Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)

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Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC) Page 22

by Anne Malcom

  I felt him shoot his release into me, which sparked me to melt all over again.

  I took awhile to come back down to earth, opening my eyes to Cade staring down at me with an intensity that was scary.

  “I love you.” I murmured into those grey eyes.

  Shit. Where did that come from? Man I couldn’t keep my mouth shut, I hadn’t even properly admitted to myself until today and here I was blurting it out. Fuck. I realized I had closed my eyes, embarrassed and pissed off at myself. I gingerly opened them, afraid to see Cade’s face. He hasn’t moved and was still staring at me with that intense gaze that seared my soul. CRAP.

  “Um sorry that so shouldn’t have come out…I was just high on an orgasm you know?” I sounded like a total dweeb, who says ‘high on an orgasm’? “Well no I...”

  “Shut up.” Cade interrupted me, which was a good thing, who knows what I would’ve said next. I bit my lip, waiting for him to say something.

  “Say it again.” He demanded.

  “What?” I asked shyly.

  “Fucking say it again Gwen.” His voice was hard, almost emotionless, but one hand reached to softly frame my face.

  “I love you.” I all but whispered, “I’ve loved you since you scared the shit out of me outside my house, even though I couldn’t admit to myself until now.”

  His eyes flared, but he said nothing. After a beat he plastered my mouth to his in a passionate kiss, setting me on fire all over again.

  He drew back, eyes still hard, but full of emotion.

  “Needed to hear that baby.” He kissed my forehead and pushed off me, buttoning his pants back up.

  “Got to go. Got some club business that can’t wait. Fucking Spider’s causing some shit, need to lock it down before that shit spreads.” His voice was grim, but focused.

  My heart dropped, I tell him I love him and he gives me a quick kiss and is going to bail? Well isn’t that a kick in the vagina. I couldn’t deal with this naked while he stood above me fully clothed. I moved to get up, cover myself, but Cade’s arm landed on my chest, stopping me.

  “No Gwen, this is exactly what I want to picture in my mind for the rest of my night. My girl, freshly fucked, orgasm all over her face, my cum running out of her. Naked, looking like a fucking goddess.”

  He gave me a rough closed mouth kiss before standing again, giving me a long look then he was gone.

  Chapter 12

  “Needed to hear that. That’s what he said? Are you sure you heard right, like maybe your ears weren’t working right after minding blowing sex?” Amy asked sipping her coffee, looking at me hopefully.

  I stared back at her, feeling sick. “Nope that’s definitely what he said. Then he left. Crap I am such an idiot!” I whined, putting my head in my hands. Amy patted my back soothingly.

  “That man loves you. Anyone can see that, he’s just being all bad ass biker and doesn’t want to say it because he’s afraid if he does his balls will automatically belong to you.”

  I raised my eyebrows at Amy.

  “Really? I think he just doesn’t love me and has now ran to set up a club in Mexico and I shall never see him again.” I exclaimed sadly, downing the rest of my coffee, getting up to get more, I needed a shot of whiskey in it.

  Amy waved her hand. “Don’t think like that. Men are fuckwits, just give him time.”

  I made it to the coffee pot and let out a frustrated scream.

  “Fuck! No coffee, great.” I seriously thought I might cry. On the best of mornings coffee was the only thing that got me functional for the day, on this day I needed it hooked up to an IV.

  “Chill. Last time I checked they were still making it.” Amy said calmly. “I’ll get dressed and go and get us some.” She got up, still in her nightie.

  “No don’t worry I’ll go, I’m dressed.” I said. I couldn’t sleep last night so I had got up super early and gone for a run, which was the reason I was up and dressed so early on a Saturday.

  “I’ll go to the café and get us something for breakfast too, I’m sure my brother will need some sustenance if he ever awakes from his coma,” I joked.

  Amy sat back down, sipping her coffee and reading the New York times on her iPad. “Good I couldn’t be fucked anyway.”

