Lawful: Gia ~ Hunter ~ Julian ~ Jarrod

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Lawful: Gia ~ Hunter ~ Julian ~ Jarrod Page 14

by Lexi Buchanan

  I try and shove Parker out of my head, but she’s damn stubborn and hangs around. I laugh and give up. Hunter gives me a strange look, which I shake off. “Okay, so do we have anything else, other than something during a concert?”

  “Colin has told the feds that we’re involved as well so there’s going to be a joint operation, and the security for the event is going to be doubled in size… We have to get the asshole this time, Julian. No way can he walk because I have a feeling that if he does, then we won’t see him again.”

  “I know it’s also personal for you, but don’t go off on your own. We stick together and that’s how we’ll get him.” I lean on the table and watch Hunter while he gets his anger under control.

  I know him well, and he won’t think twice about going off after Abatangelo himself, which means my eyes are going to have to be on my friend as well.

  “I can see you thinking,” Hunter growls. “Look, I know I’ve gone off alone before, but I’ve never had Gia. She’s everything and I have no intention of leaving her a widow. I’m not going to go after him unless you’re on my six.” He holds my gaze, and I think that maybe I do believe him this time.

  “Just remember that and we won’t have a problem,” I grumble.

  “Have a problem with what?” Parker asks, wrapping her arms around my neck from behind before she rests her chin on my shoulder.

  I take her hands and tug her down onto my lap, wrapping myself around her. “Nothing to be concerned about.”

  She chuckles. “Hmm, that I don’t believe. However, I will let it go for now because I’m hungry and the guest is doing nothing but keep glancing over here, huffing and puffing. I think Gia’s going to end up hitting her in a minute. She’s annoying.”

  “Gia or Carrie?” I question, getting an evil look from Hunter in return. I laugh. “Only joking.”

  Hunter shakes his head and moves toward the living room while Parker straddles my thighs. She wiggles closer and the minute she comes into contact with my dick, I’m hard as fuck and ready to go. I’ll never know how the hell I’ve kept my hands to myself all this time.

  “I think,” she leans closer and bites my earlobe, “that we need a nap.”

  “Mmm, a nap, huh?” I grab her hips and hold her against me while I nuzzle into her neck. “I wish we could but something tells me that we’re about to be interrupted.”

  Carrie clears her throat from behind us. “What are you doing?”

  Her voice grates on my last nerve and the thought of her being anywhere near Parker and Gia unsettles me. I want to believe that everything she’s said is the truth but there is something preventing that trust. Hunter feels it too.

  Parker’s sigh says it all. “Carrie,” she turns her head and I imagine her glaring at the other woman, “I’m spending time with my boyfriend. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “I’d rather not have it rubbed in my nose that I’m all alone while you’re obviously not,” Carrie adds.

  Parker glances at me and before she can reply, I get to my feet. “What goes on between anyone in this house has nothing to do with you.” I wrap my arm around Parkers shoulders and glare at Carrie. “If you want our help then I suggest you stop being so critical.”

  Carrie has tears in her eyes as she looks out of the back window. I shake my head at Parker to stay quiet, letting out a breath of relief when Carrie turns and starts to head upstairs.

  “Is she safe to be left alone? I really don’t trust her. I want to, but after what she’s done I can’t.”

  I kiss Parker on the top of her head. “I feel the same, but I don’t think she’s a real danger to anyone here. We’ll watch her though.”

  Nodding her head, Parker slips her hands around my waist as she lays her head against my chest. “I think we need to get Ivy here. I’m worried that she’s the only one close to us who isn’t being watched.”

  “Hmm… You want to call her?”



  “Ugh!” I pace back and forth in front of Gia. “That didn’t go as planned.”

  “You could have just come out and asked her why she was avoiding my father,” Gia suggested.

  “I would have done if we hadn’t been on speaker because she knew you were in the room with me. There was no way she’d ever admit to her feelings in front of you.” I perch on the edge of Jarrod’s desk and face Gia. “She hasn’t just pulled away from Jarrod, she’s pulled away from us as well.”

  “Then let’s go and get her and take Hunter and Julian with us. She needs to know that she could be a target because of her association with us. If we’re there in force she won’t have any choice but to listen.” Gia sits forward and I can see by the look on her face that she likes her idea—a lot.

  “You know, it might help if you tell her that you know about her feelings toward your father and that you’re okay with them.”

  Gia winces. “I want my father and my friend happy. Until recently I never thought of them being happy together and that’s going to take some getting used to. However, I will talk to her and let her know that I’m not completely opposed to the idea.”

  Standing, Gia moves to the large window in the office that overlooks the lawn at the back of the house. “I know what it’s like to love, Parker.” She turns and faces me, her hip resting against the sill. “I know what it’s like to be loved by a good man, and I guess I’m just wanting what I have for you and Ivy…if that includes one of my closest friends getting together with my father then I’ll handle that. He’s been alone for a long time and he’s lonely.” She offers me a wry smile. “I want to see him truly happy too.”

  I move over to Gia and rest my hands on her arms. “Then we need to talk to the men, and tell them we’re going out.” I smile. “You know that they’ll be coming with us, right?”

