The OP MC 5: God of Winning

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The OP MC 5: God of Winning Page 42

by Logan Jacobs

  I ignored them all, and I held my head up high as I entered the audience chamber. I took Dumas straight to the throne dais, and I deposited the body at the king’s feet.

  “Here is your enemy, Your Majesty.” I gestured to the dead necromancer. “Now, you must listen to me when I tell you about the plot against the crown. I know you don’t want me to murder Edinburg, Mistvale, and Zorya, but if you don’t arrest them, then I will be left with no choice but to protect my family.”

  “You managed to eliminate him very swiftly,” the king observed. “Now you can sleep peacefully knowing you have removed the threat to your family.”

  “That’s not true.” I frowned. “I will not be able to rest as long as Edinburg, Mistvale, and Zorya are still at large. Dumas and Zorya worked together to poison the royal mage, and Mistvale has been preventing you from getting an heir for years. They’re bad news, Your Majesty. Don’t wait until I’m bringing you their bodies, too.”

  “You are right, Sir Sebastian,” the king sighed, and he rubbed his temple with one hand. “I have been in denial for a long time about the plot to overthrow me because I had trusted Edinburg and Mistvale with so much. Better to have them behind bars awaiting a trial than to risk even more.”

  “So, you’ll have them arrested?” I pressed.

  “Yes, this very night,” King Frederick assured me. “I will take care of the rest, Sir Sebastian, you have done much for Sorreyal already. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you at first. I won’t make the same mistake again.”

  “Is there anything else you would need from me?” I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

  “I will need your help protecting the throne,” the king said, and he tapped a finger against his chin. “How long can you stay in Vallenwood?”

  “I’m not sure.” I frowned as I thought it over. “It depends on my entourage. Some of them own businesses, and I’m sure they’re anxious to open up shop again. Besides, I’m going to have to start planning my next wedding soon, and I could really use the people of Bastianville’s help with that.”

  “A wedding?” the king gasped. “Why, this is wonderful news! It is a nice change from the grim topics we’ve been discussing, so, please, tell me all about it.”

  “You may want to call someone to grab him first,” I suggested as I dropped Dumas’ corpse from my shoulders, and it fell to the lush red carpet of the throne room with a thud. “Otherwise, he’s going to bleed out on your rugs. Although, they’re already blood red, so it might not be noticeable.”

  “Good idea, Your Grace,” the king chuckled, and he snapped his fingers to summon a servant.

  Then the man in the king’s colors trotted in, and King Frederick explained about Dumas. The servant bowed before he left the room once more in search of others to help him carry the dead weight, which left me alone with the king again.

  “So, should I expect an invitation soon?” The king waggled his eyebrows.

  It was beyond me how he could get excited about my upcoming wedding while our enemy laid dead at our feet, but I supposed it was something like a coping mechanism for the ruler of Sorreyal. It reminded me of the ostriches from my old world, and how they would bury their heads in the sand when they felt threatened.

  “Of course, you are invited to my wedding, Your Majesty,” I assured him with a small, respectful bow of my head. “You’re actually the first person besides my entourage to know.”

  “Which one of your lovely ladies have you chosen?” the king asked in an excited tone. “Isn’t the red-haired one already your wife?”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “I’m getting married to Evangeline Bullard, daughter of the Duke of Bullard.”

  “Oh, wonderful news,” the king gushed. “She is very well-bred. Her mother was just as gorgeous as she. A fine choice, Sir Sebastian, a fine choice indeed.”

  “She basically picked me,” I laughed, and I raked my hands through my hair as I thought back to when Eva first disguised herself as a guard in order to join my followers. “She’s a hard one to tell no to, that’s for sure.”

  “How you manage to have multiple women is beyond me,” the king said in a thoughtful tone. “I cannot even find a single woman worthy of marriage… I suppose the Duchess of Mistvale will no longer be finding me a bride, though.”

