Keeping Secrets (The Essien Trilogy, #1)

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Keeping Secrets (The Essien Trilogy, #1) Page 8

by Kiru Taye

  How could she not lose her heart to him again when he made love to her as if she was the most priceless possession? When the sensations that burned through her invited him to possess her completely and wipe away all the bad memories?

  Ima-mmi. He used the loving term every day since he awoke from coma. She wanted to believe he loved her. That she was his one and only true love.

  Right now, he treated her as if he truly meant it, encouraging her to show him how she felt, too. Her hands roamed his taut flesh, her fingers playing with his nipples, eliciting a deep groan of pleasure from him. She explored his body and thrilled at its perfection; toned muscles showed his weeks in hospital had only made him leaner without any flab in sight.

  Her lips tasted his skin, his saltiness, his essence. Licking him. Nipping him.

  “You are so sweet, so beautiful.” He ground into her. “And you’re all mine.”

  His declaration had her already racing heart tripping over itself. Then his lips claimed hers, his tongue mirroring the actions of his hard, enlarged rod within her. Her orgasm took her unawares and she screamed his name into his mouth. He followed her soon afterwards and the two of them crashed back onto the bed.

  They both curled up together, his body cocooning her. Contented, she allowed her smile to show. For the first time in months, her soul found peace and joy.

  “Ima-mmi, tell me how I proposed to you?” his voice deep and irresistible.

  Still, her body tensed.

  “I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, but it would really make me happy if you would tell me.” He spoke so close to her ear, sensitising her skin with goose bumps.

  Letting out a deep sigh, she said, “It’s all right. I want to tell you.”

  His arms tightened around her body and she relaxed once again and recalled the event.

  Five months earlier

  “Hello, Ebony.”

  At hearing her name, Ebony glanced up and her heart rate picked up with alarm.

  Felix’s tall, athletic frame loomed large above her. He looked appealing in his crisp white shirt and navy blue trousers. His shirt had the top three buttons undone, showing off the dark V of his neck and chest; the sleeves rolled up, revealing well-toned lower arms dusted with short dark hairs. His wide smile softened the harsh angles of his warrior’s face and his midnight eyes sparkled.

  “Hi, Felix,” she replied, a touch out of breath, and stood up as he came towards her.

  He leaned forward and kissed her on both cheeks. She caught a scent of his spicy aftershave, reminding her of the day he’d picked her from the airport. Without thinking, she inhaled deeply. When he stepped back, she avoided his eyes for a brief moment as heat travelled up her body at her shameless reaction.

  “It’s nice to see you again.”

  Lowering her lashes, she glanced at him through their dark veil and noticed him watching her without flinching. Their gazes connected, his black eyes now with flecks of crimson, turning her already heated blood into lava. For a moment, she forgot her location, everything else but the two of them. Until she heard a cough and the brief enchantment broke as she realised her friend tried to get her attention.

  “It is nice to see you again, Felix.... This is my friend, Faith.” Ebony recovered her composure enough to give an innocent smile to her friend who, in turn, had the I-want-to-know-what’s-going-on-here look. She would have to do some explaining later.

  “Hi, Faith. It’s nice to meet you.” Felix flashed a charming smile.

  “Likewise,” Faith replied, stretching out her hand to shake his, which he shook briefly before turning back to face Ebony.

  “I’m here with my brother. Would you like to join us?” He nodded in the direction he’d come from.

  Ebony looked enquiringly at her friend, who gave her a knowing look and shrugged. Faith should be shocked that Ebony became the one “picking” up men, or rather, being “picked” up by a man, considering her history.

  “Sure. Why not? The more the merrier, right?” she replied to Felix.

  He led them upstairs into an exclusive section of the lounge. A tall, dark, good-looking man who could have been a spitting image of Felix except for their skin tones sat there. Felix being darker, still, there would be no mistaking the fact they were brothers. The man rose from his seat as they approached.

