Ancients and Old Ones : Book 8 of the Heku Series

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Ancients and Old Ones : Book 8 of the Heku Series Page 21

by T. M. Nielsen

  “You know that doesn’t count,” Kralen said.

  Emily smiled and Lt. Andrew disappeared from behind her.

  “How did we get out here?” Kralen asked, looking over at the gates.

  “I’m just out for a walk,” Emily explained. “Now I want to go to the training room for a bit.”

  He shrugged and followed her, glad that she’d finally spoken. She turned at the doors to the out-building, “I’m alone from here.”

  “Why?” Kralen asked, and then sniffed at the air. “Why do I smell an Encala?”

  “They gave me this sweater,” Emily said, looking down.

  “Fine, but I post at the back door too.”

  She nodded and headed inside.

  Lt. Andrew shook his head when she walked into the padded training room, “It’s scary how you do that.”

  “They’ll remember in an hour or so though,” she said as she slipped off her shoes.

  “Let’s get going then,” he said, and handed her the bag. “As requested, the Encala tailor made you some workout clothes.”

  “I hope it covers this huge belly,” she said, frowning at her growing tummy.

  He smiled, “No, it doesn’t. You can’t comfortably do this if you’re restricted.”

  “Fine,” she grumbled, and disappeared into the pool room to change. Debating changing back into her pants and sweater, she finally just shook her head and changed into the sports bra and yoga pants.

  Emily avoided looking at the mirrors as she passed, and then stepped into the training room. Andrew had set out yoga mats and watch leaning against the wall watching for her.

  He smiled, “You actually look pretty hot.”

  Emily blushed, “Stop it… let’s get going.”

  “Fine, come on over.”

  One thing Emily had discovered, was that Andrew was a yoga instructor before turning and kept up with it to stay flexible. He offered to help her learn some yoga poses to see if she could lessen stress and help her during labor.

  “Stand on the mat, and just relax,” he said, and then stepped up behind her. He took her wrists and held them out to her sides as his chest gently touched her back, “Relax and breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth.”

  Emily started taking deep breaths, not even realizing the closeness of the enemy.

  “We’re going to start with the warrior pose,” he whispered. Gently, he lifted her arms above her head, “Step forward with your right foot and bend your right knee.”

  Emily did as instructed and looked over as he demonstrated. His muscles stood out as he stretched into the pose. Andrew grinned when he realized she was watching him.

  Emily hurried and turned back to the front.

  “Here, let me help you,” Andrew said. He moved so he was standing directly behind her, then reached up and put his hands on each side of her right thigh, “Your thigh has to be parallel to the floor.”

  She nodded and adjusted, suddenly feeling the muscles in her left leg stretch.

  “Very good,” Andrew said softly, and then brushed the hair off of her neck.

  Emily smiled and pushed further into the pose.

  “Now, let’s move your hands out, stretch one out in front of you and one out in back,” he said, and then took her hands tenderly and moved them into position.

  She stretched forward again and felt the pull on her thighs.

  “This is Warrior II,” Andrew explained as he ran his hands down the length of her arms. “You’ll have to be careful because as the baby grows, it’ll be harder to stay balanced.”

  Once they switched sides and Andrew returned to the same stance beside her, they moved into the two poses and Emily felt the stretch in her right leg.

  “You’re doing great,” Andrew told her. “I didn’t realize how flexible you are.”

  Emily smiled and looked over at him.

  “Now lay down on the floor,” Andrew said.

  She nodded and laid down on her back. Andrew reached down and picked up her ankles, and then stretched her legs up, pinning them against his chest.

  “Don’t forget to take deep breaths,” he reminded her. “Now grab my ankles.”

  Emily reached down and took a hold of his ankles as he stretched her legs upwards.

  She felt her back stretch pleasantly. Andrew took her feet and pulled them so her toes were pointing. He stretched her feet while she relaxed her back. For the first time in months, her back was no longer aching.

