Lawful: Gia ~ Hunter ~ Julian ~ Jarrod

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Lawful: Gia ~ Hunter ~ Julian ~ Jarrod Page 9

by Lexi Buchanan

  Slowly turning a sleepy Gia to her back, I guide my cock inside her tight sheath and gasp in pleasure when her warmth throbs around me. Without moving my eyes from her beautiful face, my lips touch her nipples in turn with tantalizing possessiveness before I slowly kiss my way to her lips, where my kiss is slow, thoughtful. Using my elbows so that I don’t crush her, I gather her against my hard body. My favorite position to love her is this way because I can feel every inch of her against me and more importantly, I can feel her heart beating it’s regular rhythm and that means everything to me.

  Gia strokes my sides in a light caress of fingers while her eyes search mine. “Are you okay?” she asks, her voice rough with concern.

  Resting my forehead against hers, I answer, “I’m okay as long as I have you.” I close my eyes before I slowly start to rock my hips while placing light kisses all over her face, and as our passion starts to slowly grow, I hold her gaze so that she can see my love for her just like I see hers for me.

  Her small gasps as I stroke inside of her with my cock causes my balls to pull up tightly and my legs tremble with pending release. But as I change the angle of penetration slightly, Gia moans and her nails dig into my side seconds before she convulses and shatters into a million glowing stars. The minute she squeezes my cock in release, my back and thighs lock, and as I hold myself deeply inside of her my dick jerks hard, my climax shooting out of me in jets of white hot passion. I grunt against her mouth before capturing her sweet, begging lips with mine. The way she clutches me to her, tells me that she’s just as desperate to have our bodies close.

  My heart thumps wildly in my chest after the release is wrung out of me and my energy level is zapped to zero. So turning with Gia still in my arms, I hold her close as I slip free of her grasping walls and sigh when she snuggles softly against my chest, her arms holding me tightly around the waist.

  “I love you, Gia.” I give her a hard kiss against the top of her head, having lost the ability of speech with my emotions taking over again. I feel ready to cry like a baby, which should make me feel like a wimp, but it doesn’t. Gia really is my whole world and has been since we’d first met, without her I have nothing.

  “I’m right here with you. I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” She brings her hands between us and gently caresses my face. Her thumbs trace along my lips before she curves a hand behind my head to bring me closer. Her lips slide over mine with familiarity and love before I move to settle with my head resting against her chest and our legs and arms entwined.

  There isn’t one breath of air between us when I feel the dampness on my face. I know Gia will feel my relief that she’s safe as it leaks onto her bare skin. She whispers, “I love you,” against the top of my head and hearing those words has never felt so good, but it’s the feel of her fingers stroking through my hair that eventually settles me.

  Minutes pass when I finally feel settled enough to speak. “As much as I’d love to keep you here in this cabin forever, we need to drive for a few hours to get away from here and then call your father and maybe head toward him. Safety in numbers. I need to talk to Colin as well, but I don’t want to risk this cabin being discovered.” I lift my face from her breast and smile softly when she places a sweet kiss to my forehead. “Thank you.”

  She lightly caresses my cheek. “I’m always here for you just like you are me. Always, Hunter.” She caresses along my lips and looks sad. “Whatever happens next, I want you to promise that we’ll stay together.” Her finger covers my lips. “I know you have a job to do, but I don’t want you taking me to my fathers house and then leaving me there for days while you go off and find the asshole responsible…I need you close.”

  “Don’t worry about my leaving you because no way is that going to happen.” I quickly take her mouth in a desperate hungry kiss, hissing when she digs her nails into my ass. She knows what that touch alone does to me, and this time is no different. My dick goes rigid against her groin as she breaks from our arousing kiss to move down to my neck. Moving lower still her tongue travels over my nipples at which point I feel my dick rise up between the mounds of her breasts, the twin points of her nipples grazing over my pelvis as she travels lower still.

