Alicia's Misfortune

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Alicia's Misfortune Page 2

by Sarah Silver

  “Alright, but don’t go looking in my phone.”

  “Grow up I’m not a kid.” Donald said. Daniel grabbed his phone out of his pocket and gave it to Donald.

  “The app is the one with the pink shoe logo,” Donald chuckled.

  “Only you would have something like this on your phone as a man,” Daniel glared at Donald briefly from the corner of his eye. He wasn’t going to let him get to him so he just decided to concentrate on the road and to find a woman who he feels could satisfy him quickly.

  Chapter Three

  “I thought you were going to give me to the end of the month to come up with the remainder of the rent?” Alicia asked once her landlord handed her another eviction notice.

  “I’m sorry Alicia, you’ve been a very good tenant, but either you have the rent or you don’t.” Justin Stone never intended to give Alicia any time since she kept rejecting his invitation to go out for drinks. Alicia knew that he was interested in her, but Justin was a shark who preyed on dependent women. “If you don’t have the money now, you have until Friday to get it to me.” Alicia bit her lip trying her hardest to not cry. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her in pain.

  “I guess I’ll start packing then,” she said defeated. She loved her apartment and hated the man who took it away from her. Whatever slim chance Justin had in regards to him taking her out, he had none now.

  “I’m sorry that it has to be this way.” Justin turned on his heels and went towards the front door. Before he opened it he looked over his shoulder. “If you don’t want to move, maybe we could work something out?” Alicia was disgusted at the methods Justin went through in order to get her. She said nothing as she walked towards the door and held it open.

  “No thanks “Alicia said. Justin gave her an angry look, but she didn’t care. She slammed the door on him as soon as his feet had crossed the threshold. “Bastard!” she called out and fell to the floor. If she didn’t find a place to stay at soon, she’d be homeless. She’d lived in Bearcreek for a few years, but she was the only one from her family who stayed there. Her closest family member, her Auntie Joyce, was 1,000 miles away from her and she honestly didn’t want to move that far away. She had some hope that she might get her job back. Alicia got up from the floor, went back into her room, and picked up her laptop. The mail order bride ad was sounding more desirable as the minutes passed her by.

  “This is disgusting though,” Alicia said as her mouse cursor lingered on the apply button. “Am I really this desperate?” Alicia was willing to do a lot of things for work, but this was something that really would show how far she fell off of the totem pole. She scrolled up the ad again and looked at the picture of the man looking for a bride. “He is attractive.” Alicia said to herself. Alicia looked through the man’s profile and saw that he was relatively successful and one thousand dollars a week was better than the zero dollars a week that she was getting. Plus she’d have some place to stay.

  “Well that’s if he chooses me,” Alicia said again. She thought that she matched his requirements. She was intelligent, attractive, between the ages that he specified. Here’s hoping for the best, Alicia thought and hit apply. She filled out the application and sent a picture of herself with the rest of her contact information. The website looked legit enough and she did some research on it before she sent her personal information. She completed the application and the last thing that she needed to do was to wait for a response. Hopefully she got called in for an interview at one of the other places first and started working for them soon, but it was nice to have this as a back-up. If all that failed, she had enough money to stay at a hotel for a few weeks.

  “I just need this unemployment to come through quickly.” The unemployment office was currently fighting with the school that she worked for to get money from them. She honestly didn’t know why the school was fighting so hard, she just wanted what was due to her and they knew that the school laid her off without good cause. She was a great teacher, the parents and the students loved her. Alicia got up and went into the kitchen and made herself something to eat. Today was going to be another busy day of walking around and applying for jobs.


  The day proved to be eventful for Alicia, many of the places that she visited was only accepting applications, but she did have the opportunity to interview on the spot for a bowling alley a few blocks around the corner from her house. The interview went well and it seemed promising. The pay wasn’t that good though and it was for part-time work instead of full-time.

  “Definitely not good enough to get another place.” She said as she entered her apartment. She thought that if she could get two part-time jobs she would be able to save up for a smaller apartment, but nine times out of ten the apartment might be located in a not too good area of town. Alicia sighed and walked into her bedroom to check her email. She was surprised to see an email from the guy who had the ad for the mail order bride. She opened up the email quickly:

  Hello there. Thank you for applying to my “job” I guess you would say. I must say that you seem very interesting and you’re quite beautiful as well. I would like to meet up with you tomorrow afternoon for lunch (my treat of course). I know the nature of my request is odd and that you might find it a little nerve wrecking to meet up with a stranger (I know I would), so if you’d like to meet me at a diner that I think you would enjoy, I’d be happy to reimburse you for gas. Please let me know what time works for you and I’ll give you more details to the place if you’re interested.



  Alicia’s eyes widened at the email and a blush went across her cheeks. She was actually surprised that she had gotten a reply so quickly. She was also surprised by the anxiety that went through her body then. She had this strong need to email him back quickly:

  Thank you so much for responding to my application and for the compliment (you’re very attractive as well). I’d love to meet you tomorrow afternoon for lunch. Is 1 o’clock good for you? Do you need me to bring anything to the meeting? You also do not need to reimburse me for the mileage. I look forward to your response and I look forward to meeting you tomorrow.