  “This is really nice,” she said, smiling up at him.

  He smiled, “I knew it’d help. Now we go into the bridge pose.

  Andrew lowered Emily’s feet and she bent her knees and put them on the floor.

  “Lift your bottom up,” he said, and gently pushed on the small of her back as her back arched and her tummy rose higher.

  “This is just… weird,” Emily said. Her exposed tummy was now fully exposed and sticking up to the sky.

  Andrew chuckled, “It’s good for your back. Push your hips up further toward the ceiling.”

  She nodded and pushed further.

  “Keep your feet parallel,” he whispered, and gently moved her feet for her. She wasn’t sure, but it felt like his hands traveled up her leg a bit before he moved back to her head and smiled.

  When her strength gave out, she lowered her back to the floor and took a deep breath.

  “Good, do it again,” he said, and helped her lift her hips toward the ceiling again. After a few minutes, he smiled, “Now relax.”

  Emily dropped her bottom back to the floor and smiled, “That actually does feel pretty good.”

  “Then let’s keep going. Sit up now,” he said, helping her sit. “Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Make sure you keep your back straight.”

  Emily did as she was told, and Andrew did the same thing right in front of her so their knees were touching.

  “Shut your eyes and relax,” he said, watching her. “Take deep breaths and feel the air going in and out of your lungs.”

  She thought it felt amazing as she took relaxing breaths. She could already tell that her blood pressure was coming down and her headache was markedly improved.

  “Stretch here,” Andrew said, and lightly touched her inner thighs.

  Emily gasped slightly, but relaxed again when he moved back into position. She started to think it was a completely innocent touch.

  “In and out,” he whispered softly.

  Once she was so relaxed she felt herself falling asleep, Andrew’s voice made her jerk, “You awake?”

  She smiled, “Sort of.”

  “Stand up then, let’s stretch your back more,” he said, and then nimbly jumped to his feet.

  Emily watched as he spread his feet wide and then turned his right foot to point forward. He reached his left arm upward and put his right arm down on the floor.

  Andrew looked up when Emily attempted the pose, and then chuckled and moved over to her.

  “Your shoulder has to be straight up from the other, and your hips have to do the same. Then look up at your left hand,” he said, and helped her into position.

  Emily almost fell over, but he put a steadying hand on her back and she finally was able to hold the position on her own.

  “This stretches your side,” he said, and softly ran his hand down her side and onto her hip, where his hand stayed as he spoke. “This opens your chest and shoulders, and also stretches the legs, groin, and hamstring.”

  Emily nodded and continued to breathe deeply.

  After a few moments, Andrew helped her stand, “How was that?”


  He chuckled, “It’ll get better.”

  “My headache is gone though.”

  “So it’s working,” he said. “Now face away from me.”

  Emily turned her back to him and looked over her shoulder.

  “Move your feet apart.”

  Again she did as instructed.

  “I’ll help yo
u with this. I want you to bend at the waist and put your hands on the floor.”

  “I don’t have a waist,” Emily said, and then started to laugh.

  He smiled, “I said I’ll help.”

  She leaned forward and Andrew grabbed her waist and gently lowered her hands to the floor.

  “Walk your hands backwards as far as you can go.”

  Emily laughed again and then moved her hands backwards.

  “I’m going to help you stretch a bit,” Andrew said. He leaned up against her and bent over with his thighs pushing against her butt. He reached forward and put his hands on her shoulder, then pulled back softly.

  “That’s too hard,” Emily groaned when she felt the muscles in her thighs burn.

  “You’ll get used to it, and then you’ll be able to stretch further,” he said, applying more pressure to the back of her legs with his body as he bent over her and grasped her shoulders.

  His weight suddenly disappeared as a growl sounded through the once quiet room. Emily had to struggle to stand up, and when she did, all she saw was the blur of fighting. She started forward to stop it, but Kralen took her arm.

  “Chev, stop it!” she screamed.