  The pleasure I feel travels along the length of my shaft. Gia’s, “Mmm,” turns me to steel and when her tongue swirls around the crown, I lose control, arching up—begging. Her chuckle makes me smile until I feel her hand encircle and squeeze my girth. Fireworks start going off in my balls and I come so close to embarrassing myself. So it’s with a huge sigh of relief, followed by a gasp of pleasure, when her mouth wraps completely around my dripping cock.

  “Gia,” I growl in warning, but it has the opposite effect. Instead of moving her mouth out of the way, she gives a powerful suck at the same time as her hand massages my balls…and then, I grunt, shouting, “Gia!” as she sucks every last drop of semen from the sensitive tip.

  When I finally drop free from the warmth of her mouth, I catch my breath before I roll her over onto her back. “Your turn.”



  The whisker burn between my thighs feels good in an uncomfortable sort of way, but I love that it’s there. Every time I move, I’m reminded that Hunter had his face buried there not too long ago. It makes me smile, taking away the worry about what’s about to happen next. But at least after our early morning antics, Hunter was finally exhausted enough to get a few hours of sleep.

  I watch him now from my position on the couch as his fingers run over the keys of his laptop while he’s in deep concentration. My husband looks as though he has the weight of the world resting on his broad shoulders. The shirt covering them is open revealing his muscular chest covered with soft brown hair, the edge of one of his tattoos peeping through. His strong legs are partially covered with gym shorts and while he should be comfortable the stressful frown across his rugged features makes it clear that he isn’t, and that causes my heart to ache.

  “I feel your eyes on me.” Hunter glances over, the beginning of a smile tipping the corner of his mouth as he removes the glasses from the bridge of his nose.

  “You’re nice to look at,” I counter unable to look away from his sexiness as we share a smile.

  He places his glasses beside the laptop and moving toward me, he smiles with satisfaction. “I wasn’t complaining. I love having your eyes on me, even if it is distracting.”

  “Mmm.” I rub his knee when he sits on the coffee table in front of me, as I become thoughtful. “When this is over can we take a long vacation? Somewhere that’s quiet. I don’t mind if we’re in the freezing snow or blazing sun. I just want it to be the two of us.”

  Reaching out, Hunter takes my hand from his knee and kisses my knuckles. “I think that can be arranged. We always said that we’d take our honeymoon later when things calmed down, and we still haven’t been anywhere…I should have made the time.” His shoulders slump slightly.

  “Hey.” I sit up and grab both his hands into mine. “Don’t say that. I’m not blaming you. I have loved every minute of being your wife. Every second. After what happened last night I just want to be selfish and have time away from everything and everyone.”

  “Let’s get this bastard back behind bars and then I’ll arrange the perfect honeymoon.”

  I raise a brow.

  “Do you trust me?” he asks, a serious expression on his face.

  “With my life.”

  “Then trust me to make everything perfect. Let me show you how much you mean to me.”

  “I see how much I mean to you every time you look at me.”

  He smiles softly. “As do I.” He spreads his thighs on either side of mine, trapping me in the warmth of his strong sexy body. He laughs. “I see where your thoughts have gone.”

  “What do you expect? I think I’ve been permanently wet since I met you.”

  His eyes widen before he closes them tightly as he groans. “I need to work and you’re making it hard.”

  “I see th
at.” I brush against his erection when I climb onto his lap. “Tell me what you’ve been doing. It might help.”

  “Nothing will help while you’re sitting on my dick.”

  “I’m not exactly on it right now, so get your mind off my naked body and tell me what’s held your interest over there.” I indicate his laptop on the kitchen table with a wave of my hand.

  “Okay, but, if I’m going to concentrate then you need to sit your perfect little bottom”—he places me back on the couch—“there.”

  Hunter stares and caresses me with his eyes whilst licking his lips. I smile knowing just how turned on he is.

  “My aroused sexy body is way over here, so talk,” I tease.