  “I can’t believe he actually responded to me.” Alicia said and shook her head. She honestly didn’t know why she was getting so interested in the whole mail order bride thing. Did that mean that they’d actually get married or does the name just imply that they’d be considered to be a married couple? The more she thought about the whole idea, the less absurd she thought it’ll be. If she got picked for this, she’d pretty much be getting paid for doing things that wives normally did. Provide companionship, probably keep the house clean, but would he be expecting sex as well? If he was paying her to do all of these services for him, would that make her a prostitute? Alicia had a lot to research before she met with Daniel the next day.

  “Well it’s either try to do this or start living in a hotel room until I either run out of money, or find a job.” She needed to do abnormal things in order for her to live a somewhat normal life even at the expense of her dignity. “At least try it out and see how it is.” Alicia said to herself. She looked towards her closet and opened the door. She wanted to look as good as possible so that she had a better chance of winning over Daniel’s interest. See looked through her closet of clothes until she found a peach summer dress with a low neckline and a high split that would expose a lot of her thigh. She picked out some matching shoes and held the dress towards her body and looked in the mirror.

  “This’ll do.” Alicia said and hung the dress over her chair. She hadn’t been on a date for a few months so she’ll think of this lunch as a date instead of a business transaction. Alicia took in a deep breath. “I can do this,” she said and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

  Chapter Four

  “She’s hot,” Donald said once Daniel handed his phone over to him so that he could show Donald a picture of A
licia. “I don’t think I’ve ever been with an African American woman before,” Donald said raking his mind trying to visually see all of the women that he’s slept with in the past. Daniel grabbed his phone away from his brother.

  “And you won’t be sleeping with this one.” Donald laughed at his brother.

  “I’m pretty sure she’s not my type if you like her.” Donald leaned back in Daniel’s home office chair. He’s been spending a lot of time with his brother recently, their father had passed away a few weeks ago and Daniel was taking it the hardest. Donald came over frequently to try to cheer his brother up. Hopefully their father’s death wasn’t the reason behind him wanting to find a woman. “She doesn’t strike me as an Alicia,” Daniel shrugged into his black suit jacket and grabbed his wallet off of the table.

  “Whatever, are you staying in the house?” Daniel asked looking over his shoulder at his brother. Donald turned around in the seat like he was a child.

  “Yeah, I want to see your face when you realize she’s crazy.” Donald laughed. Daniel ignored him.

  “Have you made your ad yet?” Donald shook his head.

  “I want to see how you handle this before I do it. I can wait a little longer for my money.” Daniel sighed. His brother was so sure that he’d win the money. It was not going to go down that way though.

  “See you later then,” Daniel said and walked out of the door.


  “Wow,” Daniel said once Alicia walked into the diner and looked around for him. Daniel couldn’t help but to gawk at her. Gorgeous, he thought and he got up and walked towards her. “Alicia?” he said and the chocolate goddess looked his way.

  “Yes, Daniel right? It’s nice to meet you.” Her voice shook when she said that and Daniel took the hand that she extended to him.

  “The pleasure is mine.” He said still looking at her. She was even more beautiful standing in front of him. “Our table is this way,” he held her lower back and walked her towards the table. He couldn’t help but to look down to the area just below his hand. He was ashamed that he let his mind take a negative turn, but he knew right then and there that she was the one that he wanted. Sex wasn’t his initial motivation for creating the ad for a mail order bride, but he absolutely had to get a taste of her. He mentally kicked himself, some of his brother rubbed off on him.

  “The place is nice, thank you for inviting me here.” Daniel smiled at her allowing his eyes to drift down to her red and plump lips. He’d kill to suck on them.

  “I’m glad you like it, please order whatever you like.” Alicia smiled sweetly and looked down towards her menu.

  Daniel and Alicia had spoken for a long time and he learned a lot of things about her. She was a laid off elementary school teacher who had a love of children and people in general. She was kind, funny, and intelligent. Daniel didn’t have to read through the long list of applications, he found who he was interested in.

  “Alicia,” Daniel said and grabbed a hold of her hand. She blushed, but she didn’t pull her hand away. “I think we have a connection here and if you’re interested in me as well, I’d love to show you my place and where you’ll be living at. If you take my offer of course” Alicia was shocked by what Daniel had said. She couldn’t believe that he picked her after one afternoon together. This was perfect for her because she needed to be out of her apartment.

  “Of course, I think we hit it off well.” Daniel grinned and held her hand close to his mouth and kissed it. He was happy that she accepted.

  “Should we leave now? I want you to become acquainted with my place a little bit before I move you in.” Everything was happening so quickly and it kind of scared her.

  “Yeah let’s go.” Daniel paid the bill and was out of the door.


  Daniel and Alicia drove the thirty minute commute keeping up a friendly conversation. When they finally pulled up in front of Daniel’s house she was surprised at how big it was.

