Inked Fury

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Inked Fury Page 5

by Sarah Makela

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to get through your thick skull for years, but you haven’t listened. They’re real, and they can give us the power we’ve been refused by our fellow druids. With this power, we’ll be strong and kick ourselves up to the next level. You should know better than to doubt me. When have I ever led you astray?” His old friend finally paying him attention thrilled Mahon.

  Now he needed to get what he wanted, then he’d be able to help them obtain their desires if that were most useful. However, Alfie had stuck up for him during the trials with his fellow druids. While his friend was still in the group with them, Mahon had been kicked to the curb. That was fine. When he was done, the druidic group will beg him to return, and then, Mahon would once again lead them with his superior wisdom and power. He wouldn’t be looked down upon. He’ll have the power, and he’ll be in charge.

  His smirk grew. Mahon’s rise of power would only be a matter of time.

  “Well, you did make a good show of it, but how was I supposed to know you were for real? It’s not as if I’ve ever seen these lasses for myself. I am one for seeing is believing. Nothing will change that, matey. However, if you’re positive this is true, then I do believe you.”

  “Good since I might be needing your help. There’s another girlie that’s been hanging around the tattooed girl the last couple of days. I’m not quite sure if she is also one of them, but I’ll find out soon enough. When I do, I’ll have to decide how to proceed. Don’t you want to be there? Get in on the action?”

  Mahon didn’t like the idea of someone else sharing in his riches, but with his injuries, he could use the back up. He trusted Alfie. His friend knew he was more than capable of making him regret any mistakes.

  “You want me to fly all the way over there for this?” He mumbled under his breath, a cranky man even at the best of times. “Hmm, you are serious. Well, I’ll see what I can do and call you back within a day or two.”

  “You’re worrying me. Is that a maybe or a yes?” If confronted, Alfie would be more apt to do something than if he thought about it too much.

  Mahon was an enterprising person who took what he needed. Alfie, on the other hand, was laid-back, and not in a good way. They were many generations apart, so it wasn’t that surprising.

  Alfie sighed. “You know it’s a yes. Keep your pants on, I’ll be there. Give me some time. I can’t just hop on a plane at a moment’s notice, you know.”

  “Right. Call me back later, and I’ll assist where I can.” He ended the call, then shoved the phone in his pocket. Now for those errands. Time to figure out more about this other woman.

  * * *

  Connor slumped onto his couch, then shoved a hand through his hair. All afternoon his beast had circled below the surface. Maybe everything combined was wearing on him more than he’d imagined. Seeing Dave didn’t help matters.

  Perhaps Lowell’s impending deadline troubled him. After finding out about the upcoming trip, Connor couldn’t control his stress levels. Things weren’t going great between them, but he had to convince Angelique that they needed to be mated. Keeping his emotions locked inside didn’t accomplish anything. He clenched his fists, then slowly uncurled them.

  “Relax, Connor. Do what needs to be done. You found her and protected her. Now mate with her.” He spoke the words out loud. As if it was that simple. Maybe he was harder on himself than necessary. Perhaps she would understand.

  He picked up his cell phone and stared at it. His thumb rested on the call button. Just get it done and over it. Act like a man.

  No, not tonight. Not after their phone call earlier. If he didn’t give her space, he would push her buttons.

  Tomorrow he’d go to her house after work. They’d get this situation cleared up. Besides, he’d chased after her before to make sure she stayed in his life. He wasn’t going to let her go now.

  The shrill of his cell phone broke the silence, and his heart leapt into his throat. Great. Maybe she’d taken the initiative where he’d failed. Didn’t matter. This was a good sign.

  Without paying attention to the caller ID, he brought the phone to his ear. “Hey, sweetheart, how are you doing?”

  He almost dropped the phone at the deep male chuckle reverberating through the line. His quick reflexes saved the smartphone from its death.

  “I take it you were expecting someone else,” his Alpha’s second in command said.

