Defender's Blood The Return (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Return (An Urban Fantasy) Page 14

by A. K. Michaels

  Alex placed her hand on his thigh, feeling the strength and muscles beneath his jeans, it never failed to elicit a reaction from her and very soon both of them had a shine in their eyes. “Ok – now we can't go into work like this! I think we should just go straight for our picnic – what do you think?” Zach asked and Alex nodded – her heart beating faster and arousal seeping into her panties. “Yes – picnic – now.” she stuttered and Alex clasped his hand – the tingle that they felt on skin to skin contact still there. He took a deep breath – trying to focus on the road and did a u-turn heading for the secluded area that they loved so much!

  Chapter 13

  Dmitri had gone to the gym – he was trying to rid himself of the feelings inside him – he worked long and hard for several hours and was soaking wet when he finished. He wished that vampires were like they were in books and movies – not breathing, not sweating not feeling the cold or heat! However that was make believe – he sweated profusely as he worked out and took a long hot shower afterwards, easing his sore muscles.

  When he left the gym he saw it was getting dark and he sighed thinking about going over to Donna's. Finally he decided he just had to get it over with – he would take the envelope to Donna's and wait til she did what she had to and leave. As quickly as possible!

  He got in his jeep and drove to Donna's – he could do the journey in his sleep the amount of times he had driven it! He pulled into the drive and noticed all the curtains closed – a light on in the living room but nowhere else. Usually the house was lit up like a christmas tree and he found this a little odd. He got out, envelope in hand, and walked to the door.

  He rang the bell, no answer. He knocked, no answer. He knocked again – harder – enough to shake the door on it's hinges – no answer. A sliver of fear slipped down his back – was something wrong? Had Donna had an accident? He knocked one last time and shouted her name – no answer!

  Dmitri tried the handle – the door was locked?! Donna's door was never locked?!

  Dmitri took a hold of the handle and forced the door open – the lock splintering under his immense strength. The fear that had started as a small sliver was now coursing through his system! Fuck – she better be ok!

  If anyone had hurt her he would rip them apart! His thoughts were running through his mind very fast and landed on her estranged mate – Kade! If that abusive fucker had came here and hurt Donna he would be dead within the next few hours. He would hunt him down and make him suffer!

  The adrenaline was running through his system and he was processing everything superfast – nothing was knocked over in the hall. He could see into the kitchen and all looked fine – he stood still sending his senses out. There! He could smell Donna in the living room – why had she not answered the bloody door!

  Dmitri stalked inside – Donna was pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace – she looked up, fear and panic evident on her face. Dmitri took a step closer - “Donna – what's wrong?” he asked softly. Donna was sweating profusely and Dmitri wondered if she was sick. “No no no no you can't be here now Dmitri – you've got to leave – now!” she whimpered and Dmitri stepped closer.

  “Donna – what's wrong? Tell me!” he ordered and she kept pacing - “No no Dmitri you don't understand you've got to leave now!” she whimpered again and Dmitri stepped closer still – then it hit him.

  The scent – arousal, heat, a scent like no other he had came across – he breathed deeply and this upset Donna all the more. “Please Dmitri – you have to go.” she was crying now and the sight tore at Dmitri's insides!

  Leave? No he wasn't going anywhere – he stalked towards Donna who had stopped and was staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. Her lips were trembling and her body was so tense and still it had to be painful!

  “Donna – what's wrong?” he asked and she stuttered - “It's my breeding cycle Dmitri – you have to leave.” she managed to get out and Dmitri just stood still – less than a foot between them.

  Breeding cycle? Dmitri, of course, knew about wolves cycles – tho he had never heard of one going through it on their own?! “Donna – why are you alone?” he asked and she cried harder - “I always do it alone!” she all but screamed and Dmitri was shocked!

  “Are you telling me you go through this every time on your own? Why?” he asked and she cried louder. “I can't tell you!” she said and he moved his arm – placing a hand on her very hot cheek. “Yes you can – and you will Donna – I'm not leaving until you do.” he said and Donna shook her head – her embarrassment was beyond astronomical at this point!

