Children of the Pomme - Book 1

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Children of the Pomme - Book 1 Page 15

by Matthew Fish

  “Come in…” Mark said as he rolled over in bed to face the door.

  “It’s just…me,” Maddie said as came in and sat beside Mark. “I just wanted to let you know that I’m okay. I’m upset, of course. I still deeply value our friendship and I’ll stand by your side as long as you need me…if that’s what you still want.”

  “I do,” Mark said as he looked up to Maddie and attempted a smile. “As long as you want to be here, I’ll be happy that you are.”

  “When we…kissed,” Maddie said softly as she played with a frayed end of the sheet on the bed. “That was real.”

  “That was,” Mark said as he nodded. “I wasn’t…trying to lead you on or anything like that.”

  “But, would you have taken me…if I had offered myself to you last night?”

  “I would have,” Mark admitted as he let out a heavy sigh of regret. “I think…maybe, there’s something wrong with me. I’ve just managed to possibly destroy my relationship with my two best friends because I…I don’t know. I’m…I don’t even have a good answer. All I can do is to keep apologizing…that’s the only thing that even feels right.”

  “You’re human,” Maddie said as she shrugged her good shoulder. “I know that….I mean I can at least guess, that everyone’s been pushing you to be with me. You know that Emily stopped me earlier today and told me that we made a cute couple, a couple of Shit-kittens…so even she wanted that for you.”

  “You have every right to hate me right now,” Mark said as he shook his head and buried his palm against his forehead.

  “I don’t,” Maddie said as she shook Mark’s shoulder. “You know what your problem is?”

  “I make rash decisions that blow up in my face?”

  “You don’t listen to what people are really saying,” Maddie said with as she shook her head and managed a little smile. “She’s crude, and…difficult, but I hate to admit it—she’s funny and…caring. You should have seen her face when she approached me. She looked defeated. You think that she acted that way at dinner because Caesar kept calling her a Zampa…I think there was much more behind how she was acting. I think she felt she was losing you to me.”

  “She said it was because of the Zampa thing…”

  “Of course,” Maddie said as she nodded. “She doesn’t think she’s good for you, she’d say it was anything else…”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I’m a girl,” Maddie said with a short laugh. “Because I’ve been in her place…just last year—I let someone go because I thought there was someone better for him. I probably said a lot of the same things she’s told you.”

  “So you don’t hate me?”

  “We kissed—we didn’t exactly exchange wedding vows,” Maddie said as she pushed on Mark’s shoulder. “I’m pissed, but…Emily cares for you…even if she turned you down. I can’t be mad for you being in love—that’s not something you can just switch on or off like some kind of lamp…life would be a lot easier, but it’s not how things work. I’m still your friend…your mentor—I’m still here for you.”

  “Thank you,” Mark said as he smiled for the first time since he had decided to drop the bombshell on Emily. “That does make me feel a lot better.”

  “So how did she respond anyway?”

  “She said it was retarded,” Mark said with a grimace. “Then I tried to explain…and she started talking really, really fast and I’m not sure what happened—I felt like an ass and I got up and left and walked home.”

  “What was she saying when she was talking really fast?”

  “I honestly do not remember at all,” Mark admitted.

  “Here’s a lesson that’s not Conductor related,” Maddie said as she poked Mark’s elbow. “Learn how to listen to what people are really trying to tell you and get out of your own head for a once.”

  “Thanks,” Mark replied as he nodded.

  “Mark…Maaaaarrrkk,” A raspy voice hissed at open door. Caesar took a step in and saw Maddie sitting at the edge of the bed. “Oh, you have company, my apologies. At least this time your cock is not out.”

  “I was just heading to bed,” Maddie said as she got up and nodded to Caesar as she slipped by. “Take it easy on him.”

  “Of course, dear Madeline,” Caesar said as he bowed to Maddie and sat down in her former place. “I brought you some ravioli fresh from the can. I even warmed it up on the oven. I haven’t used that thing in forever. I was just about to lay my head to pillow and then I realized how terrible I had treated you. So here, boy, please eat.”

