Tricks and Traps (Gray Spear Society Book 7)

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Tricks and Traps (Gray Spear Society Book 7) Page 22

by Siegel, Alex

  He sighed again. It wasn't fair.

  * * *

  Aaron held Marina tightly. They didn't speak to each other because there was nothing to say. The moment they had both dreaded had finally come. She was going home.

  They were standing on the sidewalk in front of the departure level of O'Hare Airport. Other people rushed past them with tense expressions. It was early in the morning, too early to be desperately running through airports.

  "I have to go," Marina whispered. "I don't want to miss my flight."

  Reluctantly, Aaron let go of her. She wore a simple, gray business suit that would've seemed drab on most women. She made it look fashionable.

  "I have to talk to Tawni and Sheryl next."

  "Be nice," she said. "We were in their situation once."

  "I remember. I'll give them the same speech Ethel gave me."

  "You mean the one you pretty much ignored?"

  "You got it." Aaron gave Marina a quick kiss on the lips.

  "I love you. I'll call when I get home." She kissed him one last time.

  She ran off, pulling her suitcase behind her.

  He watched her go with a feeling of profound depression. He had no idea when they would get together again. The original plan had been to visit each other once a month, but it had happened much less often. The life of a commander was full of pressing obligations.

  He strolled back to his car in the airport parking garage. The drive to Tawni's house took just a couple of minutes.

  He parked a few doors down the street so the car noise wouldn't be heard. He walked up to the house. The yellow exterior had a cheerful rosy tone in the morning sunlight.

  Aaron walked around, looking for a way to get inside quietly. He didn't bother with the doors. He could've picked the deadbolt locks, but he expected Tawni had placed booby traps behind the doors. That's what he had trained her to do.

  He spotted a window on the garage that looked vulnerable. It was painted shut, but some quick work with a sharp knife loosened it. A cheap brass latch on the inside prevented the window from sliding. He applied extra force and broke the latch. He climbed inside.

  Silently, he walked through the small house. He arrived at the bedroom and found Tawni and Sheryl sleeping close together. Some sex toys were on the night stand.

  Aaron smiled. It was good to see his people getting along so well. These two in particular had a lot to offer each other. Tawni could teach Sheryl how to be physically aggressive and courageous. In turn, Sheryl could teach patience, subtlety, and deviousness. Tawni still didn't understand that a master warrior could sometimes win a battle without spilling a drop of blood.

  Tawni's gun was also on the night stand. Aaron walked over and collected it. He suspected she might have a second gun, and when he felt under her pillow, he found it. He slipped it out without waking her.

  He went around to Sheryl's side and checked for a gun. He didn't find one, which was disappointing.

  He moved to the foot of the bed. "Hello, ladies," he said loudly.

  Tawni reached for her gun but grasped empty air instead. She checked under the pillow and found nothing.

  Finally, she looked at him. "Sir!" She blinked in surprise.

  Sheryl pulled the sheet up to her neck and peered at him.

  "I won't forbid you to date each other," Aaron said. "That would be the height of hypocrisy. But I will caution you. Love is a very dangerous thing in the Gray Spear Society."

  He sat on the bed beside Sheryl. She was blushing fiercely.

  "You love Marina, sir," she peeped.

  "Which is exactly why the legate separated us. Any mission can be your last. It's hard to lose a teammate but much harder to lose a lover. That kind of grief can drive you insane. It's better to not take that risk."

  "Do you want me to be lonely instead?"

  He shrugged. "It's not nearly as problematic. What if I order one of you to do something dangerous and unpleasant? The other will suffer sympathetically." He gave Tawni's guns back to her.

  "I think you're jumping to conclusions, sir," Tawni said. "I don't love Sheryl. We were just fooling around."

  Sheryl frowned.

  "The warning is still valid," Aaron said. "Jack is in trouble partly because I let my guard down. I was thinking about sex with Marina instead of the safety of my team. It was an inexcusable lapse. I want both of you to learn from my mistake."

  "How is Jack?"

  "Unconscious. He had a rough night and took a strong sedative."

  Tawni winced.

