Prince Vampire

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Prince Vampire Page 9

by Amarinda Jones


  There was a moment’s silence before Aureliann spoke. “I love your prince.”

  Valdemar felt like he had been given the greatest gift in the world. He wanted to rush back and hold her to him and never let go.

  “You’re a big softy.” The elf’s voice, although harsh, sounded pleased.

  “So you’ll be our queen.”

  “Yeah and you’ll have to obey my every command.” Now Aureliann sounded pleased.

  The elves all laughed. “Yeah right. Sure.”

  “Let’s go see these tar pits,” Aureliann interrupted their mirth. “I’ll jump in after you do.”

  “But you’re our guest, you must go first…”

  As they walked off Valdemar shook his head. “I love my life.”

  Chapter Ten

  Victor looked at the thirty or so mercenary vampires he had collected from Brisbane and sneered. They were an indolent lot but then what could one expect when you sought out the scum of the earth? He had virtually no followers of his own in Serawych that he had not paid dearly for. It angered him that his cousin was the popular one. How could the people mistake his kind, calm words as strength? He was exactly like the old king and he had never capitalized on the great wealth that could be used for the benefit of their family. Instead they lived in an old gothic monstrosity of a castle that sucked the money out of the family purse because his uncle had not wanted to burden the people with the repair of the castle. One of the first things Victor planned to do once Valdemar was dead was to knock down the castle. Neither his cousin nor the castle would remain. They were symbols of the past and Victor saw his future very differently. He was going to use every single asset that Serawych had for his own pleasure. That was what kingship was about, otherwise what was the point of the crown?

  Since these mercenaries had arrived they had lolled around, argued with each other and made spectacles of themselves with the whores of Serawych. They were not like the vampires Victor knew. Vampires were lords in his town. They had class. They had breeding. This lot had no self-control but then they did not have a kingdom to conquer. Victor did not have time for indulgences. Already Valdemar was back and amassing his army. Many were loyal to him including those vicious elves who knew how to fight and win despite their size.

  “If only I had them on my side,” Victor muttered to himself. Elves unquestioningly followed their leader. They were also skilled in war and if called upon knew how to make a human suffer unbearable pain. “Out!” he ordered as his surveyed the half-dressed women. The vampires of Brisbane narrowed their eyes at him as the women fled. If Victor had been a lesser man he would have been afraid of these men but he wasn’t. There was no time for fear. He was on a timetable to take the crown. Victor had been planning this since he was old enough to know he would never inherit and Valdemar would. But for the fate of his father being the younger son, he would have been the heir. It still galled him that he both missed out on the crown and had the misfortune to look like Valdemar. It was a queer genetic trait that often happened in their family. Some thought the likeness was cute. It only reminded Victor of what he did not have and what he planned to take. As Victor and Valdemar were the last ones standing he planned to obliterate his genetic competition. “You know what I want from you.”

  “To cause chaos,” one murmured lazily as if it seemed fairly obvious to him.

  “Yes,” Victor hissed, the anger inside him making that one word sound snakelike. He knew Valdemar would strike soon and he needed a comparable force to match that of his cousin’s.

  The vampire called Arrow approached him. “And we want blood. So far we have not been allowed any.” He did not look pleased as he flashed his fangs at the prince.

  Victor was not worried by those pointed weapons. Vampires never sucked the blood of their own kind. It made them sick. “You will get it when the job is done.” Not that Victor planned for them to stick around and indulge in an orgy of blood. He would have them staked through the heart by then.

  “The thing is, prince, we cannot survive without blood.” Arrow’s eyes were cold on his. “As you need us more than we need you, we can quite easily get rid of you.”

  A threat. This was more like it. He wanted evil bastard vampires not Lotharios intent on getting their cocks sucked by whores. Victor smiled at them. Fine. He would give them blood. He needed them strong. What he planned to do would also serve as a warning to Valdemar.

  “Follow me and I will allow you to feed.” The vampires stood. “But after that you must do as I bid.”