  “Let him do this, Em,” Kralen said. “Andrew overstepped.”

  The fight stopped suddenly when Chevalier fell onto his back and clutched at his chest.

  “Em, stop it,” Kralen said sternly.

  Andrew walked up to her and took her face in his hands, “It’s ok.”

  She looked up at him and let Chevalier out of pain. Kralen called for Mark and Kyle just as Chevalier tackled Andrew again.

  Within just a few seconds, the fight stopped and Chevalier had Andrew on the floor with a hand around his neck.

  “Let him go!” Emily screamed.

  Andrew looked up at him and croaked, “You win. I won’t hurt you because that would hurt Em.”

  Chevalier growled.

  “Hurt him and I’ll leave you!” Emily yelled.

  Chevalier looked over at her with wide eyes, then slowly let go of the Encala.

  “Grow up!” Emily yelled. “He’s helping me and you have no right to attack him for it.”

  “He was…” Chevalier hissed.

  Kralen let go of Emily, but then grabbed her arm again when she slapped the Elder.

  “It’s ok, Em,” Andrew said as he lept to his feet. “I’m sure that looked bad.”

  “Yes, it did,” Chevalier told him.

  “I feel better than I’ve felt in weeks,” Emily said, pulling away from Kralen. “My back feels better, my headache was gone…”

  Chevalier sighed, “How bad is it?”

  “Funny, it came back with a vengeance the second you attacked my friend!”

  “He… was…”

  Emily stopped him with a glare, “Get out and let Andrew get rid of my headache again.”

  “If it was harmless, then he won’t mind if I stay.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” Andrew told him.

  Chevalier crossed his arms and watched.

  Emily frowned, “I’m not going to be involved in a spectator sport when I’m all hanging out.”

  Andrew smiled, “You’re the only one that cares.”

  “I don’t care,” she said to him.

  Chevalier turned and ordered her guards out of the room. Emily looked up when it was just Chevalier, Andrew and her.

  She sighed, “I’m too tense for this now.”

  “Let me see,” Andrew said, and blurred to her back. He put his hands on her shoulders and began to massage, “You are tense.”

  “Get your hands off of her!” Chevalier yelled.

  Andrew stepped back, “You should trust her more.”

  “I trust her implicitly… it’s you I don’t trust.”

  “Or like.”

  “That too.”

  Emily sighed, “Chevalier, get out.”

  “Why?” he asked, frowning at how she used his full name.

  “Because I’m barely dressed and in poses that make it worse.”

  “I’m your husband. I can see you barely dressed.”

  She glared at him, “Just get out.”

  Andrew stepped up, “Calm down, ok? He’s just concerned for your welfare.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Let him stay.”

  She looked down at her exposed belly and sighed, “No.”

  Chevalier sat down in the corner, “Go ahead, forget I’m here.”

  Andrew smiled, “Em, you’re the only one that thinks your figure is repulsive. As heku we rarely see it and, honestly, you can’t be any more feminine than you are right now… It’s of kind nice.”

  “Hey,” Chevalier growled.

  Emily blushed and smiled at Andrew, “It is?”

  He nodded, “Come on, back to work.”

  She was still blushing when she spread her feet and reached back down for the floor. Again Andrew put his hands on her waist and ignored the hiss from the corner as he gently set her hands on the floor.

  “Walk them back again,” he said, and then stood to the side as she brought her hands closer. “Now shut your eyes and just take deep breaths. Let’s get back to the relaxed state we were in earlier.”

  Emily shut her eyes, and then mumbled, “Stop staring at my ass.”

  Chevalier chuckled and then leaned against the mirrored wall to watch.


  “How much longer?” Zohn asked.

  “I don’t know,” Chevalier told him. “I don’t think he planned on staying, but Em called the Encala Council and asked if he could.”

  “They, of course, agreed.”

  He nodded, “I hate to admit it, but it’s really helping her.”

  “How?” Kyle asked, still fuming that the Encala was allowed to stay in the city outside of Council City, and visited every day with Emily.