  “Call it my godly instincts, but I have a feeling she was using the task of finding you a bride as a way to undermine your rule,” I said in a low, conspiratorial voice. “The longer you go without an heir, the more vulnerable the crown becomes.”

  “Your godly instincts, hmm?” The king frowned, and he tapped his chin in a thoughtful manner. “Well, you were right about Dumas, so I ought to trust you more. You do seem to have the best interests of Sorreyal at heart. ”

  “I only want this world to thrive in peace and happiness,” I assured the king. “Then I can spend my time adventuring, learning new skills, and gathering lots of loot.”

  “You want to become a roaming vagabond?” The king shook his head in confusion. “But you’re already a god…”

  King Frederick wouldn’t understand the joy of beating a game and then getting to fuck off in the world for as long as you wanted, but that was my end goal. After I accomplished one-hundred percent completion of the map, people, and questlines, I would be free to live like a god for the rest of my days.

  Which could be endless for all I knew. There was still much about my own powers I didn’t know, but I had all the time in the world to experiment with and figure it all out.

  “First, I need to get this wedding planned,” I said in a determined voice.

  “That pleases me.” The king clapped his hands together, and he flashed me a broad smile. “I trust you implicitly, but please, do spend some time focusing on your upcoming nuptials. It is a once, er, thrice, in a lifetime event, after all.”

  “Maybe the third of many,” I laughed, and then I raked a self-conscious hand through my hair. “What are the rules about marrying more than one woman? I have been curious for a while, since I haven’t encountered anyone else in a similar predicament as myself.”

  “It used to be something reserved only for the king,” King Frederick explained. “But those rules are archaic and no longer relevant to the modern Sorreyal.”

  “So, you and I are basically equals?” I teased with a wink.

  “I wouldn’t go that far…” A worried look crossed the king’s kindly eyes. “Is that your aim, Sir Sebastian?”

  I shrugged, but I didn’t reply.

  Let him wonder what my true intentions were for a while. I’d already done more than enough to prove my loyalty to the crown, as well as to him personally.

  Just then, a gaggle of servants trotted into the audience chamber, and they scooped up the necromancer’s corpse and hauled it away. A trail of blood dripped in their wake, but a moment later, even more servants arrived to clean away the stains on the carpets. They were efficient, I had to give them that.

  “In any case,” the king said after we’d watched the servants work in silence for a while, “you have done more than enough to protect the throne for one day. I only have one more topic to discuss while you are here. Have you decided who should fill the open court wizard position?”

  “Actually, I have.” I grinned as the perfect candidate sprang to my mind. “The shapeshifting cat-man from the Hermetic Tribe, Ako Gray.”

  “An unusual choice, considering he is a foreigner,” the king mused. “But I thoroughly trust your judgement. However, with Master Dumas’ demise, it seems we have another position to fill.”

  “Hold off on replacing Dumas until we get Edinburg behind bars,” I requested. “I wouldn’t want any ill fate to meet our new hire.”

  “Very well.” The king inclined his head. “That concludes our business, then. I give you my leave to return to your living quarters to celebrate your future wedding with your bride-to-be.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.” I bowed low. “I will please them to no end for the rest of the day.”
  “Very good,” the king muttered, but a flush of pink crept up his neck to show his embarrassment.

  I turned and marched out of the throne room with my head held high, but before I returned to bed, I went out in search of the pieces of the red crystal staff the necromancer had used. I didn’t want the magical stone to fall into the wrong hands, but thankfully it didn’t take me very long to find. I took the crystal half, and I went back to the palace with a wide smile on my face.

  I’d eliminated one of my enemies, and I’d managed to learn a lot of new magic before that. My time in Vallenwood had been very productive so far, but my work was far from over. I still had the duke, duchess, and her court wizard to contend with, but I would figure out how to take them down soon enough.

  The king was right. Now, it was time to focus on the good parts of life. Namely, my upcoming wedding.

  My smile widened as I jogged toward my wing of the king’s palace, and I nodded at the guards who stood at the entrance to the area where my people were staying during our time in Vallenwood. I trotted down the corridor to the room where I’d left the three women fast asleep, and I quietly crept inside the door.