  After getting not only coffee for me, Amy, and Ian, I also brought half the cafes pastries and muffins, not knowing what Ian would feel like. Okay maybe partially so I could eat my feelings. Just as I was pulling in my driveway, my phone rang. Glancing down, I saw it was Cade. Shit, I had no idea how to deal with this, so I decided to do the mature adult thing and ignore the phone call. I managed to get all of our coffees and treats in one hand, thanks to my waitressing days, just in time for Cade to call. Again. Crap, I had to answer or he’d go all protective man crazy and presume I had been kidnapped and was being held for ransom.

  I juggled my packages and answered the phone while walking towards the door.

  “Hey, can I call you back? I am kind of trying not to drop this precious liquid they call coffee.” I joked, trying to make the mood light, like he hadn’t just broken my heart last night.

  “I’m just about at your place now, am stopping by with the boys…” Cade started, but that’s all I heard because when I opened the door I was assaulted with the sight of Amy and my brother making out. I repeat making out. He was wearing only boxers, no shirt. Amy was still in her nightie, which Ian had hitched up to almost her waist. I gasped, dropping my coffee, momentarily forgetting its life giving qualities.

  “Oh my god.” I said quietly not realizing I was talking into the phone, and not to myself.

  Amy and Ian, startled by me dropping the coffee, both gaped at me.

  “Baby? Are you okay?!” Cade’s voice sounded in my ear but I was too busy processing the scene in front of my to answer.

  “OH MY GOD. MY EYES!” I shouted dramatically, Ian gave me a cheeky smile while Amy rushed towards me, looking very guilty.

  “Gwen! What the fuck is going on?” I heard Cade yell but hung up, so not wanting to deal with that as well.

  I turned deciding to walk back outside, maybe hoping I had opened the door into a parallel universe and if I walked back in, everything would be normal. I was such an idiot, how could I not realize? Amy saying she was in love but making up some vague guy. The way they were acting around each other. Shit I am a moron, 3rd graders could’ve figured this out. I heard the door open again as I paced the front lawn. Amy ran down the porch, looking more than ruffled, her nightie was haphazardly pulled down.

  “Gwen stop, listen to me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you it’s just…”

  I turned to her, suddenly angry, directing my anger at her, when I was really pissed at myself for not noticing sooner.

  “It’s just what Abrams? You have been screwing my brother and lying to me about it?” I shouted at her. I strode over to her, shoving her in the chest.

  “We never lie to each other. Ever. Jesus, how could you not tell me?” I screeched in her face.

  “Gwen. Stop, we can explain.” My brother emerged the house, dressed at least.

  I held out my hand to him. “Stay out of this Ian, this is a chick thing. You don’t have a vagina so you don’t understand.”

  After stumbling a bit from my push, Amy was standing straight looking pissed at me now. She shoved me back, hard.

  “Don’t push me!” She shouted as I stumbled, almost falling on my ass.

  I got in more of a rage and hardly noticed the rumbling of Harley’s racing down the street. I just glared at Amy and tackled her to the ground sitting on top of her, struggling with her arms.

  “It’s my brother Amy, do you not think I would’ve been happy for you two you stupid idiot?” I yelled in her face, as she wrestled me, rolling us both over to a mass of arms and legs. She pinched me as I got back on top of her.

  “Ouch! You bitch.” I was about to pull her hair when strong arms are dragged me up. I fought them, watching Ian help Amy to her feet.

babe, Jesus.” Cade whispered in my ear.

  I ignored him, instead I focused on my brother and Amy, standing beside each other not touching.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I repeated, this time quieter.

  Amy regarded me sadly. “Shit I don’t know Gwen, first it was because I didn’t even want to admit how I felt, let alone admit it to you. Then things got complicated, you got hurt and there was never a right time.”

  She looked up at me sheepishly, her gaze wandering behind me and her face paled. I turned, awkwardly as Cade’s arms were still around me. Brock was standing with Bull, Lucky, Dwayne and some other guy I couldn’t remember the name of. They all had amused smirks on their faces, which made me cringe, knowing what kind of show that had just witnessed. Well, apart from Brock, his jaw was hard glancing between Ian and Amy. Oh shit. Ian caught on to who was staring at who his jaw went hard also. He not so discreetly stood in front of Amy, not only staking some sort of fucked up claim but covering her barely clad body with his own. Uh oh. Time for damage control.