  “Thank you,” Mark said as he took the paper bowl and plastic spoon and set it on his lap. “I’m sorry about earlier—I was being stupid.”

  “You may not believe me, boy,” Caesar began as he turned his eyes down to his feet. “I too, have experienced the sting of heartbreak—many times to be a tad more accurate. The last time…well, I refuse to talk about it. Regardless, I know that more-or-less; this is not entirely your fault. One cannot simply be shoehorned into feeling a certain way, hah; if that were the case I would be plunging my prick into women and creating generation upon generation of Perpetuals. It did break my heart to see our dear Madeline upset, but I have come to realize that you have peculiar tastes, just as one might say that I do.”

  “Have you checked on Emily?”

  “I did briefly,” Caesar said with a short sigh, “She was embroidering, not on anything valuable…or so it appeared. I did not have much time to peek as she tossed her shoe at me. Did I mention that you have such peculiar taste in women? Especially given that she is a…well, we promised to not mention that didn’t we? Anyhow, who knows how things will go. Naught one of us can see the future, oh the things I would have changed…Once again, I just have come to apologize for not feeding you—do see that you make things right, boy. Have a good night.”

  “Goodnight, Caesar,” Mark replied as he took a bite of the ravioli. It was not terrible—however, it was something he would definitely not upload onto his food blog. After he was done eating Mark placed the empty bowl into a trashcan and rested his head against the pillow. Not expecting any more visitors and being overwhelmingly exhausted, he allowed himself to begin to drift off to sleep.

  Just as Mark’s heavy eyes had closed, he felt a gust of wind fill the room. In the darkness he could make out a form approaching the bed.

  “Emily?” Mark asked out to the darkness.

  “You’re such a stupid Shit-kitten,” the voice answered back.

  “I’m sorry…about earlier,” Mark said as he felt pressure on the bed.

  “No talking,” Emily spoke as she crawled into bed and wrapped Mark’s arms around her until she was cradled tightly against him. “I do too…you know.”


  “You’re a terrible listener,” Emily spoke as she dug in closer. “You’re not allowed to talk tonight—just hold me, let me fall asleep against you…and next time listen to what I’m saying when I’m trying to explain to you that I meant nothing I said when I was trying to push you away…also, don’t let me push you away. Got it?”

  “Is that…?”

  “No,” Emily said as she pressed her lips against the back of Mark’s hand. “That was not a question…nor was it permission for you to speak tonight. Go to sleep…Shit-kitten.”

  Emily did not leave that night. I don’t know whether or not she slept the whole night—however, she was still there in the morning. She patted me on the head as she left to head to her own room to change. I didn’t say anything—nothing needed to be said. In my stupidity she had replied to my statement…I just did not hear it. Had I paused or stayed a moment longer at that canyon, I might have saved myself some trouble…or at the very least, some aimless wandering in the woods. The next three days were spent training. I split my time equally between Maddie and Emily. I got better at my skills with both coins and nails; however…I never could do both at the same time. Perhaps it was a skill beyond my abilities. Each day, Emily and I worked
on her projection skills. We made it a little further each day…but success was measured in feet. Just like my trouble with the nails, projecting further seemed past her ability with wind. Emily visited my room each night to sleep beside me. We had not been intimate, nor had we shown each other much affection outside those tender hours of slumber. Emily spoke of it only saying that due to my mix up, we would keep our relationship somewhat hidden from the others. Though I was beginning to think they were already catching on. Maddie and I still maintained a happy friendship—when we trained we still laughed and talked about unimportant things, simple things that seemed important to us.

  Chapter 8

  It was a Thursday night, it was storming, and the smell of raindrops against the warm ground filled the entire house with its intoxicating scent. Mark tossed around in bed as lightening flashed into the room and thunder boomed loudly.

  “Hey…Morning Wood,” Emily spoke as wrapped her arms around her body and looked somewhat apprehensive. In the dim light of the room mark could make out that she was wearing one of his white t-shirts, which was rather long on the girl’s slender, small frame.

