Alicia's Misfortune

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Alicia's Misfortune Page 35

by Sarah Silver

  “Take off yours too.” I said and he stood up and took off his clothes. When he was completely naked he came back to me and captured my mouth in his again. His long and slender fingers traveled down my body and nestled themselves in between my legs. “Ah!” I jerked my mouth away from his as he rubbed small circles around my clit.

  “You’re wet.” He whispered and started thrusting his fingers inside of me. I squirmed to his touch and I knew then that we were ruining his couch. After a while of playing with me he took it up a notch and buried his head between my legs. I screamed out loudly and orgasmed in his mouth. I blushed when he looked up at me and I started to feel bad that I was the only one receiving pleasure. I pushed him away from me and got off of the couch. Once I was on my knees I placed his throbbing cock into my mouth. He hissed as I began playing with his balls while taking him all the way in my mouth. I had only did this with one man, but I was happy that I was able to drive him wild.

  “I want more.” I said selfishly and pulled away from him. He nodded his head and grabbed his wallet and pulled out a condom. After he had it fitted over his length he push me onto the couch.

  “Ready?” he asked and I nodded my head enthusiastically. Once he pushed himself all the way into me I threw my head back in ecstasy and cried out.

  “Eric!” I said and my nails raked over his broad back. We both were breathing heavily as he thrusted in and out of me. He kissed me again and this time I took the lead. “I’m getting close!” I said when I felt the familiar rush through my body that I’d only known with John.

  “Me too,” he barely was able to say and then he clenched his eyes shut tightly. We both came crying out our pleasure and quivering. His muscular body fell on top of me and I wrapped my arms around him. For some reason I felt very emotional as he held me gently. In his strong arms, I fell peacefully to sleep.

  Chapter Four

  I woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, probably because I was in a nice and comfortable bed and not that hard bed at the motel.

  “Eric!” I called out as I got up and wrapped the sheet around me. I was happy that Eric had carried me to bed, but I was a little sad that he didn’t bother to at least put my dress over my head. I wasn’t used to being naked around anyone other than John. I walked in the kitchen and saw that he had left a note on the table for me.


  I needed to go into work a little bit earlier today so I wasn’t able to cook any breakfast for you. You looked so peaceful sleeping in my bed so I didn’t really have the heart to wake you up. I left some money on top of the table in the living room for you so that you can buy some breakfast (I haven’t been grocery shopping in a while). There’s a nice café around the corner on Belmont that cooks good food. I also left a spare key to the house. I’ll see you when I get off.


  I smiled as I read his letter while I walked into the living room and as promised there was money and a key to his house. I knew that I was going to at least be at Eric’s house for a week so it’ll be a good idea to check out of the motel. Even if he didn’t choose me I knew for a fact that I wasn’t going to that motel again. First thing first I had to wash the remnants of Eric’s and my explosive sex from last night off.


  Two hours later I was around the corner from Eric’s house eating one of the best omelets that I’ve ever eaten. It wasn’t crowded in the café and I was happy for that. This day was definitely one of the bests that I’ve had in a long time even though I was enjoying my own company.

  “Maria?” I heard a deep voice say and the hairs on the back of my neck stood. I knew exactly who that voice belonged to.

  “John.” I tried to say as flatly as possible. I didn’t want him to see how much his presence had unnerved me.

  “I wasn’t expecting to run into you here.” He said with an edge to his voice. “But I’m glad that I did. Will you please stop calling and texting me? You and I are done and you’re starting to piss Alexis off.” My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I hadn’t even attempted to get in contact with him for at least a week.

  “I haven’t been calling you recently.” I said lowering my voice. I was embarrassed that he was talking about this here in public.

  “Good because I don’t want you to come in between me and Alexis.”

  “You and Alexis?” I said incredulously. I couldn’t believe that John was talking like I was trying to break up his so called happy home.

  “She’s the one who came in between me and you!” I shouted back at him and people began staring at us. This wasn’t the same man that I remembered. The guy standing in front of me was a delusional bastard who only cared about himself. “I was having a good morning. Why did you have to come over here and ruin it? Please go away.” I said my face growing hotter and hotter as I felt people staring at us. Before John could say anything, a man who was sitting in the corner of the café approached us.

  “Hey man, she said leave her alone.” I looked at the man’s face and he was quite a fearful sight. He wasn’t unattractive, but he looked like he’d been in fights since birth. His face had many scars on it and I could see old wounds on his arms. John looked over at him and frowned.

  “Mind your own business man. I’m trying to tell this broad to stop calling me.” Before I had enough time to defend myself the man grabbed John by the collar and the people in the café gasped.

  “I see a man bothering a woman not the other way around. Don’t make me get ugly in front of all of these people.” John grabbed the man’s wrist and tried to yank it off of him but the man had a tight grip on his collar.

  “I’m calling the police!” one of the servers said. The man looked at John long and hard and pushed him away.