  He meets my gaze, shaking his head in playful irritation. “I was reading the statements and reports from last night that Colin emailed to a newly set up account. His tech guy has hooked me up with an untraceable IP address. Sumo has just disappeared. I’m presuming he’s gone to ground just like Abatangelo has.”

  “So my father is about to have more guests, huh?”

  Hunter runs his hands up my legs to my hips, leaving a trail of goose bumps. “Your father’s house is like Fort Knox so it’s the safest place I can come up with.” His gaze wavers and that lets me know I’m not going to like what he says next. “I also trust him to look after you if I have to head out for a short while.”

  Even though I had a feeling that was coming, I feel my lip wobble and tears hover on my lashes while my heart pounds. I know he has a job to do, but after last night I don’t want to leave him for even a minute.

  “If we get a lead in the area then I have to check it out, Gia. I can’t not,” he stresses with urgency. “I’ll do anything to keep you safe even if it means us having to separate. I know I promised otherwise, but nothing can happen to you.”

  My tears finally fall as I shake loose of him and stomp toward the windows that have an amazing view of snowcapped mountains. I’m upset as I look out but I’m also angry with him. I whip around to face him when I feel the heat from his body surrounding me. “Everything,” I shout, “is all about keeping me safe. What about you? How the hell do you think I’m going to feel if something happens to you? I love you and don’t want to go on without you.” I poke him in the stomach with my finger, which he captures, tugging me into his embrace.

  “I’m sorry.” His arms tighten around my waist. “I am thinking about me. I’m thinking that I won’t survive if something happens to you. So by wanting to keep you safe, I’m thinking about myself as well. That might even sound selfish.”

  “Ugh, I can’t win with you, can I?” I groan.

  He tilts my face up to his and softly kisses my lips. “I love you, Gia. Everything I do, I do for us.” He kisses me again while carrying me through to the bedroom.



  “I’ve never seen my daughter like this?” Jarrod comments, and I’m surprised that he hasn’t mentioned anything sooner.

  “She needs me in her line of sight.” I glance at Gia lying on the couch watching something on the television. “Just like I need her,” I add, finding it difficult to draw my eyes away from the beautiful woman.

  “She’s special.”

  “She is and she isn’t going to like it if I have to go out following leads.” A fist squeezes around my heart knowing that I’m going to be torn between staying and keeping the woman I love safe, and doing the right thing for justice.

  Jarrod sighs. “Can you come into the kitchen for a few minutes. Julian’s back.”

  My eyes snap to Jarrod but he’s already heading out of the living room, his shoulders slumped forward.

  Foreboding rolls through my belly as I stretch my aching body. My movement captures Gia’s eye and watching me approach her she stands, capturing my face between her small hands. “I’m going to go and talk to Julian and your dad in the kitchen.” I smile, placing my hands on her hips. “You want anything?” I bend, kissing the corner of her mouth.

  Her lips twitch into a smile. “I only want you.”

  Closing my eyes, I inhale her scent into my lungs, which is so familiar that I don’t want to let her go for even a second of time. Her soft smile as I focus on her lips makes my heart thump behind my chest bone. “You’ll be okay in here.” I linger over the kiss I place against her cheek. “Shout if you need anything.”

  Gia shakes her head. “I wasn’t injured the other night, just badly shaken with what happened and what I came close to losing.” Her hand tangles in the hair at the nape of my neck. “I’m capable of walking to the kitchen…Just don’t leave the house without telling me first, okay?”

  I tug her tightly against my chest. “Never,” I whisper, my voice catching in the back of my throat with suppressed emotion.

  She pats me on the ass. “You better go and see what Julian found out before they come looking for you.” Rubbing against my semi-arousal, she reaches up and after one last kiss, sits back down on the couch.