  Arrow nodded. “Where are we going?”

  “To a little place I know.” They would get no resistance there. It was a place of spiritual contentment and peace. The dwellers did not believe in aggression. They would be like lambs to the slaughter for these vampires. “I promise you much blood.”

  * * * * *

  Aureliann was impressed by all that she saw on her wanderings with the elves. They had shown her much and, despite their initial pithy reluctance, had patiently answered her many questions. The book, The Vampire’s Kiss, did not do justice to the land, the castle and the people of Serawych.

  “The people are so friendly,” Aureliann had said as she was greeted with great interest everywhere they went.

  “That’s ’cause you’re the prince’s main squeeze,” the elf she had chosen to call Bob replied.

  “Only squeeze.” The thought that any other woman could come between Aureliann and Valdemar was not an option. She did not share. She was also quite surprised at how possessive she was.

  Bill eyed her and nodded. “Yeah, I reckon you’re right. Besides why would he want two mortal women? One of you is more than aggravating enough.”

  It had been a good day of trading banter and seeing new things. Aureliann had arrived back at the castle tired but happier than she had been in a long time. She had been eager to look around the aging fortress but weariness had overtaken her so she gratefully allowed the elves to escort her to Valdemar’s quarters.

  “Bloody hell,” Aureliann had murmured once she was alone. His bedroom was the size of half her house and its opulence was astounding. “You can bet nothing here was put together with an Allen key.” This was solid old furniture that bespoke age and wealth. And the carpet! Aureliann kicked off her shoes and let her feet sink into it. Orgasmic. She walked over to the massive bed. It looked like six people could quite easily sleep in it without ever touching each other. Aureliann flung herself down on it and looked up.

  “Oh my God!” She burst out laughing. There was a mirror on the ceiling. She rolled from side to side and watched her reflection. “I look pretty good.” Aureliann struck a couple of seductive poses before rolling onto her back and flinging out her arms, wondering what it would be like to look up and see Valdemar’s firm, tattooed ass in the mirror as he ploughed inside her body. “Excellent,” she moaned softly as she felt the familiar wetness between her legs. That mirror was so sexy and not even green-eyed thoughts of other women in this bed could turn her off. Damn, where was the man? Aureliann needed him. As if in answer to her call Valdemar appeared. Yay!

  “Hi,” she sat up and smiled her most saucy smile at him. She stopped when she saw the tiredness in his eyes as Valdemar came to her. His clothes were dusty and the lines of stress on his face were evident.

  “Hello, lovely, how did it go today with the elves?” He sat down tiredly on the edge of the bed.

  Aureliann scooted over toward him. “What happened?” She touched his arm and felt the tension within.

  “Victor and his mercenaries took a small, peace-loving hamlet west of here by force.” Valdemar’s eyes were sad. “The people still live. Just. My cousin allowed his vampires to almost suck the life from the people.”

  She did not know what to say. This was so completely beyond her realm of experience that “I’m sorry” was not enough. Aureliann wrapped her arm around his broad shoulders and nestled in close to him, giving what comfort she could.

  “Victor did not kill them because he wanted me to see the shattered wrecks who could barely crawl from where they fell.”

  Aureliann closed her eyes at the horror of it. She knew she had to be strong, Valdemar needed her. She reopened her eyes and listened as he explained how they had spent hours helping the victims. She saw the guilt in his eyes.

  “This is not your fault, Val.” Aureliann used her other hand to stroke his face. “Victor is a madman bent on something he cannot have.”

  Valdemar sighed. “I feel so useless.”

  “You are anything but, darling.”

  He jerked against her. “You just called me ‘darling’.”

  The pleasure on his face made Aureliann feel like she had given him a precious gift. “Well, you are.” Why deny it? In the space of a couple of days this man had become her world.

  “Do you know how much I adore you?”

  Valdemar’s eyes were so soft with love that for a moment she thought she might burst into tears. So this is happiness? I like it. Aureliann smiled at him and crawled off the bed. “I believe I do.” She stood before him and held out his hand. “You need to relax.” And I need to be with you.

