Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)

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Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC) Page 5

by Anne Malcom

  “I guess it couldn’t hurt to get to know the locals.” I pondered, wondering what kind of people we would encounter at this barbeque, and feeling kind of excited since I was, well before the incident, a social person.

  “I wonder if any of those delicious cops we saw today will be there?” Amy was referring to the three handsome lawmen we saw having lunch at the same spot as us today.

  I had a bit of a soft spot for men in uniform after my rescue, I always felt safe around them. Maybe I could go for a more sensible option in a man. My mind wandered to sandy blond haired policeman with a strong jaw, who was tall and very muscular. But my attention kept going back to a scruffy black haired biker, with even more muscles than the toned policeman.

  Urrrghhh get out my mind!! I screamed mentally at him.

  “Um earth to Gwennie??” Amy waved her hand in front of my face.

  “Sorry, was away with the fairies, what did you say?”

  “I said you have to make those brownies your are so famous for, that will make us some friends for sure. You might even get marriage proposals with those things.” She joked, talking about my special brownies I only make once in a while, because of their ridiculously high calorie count and my ability to polish off a whole batch without blinking.

  “Well that means we will have to be up nice and early so we can go into the store and get things ready for the opening Wednesday night,” I ordered sternly.

  Amy giggled, then saluted. “Yes sir.”

  I smiled and sipped my margarita, enjoying the company and the fuzzy feeling created by the drink, thinking I might be enjoying life again.

  I woke up for once enjoying a blissful, nightmare free sleep. I rolled over to look at the time, 6am. We weren’t planning on going into the store until 8, so I had plenty of time for a quick morning run. I needed it after how much I had been indulging over the past few days. I quickly donned my running gear, some short spandex shorts with a pink band at the top and a pink muscle top with a shelf bra, I completed the look with some pink Nikes. I slipped out the door with my headphones playing and began my run, getting lost in the music and the burn in my legs.

  Exercise had been hard to get back into after all my rehabilitation, running became a major part in getting me back to myself, a time when I could just escape into my own mind, my blaring music stopping my thoughts from wandering into dark places. After running for a good 30 minutes I stopped at a street corner to stretch and give myself a breather. I gazed around at the nicely kept houses and wondered where the fuck I was. Maybe getting lost in my music while running in unfamiliar territory wasn’t the best idea. Well that’s why God invented iPhones. Music still blaring, I tapped into my map, realized where I was, and began to run in the direction of home. Not paying attention, I slammed straight into a hard body, proceeding to fall flat on my ass. Confused, I squinted up to see the sexy cop from yesterday, looking down at me with his mouth moving, but due to my music I had no idea what he was saying. I yanked my headphones out of my ears.

  “What?” I kind of yelled, sounding more than a bit unladylike, but I guess that ship had sailed when I fell on my ass.

  “I just asked if you were okay, sorry darling, but I just didn’t see you until you slammed straight into me. You fell pretty hard, are you alright?” He asked with concern and extended a muscled arm towards me.

  I took it and he hauled me up. I checked him out, closer I could appreciate him in all his glory. He was sweating from his own run, wearing cut off sweats, and a tight NYPD t-shirt that clung to chiseled abs. I peered into his blue eyes and almost swooned. I am not kidding, he was one beautiful man. A shadow of blonde stubble covered his sharp jaw, his face had a kind of all American handsome look, apart from a slightly crooked nose, which only made him more endearing. Sweat beaded down the thick column of his neck and I followed it with my eyes, down to his seriously muscly chest. I shook myself out of it, what is it with this town and the men? Is this where male models came to retire and get badass jobs?

  The sexy lawman was also blatantly checking me out, it didn’t help my top had ridden up showing a far bit of midriff. I yanked it down.

  “I’m fine, thank you. Sorry I got a bit lost and wasn’t paying attention, completely my fault.” I explained, slightly breathless. I tried to straighten my ponytail, knowing I was a sweaty mess. I wasn’t one of those girls who looked unruffled and amazing after a workout, I was reasonably sure I looked like a panting dog.

