Defender's Blood The Return (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Return (An Urban Fantasy) Page 24

by A. K. Michaels

  Simeon was trying hard to keep Tammy from getting too friendly – it was hard going – she seemed intent on sleeping with him and he didn't want things to get ugly. Andre was sticking to Jenny like glue and Simeon could see she was getting drowsy. Andre's arm was now around Jenny – holding her close to his own body – his other hand was now under her rather short skirt – and he had a smirk on his face!

  Andre was getting antsy – he wanted to leave - “Uhm I think my new friend here and I will leave you two alone.” Andre said and Simeon tensed at the same time as Tammy's head swung round. “Uh no – don't think so – we don't split up when we're out.” Tammy said, slurring her words!

  Simeon was impressed – he thought she would be happy to be left alone with him. Andre frowned - “Now now – I'm sure you and Simeon have better things to do than chaperone Jenny here. She's a big girl.” Andre said in a tone meant to get his own way. Tammy wouldn't budge tho - “Nope – we take care of each other – always – so if you two are leaving we're coming.” she slurred and Andre frowned – a look of impatience crossing his features.

  Simeon smiled - “Sounds like a plan.” he said and Andre finally gave in - “Ok – my place isn't far – I've got some more champagne on ice – just waiting on you two lovely ladies.” he said and Tammy giggled again.

  Andre moved to the end of the booth taking Jenny with him – as he stood he pulled her up and all but carried her towards the exit. Tammy was also a little unsteady and Simeon had to help her along. Tammy seemed to be enjoying it and held tightly to him.

  Zach and James watched them leave – and followed soon after.

  Outside Alex and Lisa were sitting in one of their vehicles – Dmitri keeping a close eye on the Club's door. Lisa was complaining of the stink of booze – Alex had poured a drink down her to help with their little subterfuge!

  When Dmitri saw their target leaving with a girl in tow he tried to keep calm – he hated Supers who abused their powers! The girl looked very drunk indeed! When Simeon appeared with another girl Dmitri relaxed slightly – and headed back to the vehicles.

  Less than a minute later Zach and James joined them and Dmitri, James and Lisa went in one vehicle and Zach and Alex in the other. Following the two little red dots on their phone screens – Simeon's and Andre's. The dots moved faster – they were in a car – and they followed behind – keeping a ways back to avoid being seen.

  In a very short while the car stopped and the dots moved a slight way away – obviously entering a building of some kind. Zach and Dmitri pulled up a short distance away from the dots and looked to where they were coming from – an old building that had two stories – the bottom all boarded up. The top had curtains and lights – that must be where they were. They sat waiting – Zach was trying to work out a plan when his phone buzzed.

  Zach looked at it and saw Simeon's name – he answered but didn't say anything – listening intently – he could hear what was going on. Simeon was talking away to the vamp – using his phone to let them know what was happening!

  Good thinking Simeon – now Zach could plan with the knowledge of what was going on inside!

  James and Dmitri got out and came over to Zach – James having ordered Lisa to stay in the vehicle! Zach put his finger to his lips in a shooshing motion and held out his phone – all of them could clearly hear what was going on inside. Dmitri smiled – Simeon was good!

  Zach placed his hand over his phone so they could talk without it going through on Simeon's end. “Ok – We'll move forward – everyone keep a block in place – we don't want him to read any of us. We'll move into the building – underneath them – and see what happens – if we need to move quick I want Dmitri and I to go first – James and Alex come in behind. We need to wait tho – we have to find out what's actually going on with him and if we go in too early we get nothing! He'll just say he's having a 'good time' with a girl he picked up in a club. So wait on my signal before anybody moves – ok?” he advised them and they all nodded.

  James checked on Lisa before following Zach and Dmitri – Alex at his side. Lisa wasn't happy - “Why can't I go?” she whined and James was about to answer when Alex spoke up - “Zach's in charge Lisa not James – if he says you stay here then you stay here – no questions – ok?” Alex spoke quietly but in a voice Lisa hadn't heard before – all business – no sign of their friendship at all. Lisa quietly said “Ok” and James and Alex moved off – following Zach.

