Carnage (Hell Hounds MC, #1)

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Carnage (Hell Hounds MC, #1) Page 6

by Susan Hayes

  His eyes widened. “Mate?”

  “Yes, mate. Didn’t Luc explain any of this to you?” She looked around his bedroom again. Everything was exactly the same as it had been yesterday. Like no one had been here since then. A slick, sick feeling started in her gut. Something wasn’t right.

  “I haven’t seen that bastard since he threw me out of my own house three fucking days ago.”

  “You’re not making sense. Luc came for me yesterday evening. We talked. He promised me you were safe, and he wasn’t going to punish you. It was part of the deal I made with him. He said he’d send someone to tell you I was okay and would be back soon...are you telling me he didn’t?” Her stomach twisted as understanding dawned. Luc had lied to her. Son of a bitch. She should have known better.

  “Did he also happen to mention he’s the Prince of Lies? It’s not a pretty turn of phrase, sweet cheeks, it’s his modus operandi. Time doesn’t pass the same on the other planes. You’ve been gone for days, not hours. And while he didn’t hurt me, he left me without my powers and no idea what was happening to you, which was fucking torture, so yeah, he punished me indirectly for what I did. He’s an expert at loopholes.”

  “I didn’t know. I’m sorry, Car. Fuck. I’m so sorry.” Guilt slammed through her, making her heart stutter and a slow-burning rage ignited in her soul. Somehow, she was going to make Luc pay for this.

  Car kissed her, cutting off her apologies. “You’re here now. That’s what matters. Explain what you mean about us being mates. And why you have wings, and well...everything.” He kissed her again. “Or better yet, explain it to me later. I just want to hear one thing from you right now. Tell me who you belong to.”

  “You. But only if you’re sticking around. I heard you might be considering leaving all this behind and being reborn.”

  “I’m not going anywhere without you. Since you’re on Team Hellfire now, that means I’ll be staying.” He gripped her hips and spun her around so that she was facing away from him. “Get naked. Fast. You’re about to get your wish about how this reunion ends.”

  Leta tossed him a sultry look over one shoulder, then manifested a set of impressive claws and shredded her own outfit.

  “You’ve got claws, too?” he asked, already tearing off his own clothes the same way she had.

  “And fangs. All part of the Hell Hound package. You’re stuck with me now, Car. At least until that part of my contract is up in...oh.... about five hundred years.” She was bound to Lucifer until the end of days. After all, she had agreed to fight for him in the final battle, but for now, she was signed to the same contract as the other Hell Hounds. Her duty was to Lucifer, and her job was to go where he told her to go and hunt the creatures she’d already been hunting. The dark, dangerous beings who preyed on the innocent and lived in a world of nightmares.

  Carnage stepped out of the tattered remains of his clothes, then picked Leta up and set her on the bed so that her pert ass was on display for him. Fuck, she was beautiful, and she was all his. She had actually chosen to make herself like him. It was the most humbling, sexiest thing he could imagine. “Five hundred years isn’t going to be enough, you know. I’m going to want you forever.”

  He slapped her ass, loving the way her delicate skin bloomed pink where he had struck her. “That’s for vanishing for days and making me think you were dead.”

  She made a muffled squeak, but when she looked back at him again, her eyes were glowing with arousal, not anger. “I didn’t know Luc kept you in the dark. I really am sorry about that. I thought we’d train for one night then I’d be back to tell you all about it.”

  He spanked her again, on the other cheek this time. “That’s for trusting the Prince of Lies. He may be our king, but you can’t trust that bastard at all.”

  She moaned softly, her head falling forward, dark hair spilling over the mattress. “I’ll have to remember that in future.”

  Car leaned in so that he could see the sweet, slick folds of her pussy framed between her smooth thighs. “One more thing you need to remember, sweet cheeks.” He nipped the pink flesh of one cheek, then kissed the sting away a moment later. “You’re a Hell Hound now, and that means I’m your leader. Disobey me, and I’ll have to punish you.”

  “Cheat on me, and I’ll neuter you,” she countered. “You might be the leader of the Hell Hounds, but as it turns out, I’m the granddaughter of the King of Hell.”

  “You have yourself a deal, mate. Wait, what did you say? Granddaughter?” He sputtered.

  “Uh huh. Your mate’s a princess, or so I’ve been told. It was news to me, too.”

  “Never fucked a princess before,” Car muttered.

  “Now you’re never going to fuck anything else. I’m yours, but you’re mine, and I will kill any woman who so much as looks at you wrong.”

  Car didn’t do relationships. Not when he was mortal, and certainly not after he became a Hound. Things were different now, though. Leta didn’t have anything to worry about. Whatever this mating thing was, it had him by the balls and wasn’t letting go...and he was fine with it.

  He slid a finger into her pussy, working it into her tight channel as she moaned and pressed backward against his hand. She was wet and welcoming, already primed for his cock, and he knew he couldn’t wait any longer. They had centuries to make slow love to each other, but tonight, he needed to fuck her until neither of them could move.

  “You’re the only woman I want. Even when I thought you were dead, you were all I wanted. Tell me you’re ready for me,” he said, already fisting his cock and moving into position behind her as he pumped his fingers in and out of her channel.

  “Fuck, yes. I’ve missed you.”