  What the hell? Did he really have to stand here and be mocked by that thug? Tyler was a thick-brained meat shield incapable of challenging Lowell’s power, and that’s probably why he gained that high rank. Either that or he was more than he let on.

  “Yes, I was. What can I do for you, Tyler?” That was as civil as Connor could manage right now.

  “Our Alpha would like a word with you at his office tomorrow morning. Six o’clock work?”

  “May I ask why I’m being called on by the Alpha?” Part of him knew why, but he wanted to hear the words from Tyler’s mouth.

  Tyler chuckled again. “Six o’clock it is. See you then. Don’t be late.”

  His fist clenched around the cell phone, and the device groaned. He sat back on the couch, then set the phone aside. He didn’t have the time or patience to be playing Lowell’s games, yet what choice did he have?

  Shaking his head, he didn’t know how much more he could take before he entirely lost control. Time would tell.

  Chapter Six

  Connor’s anger built within his chest. After receiving the call from Tyler last night, he hadn’t been able to relax. Knowing he had to be here this morning pissed him off. Unlike some of the Pack, he had an important career.

  Lowell knew that, of course, but he wanted everything on his timetables. As if showing Connor that while werewolves tried to fit into the normal world, this was their true space. This was where and how their society operated. Great. Fine. Whatever.

  The Alpha proved his point, but Connor didn’t like being dragged in here when things were busy at the office. His boss was driving half of his coworkers crazy with trying to get everything in order before they met the new client.

  He waited in the chair outside of Lowell’s office. His cell phone stayed in his pocket out of respect, even though he’d rather be rummaging through email. Make this not a complete waste of time.

  Instead, he sat there like a good wolf waiting for the Alpha to grace him with his presence. If there had been a clock, he could’ve watched how much time was passing. He discreetly checked his watch, and each time he did, his anger became more palpable.

  He held back a growl. There were people here who would report his behavior to Lowell, and he didn’t need that held against him.

  After forty-five minutes, his patience had stretched to the limit. Lowell be damned, he wanted to leave! He refused to be strung along. Lowell was playing mind games with him, and he could shove them up his ass.

  The door to Lowell’s office open and out walked the Alpha’s second in command. Tyler nodded at him. “You can go on in now.”

  Connor bit his tongue, holding back his rage. Instead, he headed inside the office.

  Lowell reclined in his chair with his feet propped on the corner of his desk. “Good morning, Mr. O’Reilly.”

  “Alpha.” He inclined his head, keeping his eyes lowered in submission. The Pack’s rules were clear when it came to their Alpha, and he followed them well enough. Didn’t stop him from hating all the politics. The government had nothing on Pack politics.

  “Take a seat.” Lowell waited, not saying anything further, so he sat in the chair before Lowell’s desk. Damn him for all of these games. His Alpha was usually a hell of a lot more straightforward and not a pain in the ass. “The deadline is coming up fast. You remember what I decided if you don’t achieve that deadline. I’ll remind you. You will face my wrath if you haven’t mated before the month’s end.”

  Lowell dropped his feet from the desk. “Monica has been in touch. While I’m furious with her for going against the r
ules and working against the Pack, she did so because of you. That makes you partially responsible for her actions. She still wants you, and I’m tempted to let her have you. Whether that means shipping you off to Alaska or bringing her back, I’m not sure yet. For now, you better try your damnedest to figure out what you’re doing. Werewolf females are rare. This human is a distraction. Besides, how can you expect that relationship to work long term?”

  “It’d be more long term than anything I have with Monica.”

  Lowell was on his feet before Connor could follow his movements, which was damn fast. Typically he was able to track other werewolves when they moved fast, but Lowell was Alpha for a reason. That was the reason he never stood up to him with the exception of this.

  He wanted Angelique in his life, and he was willing to fight for her regardless of his Alpha’s threats. Then again, he heard Lowell never made threats; he made promises. The Alpha commanded with an iron fist, the majority of his decisions were in the best interest of the Pack and not a personal agenda. He respected the man for that, but he hated being the target of Lowell’s attention now.