  “I am quite relaxed here with you.” His hand engulfed hers. “Come here, lovely.”

  “No, you come to me.” Aureliann had a good grasp on the strong flesh. She knew he could quite easily pull her back into bed with him but she wanted to do this her way. She dug her heels into the carpet and pulled.

  Valdemar laughed as she made no headway into making him move. “I want you here.”

  “And I want you to come with me.” Aureliann continued to pull at him, trying to make him stand.

  “What incentive do you give, madam?”

  “Well, I plan to strip you naked and then bathe you.” She could tell by the increasing bulge in his trousers that he was as turned-on as she.

  He arched his eyebrows. “Do you offer this to other men?”

  “I only offer it to the one I love.” Aureliann gave a start when the words came out of her mouth but she did not regret them. They were easy to say when you did not think about them.

  Valdemar sucked in his breath. “You love me?” His voice was full of wonder.

  “Well, ya big dope, haven’t you worked that out yet?” Before she could say anything else, Valdemar launched off the bed, taking Aureliann unawares. She was hoisted into his arms within seconds. “Where are we going?” Not that she cared. Her only wish was to be with Valdemar.

  “You promised nudity and bathing.” He strode with her out of the bedroom. “I’m yours, lovely.” Valdemar went into the adjoining bathroom.

  “Wow!” The word shot out of Aureliann’s mouth. She was in awe. The bathroom was so elegant she wasn’t sure she should even be in it. She wriggled around in his arms, trying to see everything. There was a huge bathtub that looked out on what appeared to be a private, palm-tree-filled courtyard. Big fluffy towels were awaiting them and the brilliant opalescent sheen on the tiles made the whole room dazzling. “Wow!” Aureliann repeated as Valdemar placed her feet on the ground.

  “Do you like it?” He looked pleased by her reaction.

  “Everything is so big here.” Aureliann noticed his amused grin. She looked him up and down, stopping to focus at the prominent erection. She knew what he was thinking and his thoughts matched hers. “Don’t get too cocky.”

  “Oh but I plan to.”

  “I’m in charge here.” She reached over and placed the plug in the bathtub. Aureliann felt his hands on her ass. “If you touch me again without permission then you won’t get all that I promised you.” She turned on the water and sprinkled some of the bath salts, which were on a well-stocked shelf beside the bath, into the steamy water that rushed out. The smell of frangipani scented the air.

  Valdemar swatted her butt before he backed away. “I love forceful women.”

  “Good, remember that when I am premenstrual.” Aureliann turned to face the man she loved. She wanted so much to ease his pain. “Stand still like a good vampire.” Aureliann’s hands moved to his chest, her eyes locked with his as she undid the buttons of his shirt. She smiled as he flinched when she parted the material and touched the hot flesh below. Aureliann liked being in charge. It had infinite sexy possibilities for her. She moved around his body and pulled the shirt from his shoulders, leaning in to lick the skin on his back in one long stroke of her tongue.

  “Aureliann.” Valdemar sounded like a man about to lose control.

  “Do not move.” She came around to the front of him again. His trousers were tight and tenting with a persistent cock that needed release. Aureliann dropped to her knees and worked on his boots. She took one then the other off and threw them in the corner. His socks followed. Aureliann ran her hands up his legs to his thighs, cupping his cock through the fabric, feeling the weight of it.

  He groaned as if in pain. “’Trying to kill me, lovely?”

  “Actually trying to seduce you.” Aureliann looked at him uncertainly. “Am I not doing it right?” So far all moves of intimacy had been initiated by Valdemar. “I have never stripped a man before.”

  “I love it and if you stop I may cry.” His green eyes sparkled down at hers.

  She laughed at the thought of this tough man crying. Aureliann reached up for his belt. It was a bit of a struggle as he was so tall. She pressed up against him, squirming to free the leather.

  “Oh man.” Valdemar bit his lip and tried not to react to her breasts rubbing against his thighs.