  “Emily,” Mark said as he inched away and made room for her. “I expected you later, I mean…you usually wait until later.”

  “It’s the storm,” Emily said as she climbed into bed. Emily wrapped her arms around Mark and buried her face against his chest. “I never liked storms much—I know it’s stupid, but it’s just the really loud thunder. When I was a kid, my older sisters used to tell me it was this great giant monster roaring and that it would come and kill me in my sleep.”

  “I’ve always found it relaxing,” Mark whispered as he ran his fingers through Emily’s long pink hair. “Although, I’ve never had that kind of—rather horrible experience with it, my father would always say it was just, god farting. He’d make me laugh whenever I felt afraid of things like that.”

  “I have to tell you something,” Emily said as she continued to keep her face buried away. “Regarding…your father….”

  “What’s that?” Mark asked, growing a little bit concerned.

  “I’ve been in contact with William,” Emily admitted. “Ever since Bradley went all…Tard-Rambo and nearly screwed us all over. They never stopped attempting to find my father’s whereabouts so that they could get that name…they’ve been telling you to let it go so that you wouldn’t get info from me and go after him on your own…but, yeah, I’m sorry—should have told you, but I’ve been giving them possible locations to look.”

  “I had kinda figured,” Mark said as he continued to stoke Emily’s head as the thunder boomed loudly and echoed through the mansion once more. “I mean, I didn’t know you were helping, but it seemed silly that they’d just give up on that. That’s really good of you to help them like that.”

  “I’m not doing it for them,” Emily said as she pulled her head back ever so slightly and pressed her lips against Mark’s. She began to kiss him more ferociously as she pulled up her borrowed shirt, revealing that she was wearing nothing beneath.

  Mark let out an excited moan as he ran his hand along Emily’s naked body. He lingered a moment as he caressed her breasts with his fingertips, then allowed his hand to follow a gentle, smooth decline until his hand found his way between her thighs.

  “Fuck…” Emily muttered as she grabbed a hold of Mark’s hand and began to work his fingers against her clit. She quickened his pace as he let out short, audible breathes of ecstasy. As she came hard, she arched her back and finally released her hold upon Mark’s wetted hand. She reached over and pawed at Mark’s boxers until he pulled them down revealing his rock hard erection.

  Mark placed his lips against Emily’s and they began to kiss passionately as she pulled him atop of her and grabbed his dick and positioned it so he could easily thrust into her. Both Mark and Emily let out a gasp as he fully entered for the first time that night. They went slow at first, as Mark would inch his way in until he was completely buried into her flesh.

  Full of an orgasmic lust, Mark began to thrust harder and harder as he Emily ran her nails a bit roughly down his back. With each thrust Emily would move her hips to meet his movements and let out those cute little short whimpers. Mark felt an uncontrollable surge as he pushed in one last time and as deep as he possible could as his cock began to pulsate as he came into Emily in a hot, sweaty, blissful moment.

  “Fuck yeah…” Emily muttered as she closed her eyes and pulled Mark close. She quivered as he remained inside of her, motionless.

  “I’ve been thinking about that for…quite a while,” Mark said as he was collapsed upon Emily and was attempting to catch his breath.

  “I know,” Emily said as she patted Mark on the back. “I wake up most every morning with your dick poking me in the back—“

  “Sorry about that,” Mark said as he gently allowed himself to withdraw from Emily and collapsed upon the bed beside her.

  “It’s kinda funny,” Emily said with a little laugh. “It’s like one of the alarm clocks that are rather difficult to ignore. You can’t just reach over and shut it off.”

  “So that’s why my nickname was morning wood all day today?” Mark asked as he let out a short laugh and looked over to Emily. It was good to see her smile—to see her so happy.

  “It’s hard work,” Emily said as she nodded to Mark and then proceeded to place her naked body close against his. “You know…coming up with a new nickname every day. You don’t mind—not really, right?”

  “I think if you stopped,” Mark said as he placed an arm around Emily and spooned her closely against him. “I’d be a little sad.”