  “Mark. Fancy meeting you here,” Faith chirped.

  “Faith, it’s nice to see you again.” Mark had a lazy smile on his face as he kissed Faith on both cheeks. He seemed to have an easy-going personality and charm.

  “You two know each other?” Felix asked with a mix of surprise and humour, his dark brow arching upwards.

  “You could say that. We met at a finance conference in South Africa two weeks ago. And this must be Ebony,” Mark said, smoothly turning to Ebony. “It’s great to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.” He gave a mischievous wink at Felix, who, in turn, glared at him.

  “Really?” Ebony amused herself by watching the brothers. So easy to see that whilst Felix had the reserved charm, Mark turned out the out-going player. Their interaction made her wonder what her relationship would have been with her brother if he’d been around still. Feeling a dark cloud descend on her, she shook her head, turning her attention back to Felix.

  “Mark, I warn you. I’ll wring your neck if you say another word.” Felix glowered and his brother simply laughed in response.

  “Don’t mind Mark. He’s just playing the fool. Please sit down,” he said to Ebony, before turning another withering look at Mark who kept chuckling, his attention now on Faith.

  The men waited for the ladies to sit down, Mark next to Faith and Felix next to Ebony.


  Ebony saw Faith give her the same knowing look again and she smiled to herself.

  Faith, her sassy, outgoing, independent, girl-power friend, had dragged her out tonight because she had been complaining about being bored and missing her life in the States.

  Since her arrival in Lagos over a week ago, she hadn’t done much except deal with the throng of visitors arriving in their family home in preparation for the ten-year memorial service for her father and brother. The only respite she’d had came by logging on to Facebook and reconnecting with her friends online.

  Back in the States, she had worked as an analyst for the World Trade Organisation. As the ten-year anniversary of the tragic accident that claimed the lives of her brother and father approached, she had requested a year out of work. She needed the break and the time to reacquaint herself with her fatherland.

  Also, her mum had been appointed to run a non-governmental organisation to deal with International Trade in Nigeria, and she wanted Ebony to help with setting it up. Ebony had been enthusiastic about getting involved in the project, but there wasn’t much for her to do at the moment. She learned things went at a different, much slower pace out here. So for now, here she found herself, free and listless and going out of her mind because she needed to keep busy all the time. Being idle gave her too much thinking time. Time to think about people who shouldn’t be on her radar.

  Like the man sitting next to her, for one.

  Ten days since she saw him last, but she’d thought about him several times every one of those days. She should know better. Dele Savage, her ex-fiancé, had ensured she didn’t want anything to do with any man again.

  This encounter with Felix would only be a drink and a chat. Nothing more, she told herself.

  Lifting his hand, Felix called the waiter over and ordered their drinks. After the waiter left with their orders, he turned to Ebony.

  “So, how is your mother?” he asked her as he leaned back into the sofa and stretched his legs in front of him.

  The motion drew her attention to his powerful thighs. She remembered the hardness when she’d touched him in the car, and her pulse picked up speed.

  “She’s fine. Our house has been busy with visitors for the past week. I’d forgotten how chaotic it can get.”
Talking helped to distract her from Felix’s raw masculinity. She needed to get a grip.

  “What about you? How are you coping?”

  He said that so low, his voice so husky, it felt as if he’d breathed it over her neck. Her skin tingled. Vibrations pitted in her belly, massaging her insides. It took her a while to find her voice. She had to clear the lump in it by coughing.

  “Me.... Oh, I’m doing great,” she said, waving her hand in a dismissive gesture and casting a furtive glance at her friend. Deep in conversation with Mark, Faith seemed oblivious to Ebony and Felix.

  They’re getting on well. A bit too well.

  “Is that so?” Felix asked.

  She turned back to face him. His dark brow raised an inch and his cheek dimpled as his smile deepened.

  “Remember, it’s me. You can tell me how it is, the plain truth, not the sugar-coated version.” He put his hand on her arm and his heat permeated her skin.