  He flicked a finger over her G-spot then withdrew his hand, replacing it with his dick. She moaned again and rocked backward, taking the tip of him inside her before he even moved. He gripped her hips and thrust home, sinking into her heat with a low groan. Being inside her was even better than he remembered. Her inner walls flexed around him, and he let himself go, pounding into her hard and fast, holding nothing back as he laid claim to what was his.

  She took him easily, moaning each time he buried himself to the hilt. He reached up and stroked one of her ebony wings, and she trembled, her soft noises of desire growing more desperate with every touch. Soon they were both panting, skin slick with sweat, both of them lost in a perfect storm of passion.

  She braced her arms on the bed and pushed back against him, meeting him thrust for thrust. He wrapped an arm around her, drawing her up so that she was kneeling, her back pressed to the solid bulk of his chest. He filled her with every arch of his hips, gripped tight in the slick heat of her pussy. He groaned her name as the need to come hit him hard, and he gave into it, emptying himself into her with long, hard jets.

  She gripped his wrist, lifting his arm to her lips. Her fangs were buried deep into his flesh before he knew what she was doing. She bit him hard, drawing blood and sealing the bond between them the same as he had done to her. She shuddered and came on a wild cry that reverberated off the walls.

  His teeth sank into her throat a heartbeat later, and the two of them rode out the last seconds of their orgasms locked together in a moment that seemed to go on forever.

  When she finally released him, she pressed a kiss to the spot where she had bitten him, sending a gentle pulse of healing energy into the wound before whispering a single word. “Mine.”

  “You got that right, sweet cheeks. I always said that you were mine. It just took you a while to realize I was right.”


  He nuzzled her neck and chuckled softly. “I love you, too.”

  * * * *

  Lucifer cleared the image from his scrying mirror with an idle wave of his hand, then picked up his drink and toasted himself. “That worked out even better than I hoped. Well done, me.”

  “Cheater. Carnage never had a chance after that whammy you pulled on him. Talking Fate into giving them all mates was a
stroke of genius.” The woman who entered his office was the walking definition of a sex kitten, from the sultry purr of her voice to the slow, sensual sway of her hips as she sashayed across the floor to stand at his side.

  “Lilith, my sweet, what brings you down here? Don’t you have a bar to run topside?”

  “Haven can run itself for a few hours. I wanted to check in and make sure Carnage was okay. He’s had a rough couple of days, no thanks to you.”

  “Please, he’s been moping for months, trying to decide if he was going to opt out and let himself be reborn. What a waste that would have been. Now he’s happy, Leta’s happy, and I’ve added to my army instead of losing one of my best warriors. I should be getting a medal. In fact, I’m going to decree one be made for me, to honor my brilliance in handling all this.”

  Lilith tucked a strand of blood red hair behind one ear and sighed. “Do you think Leta’s still going to be happy when she finds out who her father really is?”

  Luc shook his head. “She’ll never know. I told her that her father was one of my sons and that he died loyally protecting her and her mother.”

  “You’re a lying bastard, you know that, right?”

  He reached out and pulled Lilith onto his lap. “I’m the Prince of Lies, babe. Besides, I already have several daughters running amok in the universe, I don’t know if Hell could survive it if I announced I had another one, especially considering Leta’s angelic lineage. I may be the King of Hell, but there would be trouble if anyone found out I’d broken my own rules. Best for everyone if no one ever finds out the truth.”

  “Best for you, you mean. If God finds out you seduced one of his angels...”

  Luc pressed a finger to his lover’s full lips. “He would be pissed at me, which would be business as usual. Are we done talking now, or are you going to continue trying to make me jealous by taking too much interest in my Hounds? They’re off limits to you, lover. You know that.”

  “I’m fond of them, that’s all.”

  “Be fond of them from a distance. Thanks to my deal with Fate, they’re all destined for mates. I’ve got it all lined up. None of them is leaving my service, not when I’m finished with them.”

  “You’re an evil man, you know that?”

  “Me? Never. I’m just a firm believer in stacking the odds in my favor before I let anyone get around to making their choices.”

  “So, who’s next?” she asked in a sultry whisper.

  “That’s for me to know and you to find out. It won’t be long for you to wait, sweet thing. That much I can promise.”

  The End


  The Drift Series

  Double Down

  All In (coming this October)

  Wild Card (Coming Spring 2017)

  The Summoned Series

  Summoned and Sold

  (The above book is permanently free)

  Summoned and Stolen

  Summoned and Bound

  Susan’s books in the 3013 Series

  3013: RENEGADE

  3013: STOWAWAY

  3013: TARGETED

  3013: SCARRED

  The Paladin Protection Series

  Saved by Sin

  On Jason’s Watch

  Guarding Valentina

  Daemons and Angels Series




  Susan lives out on the Canadian west coast surrounded by open water, dear family, and good friends. She’s jumped out of perfectly good airplanes on purpose and accidently swum with sharks on the Great Barrier Reef.

  If the world ends, she plans to survive as the spunky, comedic sidekick to the heroes of the new world, because she’s too damned short and out of shape to make it on her own for long.

  To contact her about her books or to arrange end of the world team-ups, you can email her at [email protected].

  For all titles by Susan Hayes, please visit her website:

  To keep up with her latest news, releases, and appearances you can join her





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