  They talked for a little longer until they succumbed to the lingering promise of a good night’s sleep. The thunder persisted into the morning, as did the rain which grew even heavier as it seemed to pummel the windows.

  “Morning,” Emily said as she reached back and messed up Mark’s already messy hair. “I’d move, but you’re kinda poking me in the ass—I think it’s a little too early in our relationship to spice things up in that way, Pokey.”

  Mark rolled onto his back embarrassedly. “Again…sorry,”

  “No need to apologize,” Emily said as she ran a finger down Mark’s chest and gripped his dick firmly in her hand. “I’ve never seen you in the daylight like this.”

  “Yeah,” Mark said as he let out a gasp of air at the firm contact. He then looked to Emily, who was fully exposed to the morning sunlight. He could make out every inch of her beautiful, naked form.

  Without a knock or warning, the door opened and Caesar emerged into the room.

  “Oh my goodness, what is going on in here?” Caesar asked as he placed his hand to his mouth and let out a genuine squeal of shock. “Mark your cock is definitely out and Emily, I can clearly see all of your bits and bobbles.”

  “Have you heard of knocking, Mr. Manners?” Emily said as she quickly covered up her fully exposed body with the sheet.

  “He does this,” Mark said as he attempted to cover up his erection with what little acreage of sheet Emily had meagerly left him. “Usually, he warns me a little.”

  “Which, of course, I would have done today,” Caesar said as he began to pace back and forth and attempted to avert his eyes away, somewhat unsuccessfully, from the young couple. “However, we have a surprise visitor—and I had intended to fetch you all…dressed.”

  “A good kind of visitor or a bad one…?” Emily asked as she shot Caesar a concerned look.

  “A good one,” Caesar said as he nodded. “There are no bad visitors here…it is not allowed.”

  “Whelps, I’m getting dressed.” Emily said as she gave Mark a short kiss and disappeared as a gust of wind blew the sheet off of the bed, exposing Mark once more.

  “And it is out again,” Caesar said as he let out a hearty laugh. “Sorry to interrupt, boy, and to think that I would live to see the day that I could be considered a ‘cock-blocker.’ Regardless, clothing is required and please do hurry—our visito
r seems distressed.”

  “I’ll get dressed right away,” Mark said as he covered his manhood with his hands.

  “And so then I shall leave you to it,” Caesar said as he took one quick glance and shut the door behind him.

  Mark quickly climbed into a pair of grey boxers. He picked up the t-shirt that Emily had left behind and tossed it onto his dresser. He climbed into a pair of blue jeans that he had broken in over the time he had been here and found a buttoned up simple, white dress shirt.

  He ran down the spiral staircase and nodded to Emily and Maddie who were already speaking off to someone just out of sight.

  “Good to see you Mark,” A dark skinned man with long straight hair and clean cut features spoke as he held out a hand. He was a tall, lanky man. He was wearing a black suit-coat, a pair of dark colored jeans and a v-neck white t-shirt. For a moment Mark caught a glimpse of a firearm hidden beneath the coat and grew a bit apprehensive.

  “I don’t believe we’ve met,” Mark said as he awkwardly shook the man’s hand.

  “It’s me…” The man said as he shot Mark a confused look then let out a short laugh. “That’s right…you’d remember what I last said to you—the next time we meet, you’d probably not recognize me.”

  “William?” Mark asked as he eyed the man curiously.

  “I know…it’s the hair—I had forgotten how I had kept it at this age. It’s quite a pain in the ass really,” William said as he tightly gripped Mark’s hand and placed his free hand over Mark’s. “I’ve heard that you’ve been doing very well.”

  “I’ve learned a lot,” Mark said as he shrugged. “Maddie here has been wonderful with training.”

  “That’s good,” William said as he let out a heavy sigh. “We need you...All of you, actually.”

  “So soon…?” Emily asked as she stood close to Mark. “I mean, Maddie hasn’t healed up yet and she’s still doing it all one armed. I could use a few more days to work on my projecting skills—I haven’t even done much fire work lately.”


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