  “Her headaches have backed off and she said it’s helping her back a lot.”

  “I’m sure we can find a yoga instructor in the Equites,” Kyle grumbled. “I could just go turn one.”

  Quinn smiled, “Just let her have her friend. Chevalier is there during the yoga sessions and it is helping her mood too.”

  Kyle mumbled under his breath, “No, let’s not kill him… let’s banish him and make him suffer.”

  Chevalier chuckled and turned back to the ledger.


  Andrew thought for a moment and then moved his chess piece, “Check mate… I won and you promised.”

  Emily frowned, “I lied.”

  “No, now let’s go.”

  “The Old Ones are out there waiting for me.”

  “I told you, we’ll have your Equites guards.”

  Emily looked over at Kralen and he smiled, “As much as I hate to admit this… I agree with the Encala.”

  “They’re out there.”

  “We can handle them,” Andrew said, and then stood up and put his hand out.

  “It’ll be fun,” Silas said from beside Kralen.

  Emily sighed, “How many are going?”

  Kralen grinned, “I don’t know if I should say.”

  “Why not?”

  “If the number’s too high, you won’t go. If the number’s too low, you won’t go.”

  “I just don’t see why I’d risk my life for pizza and a movie,” Emily said, glancing from Kralen to Andrew.

  “Because you have to get out,” Andrew told her. “I won the darts match, the pool match, even the roulette wheel. Stop stalling and let’s go.”

  She shrugged, “It’d help if I had my phone.”

  “No it wouldn’t,” Silas told her. “We deleted those backup files.”

  Andrew chuckled, “There’s no ancient incantation that works better than brute force.”

  Kralen nodded, “True… so let’s go. The movie starts in 45 minutes.”

  “I thought we were leaving,” Dain said from the doorway.

  “She’s stalling.”

  “Come on, Mom. W
e’re all ready.”

  Emily finally resigned herself to movie and a pizza. She stood up and followed them out to the waiting black Suburbans, where Chevalier and Kyle were waiting for them.

  “It’s about time,” Chevalier said with a smile.

  Emily just glared at him and got into the front seat of the first Suburban.

  He reached in and kissed her on the cheek, “Stop holding grudges.”

  “Just get in,” she grumbled.

  “I’m not going.”

  She looked up at him, “Why not?”

  “I have something I need to do here. You’re way overprotected,” he said, smiling reassuringly.

  “You’re turning someone?”

  “Yes,” he said, and shut her door. “Now be good and listen to Kralen.”

  “We’ll call you tonight from the hotel room,” Kyle said as he stepped back.

  “What hotel room?” Emily asked as Silas drove away from Council City.

  Andrew reached up and began rubbing her shoulders, “They need us away for the night.”

  “So no one thought to tell me?”

  “I honestly thought you knew.”

  Emily turned to look at Silas, and he grinned, “We knew it’d be easier once you were already in the car.”

  “Way to build trust!”

  “It’ll be fun,” Andrew said as he leaned back in his seat. “A fiery red head, an Encala, and 17 Equites.”

  Emily couldn’t help but smile, “Interesting.”

  “What movie did you all pick, anyway?” Andrew asked. “I’m hoping it’s not some chick-flick, political message carrying, mystery turned snoozer.”

  Kralen chuckle, “We have tickets to see Blood Dragons Die.”

  “Nice.” He seemed impressed.

  Emily’s nose wrinkled, “I don’t want to see that.”

  “You’re outvoted,” Silas said, smiling.

  “Oh, I see how tonight’s going to be,” she said, acting mad.

  “You could just wait in the car.”

  “Now that’s an idea.”

  Kralen sighed, “Don’t even offer that.”

  “So I get to go watch a blood and guts movie, surrounded by 19 overprotective heku who will, no doubtedly, be watching the movie and not me?”

  “How do you get overprotective and unobservant out of the same heku?”

  “Very easily.”


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