroganoff for them. She hoped Simon would hurry back. She was anxious to find out what he had learned. Surely there would be families close by that she could get to know th
e women in the household. The prospect of a friend was exciting.

  While she cooked, she carried on a conversation with Owen, who remained in the den tending to the fire.

  “Do you think Simon found anyone willing to help? He’s been gone a long time.”

  “I don’t know, but we can hope so.”

  “Did he say how many people lived in the area?”

  She heard him chuckle. “No. Now stop asking me questions I don’t know the answer to.”

  She stuck he tongue out at him and continued to stir the sauce on the stove. She checked the flame on the burner and turned it down to let the concoction simmer. Then she wiped her hands on a towel and returned to the den to harass Owen.

  Just as she dropped down on his lap, the sound of a vehicle out front had her scrambling to get up again. Surely it was Simon. She hurried to the door to open it for him, but Owen stopped her from disengaging the locks.

  “That’s not Simon’s truck. I know the sound. Get upstairs. Now!”

  Chapter Ten

  Simon wasn’t comfortable pulling into the drive of their nearest neighbors. He had been alone for so long that the idea of bringing even more people into his life bothered him. But the fact of the matter was, they needed help with the wolf situation and he knew that Skyler was eager for female companionship as well.

  He sighed and climbed out of the truck. He was so intent on his own thoughts that he hadn’t noticed that someone had walked out onto the porch until they stopped him in midstride.

  “Hold up right there.”

  Simon held out his hands to his side palms out to show that he wasn’t armed. He should have been paying attention.

  “What do you want?” The other man stood with a rifle aimed right at him.

  “I’m Simon. I live just west of you about three miles over. I don’t mean any harm. My partner and our wife are having wolf troubles. We knew that many of the families around here are working together to thin them out some. We were hoping to work with you on that.”


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