  Simeon was trying to appear relaxed – tho Tammy was making it difficult. He had kissed the girl to make things appear as they should but this had seemed to give her the green light, so to speak, and her hands were quickly moving over his body. He took hold of her hands and held them behind her back as he kissed her again and he could scent her arousal – it was ripe in the air.

  Andre laughed - “So you like to be in charge Simeon?” Andre asked – taking the movements of his holding the girls arms behind her back for something that it definitely wasn't! Simeon pulled away from Tammy's mouth with a smirk - “Hell yea – don't you?” he answered and Andre was now openly laughing.

  Andre was sitting on a large sofa – Jenny on his lap – the vamps hands were all over the girl – and one was way up under her skirt. Simeon was finding it hard to not say something – but if he did he might blow the mission. Andre pulled Jenny's top down – exposing her pert breasts - “Oh I like to be in control all right – tho I've other plans for this one.” Andre said so quiet that only Simeon heard. Simeon twitched – trying to still his reaction – Tammy was pressing herself to him – and he wasn't sure how far this was going to go?!

  Simeon moved with Tammy so that they were on an opposite sofa – and spoke - “What do you mean?” he asked Andre – who looked over realising that Simeon must've heard him. “Oh I'll have my fun with this one before passing her over to someone else. She's just what he wants.” he said speaking once more so low that Tammy wasn't aware.

  “What?” Simeon asked. Andre was now devouring Jenny's nipples – the girl inert in his lap. He looked at Simeon – who had placed a hand under Tammy's skirt - “I get paid big for these little humans – and have a strong ally in the process. You wouldn't believe me if I told you.” Andre bragged and Simeon tried to look as if he was interested - “Yea? Room for an extra hand?” Simeon asked and Andre looked him over – while he painfully pulled on Jenny's nipples.

  “Mmm not sure Simeon – no offence but I don't know you – I usually work alone.” Andre said and Simeon tried once more to get more information - “Well sure, but I could help – if it's young girls you want let's be honest – they flock to me – I don't even have to work at it.” he said trying to inject a tone of arrogance in his voice.

  Andre smiled - “Well now, you do have a point Simeon – first – can I ask are you affiliated to anybody? Any vamp nests? Your maker perhaps?” the powerful vamp asked and Simeon scowled - “Nope – I do what you could call 'freelance' work – if someone has the money to pay I'll do what they need – whatever that may be.” Simeon advised and Andre raised an eyebrow - “Oh so you're not too fussy about what you do?” he asked and Simeon shook his head - “Hell no – I've done just about anything for a payout – I don't have many scruples – hell if I'm honest I don't have any!” Simeon said as he started to laugh. Andre joined him - “You may just be what I'm looking for Simeon. First tho before we talk business we need to deal with these two.” Andre said, meaning Tammy and Jenny!

  Fuck! Simeon thought – what do I do now? Tammy was all over him so having sex with her to gain Andre's trust wasn't going to be a problem. However, Jenny was out for the count – or just about – was he going to let Andre do what he wanted to Jenny? He was between a rock and a hard place!

  Simeon stood up and Tammy groaned at his absence - “Where's that bubbly you were talking about earlier?” he asked and Andre motioned with is hand - “Kitchen's over there – it's in the fridge – you get it – I'm busy.” Andre said and Simeon moved. As
soon a he was out of Andre's line of sight he got his phone out – whispering as low as he could he spoke - “Zach – what do I do?” he asked and Zach had been trying to decide for the past few minutes!

  Alex knew what was going on and she had no idea what was for the best either. If they stopped Andre from doing what he wanted with Jenny then the mission was a bust – they wouldn't find out who he had been handing the girls over to! However, just what did he have planned for Jenny? Shit! She didn't know what decision to make and was only glad it was Zach that had to make that call!

  Zach frowned as he answered - “Go along with things – if he's passing them off to someone he can't be hurting them too bad – they would need to be ok for him to pass off but Simeon if you think we need to step in then just shout my name and we'll come in.” Zach whispered also – and his words were sticking in his throat! He hated to make such a decision but couldn't figure out another way. A vamp as powerful as Andre would not succumb to interrogation – they needed more info!