  “Don’t come around here anymore.” The man said and John glared at the man. Without saying anything to me, John turned around and left out of the café. I don’t know if it was out of shear embarrassment or because John said hurtful things to me, but I began to cry.


  The man must have been uncomfortable because the man paid my bill and grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the building. Normally I would’ve been uneasy with being grabbed by an unknown man, but all of my hurt was shot through me in a matter of minutes.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” the man said as he ushered me in his car. He was the first person to ask me what was wrong with me and for some odd reason I decided to spill my heart out to him. I told him how John had kicked me out because he found another woman and how he left me to be homeless. I told him that I was struggling to get a job after graduation because I didn’t have any work experience. I even told him how I met Eric through an ad he placed for a mail order bride.

  “Life just hasn’t been going my way and just when I get a little piece of happiness, I see the person who took my happiness away.”

  “Wow.” The man said then and leaned back in his seat. “You’ve had it rough. I’m sorry to hear that.” He reached into his glove compartment and handed me some Kleenex. I took it from him and dabbed it on my eyes and blew my nose with it. “Don’t let what that man said to you make you feel bad about yourself. He lost something good and not the other way around. Be glad you found out what kind a man he was before you two settled down.” He was right about that because it would have hurt me more than everything if John did this to me if we were married.

  “Thanks, um.” I spent all of this time talking to this man and I realized that I didn’t know his name. “I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.” I said and I smiled sheepishly at him. The man smiled at me too.

  “Edward and yours?”

  “Maria, it’s nice to meet you and thank you for listening to me complain.” I began laughing out of embarrassment and relief. I couldn’t believe that I just told a complete stranger about everything that has happened to me lately. I had to admit though that it felt good telling him about it since I wasn’t trying to impress him or anything like that.

  “So Maria since you’re stayin
g with this guy wouldn’t it be wise to get your stuff from that motel? I know of the place and from what I know about it it’s not safe for a woman to be there by herself.” I was glad that Edward offered, but I still felt bad for having him waste his gas on me.

  “Yeah it wasn’t the most luxurious place I’ve ever stayed at. Thank you so much for your help. Let me pay you back for paying for my food and for driving me.” I said as I began reaching into my purse. He placed his hand on mine and I blushed at how warm it was. I still wasn’t used to having other men touch me yet.

  “Don’t worry about it. Let me help you out, it’s the least that I can do.” I looked at Edward then and I noticed despite how rugged he looked, he was kind underneath his exterior. I moved my hand away from my purse and fastened my seatbelt.

  “Thank you.” I said again and I sat back in my seat. Edward started his car and we drove in silence to the motel.

  Chapter Five

  “Hey!” The receptionist called out as soon as I walked into the building. I already knew what he wanted and I was happy to know that I didn’t have to pay him another dime. “I need your money for today or you’re going to have to leave.” The man said and I walked passed him without looking at him.

  “I’m not spending another day in this place so I’m not paying another dime for it.” I could tell that he had something more to say to that, but he stopped when Edward walked over to him.

  “You heard the lady, she said she’s not paying.” I turned around and looked at Edward when he said that. I was taken aback when I saw that the receptionist was looking at Edward in horror.

  “Oh I’m sorry man. I didn’t know she was with you.” He stammered out. I couldn’t believe this man’s change of behavior. One second he was banging on someone’s door with his hand held out and the next second he was groveling to another man. My main question was, how did Edward know the man?

  “Yeah she’s with me and she told me she didn’t feel welcomed here George. Is that true?” George shook his head from left to right quickly.

  “I would have treated her with the utmost hospitality if I knew she was yours, Edward. I swear!” Something about this scenario was wrong and it left me feeling uneasy.

  “Do you need help carrying your things, Maria?” Edward asked and I shook my head.

  “No it’s just clothes and some shoes. I can carry them.” Edward nodded his head, but he kept his eyes locked onto George’s.

  “I’m going to have a little word with George, I’ll see you when you come down.” I decided that it’ll be best to leave those two to whatever Edward wanted to speak to George about. I walked away from the men and hurriedly ran up the stairs. There was definitely something not right with that situation. The two of them knew each other and it was apparent that they were not friends. I thought about Edward’s scarred skin and shivered as I walked in my room. There was definitely a hidden meaning behind Edward’s scars and I definitely didn’t want to find out what that meaning was.

  “Let me do this quickly.” I felt that George was in big trouble with Edward. I didn’t particular like the greedy man, but he was scared stiff of Edward. I thought back to how Edward had spoken with John and I shivered again. Even then Edward appeared to have been ready to brawl. It was a strong possibility that Edward wasn’t as nice of a person that I initially thought him to be. Even so, I found something attractive about him. It wasn’t every day that I can spill my heart out to someone and feel completely relaxed about it. I didn’t even feel that relaxed with Eric and he was a complete sweetheart.