  “We don’t have to sleep in the same bed yet if you’re uncomfortable. I have a few spare bedrooms that you can decorate however you like.” Daniel said ushering her through the house. His house was impressive and Alicia felt that she could definitely make this work. Daniel’s phone rung then, “Hi what’s going on?” Daniel said as he spoke with the person on the other end of the receiver. “Right, I’m sorry I forgot all about that. I’ll get to it right away.” Daniel hung up his phone and looked at Alicia. “Sorry, I had a teleconference that I forgot I had to do today. It’ll take about an hour. I know this is weird and out of nowhere, but please make yourself a home.” Alicia nodded almost not paying attention to him. “Have a look around. The fridge is in the back and the bedrooms are all over. I’ll be upstairs.”

  “Okay,” Alicia said and Daniel hustled out of the room. Alicia watched him walk up the stairs and sighed in relief once he was out of sight. Daniel was a sweet guy, but he really wasn’t her type. In her current predicament though, she’d have to endure it. She walked around Daniel’s house and looked through all of the rooms on the first floor. His interior design was plain, but it wasn’t bad. She shook her head, she was in no position to judge considering if she didn’t take what Daniel was offering her, she’d be homeless. “He is cute though just a little too stiff for my liking.” Alicia said once she went into one of the spare bedrooms. The room was small, better suited for a child than an adult. She left that room in a hurry. She walked down the other end of the hallway and heard a piano playing. She didn’t know why she didn’t hear it before, but the closer she went to the end of the hall, the louder the music got.

  “He didn’t tell me that anyone else was here,” Alicia said and walked up to the door. She was surprised to see that the door was cracked so she pushed it open gently so that she could see the person behind the beautiful music. When the door opened all the way, she was taken aback by what she saw. She saw a man who resembled Daniel sitting at the piano, with water dripping from his hair in a towel. She couldn’t help but to stare at the man as he moved his fingers over the keys. She didn’t know why, but she was instantly drawn to the man. His body was perfect and the way his jaw clenched as he pounded against the keys turned her on. Nobody had ever ignited a flame that deep inside of her at a first glance before. She walked into the room in a trance and almost shrieked when a baseball bat that was sitting up next to the door had fallen down. Startled, the man jumped up and his towel fell to the ground revealing his semi-hard erection.

  Chapter Five

  Alicia stared at the man’s naked body with a hunger that she hadn’t felt in a very long time. Her skin boiled, her nipples hardened and the walls inside of her clenched. She couldn’t even think straight while she looked at the man. All she knew was she was horny and she had an itch inside of her that she wanted him to scratch. Donald was equally turned on by her as well. He knew that the woman staring at his naked body was Alicia, and he also knew that since she was here Daniel was interested in her. He held his finger up to his mouth and walked closer to her. Alicia’s breath caught when he was close enough to her that she could feel his body heat. He walked passed her, closed the door and locked it.

  “Where’s my brother?” Donald asked and Alicia looked at him in confusion.

  “Your brother?” she repeated again not fully comprehending his question.

  “Daniel” he said licking his lips. Alicia eyes widened and she bit her lip at the sexiness behind the scene she was thankful to have been a part of.

  “He had a teleconference,” she stuttered while staring hungrily at the man’s cock. She hadn’t been touched sexually by a man in a long time. She didn’t care how slutty it made her look, but she was going to touch all over this man’s body. Donald saw the lust in Alicia’s eyes and walked over to her.

  “Let’s make this quick then,” Donald said and lowered his mouth to cover hers. Alicia couldn’t believe what she was doing; she didn’t even know the man’s name. The only thing that she knew was that the man instantly attracted her t
o him. She’d been going through a lot of stress this past month and she needed release. She didn’t even consider that she was in the house of the man who had just hired her to be his bride; she only considered the peppermint coated tongue that was in her mouth.

  “Mm,” Alicia moaned inside of the man’s mouth and ran her hands up and down his naked body. She felt him growing harder and harder on her stomach. When he picked her up she let out a little gasp. She was by no means a small woman so the fact that he picked her up with ease was shocking to her.

  “Donald,” Donald said once he walked her over to the grand piano and laid her on top of it, Alicia looked at him in confusion. “That’s my name so make sure you call it when you’re coming.” Alicia face burned and her most intimate of places ached when he said that.

  “Ni… Nice to meet you,” Alicia said and Donald grinned. He took off her shoes and reached up her dress to pull down her panties. He was pretty sure that Daniel was going to be upstairs for a while, but just in case he wanted her to be fully dressed if Daniel came looking for her.

  “Considering I don’t have my pants or wallet, are you on birth control?” Donald asked looking at Alicia with a wolfish stare. She nodded her head. “I’m clean are you?” Donald followed up.

  “Of course, I wouldn’t do anybody dirty like that.” Alicia said and blushed. Donald grinned, gripped his throbbing cock, and thrust inside of her. He watched Alicia’s face contort and he immediately moved his hand to cover her mouth. “Ah!” Alicia moans were muffled by Donald’s large hand. The house was big enough, but he wasn’t trying to take any chances. Sure, he felt bad about taking the woman that Daniel decided to choose and of course he was feeling like a hypocrite. He thought the woman wouldn’t be interesting because she matched Daniel’s taste, but when he saw Alicia staring at him like he was a freshly seasoned and cooked steak; he had to add her to his lists of conquests.


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