  “This is not the time to discuss any of this, okay? Go back inside and put some clothes on Amy, the neighbors boys will be snapping photos of you with their phones.”

  Amy looked down as if only just realizing the twins were dangerously close to popping out.

  “Ace we will talk inside okay? Just calm yourself first, don’t want anymore brawls in the living room.” Ian muttered dryly before directing Amy inside, his hand on the small of her back.

  “I am still mad at both of you, in fact I am not speaking to you as of now.” I yelled at their backs before slowly turning to the bevvy of bikers standing on the curb. I blushed as they all watched me expectantly. Brock was glaring at where Amy disappeared back in the house, looking like he was about to explode.

  “Wow Princess, looks like we know who to come to if someone needs a lesson given to them.” Lucky smirked in my direction before bursting out into laughter, the other men smiled openly, even the side of Bull’s mouth was twitching.

  The blush crept up my cheeks, shit they would all think I was insane now.

  “Sorry you had to see that guys, I guess I just lost my temper?” I shrugged my shoulders, no other explanation crossing my mind.

  “Fuck don’t say sorry. That was the hottest thing I’ve seen in ages.” Dwayne gave me a wink and I screwed my nose up at him.

  “Enough.” Cade commanded and the men immediately looked more serious, although amusement still danced in their eyes.

  “Back to the club, will meet you there in five.” He continued gruffly.

  The men nodded and climbed on their bikes, Brock was the only one who didn’t, still standing stiffly glaring at the house.

  “Brock.” Cade barked.

  Brock moved his gaze slowly then nodded. “Fuck this shit.” He grumbled, climbing on his bike, roaring away with the others.

  I peeked up at Cade gingerly, who released his hold on me and grabbed me by the shoulders.

  “What the fuck was that Gwen?” He all but roared, shaking my shoulders roughly.

  “Well I just found out Amy had been lying to me and I kind of overreacted.” I explained, kind of pissed at his reaction, he needed to calm down. It’s not like I intended to give him and the guys front row tickets to ‘Gwen and Amy Smack Down’.

  “Not that, you on the phone before. You didn’t answer me and it sounded like you were in trouble, you know how fucking worried I was? I call, you answer. I ask what’s going on you fucking answer!”

  He let go of my shoulders and started pacing, his hand running through his hair. He stopped, striding back to me.

  “We are dealing with some dangerous shit right now baby, shit with the Spider’s ain’t good. After trying to deal with that shit last night I hear your voice on that phone call, fear the worst.” He grasped my neck roughly, staring into my eyes.

  “Don’t do it again. I don’t relish having that fear ever again.”

  I nodded, and Cade roughly kissed me before slinging his arm around my neck and directing me to his bike.

  “Let’s go to the club for a bit babe, boys are in the mood for a barbeque breakfast, and I’m in the mood to have your pussy for breakfast.” His nuzzled my neck and my stomach did a floor dip.

  Cade swung on his bike and handed me his helmet.

  “Maybe I should stay, sort this out with those two.” I said pointing back at the house.

  Cade gave me a look. “I think you guys all need some time to stew this over, specially you. I don’t want you engaging in another fight that makes every male in a 5 mile radius go hard as stone.”

  “Ewww you’re talking about my brother too.” I scrunched my nose up in disgust.

  “Your brother is a hot blooded male, and his focus on Amy not you. I’m not talking about this, get on the bike babe.” Cade ordered.

  I gestured down at myself. “I look like shit.”

  I hadn’t changed after my run and I was wearing tight black leggings, a baggy white singlet which showed the sides of my hot pink crop top and some stomach. My hair was falling around my face as I had lost my hair tie somehow in the struggle with Amy, and I was sure my face was all red.

  Cade’s face turned stormy and he reached across yanked me until I was straddling his lap. How the bike didn’t topple over I don’t know.

  “You are fucking stunning, did you not see my boys having to adjust themselves looking at you? Much as I wish every man didn’t have that reaction looking at you it’s inevitable. You could be in a garbage bag you’d still look fucking irresistible. Don’t say shit like that again.”