  What was it about Felix? She’d only met him twice, yet, there seemed to be a rapport, a connection, that ran deeper that any she could remember. She could talk to him, which felt strange because she found it difficult talking to anyone else. Even Faith didn’t know her darkest thoughts. But it seemed Felix could sense them.

  “You want the unvarnished truth?” She closed her eyes, trying to banish her thoughts, but something in his voice when he spoke again caused her to open them.

  “Nothing but,” he replied. “It never pays to coat the truth. It does come out, eventually—with devastating consequences.”

  His eyes darkened and she caught a brief glimpse of a troubled soul.

  What would have caused him such pain? Suddenly wanting to soothe his pain, she touched his thigh to reassure him. He looked down at her hand on his leg. When he raised his gaze back up at her face, the darkness had gone from him. He smiled again and pulled her hand up to brush her knuckles with a kiss. For a moment, she forgot her thoughts and just stared at his lips on her tingling hand.

  “Come on. Let’s hear it. You’re not trying to avoid answering my question, are you?” he teased.

  His amused black eyes sparkled like diamonds, his tone playful when he released her hand. Absentmindedly, she rubbed the spot he’d kissed.

  “Of course not.” She feigned indignation. “The truth is I miss my old life, my friends. I’m bored. The project I’m going to work on doesn’t start for another week or so. And Mum wants me to travel to our hometown with her although she hasn’t said when yet. I’ve got mixed feelings about that, too.... I don’t know. I just can’t wait to start my new job so I don’t go stir-crazy.”

  “I think you need to see more of Nigeria. There is so much to do. Tell you what.” He gave a wide and enticing smile. “Why don’t you come down to the East with me for a few days? I have to go to Port Harcourt for a meeting on Friday. I have a villa in Calabar. We can make a weekend of it. How about that?”

  “It sounds great. I’d love to do some travelling but...I don’t think it is a good idea to go with you.”

  As bad ideas go, spending the weekend alone with Felix counted as one so soon after Dele. Her past experience proved she didn’t know how to have a casual fling. One hundred percent or nothing. Her physical reaction to Felix showed she was en route to all with a man who had a reputation for flings.

  His lips moved in a smile filled with seductive intent. “If it will make you feel any better, you can invite your friend along.” He turned to look at his brother chatting intensely with Faith. “I’m sure Mark wouldn’t mind coming along since they seem to be getting on so well over there.”

  “Someone’s talking about me,” Mark interjected as he turned to face them. “What’s going on?”

  “I was just saying maybe the four of us should go down to Calabar for the weekend. What do you think?”

  “No can do, bro. I’ve already got plans for the weekend.”

  “Sorry. Neither can I. Some other time, maybe,” Faith added.

  Felix turned back to Ebony. “Oh, well. I did try. If you do change your mind, let me know. In the meantime, though, dance with me.” He stood up and held out his hand.

  Ebony stared at his hand with wary reluctance. This thing between them moved at a pace faster than she wanted to go. Felix proved too good-looking, charming, and so easy to get along with.

  Do I want to get involved with him?

  He hadn’t asked her out. Yet.

  If we carry on like this, I will fall for him. I know this with the same confidence I know the sun will rise tomorrow.

  She sucked in a deep breath.

  No men. No dating. For now, I have my career, my friends, and my mum to concentrate on.

  Felix, probably sensing her hesitation, leaned closer and whispered in her ear, his breath feathering her neck, sensitising it. “It’s only a dance, ima-mmi. I promise I won’t bite.”

  Heat travelled through her and she looked up sharply, her eyes connecting with his fiery ones and her heart rate increased. Unable to stop herself, she took his hand and let him pull her up. “African Queen” by Tuface Idibia played from the hidden speakers behind the dark walls. It used to be one of her favourite songs but each time she heard it, it reminded her of Dele singing it to her.