  “I’m just confused.” I said to myself as I picked up some clothes that had fallen onto the floor. I was so used to being with one man that I didn’t know how to feel about other men that I came across. Could my attraction to Eric and Edward be because I’m on the rebound? I didn’t think that I was that horrible of a person to have sex with someone just because I was heartbroken over someone else. I shook my head and picked up my belongings. This was just too much to take in. I exited the room and I locked the door. I just wanted to be focused on the fact that I was finally out of this hellhole. I walked down the stairs slowly and went into the lobby and I walked over to where the receptionist, George, normally sat at.

  “Hello?” I called out a bit surprised that George wasn’t there. I wanted to hand deliver the keys to him so that he wouldn’t pretend that I never gave them back. I looked outside towards Edward’s car and saw that he had not gotten into it. Were the two men talking still? “Hello?” I called out again a little louder this time. I heard something loud fall onto the floor and I jumped in fright. I had a very weird feeling about this. “Is everything alright back there? I heard something loud fall.” I was getting afraid then because nobody was answering me. Just when I decided to go behind the counter to make sure that everything was alright, Edward came rushing out of the backroom.

  “Let’s go!” Edward said and walked around the counter. My eyes went wide when I noticed him shoving money into his pocket.

  “I have to give George the keys. Is he back there?” I said and Edward took a napkin out of his pocket and grabbed the keys with it. He threw them on the counter and grabbed my arm. “Hey!” I called out when his vice like grip wrapped around my arm. He looked down at me then and I froze with fear. The look that he gave me and the way that he looked sent shivers up and down my spine.

  “George had to go for a little while. He’ll get the keys.” Edward loosened his grip then and his eyes soften. “He did apologize about treating you badly.” He opened the car door for me and I hesitated to get into the car. I didn’t want to anger him because I knew if he could frighten a grown man to the point of almost pissing his pants, he could do a whole lot more to me than that.

  “Thank you.” I said feebly. He started his car and he quickly sped out of the parking lot. My heart began beating hard in my chance to the point that I thought I wouldn’t be able to breathe. I kept telling myself something was wrong. I feared that he did something more than just talk to George.

  “Here” Edward said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash.

  “What is that for?” I asked baffled that he was just going to give me some money. He grinned.

  “George and I spoke about a lot of things before he had to leave unexpectedly.” He said with an edge to his voice and I shivered out of fear. “I’m not the nicest man I know, but I hate it when guys take advantage of women. Especially beautiful women.” He added and he eyeballed me. The relaxed feeling that I had when I had spoken to Edward earlier was completely gone now. It was almost like it didn’t happened.

  “What did you do?” I asked quietly because I was afraid that he’d be angry and I was afraid of his response. Edward chose to ignore my question.

  “After we talked, George agreed to repay you what you gave him this month and he added a little extra for your trouble.” My breath caught in my throat. I wasn’t naïve enough to be oblivious to what Edward was saying. George didn’t agree to anything like that because he was too much of an ass to do that. I knew that Edward hurt George and that sound of something heavy falling on the ground was probably George’s corpse. I couldn’t be in the car with this man because I didn’t want to end up like George. “So this man you’re living with, Eric, is he at home now.” Oh god, I gave Eric’s address to a crazy person. It was a possibility that he’d try to hurt both me and Eric. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. I remembered Eric telling me that he wasn’t going to be gone too long today because he didn’t want to give me a bad impression.

  “I’m… I’m not sure.” I said and bit my lower lip. How did I get into these situations? I looked at my phone again and decided that I’d send Eric a quick email to tell him what happened. I knew that he wasn’t going to let me stay in his house now, but if he got police to his house before we got there then he’d at the very least would be okay. I didn’t know what was on Edward’s agenda, but I didn’t want Eric to get hurt because of my mistake.

nbsp; “You don’t have to email Eric, Maria.” Edward said nonchalantly. “I’ve texted him already and told him we were on our way. He should be home now” I looked at Edward in horror.

  “How did you get Eric’s number?” Eric and I were in danger and it was all my fault. I should have known that his kindness was too out of the ordinary. My life was already in Edward’s hands and now I probably signed over Eric’s life to Edward as well.

  “I already had it considering that he’s my brother.”

  Chapter Six

  When we arrived at Eric’s house and walked up to the door, I was frightened when Eric pulled the door open with anger apparent on his face. My lip quivered and I shook as I prepared myself for the verbal beating I was sure that I was going to get.

  “Go get her bags out of the car idiot.” I widened my eyes when I noticed that he was staring at Edward with anger and not at me. Edward just laughed and turned around and made his way back to his car. “Are you alright? Did he hurt you?” Eric said as he took me into his arms. I wasn’t expecting this reaction from him.

  “I am so sorry,” I began. “You have to get out of here. I think… I think he just killed someone.” Eric pulled me into the house when I said that, but he left his front door opened. “We have to call the police.” I pleaded with him. He shook his head and I stared at him in alarm.

  “Did you see him do it?” Eric asked me then and I shook my head. “No, but I got this real bad feeling” before I could finish my statement, Edward walked in and sat my bags down.

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve saw you big brother. How have you been?” Eric turned towards Edward and glared at him.


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