  I stared down at their peaceful sleeping faces for a long moment before I slid in between Mahini and Eva. Elissa was on the other side of the duke’s daughter, and she flung her arm across the distance to me in her sleep. As her petite fingers grazed against my chest, my wife sighed with contentment, and her breathing relaxed once more.

  I mimicked her sigh with one of my own, and I relished in the feeling of safety and warmth that surrounded me in that moment. Dumas was dead, and his assassination attempt on my women had been thwarted for good. While there were still others out there, I knew we were safe at least for the rest of this night. Mistvale and Edinburg would discover the loss of the court wizard soon, but until then they were still assuming the assassination attempt had been successful.

  Perhaps if we kept things quiet, the remaining players in the scheme against the crown would reveal themselves. I would have to discuss this idea with the king later, but for the moment, I was exhausted, so I fell into a deep slumber with my three women in my arms.

  Just as it always should be.

  Hours later, I was awakened by the insistent nudging of small hands. I blinked away sleep as I peered beneath my eyelashes at the three women who stared back at me, and I grinned as I recognized the looks in their eyes.

  “Wake up already, husband,” Elissa urged as she bounced on the bed beside me. “We are feeling, what’s the word you used? Horny.”

  “Oh, my,” I breathed as my grin widened.

  “We would like you to fill us all with your seed,” Mahini informed me in a sultry voice. “Right now.”

  “Think you can manage that?” Eva’s lips twitched with a smile, but her smoky-gray eyes were full of desire. “Future husband?”

  I made a new save point right then and there. I wanted to lock those words into history forever.

  “I’m down,” I chuckled, and my cock was already hardening against the fabric of the sheets. “Who goes first?”

  “You do,” Mahini said with a curt nod, and then she yanked back the blankets to reveal my morning boner. Without any further ado, the desert goddess bent down and wrapped her juicy lips around the head of my cock, and she slid all the way down my shaft and back up in one fluid motion.

  I hissed with pleasure, and my fingers immediately leapt to her obsidian locks, but then Eva took my hands and pressed them into the pillows above my head. The duke’s daughter was leaning over me at the perfect angle for me to fit her perky little nipples into my mouth, so I matched Mahini’s motions on my dick with her areolas.

  My fiancée moaned as my mouth devoured her perfect breasts, but then I felt the soft, petite hands of my wife stroking me all over my body. The combination of sensations caused goosebumps to erupt all across my skin, and Elissa chuckled with delight as she traced the dots.

  “I can always tell when you like something,” my wife murmured in a pleased tone. “But I still like it when you tell me I did good.”

  “Come help me, Lissy,” Mahini urged, and my head snapped up so I could watch the two women work together to suck my cock.

  It was a mesmerizing sight, and I throbbed beneath their lips.

  “Yes, keep going,” I moaned. “Just like that.”

  I watched in rapt fascination as the two girls’ lips met around my shaft, and they bobbed up and down in unison while my cock shone in the pre-dawn light, slick from their saliva and my pre-cum.

  Now, I just needed a pussy to eat, and I would be one happy god, so I grabbed the duke’s daughter and planted her on my face.

  “Oh, Bash,” Eva giggled as she straddled my face with her milky-white thighs. “I love it when you do this…”

  “I’ll do it all day long if you want,” I assured her with a grin, and then I dug in. I licked her pussy expertly in all the ways I knew would drive her crazy, and a short while later, Eva was bucking her hips and arching her back as pleasure shot through her.

  Mahini and Elissa took turns seeing how much of my cock they could fit in their throats, and each time my tip scraped the back of an esophagus, I swelled even bigger. It felt amazing, but I didn’t want to explode in their mouths. Not yet, anyways, so I inhaled Evangeline’s aroma with a deep, calming inhale before I refocused on making the duke’s daughter climax a bunch of times.