  Felix pulled her closer when they got to the small dance floor. She put her arms around him, revelling in the firm heat of his body. When the words of the music hit her, she stiffened.

  “Listen, Felix, I like you but I can’t do this—” she stopped, not sure if she wanted to go down this route of speech.

  “What can’t you do, Ebony?”

  The way Felix watched her with intent, he must’ve seen the troubles in her eyes. He frowned. When she pulled back, he let her go.

  “Okay, let’s sit down and you can tell me what’s wrong.”

  She nodded. He put his hand on her back as they walked to the sofa. Mark and Faith were nowhere to be seen.

  When they sat down, Ebony avoided his gaze, picking up her drink. She didn’t sip from it but stared into the light liquid, her face creased in a frown, instead.

  “I...I can’t get into a relationship right now. I recently broke up with my fiancé. He called off our wedding a month before the date. I...I just want to focus on my career for now.”

  “What happened?”

  The gentle way he asked almost made her cry.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” She turned away from him, picking at non-existent fluff on her dress.

  “You still love him.”

  She looked up at him as she relived the hurt.

  “I was in love with him for a very long time. It’s not that easy to just switch it off after a relationship is over.”

  “He is a fool for letting you go. But I think I have a solution to your heartache.”

  “You do? What is it?”

  “Marry me.”

  “Really? I proposed to you just weeks after meeting you?” Felix had a big grin on his face as he turned her around to face him in the bed.

  “Yes, it was more like days but who’s counting.” She giggled and then yawned, their intense lovemaking taking its toll.

  “I must have been madly in love with you.”

  Her smile disappeared and she averted her eyes. Tell him the rest. Her conscience pricked her.

  “Something like that.” She said instead. She wasn’t telling lies, just omitting things.

  Warm hands massaged her back, lulling her into a sleepy state.

  “I’m glad you’re finally Mrs. Felix Essien in the true sense.” She heard his satisfied whisper as she drifted off.

  The next time Ebony woke, the aroma of rich, freshly filtered, ground coffee drifted into her nostrils. She lifted her head and stretched with languor. Felix was not in bed with her. The sun must be high up in the sky, given the light that flooded the bedroom. Her eyes followed the smell of the coffee to the low table by the settee. A tray laden with food sat there. Swinging legs over the side, she got up and grabbed her silk robe now laid out a
t the foot of the bed. She put it on and cinched the sash around her waist.

  Felix strode out of the walk-in wardrobe, the cane he leaned on for support tapping on the slate flooring. Despite his obvious injury, he still carried an aura of charm, confidence, and carnality. He wore a new pair of dark brown cargo trousers and a white linen shirt, the buttons on them undone. Eyes riveted to his chest and abs, her heart rate picked up and she wondered how she could still want him so soon after this morning’s lovemaking session. She had felt sated at the time. Yet, as she stood mesmerised, she yearned for him all over again.

  “Sleeping Beauty wakes.” His low voice sounded decadent and vibrated through her. Her sex clenched and she tugged her bottom lip with her teeth.

  Ten years in a relationship and I can’t remember ever being this insatiable. One day with Felix and I don’t want to leave the bedroom.

  Lady of the House was at risk of being run over by Sex Bomb this morning.

  One minute she contemplated falling to her knees and begging him to take her back to bed. The next, one hand wrapped the side of her face and he said, “When you do that with your lip, I can’t resist kissing it.”

  And he gave her a thorough, breath-stealing kiss.

  Felix gripped his walking cane tight, just as his desire for Ebony flared again. His fingers tangled with the curls of her hair. It seemed she looked her sexiest first thing in the morning with her hair wild, messy, and fiery. She leaned into him, pressing warm hands on his chest just above nipples that seemed to harden anytime she touched him. Pulse rate increasing, he bit back a groan and pulled back.

  “I think you better get something to eat before I haul you back into that bed.” He curled his lips and grinned with appreciation.


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