  She sighed loudly and moved her face into Dmitri's palm – the touch alone nearly drove her mad. She wanted to tear his clothes off and make love to him right there on the living room floor!

  She tried to clear her thoughts - “Dmitri – I was mated young – very young and I've never been with anyone else. My wolf won't let me be with anyone else – it's got a very strange notion that you're someone important to us – I keep telling it you don't even like me! Fuck – please Dmitri you have to go!” Dmitri could smell her arousal and he had gone hard while still in the hallway although he had just noticed it now!

  Shit – she thought he didn't like her? “Donna – that's not true – I do like you – in fact it's because I like you that I've been acting like an ass. I'm sorry – now I think we need to talk.” he said and she shook her head.

  “Dmitri I can't – talk that is – my body's on fire – I can't think!” she moaned and Dmitri moved the short distance between them – taking her in his arms. The scent of her breeding cycle was in his nostrils – his brain – his skin – and he crushed her body to his. One arm was rubbing up and down her back and she made a sound deep in her throat that nearly had Dmitri ripping her clothes off!

  “We're going upstairs.” Dmitri rumbled and Donna was nodding and then shaking her head - “YES – NO!” and Dmitri picked her up and carried the wolf through the living room towards the stairs.

  “Dmitri – please – I need you but not if it's just pity!” she spoke into his chest. Dmitri kept walking - “Donna – none of this is about pity – trust me on that!” he said in a voice that Donna had never heard before! It went straight to her core and she was ready to explode!

  “So – you don't hate me?” she groaned and he pulled her closer – sensing the pain that was in her body – pain that her cycle was causing her because she was not 'mating'! “Oh Donna my feelings for you are so far from hate – I can feel your pain Laskovaya Moya – it hurts me too.” the large Russian spoke gently – and it seemed to calm Donna somewhat.

  Donna thought she was going to burn up – her skin was on fire and she desperately wanted to be naked – no clothes rubbing over her skin!

  Dmitri carried her to her room and gently placed her on the bed – she made to get up and he gently pushed her back down - “Stay there – I'm going to look after you.” he said and she lay back down.

  He started to remove her clothes and her face was scarlet in embarrassment and she was shocked at her body's reaction to his touch. Her body craved him – and she wanted him so badly that it was extremely painful! Her wolf was howling in glee – and Donna tried once again to leash it – but she didn't have enough strength left so she lay still and let Dmitri continue.

  As her body came into view of his eyes Dmitri started breathing faster – his arousal was immense and he wanted nothing more than to bury himself deep inside her! He tried to slow his movements – he didn't want to hurt this little wolf – compared to him she was tiny – he wasn't even sure she would be capable of taking him inside her!

  She was lying so still, watching him from hooded eyes – her tongue poked out as she ran it along her dry lips and Dmitri moved to take her mouth with his. It was the last straw for Donna and she completely lost control – her arms circling his massive neck and pulling him down towards her.

  She was nearly naked now – only her panties left on her body – bu
t Dmitri was still fully clothed. “Please Dmitri – take them off!” she pleaded and he knew she meant his clothing.

  Very quickly he moved upwards and stood at the side of the bed – his shirt was off in seconds and then his boots and socks. He undid his jeans and made to remove them when Donna sat up and moved her hands – taking over from him. She pulled the jeans downwards and followed their descent with her hands – rubbing Dmitri's huge muscled thighs! As the jeans hit his ankles he shuffled his feet to rid himself of them and then gasped!

  Donna had a hold of his erection and had placed it in her mouth! Dmitri never wore underwear so when the jeans were pulled downwards his arousal was there in front of her face! He looked down at her sweat soaked face and her eyes met his. For a second – barely a second – he felt guilty but it was soon gone and in his mind's eye he saw his Ludmilla standing smiling.