  My eyes track her movement from beneath my lashes until I finally back out of the room where I pause and rub my chest over my aching heart. I never thought I’d be this needy over a woman, but with Gia I can’t get enough of her. I just need to know that she’s safe and the only way I know how to do that is to keep her with me. I’m the only person I trust to do that.

  “She’ll be fine,” Julian whispers from over my right shoulder.

  “I keep trying to tell myself that, but it isn’t working out that well,” I admit, moving with him toward the kitchen.

  Julian puts his hand on my arm. “He won’t get to her again. We know he’s around this time, so she’s safe.”

  “You really believe that?”

  “You’re an armed Marshal. I’m an armed marine, and her father is an armed lawyer.” Julian’s lips twitch in a smile. “All I’m saying is that between us we have a lot of firepower and experience. He’d be really stupid to try. Abatangelo basically warned us with what he did with Gia, plus he didn’t really set Gia up to get hurt. You know this.”

  “It doesn’t change the fact that he scared the shit out of us both.”

  “I know, my friend.” Julian wraps his arm around my neck and that’s how we arrive in the kitchen.

  “So, you never told me you swung that way,” Parker drawls.

  Julian shoves me away. “What way?” he baits Parker, who ignores him other than to roll her eyes.

  “Where’s Gia?”

  “Living room.”

  “Thank you.” She pats me on the chest, leaving us alone.

  I watch my friend and realize that he really is interested in Parker. I know that they’re always joking around, but I think Julian might actually have a thing for her. Eventually, he glances away and notices my eyes on him. He moves over to the table where he has papers spread out and where Jarrod looks miles away.

  “Anything?” I indicate the paper in his hand.

  Jarrod snaps out of his thoughts and shakes his head. “No.” He frowns and looks off into the distance, through the kitchen window. I look at Julian for an explanation for Jarrod’s sudden mood. He shrugs, looking away.

  “Didn’t Ivy come over with Parker?”

  Jarrod flinches, but ignores my question.

  Clearing his throat, Julian looks uncomfortable. “She’s dating someone,” he clarifies. “She doesn’t really come over anymore.”

  Gia’s friend Ivy had feelings for Jarrod, which I’d noticed from the first time I met her. I’d always assumed that it was one-sided, but from Jarrod’s reaction, I’m guessing they weren’t.

  “Okay, lets get our minds off the women for five minutes.” I shuffle some of the papers and ask Julian, “What’d you have?”

  “Abatangelo isn’t just part of a human trafficking network.” Julian looks sick as he pauses. “He takes orders?”

  I frown. “Orders? As in there’s someone higher up than him—” my words trail off when I realize what he actually means. “He takes orders for girls?”

/>   “I’ve narrowed it down to sixteen girls that have suddenly gone missing over the past fourteen months. There’s probably more that I haven’t discovered over the time frame I searched. But I think there are some fuckers out there who give a description of what they want and that’s what Abatangelo sold to them.”

  Sitting down hard at the table, I drop my head into my hands wondering how the hell to find this sick bastard. The first time was because he’d made a mistake up in Lexington, but now he’s going to be more careful.

  “I’ve passed the new info on to Colin. He has a team working on it.” Julian shudders in revulsion before he pushes away from the table. “I need some fresh air.”

  Leaving the room, I use it as my opportunity to ask Jarrod what I know I shouldn’t, “Why isn’t Ivy really here?”

  My father-in-law snaps his eyes to mine and sags into the chair. “I shouted at her… I hurt her, Hunter.” His hands run through his hair and he sighs heavily. “She’s one of my daughters best friends. Same age as well. I have no right feeling what I do for her. She has no right having those same feelings for me.” He closes his pained filled eyes before he holds my gaze. “I told her she was stupid and immature if she thought that I’d ever return her feelings.” He winces. “What I really wanted to do was wrap my arms around her and tell her—”

  “Tell her what?” I ask even though I have a feeling about what he was going to say.

  “It doesn’t matter now,” he adds, sadly, his shoulders slump forward. “She’s happy now.”


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