  Alex placed a hand on Zach's back – she knew what he had just said hurt him – she also knew it was a decision that had to be made!

  Simeon found the champagne and a glass and took it back through – Tammy was now sitting up and watching Andre – who was pulling on Jenny's clothes. Tammy had a weird look on her face. Simeon sat down with the champagne bottle and Tammy didn't move. “Hey what's up with Tammy?” he asked and Andre smirked - “She was getting a bit too nosey about her friend here so I just put some thoughts in her head – you're going to have a good time my friend – she'll do whatever you want!” Andre finished and started to undress Jenny – he did this fast and without any care at all and soon the girl was sitting on his lap naked.

  Simeon pulled Tammy to him – and Andre spoke again - “Go on Simeon – show me you don't care about these humans.” he said and Simeon knew then this was a test – fuck!

  He moved Tammy until she was on her knees in front of him – and grabbed her hair - “You're going to take me in your mouth bitch!” he said and the coarseness of his voice shocked even him. Simeon's thoughts went to the last time he had been with a female – a shewolf – and boy was she good – his manhood hardened at the thought. He would use those thoughts to keep him going through this – he had to or he would fuck up the mission!

  He unzipped his jeans and pulled out his hardness – grabbing Tammy's hair and forcing himself in her mouth – the girl was totally out of it – no sign of consciousness in her eyes! Tammy moved – working her mouth and Simeon had to close his eyes – couldn't watch – keeping his thoughts on that buxom wolf he had played with last weekend!

  Andre laughed – watching the girl take Simeon's large cock in her mouth! He brought his attention back to Jenny – he picked her up and walked behind the sofa – lay Jenny over it so her behind was in the air. He watched Tammy as he entered Jenny – he didn't 'make love' to the girl, he didn't even 'have sex', he fucked her – not caring one iota if he hurt her.

  Jenny didn't make a sound – and it was beginning to annoy Andre – usually his 'girls' had came to a little bit by now and were trying to fight or cry or plead – not a sound came from Jenny!

  Maybe he had used too much of the drug he had put in her drink! This annoyed him all the more so he pinched her skin tight – his nails long and sharp piercing her skin in several places – Yes! There was a reaction and Jenny jumped! Slowly she came to – just a tiny bit – but enough for it to affect Andre – soon he was hurting her and she was crying – and he came hard – snarling and grunting like an animal.

  Simeon was glad – shit – he was ready to go over and pull the fucker off Jenny! However, Andre had came just before he had risen to his feet. As Andre's attention had been on Jenny for the past few minutes he had managed to moan loudly as if he had came and remove Tammy from the floor. His hardness had gone immediately – seeing as he had had to think of his last bout of sex to get one in the first place!

  Andre picked Jenny up like a doll and moved to sit down again – once more placing the girl on his lap – he hadn't bothered to do up his trousers – his still erect penis digging into the girls thigh. “Round one – good hey?” Andre spoke and Simeon placed a leer on his face - “Hell yea – I think we're going to be good friends Andre.” he replied and Andre laughed - “Yes – I think we just might.” he answered and started to play with Jenny again, the girl was now aware and crying softly. Fear emanating from every pore in her body!

  Simeon's stomach was rolling – his disgust was so vast that he was finding it hard to even breathe. He tried to distract Andre from the girl - “So Andre who is this person you hand them off to and when?” he asked and Andre continued to poke, prod and pinch Jenny who was trying to get away.

  Andre stopped and looked over at Simeon - “Well now – that's privileged – tho they should be here soon – so you will get to meet them – you won't believe it tho – trust me!” Andre laughed and once more turned to Jenny!

  Simeon's mind was reeling – how could he stop him from hurting Jenny any more? A thought came to him and it was truly awful but he didn't come up with anything else!!!