  The sight in his mind had a profound effect on him and he placed a hand at the side of Donna's face – gently stroking it. She continued to take him in her mouth for a short time and then he pulled away – moving Donna so she was lying comfortably on the bed, her head on the pillows.

  He moved onto the bed and between her legs – she spread them for him and he smiled down at her - “ Laskovaya Moya.” he groaned and entered her softly.

  For the first time since his mate had died he was taking a woman again gently – making love – not using a body for sex and his own release!

  Donna moaned long and hard and he continued moving gently – she thrust her hips up to meet his and they didn't break eye contact. “I'm not as fragile as you seem to think Dmitri – I won't break.” she whispered and Dmitri moved more forcefully, harder and her legs tightened around the back of his thighs.

  They made love for a long long time – Dmitri getting to know her body from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. He took her long and gently and hard and fast. He used his mouth to pleasure her and the screams that tore from her throat was like music to his ears. Then he took her to the bathroom and they showered – staying inside for a long time – when they finally emerged Donna was sore – and it felt wonderful!

  They lay in bed and Donna was in Dmitri's arms – their legs entwined and she had never felt happier. She had been satiated, for the time being, and her brain was working nearly at normal and she asked - “What's that you kept saying – Lasko something or other.” and Dmitri answered - “It's a saying in my native Russian – a rough translation is My Sweet – a kind of lover's saying.” and Donna smiled - “I like it.” she said and snuggled down. Soon she was sleeping and Dmitri didn't move, keeping her clasped close – he felt at peace – for the first time in a very long time!

  Donna woke a few hours later – her body on fire once more – Dmitri laughed - “I see why Vlad's tired after he returns to work after Irina's cycle!” he quipped and Donna moved atop him – devouring his mouth!

  The next morning after another bout of long, sweaty, lovemaking Dmitri remembered the envelope! Shit! Zach wanted it dealt with and brought to the office this morning!

  “I'll be right back.” he told Donna who whined when he left her side. He ran down the stairs and found the envelope on the floor. He picked it up and brought it upstairs. “Zach wanted me to bring this to you and get you to sign it – no idea what it is.” he said and handed the envelope over.

  Donna opened the large envelope and pulled out a sheaf of papers. She looked through them confused – the paper had nothing on it! She looked at the first page – only a few handwritten lines and started to laugh!

  Dmitri had no idea what was going on – and joined Donna back in the bed. She handed the top sheet over to him and he read - “If this works you can thank me later – if it doesn't then I'm sorry to have caused any unnecessary embarrassment.” signed Zach!

  Dmitri joined Donna and both soon had tears on their faces and sore sides from laughing! Their skins were in contact and Dmitri felt Donna's getting hot again – her laughter stopped and she looked up at him with a sultry look. He pulled her to him and once more they made love.

  Donna had gotten up to make something to eat – a wolf's appetite increased when they were in their breeding cycle and she was starving. Dmitri's phone buzzed with a text message - “R u ok?” - it was from Zach and he smiled and replied - “Indeed! Will be off for next few days.” and he pressed send! A few seconds later it buzzed again - “Thank God” was Zach's reply!

  Dmitri was watching Donna put together a very large sandwich – he didn't need food but sometimes ate just for the fun of it. He wasn't hungry for food tho – he wanted her blood!

  The thought hit him between the eyes and he was more than a little surprised! If he fed from her it would start a bond – one which would lead to mating! Shit – was that what he wanted? What he had been avoiding for the past three years?!

  He watched Donna – her hands cutting some tomatoes and a smile on her face. She looked at him from under her lashes – and her body language shouted at him – submissive! She even moved her neck ever so slightly so it was bared to him! She was a wolf and this was natural for her – but he was vampire and a bared neck – well it nearly had him jumping over to her and biting down!

  Dmitri fought to keep his fangs from erupting in his mouth and Donna could see the struggle! Did she want Dmitri to bite her? Feed from her? Her wolf was telling her – hell yes – but her human mind was confused!

  What would it mean if he fed from her? She wasn't sure but she wanted to find out.