  “No ma’am I should always be on the lookout for beautiful women running towards me, you’re obviously new in town, and Australian?” He guessed wrongly.

  I barely suppressed a frustrated sigh, I was so sick of Americans of assuming I was from Australia, a pet hate for all Kiwis.

  “No I am from New Zealand.” I said rather tightly. “And I have been in the States for almost five years now, legally I promise.” I joked putting my hands up in mock fear.

  He laughed, and what a great laugh he had, he was the man I should be attracted to not Cade. Not that I didn’t feel attraction towards this man, you would have to be dead or gay to not want to jump his bones. But it wasn’t the same kind of desperate intensity I felt with Cade. It was official, I was totally fucked up, more attracted to the criminal than the man who locked them up.

  “Don’t worry I won’t deport you, not in my nature to let gorgeous woman go by choice.” He joked back, eyes tinkling. Is he flirting with me?

  “I’m Luke by the way, the deputy sheriff round here.” He held out his hand and I wiped mine on my shorts before shaking it.

  “Gwen.” I replied. “I’m opening a store here, right on main street?”

  “Oh yeah, think I’ve seen that, next to the coffee shop right?” He asked, arms folding casually, feet wide apart, in what must be the masculine male go to pose.

  “Yap that’s me, we have our grand opening on Wednesday night, you are most welcome to come.” I invited, partly because I need the numbers, and because…well it was obvious he’s hot and I needed to get back into the game.

  “Wouldn’t miss it.” He replied, looking me up and down again, making me feel slightly self conscious in my lack of proper attire.

  “Well great see you then.” I said brightly, starting to prepare myself to leave. “I better get going got lots to do, was lovely to meet you Deputy. Feel free to bring friends on Wednesday.” I thought of Amy, and knew she would kill me if I didn’t get someone for her to drool over, or more likely jump into bed with.

  “The pleasure was all mine Gwen.” He responded, sounding far too seductive for his own good. “And please, call me Luke.”

  “Okay Luke, See yah.” I chirped, putting my headphone back in my ear running in what I hoped was the right direction, feeling his eyes on me the whole time. Good thing my butt looked great in these shorts.

  Just as I rounded a corner, almost recovered from my meeting with Luke. I heard over my blaring music, the sound of motorbikes.

  “Are you fucking KIDDING me?” I exclaimed out loud.

  An older woman getting her paper in a dressing gown frowned disapprovingly at me. I smiled tightly at her, my attention focused on the six or so bikes that had rounded the corner and were riding towards me. It was six thirty in the morning, shouldn’t bikers be sleeping off hangovers or kicking skanks out of their beds? I willed myself to look straight ahead and not look for Cade. Don’t look, don’t look. I peeked out the corner of my eye as they rode past. Dam it! I have no self-discipline. A helmetless (what is it with American’s not wearing motorbike helmets, that shit is whack) Cade shamelessly checked me out, while controlling a Harley. I had to admit that’s kind of impressive. I blushed, feeling the eyes of five other bikers on me as they rode past. I quickened my pace, trying to get into the safety of my house before I bumped into Ryan Gosling (at this point I wouldn’t be surprised).

  I flattened myself against the door as soon as I got inside, puffing from my run and my encounters. That’s it. I’m buying a treadmill, or maybe a whole gym. N
o I just won’t ever leave the house again.

  “Morning!” Amy’s voice belted out. “I made you breakfast.”

  “Thanks!” I make my way into the kitchen, Amy was at the breakfast bar, munching on granola, fruit and yoghurt, a bowl for me sat beside her.

  “How was your run?” She asked, between mouthfuls.

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” I grumbled, plonking myself down beside her.

  She stopped eating, her spoon halfway to her mouth. “Spill.”

  And I did just that, yet again replaying the barely believable events of the morning. I finished with the description of Cade on his bike, and Amy stared at me wide eyed.

  “It’s 7 in the morning and that has already happened?” She shook her head. “I’m going to stick to you like white on rice for the rest of the day baby girl, get myself some run ins with sexy males.” She was half serious.