  I licked her clit like my life depended on it, and moments later, she was grinding her hips down onto my mouth as she moaned with delight. Her juices flowed across my face to coat my scraggly beard growth, and I licked my lips to indulge in as much of the flavor as I could.

  After Eva had three or four orgasms, I decided it was time to rotate, so I repositioned the duke’s daughter on top of my cock, and her slippery well of pleasure slid down my shaft like they were made for each other. My fiancée gasped, and her smoky-gray eyes widened as I rubbed against the entrance to her womb, but her gasp turned into a moan as she began to rock her hips.

  Mahini and Elissa kneeled on either side of the duke’s daughter, and they rubbed her stomach, her breasts, and her neck with long, soft caresses. Then the two ladies followed in the path of their fingers with their tongues, and soon Evangeline was gasping through another orgasm. It was more than I could bear, and I exploded my seed deep inside her pulsating tunnel.

  “Fuckkkkk, Eva,” I grunted, and I dug my fingers into her hips as I shoved my twitching cock against the entrance to her womb.

  Lightning traveled down my spine as I emptied my seed into my future wife, and I could feel our combined fluids leaking out along my shaft as I thrust one, twice, and then buried myself in her fluttering pussy.

  “Bash!” Eva collapsed against my chest, which caused my sperm-slick cock to slip out of her entrance, and an instant later, I felt the sensation of tongues lapping against my balls.

  Mahini and Elissa were licking me clean, and it was the sexiest thing that had happened to me in a while. Well, maybe since our last foursome, and as images of our previous escapades leapt into my mind, my cock stiffened once more.

  “You’re always so eager,” Elissa observed as she licked her lips clean of my seed. “Like you want us all the time or something.”

  “It feels like you girls want me all the time,” I confessed with a wry smirk. “Which, obviously I don’t mind in the slightest.”

  “I will take his seed next,” Mahini said in a matter-of-fact voice, and her piercing blue gaze drove into my soul as she straddled my hips. It was sexy as hell, and I was throbbing against her ass cheeks a moment later. Then she proceeded to slide me inside her, and she pressed the palms of her hands into my chest as she rode me cowgirl style.

  I let Mahini fuck me for a while, but then the urge to take control set in, and I grabbed her by the waist before I flipped her over. Then I pulled her legs up against her shoulders, which pressed her breasts up like a push-up bra. It was quite a wonderful view as I thrust firmly in and
out of her. I knew she liked it a little harder than the others, so I didn’t hold back, and soon we were both moaning in unison.

  Eva and Elissa stroked my back, and they helped hold the desert goddess’ legs up for me. The image of all three women staring up at me with adoration burning in their eyes drove me wild, and I etched it into my memory forever.

  “Oh, fuck, you feel so good, my sexy desert goddess!” I moaned as I came deep inside Mahini’s tight little tunnel, and at the same time, her body convulsed against me as an orgasm rocked her entire world.

  “Yess, Bash… Fill me up!” Mahini shuddered, and her nails dug into the flesh of my chest.

  We rocked together for a few moments as we came down from our highs, and the moment I pulled out of her dripping wet tunnel, Elissa and Eva knelt down and began to lick me clean again. They were behaving in such a subservient way, but I found it highly attractive. It was a far cry from their stubborn tenacity outside of the bedroom, that was for sure.

  Next, I had Elissa lay on top of Eva, and I switched back and forth between their pussies for a while until I felt my desire mounting again. That time, I came inside my wife’s petite little pussy, and I made sure to bury my seed deep inside her womb.

  Once we’d made love all over the bedroom, and in the attached bathroom as well, the four of us collapsed in a sweaty pile on the bed. All of our breathing came in heavy, ragged pants, but we all wore blissful smiles upon our faces. The sounds of their moans, the flavors of their wells of pleasure, and the combination of all three of their unique smells still floated through my mind, and I could easily have died happy right then and there.

  I still had more I wanted to accomplish, though, and my thoughts turned to the future. I had a wedding to plan.


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