  A look of worry crossed her features – they hadn't actually talked and maybe he was just 'helping' her out in her breeding cycle! If that was the case she would be devastated – she had feelings for him ever since she met him and it had been hard for her these past few years.

  Dmitri moved over to her - “What's wrong Donna? I can see worry on your face.” he spoke down to her and she half smiled - “Uhm I was just thinking – we've been – uhm – a little busy – but I'm not sure how you feel about all this.” she managed to get out – her blush creeping up her face. She tried to move her head so Dmitri couldn't see it but he grabbed her chin – forcing her to look at him.

  “Donna – I've been a gruff pig with you – I'm sorry. I felt as if I was somehow dishonouring my dead mate. Zach tried to talk some sense into me but I was resistant! He forced my hand by sending me here last night – Donna – I don't regret that one bit. As we made love for the first time I felt at peace – I know my mate would be happy for me. So if you think I'm just here for a bit of sex you're mistaken. I care for you deeply – felt it when we first met! That's why I've stayed away from you – I was scared.” he told her – admitting his fear and feelings was a new thing to him – he had only ever done that with Ludmilla!

  Donna put her hands around his large waist and buried her head into the area between his stomach and his chest - “Oh I'm so glad you said that Dmitri – I care for you too – a lot!” she said and he felt more than at peace – he felt at home!

  “So – do we take this slow or what?” he asked her and she thought on it for all of two seconds - “Or what.” she said – and looked up at the large vamp in front of her. His confusion was clear - “I mean – not slow – I'm ready to go as fast as you want Dmitri.” she said and he picked her up – kissed her deeply and pulled back.

  “Well I'm an old fashioned guy – so I'm going to do this right. Donna Ross would you do me the honour of becoming my life mate?” he asked and Donna started crying!

  She had only dreamt of this – Dmitri in her arms - “What's wrong Donna?” Dmitri was asking and she shook her head - “Nothing – I'm just happy – my wolf has wanted you from the beginning – I kept trying to tell it you didn't want me – now here you are in my home – asking me to be your mate! I'm worried that it's the breeding cycle having an effect on you Dmitri – maybe when it's over you won't feel the same?” she let her doubts out.

  “Donna I can understand that – but you need to believe me when I say
I know I won't change my mind. I want you Donna – more importantly I need you.” he finished and his tone was heartfelt – Donna was so happy she was scared! Good things very very rarely happened to her!

  “So are we going to do this?” he asked and she nodded her head - “Yes.” she breathed out and the food was forgotten as he took her back upstairs. He laid her down and moved over her once more - “Can you let your wolf out too – mark me?” he asked and she nodded.

  As he entered her he watched intently – her eyes changed colour slightly and her fangs came out – the sight was erotic and he let his own fangs come down. His much larger than hers and she opened her eyes wide – wondering if it would hurt. Dmitri quelled her fears - “I won't hurt you Donna – I promise – I will never hurt you.” he said – making sure she knew he was nothing like her abusive mate whom he had rescued her from!

  “I know that Dmitri – I trust you completely – tho I have to tell you my bite WILL hurt – I'm sorry.” she said and Dmitri continued to move in her – slowly, gently, building a great fire within each of them. “I'm sure I can take it.” he smirked and she guessed that yes he could.

  He was huge and strong and wild and – hers!

  Dmitri moved his head down – both he and Donna positioning their throats so that each other had access. Dmitri bit down first and Donna let out a loud moan – the bite of a vampire bringing immense pleasure! She had to force herself to focus – and pierced the skin in front of her teeth! Dmitri didn't even flinch and both lapped at the other's blood.

  Donna's body felt alive – and a huge release was just about to hit – she removed her teeth and screamed Dmitri's name over and over! Dmitri lapped some of her blood for a bit more – relishing the unique taste of his mate and then he pulled back and roared – his own climax was vast – and he marvelled at how she made him feel!

  Once more he felt whole, complete, happy, he had a mate to love and take care of and he would do his damnedest to make sure he made her happy!


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