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TexasKnightsBundle Page 78

by Unknown

  “Your family was blessed with looks,” Stacia said, still gazing at the door. “Your brother Zach is as handsome as he was in college.”

  “Zach?” Isabella repeated, straightening her skirt and not thinking much about Stacia’s remarks. “Boone’s the handsome devil.”

  “Well, he’s married and Zach isn’t.”

  “Shall we go?” Emily urged, handing Isabella her bouquet of white tulips and roses.

  They left, and Isabella waited while her sisters and friend walked down the aisle.

  Colin’s father, Stuart, was to walk Isabella down the aisle. He linked her arm through his. “Isabella, I’m happy for both of you. You’ve been great for Colin. You’ve given our son back to us.”

  “I love him very much,” she said, patting Stuart Garrick’s arm.

  And then it was time for her entrance. The moment she started down the aisle, her gaze flew past their guests to Colin. In a tuxedo, he looked more handsome than ever and her heart skipped beats as she moved closer to him.

  She barely heard the words said to them, repeated her vows, and all the time couldn’t take her gaze away from Colin’s.

  And then the minister finally pronounced them husband and wife. Colin kissed her lightly. “You’re mine, love,” he whispered and smiled at her.

  He took her hand and they walked back up the aisle. Surprisingly, she was able to keep up with his long-legged stride.

  After posing for pictures, they left in a limousine for the Stallion Pass Country Club for the reception.

  Garlands of greenery were strung around the large reception room and bouquets of flowers were banked near the bridal table while a fountain ice sculpture was centered on the table.

  As children ran underfoot and guests continued to congratulate the bride and groom, the band began to play and Colin took Isabella’s hand.

  Having shed the train to her dress, she turned to dance with him, gazing up at him. “You are the most handsome man on earth!”

  He grinned. “That purely isn’t so, but I’m glad you think it. Hon, I’m all sewed back together like the scarecrow in the Oz story.”

  She poked his hard, flat stomach. “Doesn’t feel to me like you’re stuffed with straw.”

  “After a while you can take a peek and see.”

  She laughed. “I can’t wait.”

  “You think you can’t wait! In that yummy dress you look good enough to eat. How long before we can get out of here and I can get you all to myself?”

  “We have to be nice to our guests for a couple of hours and then we can disappear. You never have told me where we’re going for our honeymoon.”

  “I want to surprise you.”

  “You can at least give me a hint.”

  He shook his head. “Nope. You have to wait until we leave here.”


  “Our families work well together. Kevin is dazzled by your sister Cathy, but then I think Kevin is dazzled by most females at this point in his life,” Colin said as he pulled her closer in his arms.

  Dancing with Colin was bliss. Isabella closed her eyes and leaned her head against him, knowing she had made the right decision when she’d returned to Texas and agreed to marry Colin. It was a decision she would never regret.

  Later, as Colin stood in a group of his friends, talk came up again about the wild white stallion that had been passed from groom to groom. When Mike mentioned it, both Boone and Colin said no at the same time.

  “I thought we settled that at my barbecue in April,” Boone declared.

  “That horse is going to wear out with you guys moving him around,” Colin added. “With all the strays Isabella takes in, we don’t need one more animal,” Colin added. He gazed at his friends in the circle, Mike, Jonah and Boone. “Guys, thanks to you, I did get my life back. I’m glad you talked me into staying and catching Peter.”

  “I still can’t get over that it was Peter Fremont,” Jonah said. “The headlines have died away now, but they’ll flare up again when his trial comes up.”

  “All those years of deception,” Jonah said.

  “All the lives lost,” Boone added.

  “Well, once more, I appreciate what all of you did,” Colin said.

  “We’re glad he’s caught and you don’t have to worry about him,” Mike said.

  “Here comes my doll baby,” Boone said as Erin walked up to hand Mary to him.

  “Can you hold her a minute?”

  “’Course. Come here, sweetie,” Boone said to the baby. His brother Zach joined them.

  “Now, here’s the guy that told me for years he would never marry,” Zach said. “Look at him now.”

  “I’m a happy man,” Boone said, grinning. “And, little brother, you can get in some practice,” he said, putting Mary into his brother’s arms.

  The men laughed and Zach grinned as he adjusted Mary in the crook of his arm. She snuggled down and closed her eyes and Zach gave Boone a smug grin. “See—who’s the expert here?”

  “You guys excuse me,” Colin said, leaving them and searching for Isabella. As soon as he could, he pulled her aside.

  “I haven’t kissed you in far too long. It’s been three hours and I’ve shared you with too many people.”

  “All right. Where’s that limo that you said was waiting to whisk us away?”

  “Just come out on the terrace with me,” he said, strolling with his arm lightly around her waist. “Now this way, my darlin’.” They turned a corner. “Come on. We’ll make a break for it.”

  He took her hand and she picked up her skirts and they ran to the parking lot, where they climbed into a waiting limo. She fell against the seat laughing and trying to catch her breath while Colin spoke to the driver. They were off to Austin to spend the night in the bridal suite of a luxurious hotel.

  “Look in my coat pocket,” Colin told her, holding her close in the back seat of the limo.

  Isabella reached into his pocket and pulled out plane tickets. She turned them over and threw her arms around his neck. “Switzerland!”

  “I told you to pack your camera. We’re going to a beautiful place that I saw a long time ago and from there we can pick some remote, rugged places where you can shoot pictures to your heart’s content.”

  “Oh, Colin, that’s fabulous!” she exclaimed, kissing him soundly.

  When he started to slide his hand beneath her silk skirt, she caught his wrist. “Wait for the hotel.”

  He inhaled and leaned back, pulling her into his arms.

  “Colin, when they finally finish building our house in Stallion Pass, can we take the dogs with us?”

  He grinned. “Why am I not surprised by this question? I don’t care what you do with the dogs. Just try to keep the number of them down below a dozen.”

  She smiled. “Are you going to grant my every wish?”

  “I hope I always can. I’ll try.”

  The minute they were in the bridal suite and the door closed behind the bellman, Colin shed his coat and tie and turned to look at her. She had crossed the room to look at the view. It was still afternoon and she turned back to Colin as he crossed the room.

  “This is a beautiful view of the city.”

  “You don’t say,” he said, never taking his eyes from hers. He wrapped his arms around her. “I love you, Isabella, more than anything on earth.”

  “Ah, Colin, how happy you make me,” she said, winding her arms around his neck and standing on tiptoe. She pulled his head down to kiss him.

  Colin’s arms tightened around her waist and he pulled her closer against him, his kiss deepening.

  In love with her tall husband, Isabella hugged him. She leaned away and combed her fingers through his hair. “Colin, I’ll love you forever. You’re mine now and that’s not going to change.”

  “I don’t want it to change, darlin’. I love you.” He tightened his arms again and kissed her.

  Isabella’s heart filled with joy and she knew this night she and Colin were starting a n
ew life together with a love to last a lifetime.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-2125-7

  Copyright © 2008 Harlequin Books S.A.

  The publisher acknowledges the copyright holders of the individual works as follows:

  Shut Up and Kiss Me

  Copyright © 2004 Sara Orwig

  Bring on the Night

  Copyright © 2004 Sara Orwig

  Standing Outside the Fire

  Copyright © 2004 Sara Orwig

  Don’t Close Your Eyes

  Copyright © 2004 Sara Orwig

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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