  He cleared his throat and briefly met Lowell’s eyes before lowering his gaze. “I’ll do what I said the last time we met. I will make things right with the woman who claims my heart, and I’ll leave the Pack if—”

  “No, I went along with your tirade before, but you are not permitted to leave the Pack. You have the potential for great things, if only you would get your head out of your ass. You’re a strong fighter, you have a level head, and you’re too valuable an asset to lose. If I have to ship you to Alaska because of your behavior, that’s something I’m willing to deal with, but until you lose interest in that human or come to terms with your future, you will not be allowed to leave.” Lowell stepped around the desk and stared down his nose at Connor who remained seated. Standing would be too much of a direct challenge, and right now, he felt sick enough without giving Lowell what he wanted.

  He remained silent. He kept his head bowed, but he wouldn’t cower. He still had enough belief in what he needed to stand up for himself, even if Lowell or the Pack’s law didn’t view his decision favorably. His work helped him better understand the Pack’s laws because he dealt with legalese regularly.

  Lowell stood above him, and silence stretched between them, neither uttering a word. “Do you have anything else to say, Mr. O’Reilly?”

  “No, I do not.” He didn’t meet his Alpha’s eyes. That would also be a challenge.

  “You may leave then. My apologies for keeping you from your work. I hear you’ve had many successes the past few days.” He retreated behind his desk again, returning to his relaxed position in the leather chair as if things were fine. Yeah, right. “Keep up the good work.”

  “Thank you.” Connor didn’t know how Lowell would know about his workplace. Perhaps that was what Lowell wanted, to make him scratch his head and wonder. Maybe he was making himself out to be the big, bad wolf.

  He left, knowing he needed to see Angelique tonight. Tonight, he’d stop putting off the conversation about her becoming his true mate. If he didn’t go for it while he still could, there would be no more chances for them. He’d have wasted his opportunity to be mated with the love of his life.

  That wasn’t something he wanted. He loved her more than anything else.

  When he walked out, he caught sight of Tyler loitering in the hallway. The man kept his gaze on the floor. Connor couldn’t tell if it was from his circumstances, or if he were trying to hide a smirk from their previous interactions.

  If Tyler told anyone about his cell phone slip up, he would make the man regret that decision.

  * * *

  Glad to be off work, Angelique walked toward her car from the office building where she worked. The sun beat down on her with relentless fury. Sweat dripped down her spine, but the thought of taking off her jacket with Kira active unnerved her.

  While they had a good relationship, Kira wasn’t the most obedient familiar. Maybe it was the cat in her. Cats, regardless of their size, weren’t known for obedience. Yet the heat was brutal.

  “If you act up, so help me God,” she grumbled under her breath.

  Kira rubbed against her upper back, a caress of soft fur.

  Suck up.

  “Fine, but stay under my shirt.” She stripped off her jacket, draping it over her arm to avoid too many wrinkles. While she didn’t give much thought to clothes in her private life, her professional attire was another story. Her work mattered to her, and she always tried her best.

  Almost to her car, she dug through her purse to fetch her keys. When she pulled them out, she sent her wallet and a few receipts tumbling out too. Cursing her clumsiness, she bent to pick everything up, but someone else knelt to help too. Oh, one of the women she worked with, but who wasn’t in her group.

  “Thanks.” Angelique smiled. “I appreciate it.”

  “It’s no biggie. I heard what happened. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

  She froze. “What?”

  “The incident…you know…your injuries.” The woman warmly smiled as if to calm her.

  “Right, I’m sorry. Guess I’m still on edge. It’s hard to get over.” Especially with everyone in her business. If she’d known this, she would’ve stayed away longer. Accompanying Connor on the business trip would be like heaven after these past few days. All the office gossip was driving her crazy.