  She giggles. “We don’t even need to ask.”

  “That’s right.”

  Her face falls. “They have enough going on to be worrying about us though. Perhaps it isn’t such a good plan.”

  “Gia, they’re going to be worrying about us regardless as to what else they’re working on.”

  “Listen to Parker, honey,” Hunter drawls having snuck in the room silently.

  I move away so that Hunter can be near his wife before he gets twitchy. He brushes the hair back from her face before he softly caresses her cheek.

  Just as Hunter dips his head to steal a kiss from Gia, strong arms wrap around my waist from behind followed by the touch of a hard body along the back of mine. “You okay,” Julian whispers.

  “Mmm, I am now.” I turn my head and meeting his intense gaze, my legs go weak with longing. I’ve longed to have him look at me the way he is, and to have him claim me in front of our friends.

  “So this is where you’ve all disappeared to,” Jarrod mumbles walking behind his desk. “I should have known.”

  Feeling Gia’s gaze on me, I glance at her and catch a wink before she clears her throat. “Dad?”

  Jarrod’s head pops up from the papers he was looking at. “What’s wrong?”

  “Um, nothing really, except Parker and I were thinking about going to get Ivy.”

  Her father pales at her words, but I admire her for continuing, as a dark cloud seems to be settling over Jarrod.

  “She won’t listen to us, Dad.” Gia moves and rests her hands on her father’s desk. “We’ve not long since spoken to her and she won’t accept that she needs to be here to be kept safe.”

  Her father sighs and drops into the chair behind him. “We had an argument and I told her she wasn’t welcome here again. Perhaps I’m the one who needs to talk to her,” he says in resignation.

  Gia quickly glances at me and then back to her father. “I think if we all went then she won’t have a choice but to come with us.”

  Hunter laughs. “I’m not sure putting pressure on her to come here will work. She’s obviously stubborn so I’m guessing it would probably have the opposite affect.”

��What do you suggest?” I ask.

  “I think Jarrod is the only one who might be able to get her to come back here as he’s the one who sent her on her way. I also think that us all leaving this place is a bad idea. We need to keep it secure.”

  All eyes turn on Jarrod who curses under his breath. “I’ll go.” He moves toward the office door.

  “She’s not at home right now.” I wince when he freezes in the doorway. “She said she’d be back in town first thing in the morning.”

  Jarrod’s head sags forward. “Okay.” He continues out of his office.

  My eyes find Gia who is still watching her father’s retreating back.

  Julian squeezes my waist. “We’re going to bed. See you bright and early.”

  Hunter laughs and Gia smiles with amusement as her eyes meet mine. She shakes her head. “I’m going to let Hunter take me to bed as well. I’m tired.”

  “You won’t be tired for long,” Hunter adds.

  I don’t hear what else they say because I’m too wrapped up in the man who has me in his strong arms.

  He has no problem carrying me to our room, and once he closes and locks the door, I have no problem wiggling free and dropping to my knees.

  I give him a teasing smile as my hands make quick work of his jeans and shorts, shoving them to his thighs so that I can get at the goods.

  He’s already long and thick with arousal and while he bobs in my face, I reach between his legs and massage his sac.

  “Fuck!” he curses as his back hits the door behind him. “You’re going to unman me,” he moans when I tighten my hand around the base of his shaft.

  “I love knowing that I do this to you. It makes me so wet.”

  He growls, which turns into a gasp when I curl my tongue around the bulging crown of his dick. He throbs and pulsates against me, precum trickles from the slit as I slowly suck him into my mouth.

  I feel his legs quiver as I slide my hands up his thighs to his firm backside, which I caress and massage while my tongue rubs along his sensitive cock.

  If possible he gets harder and when I lift my gaze, his is on me. His eyes follow my mouth as I bob back and forth on him, his chest puffs in and out as though he can’t catch a proper breath, and then his gaze clashes with mine.

  He groans as I let him pop from my mouth and seconds later I’m hauled into his arms as his mouth crashes against mine.

  My back hits the bed, my shorts and panties disappear and then he’s on me and seconds later he thrusts inside. I gasp and wrap myself around him, the heels of my feet pushing him closer.

  Julian buries his face into my neck and groans. One hand cups the back of my head and the other slips to my bottom and then he thrusts and thrusts. Within seconds they become uncontrollable and then I shatter into a million pieces followed closely by Julian who grunts and groans through an explosive release of his own.

  With one last shudder, Julian collapses on top of me, his face once again buried in my neck. My fingers play with the short strands of hair at the nape of his neck while we catch our breath.

  He starts chuckling. “One of these days I’m going to make love to you without having my pants around my ankles.”

  I giggle. “Mmm hmm.” I smile against his ear and stretching my arms above my head, I hear his soft mumble of pleasure as I tighten around his growing shaft. “You feel so good inside of me.”

  He props himself up on one elbow and reaches for my shirt. “Let’s get you out of these clothes.” He tugs it above my head and makes quick work of removing my bra before he flings it across the room. With some maneuvering his boots thud to the floor followed by his jeans.

  He grins. “Hold on.”

  I tightly cling to him as he lifts me further up the bed and when he lays me down against the pillows, I smile before flipping him over to his back.