  I laughed, digging into my breakfast. “I don’t even want to think what’s in store for us at this barbeque, I guess it would too much to ask to hope that it is a meeting of kick ass feminists, or wait lesbians?” I asked Amy seriously.

  “Now what would be the fun in that?” Amy replied sagely.

  I slid my brownie into the oven, and turned back to see Amy, shamefully licking the bowl.

  “Hey!” I snapped. “Leave some for me!” I advanced on her.

  Amy picked a knife up off the counter and hissed. “You try and eat any of this and I will cut you.”

  I giggled. “You don’t scare me Abrams.”

  Amy pondered for a moment then lowered the knife. “Okay but we have half each.” She decided. I whipped my finger through the remnants of the mixture and brought it to my mouth and groaned. I stepped away.

  “That’s all I need so it’s all yours.” I said while untying my pink polka dotted ruffled apron. “I need to get ready for this barbeque.”

  “Well make sure you dress hot.” Amy commanded to my back as I climbed the stairs. “With your luck the cast of ‘Magic Mike’ will probably be there.”

  I stood in front of my mirror and decided I look pretty good, wearing a white, sleeveless sundress. It clinched in at the waist and flowed down to just above my knee, showing a fair amount of leg. The whole back was sheer down to my waist, forcing me to go braless, not that it mattered with my tiny knockers. My hair was tousled into slight waves tumbling past my shoulders. I decided on light makeup with pale pink lipstick. I finished off my look with a couple of silver bangles and my usual sky high heels, pale pink wedges with crisscross straps snaking up my ankle.

  Amy wolf whistled at me. I smiled at her over my shoulder.

  “Looking good Abrams.”

  Amy looked great, no surprises there. She had on high waisted white short shorts, with a sheer white shirt tucked into them her lace bra is showing in a somewhat tasteful way. A black belt knotted around her waist and she was wearing sky high black heels. Her red hair was up in a messy ponytail and she wore little makeup.

  “I am going to have to fight off the men...and the women.” I decided after looking at her, she laughed rubbing her hands together.

  “Exactly as I planned grasshopper.”

  Walking down the driveway towards the back of an old but well restored Victorian, I felt what was akin to butterflies in my stomach. It was an unfamiliar feeling, I usually loved a party of any form, enjoyed meeting new people. But now, anxiety chewed at my gut.

  “Are you sure we shouldn’t knock at the front door?” I asked Amy uncertainly as I shifted my tray full of brownies slightly.

  “No, Rosie said to come straight out back.” She strutted around the corner confidently. I had to jog a little to catch up with her. Rounding the corner, I decided I was definitely nervous. A lot of people were scattered around the vast backyard. Both male and female, mostly around my age but a few older people were mixed in. Amy and I were very overdressed by the looks of it. People were mostly in jean shorts or causal dresses, but not that it mattered I guess, this was me and like Amy said I wasn’t changing for anyone. Most of the looks directed our were curious but friendly, apart from a couple of death glares coming from some very scantily clad girls I would normally call skanks.

  “Amy you made it!” A stunning girl ran over to us with a smile on her face. She hugged Amy like she is an old friend and turned to me. This town bred beautiful people. With tanned skin, shoulder length brown hair styled into messy waves, and stunning blue eyes, this girl was a knockout. She was petite, tiny actually, even in the kick ass blue platform wedges she was wearing, she’s a good head shorter than me. Wearing white and black leopard print shorts, a white tank with a chiffon overlay and chunky necklaces, I immediately liked her, not just because of her outfit but because of the straight up friendly smile was directing at me.

  “You must be Gwen.” She focused on my hands and grinned. “And these must be the famous brownies Amy was telling me about.”

  Jesus how long did Amy talk to this girl for?

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Rosie. You have an awesome place,” I recovered quickly as she took the tray out of my hands.

  “Oh and your accent is so cute, and I LOVE your dress.”

  “Thanks,” I smiled “I love your outfit.”

  She gazed down “What this old thing?” she joked. “Now come with me and I’ll get you ladies some drinks and introduce you.”