  “That’s understandable. Getting beaten like that takes time to deal with. Make sure you’re careful. You wouldn’t want that behavior to continue. How’s your boyfriend?”

  What was this woman implying? “He’s fine. I need to go now.” She stuffed her belongings back into her purse.

  The woman jerked her gaze from Angelique’s to her shoulder. “Wow, I never knew you had a tattoo. It’s lovely.”

  “I’ve had it for a while. I rarely take off my jacket since it’s not quite work appropriate.” She wanted to run. This woman grated on her nerves. Not only did she imply that Connor beat her, but she was now staring at Kira.

  The woman blinked.

  Angelique forced another smile. She pulled back on her jacket.

  Kira extended her claws, letting them bite into her flesh hard enough to hurt. Now that Kira was covered again, she felt much better. However, that some nosy woman had seen her tattoo still pissed her off. This was the last thing she’d needed.

  Thank you very much, Kira.

  A very soft rumble came from her shoulder as she headed to her car.

  “See you tomorrow! Nice meeting you.” The woman called from behind her.

  She couldn’t say the same for herself. She waved her hand, not bothering to turn around. “You too.”

  “I can’t believe you. I was trying to stay inconspicuous.” She mumbled under her breath.

  Kira stretched on Angelique’s shoulder and licked her paws as if nothing was wrong. Such a feline.

  She slouched in the driver’s seat of her car, leaning her head back with the doors locked. Once her anxiety subsided, she’d drive home. Not before then.

  Something told her to look up. Kira.

  She almost ignored the voice urging her on, but Kira rarely did this kind of thing, so she followed Kira’s instruction. Parked at her office building’s curb was an idling car.

  Mahon was trying to look as discreet as possible. Probably to make it seem he was there picking up a loved one. That slimy bastard must’ve followed her to work!

  Tears welled in her eyes. She desperately wanted to call Connor and crawl into the safety of his arms, but she didn’t have that luxury right now.

  Mahon knew where she lived if he’d been able to follow her. How he knew, she wasn’t exactly sure, except that Monica had known because she’d followed Connor. Was Monica trying to get rid of Angelique once and for all?

  She didn’t want to think like that, but it seemed like a reasonable explanation. Monica wanted him to be hers, but with his ex in Alaska, how that would
work? Perhaps she wasn’t involved.

  Hell, she didn’t know what to do or think, except for the fact she wanted to be somewhere safer.

  She started the car, then pulled out of the parking lot. As she did, Mahon moved in to follow her. Damn it! Why did this have to be happening?

  She had to figure out something. Where should she go? What should she do? She needed a plan. If he was following her around like this, he wouldn’t be too far off from going through with some nefarious plan to abduct her or worse.

  She took deep breaths. The worst thing she could do was be freaked out. If she did, she might make some stupid mistake, and she didn’t need that. She needed to be cool, calm, and collected.

  What to do, what to do, what to do? She bit her lower lip, trying to figure out what would help her most. Connor. He would be able to help. At least she hoped that was true, especially when they had their trip coming up in a few days.

  A morbid thought came to her. How would he explain her not being able to go on the trip if she was dead or captured by Mahon? Would he still go on the trip?

  Connor wouldn’t be so cruel to leave her out in Mahon’s hands while he went off on a business trip. He’d figure out a way if she were in trouble, but she didn’t want him to have to do that. She wanted him to be successful at his work instead of held back.

  She dug through her purse for her phone with one hand. Phone in hand, she called his number and waited as it rang. Mahon stopped right behind her. Fear clutched her chest, and she locked the car doors, knowing she should’ve done that earlier.

  She wasn’t thinking straight. Another reason she needed to get the hell to safety. She didn’t want to be in danger with the druid so close behind her. While she didn’t think he’d be able to rot the metal door like he had the wooden one, she wasn’t going to take any chances.

  She just wanted to go home, face-plant into bed, and have Connor hold her. Was that too much to ask? She’d already had way too much stress as it was with her coworker seeing her tattoo.


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