  His surprise quickly turns to pleasure when he sinks further inside of me. We haven’t lost the connection since his first thrust, but me being on top of him gives me more control, which I realize I love with Julian.

  I stare down at him and see the fire in his eyes as they caress over my heated skin. When his hands reach for the mounds of my breasts, I shiver and clench around him.

  “You make me feel as horny as a teenager.”

  I laugh and slowly rise up so that the tip alone is the only part of him inside of my body, and then I clench around him and witness his eyes roll, I slowly lower myself all the way down. I lean over and cup his face with my hands. “You don’t look like a teenager, and I’m sure you don’t feel anything like a teenager. I mean with the size of your cock that is inside of me, no way.”

  He starts laughing, his eyes filling with amusement as I grin down at him. I trace the laughter lines around his eyes. “This is the first time I’ve seen you so relaxed, I’d even go as far as to say happy.”

  His hands slide up my back and then he’s brushing the hair back from my face before he cups each side of my head. “I am happy, Parker. Not because I’m having sex for the first time in a long time, but because I’m with you. I’ve wanted you and dreamed about you for a long time, and in my own way I was trying to protect you, from me.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t need protecting from you. You have my heart, Julian, and what you do with it is up to you.”

  He swallows around what appears to be a lump in his throat. “I’ll never give it back.”

  He tugs me closer and seals our lips together before he rolls me over and makes slow, sweet love to me.



  I wake to the smell of coffee as it’s wafted under my nose, followed by the smell of bacon. “Mmm, maple,” I mumble with my eyes still closed.

  Parker giggles before climbing back under the covers and settling in my arms with her head resting on my shoulder. I turn on my side so that I can hold her closer and groan when she purposely traps my dick between her legs. “We need to get up. I promised Hunter I’d check something out with him.” I nuzzle into her neck, tugging at the neckline of her shirt so that I can move lower.

  She wiggles around laughing. “That’s tickling.”

  “And you’re going to make me come if you don’t stop rubbing my cock between your gorgeous thighs.” I drop my head to her chest, groaning. “I’m serious, Parker.” I grab her ass and hold her still, while I ache to have her again.

  “Inside me.”

  “Why aren’t you sore?”

  “I’m tender not sore.” She looses her shirt to the floor and I find my face is buried between her gorgeous plump breasts.

  Slipping my tongue from between my lips, I swipe at a nipple and feel her shudder at the sensation. “You like that.” I smile and trail kisses over her chest until I capture a torrid nipple between my lips. “I love watching you.”

  Her fingers slide through my hair before she grips a handful and tugs me up to meet her waiting lips. She tastes of coffee and as the kiss deepens one of her hands slips down between us and cups me. Her fingers are like magic and cause my cock to bounce and tingle as precum slides along the length to pool on her belly.

  And then, I’m sliding inside of her heat and everything but the woman in my arms slips from my mind. Her legs tighten around my hips while I try catching my breath, which I’m finding is easier said than done. To be surrounded by the woman who I can’t get enough of is beyond exciting and she fills my heart with so much yearning that I’m struggling with how to handle it…how to show her what she means to me.

  I need to love her slow and tender…worship her body with everything that I have.

  Her fingers rubbing across my brow distract me from my thoughts, as I smile before placing small kisses to her lips, nose, and eyelids. She is amazing and I love her.

  At that realization, I drop my face into the curve of her neck while my body gently rocks against her. Having her hands on my body while I love her, and my dick buried inside the warmth of her body has my balls pulled tight, ready to explode. This woman causes my body to react
like that of a teenager, and when she moans, burying her face into my chest, and her hands clench on my ass…I find that I’m no longer able to hold back.

  “Oh,” Parker whimpers followed by a loud moan as she throws her head back.

  I wrap my arms around her and dipping my head, I suckle a rosy nipple, massaging it against the roof of my mouth. Her body tightens and shudders in my arms, her sheath pulses so damn hard that I see stars as we share our release…so damn good.

  “I can’t think,” she admits, her arms and legs falling limply to the bed.

  I slowly slide out of her and immediately miss the warmth as I roll to the side, taking her with me.

  With her snug in my arms our breathing gradually starts to calm, and I realize that the breakfast she’d brought me will be cold. “I’ve ruined the food.”

  “No way.” She giggles. “I’d rather have you any day than food.”

  “Mmm.” I bury my face into her hair. “We’ll quickly shower and then we’ll go downstairs and warm it up.” I make no move.

  “When this is all over with, and before you have to head back to base, can we go away together for a few days?” Parker cautiously asks, her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “Before we head to my base,” I correct. “I’d love to have you all to myself for a few days…I’d love it a lot.”

  Her smile lights up her whole face. “So we are definitely a we, huh?”

  I chuckle. “We sure are.”

  Dropping a kiss to her lips—which I only intended on being a small kiss—I move my face away, finding that I’m having to force myself to get out of the bed because Parker is showing all the signs of wanting to stay in it all day. Normally, I wouldn’t have a problem with that, but I seriously need to make a move.

  “I know,” Parker mumbles. “I was bringing you breakfast to get you up.”


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