  Jenny was now awake and aware of what was going on – Tammy wasn't! “Hey – want to swap?” he asked and Andre's lips moved to look like a smile but was more of a sneer. “Now that's what I'm talking about! You're a vamp after my own heart – so to speak. Yea – gimme her over.” Andre said and Simeon thought he was going to explode with anger – he felt as bad as he ever had – handing Tammy over but Jenny was in such a state he didn't know what else to do!

  Andre got up and carried Jenny over and placed her right on Simeon's lap – then bent down and picked Tammy up – she was still on her knees in front of Simeon. The laugh that came from Andre's lips sickened Simeon and he tried very hard not to react. He placed an arm around Jenny and pulled her close – doing low shushing sounds into her ear. “I'm not going to hurt you.” he whispered and she turned slightly and looked at him – the fear he saw there tugged at him – he was a Guard! Sworn to protect innocents – and here he was letting this girl be abused and raped! He had never felt so low. He gently ran a hand up and down Jenny's back – trying desperately to calm her.

  Andre placed Tammy on her knees in front of the sofa where he had been and sat back down - “Hope they give me enough time to sample this one's mouth.” he said and Simeon wondered who it was that would come? Some human trafficker – or some such – but they needed to catch them – before too many more were hurt.

  Simeon had no intention of doing anything else to Jenny so he sat still – trying to figure a way out of this. Andre had already grabbed Tammy's head and was forcing his hardness to her lips, laughing as he had to forcibly thrust it in. Simeon thought he was going to throw up, even tho that was something he hadn't done since before being turned!

  Suddenly Andre pulled back and cursed - “Shit – they're coming.” he said and fastened his trousers quickly, suddenly seeming nervous. In that split second Simeon was worried – who or what made this very powerful vamp nervous?!

  He didn't need to wait long for an answer!

  Chapter 23

  A mere few seconds later two large beings appeared – they had dirty grey wings and their eyes had an unclean hue to them!

  Simeon was lost for words – then said quickly and quietly – 'Zach' – knowing that Zach's enhanced hearing would make out his name. Andre stood up - “You're early.” he said and the larger of the two beings spoke – the voice filling the entire room. “We come when we want vampire – you don't have a say in the matter. What have you got for us?” the large being asked and it struck Simeon that these were or had been Angels!

  Then all hell broke lose!

  Zach and Dmitri ran in – Dmitri obliterating the strong doorway – and James and Alex were right behind them. Simeon placed Jenny on the floor and moved quickly to grab Tammy – moving her next to her friend.

  Andre looked from Simeon to Zach and swore - �
�You fucker – you'll pay for this!” he roared and Simeon didn't know if it was directed at him or Zach!

  Alex ran at supernatural speed to the girls – standing guard in front of them. Zach moved toward Andre who moved himself closer to the large beings who were taking up a whole hell of a lot of space in the room. One of them levelled his gaze to Zach and moved his hand – Zach flew through the air and hit the wall – plaster and bricks fell around his body as he slid down to the floor. The special dart gun that Vlad had given them fell from his hand.

  Dmitri and James moved towards Andre – and the other being engaged them.

  Dmitri had never felt anything like the pain he was now experiencing – it enveloped his entire body and crippled him. He was standing upright but unable to move even a finger and his breathing had stopped altogether!

  James was not faring any better although he was on his knees on the floor!

  Simeon got close to Andre and dropped down and swept his left leg out – connecting firmly with Andre's ankles and the old vampire fell. Simeon scrambled to get on his feet – and made a grab for Andre. Andre was quick – quicker than Simeon and landed a massive two handed straight arm push to Simeon's chest. Pain exploded in Simeon as he felt ribs give way from the force of Andre's hands. He flew backwards and landed at Alex's feet – he tried to breathe and pain erupted in his chest.

  Alex screamed and moved forward and Andre snaked an arm out and grabbed her around the neck – then the powerful winged beings looked in her direction and she was full of the pain that had crippled James and Dmitri! All she could hear was Andre's laugh in her ear and the terrified scream of one of the girls, she thought it was Jenny.

  Zach got up and saw Andre with Alexina in his grip and roared loudly as he moved forward. Suddenly there was a bright flash and Conall and Lexi were in the room – their surprise at seeing everyone else there evident on their faces.


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