  He squeezed my ass and I couldn’t help but grind against his jeans, the thin fabric of my leggings rubbing against him. I leaned in and kissed him biting him roughly on the lip.

  “Jesus Gwen, you know how hard it is not to screw you right here, fuck the neighbors.” His voice was rough with desire.

  I smiled and hopped behind him, putting on my helmet and wrapping my arms around my man.

  We arrived at the clubhouse to see the guys all outside, some drinking beers with women in their laps, others laying down on bench seats looking asleep.

  As we got off Cade’s bike I turned to him. “Beers? It’s nine in the morning?”

  “It’s been a rough night.” He replied.

  I shrugged my shoulders, I guessed I couldn’t judge there had been a couple of times in uni I had woken up and started my day with a beer. Maybe more than a couple.

  Cade drew me to his side as we approached the group, I spotted Steg staring at us thoughtfully, there was no hostility in his gaze this time. The woman standing behind him with her hands on his shoulders, was glaring at me eyes narrowed.

  “Who’s she?” I whispered to Cade trying not to look obvious about it.

  “That’s Eva Steg’s Old Lady. They’ve been together for years, she helped raised Rosie. She’s the closest thing to a mother Rosie had.” He told me, giving the guys chin lifts.

  I contemplated this a second, looking at the woman. She was older, but attractive. Her black hair was long down her back and side swept bangs did little to hide heavy makeup. She was curvy, wearing a tight lace blouse with a black bra showing, a silver hooped belt was slung around her waist over top of tight jeans. Multiple silver necklaces adorned her neck. It was the ultimate biker chick look. She was still glaring at me when we got to the courtyard, I held her gaze not wanting to look timid or weak.

  Cade squeezed my shoulders. “Don’t worry about her babe, she’s just protective over the club. She gives you any shit though, you come to me.”

  I didn’t reply, as the men all shouted a chorus of hellos, grunts and chin lifts.

  “Well hello there Tyson, seems I missed quite a show, let me know when your next rearing for a fight would pay to see that.” Buck, one of the older members who I had become friendly with yelled at me.

  I gave him a wink back. “You will be first to know Buck.”

  I laughed good naturedly as some of the men g
ive me a few more jibes.

  Cade sat us down at a table where Lucky was ploughing through his breakfast. I poked him in his muscled arm.

  “I wonder who had the big mouth and told the guys about my little incident that happened like ten minutes ago, asshole.” I declared playfully.

  Lucky grinned at me mouth full, gross what was it with men?

  Cade pulled me closer to his side. “If I hear anyone talking about my woman in any way that is more than PG I will rip their balls off.” He said forcefully to the group, glare in his voice. I let out a slight giggle as he kissed my nose.

  “Hungry baby?”

  “No but I would murder for a coffee.” I replied with seriousness, thinking back to the precious java I dropped earlier.

  Lucky who has finished his mouthful shouted. “Ooh she’s threatening murder now, someone get her a coffee, quick.” He smirked at Cade who leaned over and punched him in the shoulder.

  “Not another word.” He told him evenly.

  Lucky saluted him with a smile, rubbing his arm getting back to his breakfast.

  “Coffee.” Cade smiled at me.

  One of the Sweetbutts (Lucky explained to me that the hangers on, girls who fucked different members of the club were called this) stopped and placed her hand lightly on my shoulder before quickly pulling it away, glancing at Cade.

  “I’ll get your coffee Gwen, how do you take it?” She asked, taking me by surprise.

  “Um no its okay I can...” I started to reply, but Cade interrupted me.

  “Black two sugars, I’ll have one too.” He told her, barely looking up.

  She nodded at him and turned to get our coffees.

  I spun to Cade. “I have legs Cade, I am quite capable of getting my own coffee.” I informed him snippily.

  “That ain’t the point babe, it’s a respect thing. You are my Old Lady, they need to know their place, which is below you. Libby was doing what she should, showing you respect.” I eyed at him disbelievingly but his face was serious.

  “That’s ridiculous.” I stated.


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