  Finally she released the buckle. Her hand moved to the zip. Aureliann was so hot and wet she was wondering how she was going to be able to pace herself and not demand once again he fuck her until she could not walk straight. His engorged penis came out. As hard as it was to ignore the stiff flesh, she worked at pulling his trousers down.

  “Lift,” she commanded as one foot then another was released from the fabric until he was naked. She stood up, denying her need to touch him, and went to the bath. The force of the water had the tub half full. Aureliann took his hand and led him to it.

  Valdemar sank into the hot water gratefully. It had been a horrible day but to come home to Aureliann’s arms made it so much better. And she loves me. I can live on that forever. “Are you joining me?”

  “Not yet,” she moved around behind him and turned off the water.

  He turned to watch her every move. He did not want to miss a second with Aureliann. Even the way she lathered the soap between her hands made Valdemar hot. She was the most watchable woman he knew. That she was worried about seducing him was sweet. Aureliann just had to look at him for his balls to tighten. When her hands started massaging his shoulders, Valdemar closed his eyes. “Oh lovely,” he groaned and closed his eyes. She relieved all tension just by being with him.

  “You like?” She grinned at the large man relaxing in the warm water.

  “I love you.” Her laughter made him open his eyes. “What’s so funny?” Whatever it was he wanted to keep her laughing as it was a sound he enjoyed.

  “For massaging you?”

  “For you alone.” How did I ever live before Aureliann?

  She gave his shoulder a gentle slap and pulled the tie from his long auburn hair. “Dunk your head”

  Valdemar chuckled. “Not the romantic response I expected.”

  “I want to wash your hair.”

  Valdemar did as he was told. Whatever this woman wanted from him she could have. He came up wet and sleek and ready for her. In fact his cock was so tight with need that he was wondering how long he would last before she allowed him access between her thighs.

  Aureliann squirted some shampoo into her hands and started lathering up his locks. “When I was reading the book I was dreaming of being with you and doing stuff like this.”

  “Washing my hair?” He dropped his head back to look at her. The wistful sound of her voice made Valdemar happy that in him she had found what she needed. It was all anyone could ask of another. To be
needed and to find a home within loving arms.

  Her hands massaged his now foamy scalp. “No, it’s hard to explain and kind of crazy to have such thoughts about a man you never believed existed.”

  Valdemar shook his head. “No, it’s not. I dreamed of you for years, Aureliann. I could not see you clearly but I knew you existed.”

  She smiled at the thought. “Am I as you pictured me?”

  He heard the doubt in her voice. “The reality of you is so much better.” The gentle motion of her hands was driving him wild. Valdemar wanted them on other parts of his body. “Are you going to come round and wash my front?”

  “Keep your hands to yourself and behave, your highness.” Aureliann twirled his soapy hair up into a topknot and giggled.

  “Come on, live dangerously, lovely. What are you saving your beautiful self for?”

  “Dunk your head.”

  When he came back up she was before him. Aureliann leaned over to wash his chest. Valdemar used the opportunity to grasp her around the waist and pull her into the bath against him.

  “Hey!” She flailed around and water sloshed everywhere.

  Aureliann’s sopping clothes molded against her body. His cock jerked in response as her hands tried to get a grip against his slippery body, her wriggling thighs teasing his cock. “Hello, lovely,” Valdemar crooned as he started to peel off her wet clothes.

  “I’m supposed to be in charge.” Her arms went up over her head as Valdemar pulled her shirt off.

  “Want me to stop?” He unsnapped her bra and sighed in grateful appreciation when her breasts bounced into sight. Lovely.

  “No. Do you have condoms in this fancy bathroom?” Aureliann’s hands settled on his shoulders.

  “Planning on having sex?” Valdemar hoped so. He was hard as a rock and trying to work out how to keep her on him but also get her pants off.

  Aureliann settled that question. “Just wondering.” She stood up, the water running off her half-naked body. She slapped at his questing hands and stepped over the edge of the tub. Aureliann stripped off the last of her clothes.


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