  “Drinks great, point me in the right direction” Amy smiled, rubbing her hands together. We followed Rosie to a little gazebo that had a table full of food and drinks, people milling around nodding and smiling as we walked past. She introduced us to a few people that I immediately forgot the names of.

  We grabbed our drinks, and chatted with Rosie for a bit who introduced us to her girlfriends, Ashley and Lucy. They both cemented my theory that every person in this town were immortal, disgustingly attractive vampires. Ashley had strawberry blonde short curly hair, pale skin and a light dusting of freckles across her nose, she looked like a fairy princess. She was wearing a 1950’s style yellow polka dot dress with a full skirt. Lucy had dead straight black hair, dark eyes, curves to die for and great skin. I was starting to feel very inadequate.

  “So Gwen, you are opening a clothing store?” Lucy asked excitedly.

  “Yeah I used to be a buyer back in New York so I thought having my own store would be great, maybe not so great for my shopping addiction though.” I joked.

  “Oh my god, this is so great, this town needs somewhere to shop, it’s such a pain in the ass driving two hours to get a half decent outfit.” Lucy told me. “When do you open?”

  “Well our opening is Wednesday night and I would love for all of you to come,” I invited the girls.

  “That would be kick ass!” Rosie beamed at me. “I’ll make sure to let all the girls know, make it a bit of a girls night out, will there be drinks?”

  Amy almost spat out her mouthful. “Of course!”

  The women laughed. “But feel free to invite boyfriends and husbands.” I continued, “I’ve invited some of the hunky local law enforcement as well…”

  “The sex on a stick cops.” Amy interrupted “Got to have some man candy there, and I think Mr. deputy is keen on our girl here.” She pointed at me with her drink.

  “Amy he was just being friendly,” I shot a glare at her.

  The women exchanged glances, “Really… do tell, which one?” Ashley asked with a dreamy look on her face.

  “Although our men and police don’t seem to get on the best.” Rosie began, rather cautiously.

  Uh oh red flags. “What do you mean?” I probed, starting to get a bad feeling.

  Rosie began to say something but her answer was drowned out by the roar of motorbikes,

  “Oh shit.” I heard Amy mutter and I followed her gaze. Oh shit was right. A whole god damn motorcycle gang had just arrived at the barbeque. Men of all shapes and sizes round the corner, some wearing jeans low slung, with tight t shirts under their leather cuts. A couple had bandannas
wrapped around their heads, I think I saw a couple of (cringe) wallet chains, and of course the amount of ink on them was insane. Full sleeves, neck tattoos, you name it, these guys probably kept the one tattoo parlor here in business. There had to be about 15 of them. I spotted Cade, and by the looks of it he had spotted me a lot earlier, he was wearing sunglasses (fucking bad ass aviators by the way) so I couldn’t gage his expression, but he looked pissed off. I couldn’t handle that right now though, I was too busy trying to deal with the fact 15 men who looked like they could snap me in half without batting an eyelid were swiftly approaching our little group. The men in front of me were too familiar. I began to have trouble breathing, my hands shaking, my vision blurring. Do not faint.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder, and a concerned voice. “Are you okay Gwen? You look really pale.” Lucy asked looking worried.

  Amy interrupted. “She’s fine, just low blood sugar” She lied smoothly. “Rosie where’s your bathroom, I need to primp, all these men approaching.” She continued sounding casual, only I can hear the edge to her voice. I heard Rosie laugh through the roar in my ears, I didn’t pay much notice I was too busy focusing on keeping my breath even.

  “Straight inside, through the kitchen at the end of the hall, you can’t miss it.”

  I felt Amy pull me along, holding me up. “You’re okay Gwennie, everything is fine I’m here.” She cooed quietly in my ear. “Keep walking we’re almost inside.”

  I focused on putting one foot in front of the other and struggled to keep from collapsing. We finally reached a bathroom and I fell to the floor as soon as Amy shut the door.

  She sat down beside me, stroking my hair. “It’s okay hunny no one is here to hurt you, just breathe.” She spoke calmly, having dealt with me like this, soon after my accident when I could hardly stand being out in public.

  I took long, slow breaths and after a couple of minutes I returned to some kind of normal state.


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