  "That's all I came to say." He stood up. "Take my advice seriously, please. And get dressed. Sterling Ford is arriving soon. We have to get ready for him." He walked out.

  * * *

  Sheryl waited until Aaron was long gone before she said, "That is the most obnoxious man in the world. What gives him the right to break in here while we're asleep and scare us like that? Does being an asshole come naturally to him, or does he have to work at it?"

  Tawni chuckled. "Aaron does whatever the hell he feels is right."

  "Is it too much trouble to knock on the door and give us a chance to put on some clothes? Did he have to embarrass us?"

  "He was making a point."

  Sheryl glared at Tawni. "What point?"

  "That our private lives are his business," Tawni said. "He's more than our boss. He's like our father."

  "And that's all right with you?"

  "I never had a real father. It feels good to have a strong man watching over me and helping me succeed. Aaron has always done right by me."

  Sheryl furrowed her brow. She hadn't considered that aspect of it.

  "Let's get dressed," Tawni said.

  They got out of bed.

  Sheryl hadn't brought a fresh change of clothes. Tawni loaned her underwear and a pretty blue dress which went down to her ankles.

  "How do I look?" Sheryl turned around.

  "Underdressed," Tawni said.

  "What do you mean?"

  "You don't have any weapons."

  "Oh," Sheryl said.

  Tawni pulled two light pistols out of her secret closet. She showed Sheryl where to locate the weapons so they wouldn't be obvious. One gun was strapped to her inner thigh, and the other was on her arm under a baggy sleeve. The extra weight felt strange.

  Tawni wore a brown skirt and a yellow pullover. The shirt fit very loosely, and Sheryl didn't find it attractive, but it allowed Tawni to hide two guns and a knife underneath. Sheryl realized her fashion choices would be limited for the rest of her life.

  When the women were finally ready to go, they went to the car. The morning felt a little cooler than yesterday. Sheryl hoped it would stay that way through the day.

  Tawni drove to headquarters. She navigated through the shadowy, confusing passageways of the basement and parked in the secret garage.

  "Next time, you drive," Tawni said. "You have to learn how to get in here safely."

  "What happens if I make a wrong turn?" Sheryl said.

  "You probably won't get killed... probably."

  They took the elevator up to the small entry chamber. The thick concrete walls were painted white and reminded Sheryl of a prison cell. This room was the last line of defense before an intruder got into headquarters.

  Kamal was behind the bulletproof glass this morning. He wore a white shirt which contrasted against his brown face. His black bowtie was cute.

  "Good morning," he said.

  Tawni smiled. "Hello. Anything going on?"

  "Everybody is on the roof."


  "Words fail me. You'll have to see it for yourself." He pressed a button and the side door buzzed.

  Tawni went through, and Sheryl followed close behind. They hurried through headquarters to the nearest stairway. Tawni took the steps two at a time and banged open the heavy door at the top. Sheryl had to work to keep up.

  She walked out onto the sunny roof of the hotel. "My God," she whispered.

  Bethany and Lea
nna were floating a few inches in the air with their arms straight out. They were looking at the sky with their mouths and eyes wide open. Beams of intense white light went from their eyes to the heavens. The glow was so bright it was hard to look at.

  Sheryl cautiously approached. She swept her arm underneath Bethany's feet to confirm there was nothing there but air. It seemed the light was supporting her like a marionette on a string. Sheryl could hear the energy crackling. A surreal glow was leaking out of Bethany's ears.

  Aaron, Smythe, Norbert, and Nancy were standing there with concerned expressions.

  "What is this?" Sheryl said.

  "Some kind of miracle," Aaron said.

  "Can they talk? Are they OK?"

  He shrugged. "All we know is their hearts are still beating."

  Sheryl put her hand near a beam of light and felt radiating heat. The air was wavering. She touched Bethany's cheek. Her skin was feverishly warm, and she was unresponsive.

  "The twins were afraid something might happen," Norbert said. "They knew the Lord was very frustrated."

  His eyes were bloodshot, and his face was slack. Sheryl realized he had been crying.

  "What are we going to do?" she said.

  "Nothing," Aaron said.

  "But it feels like Bethany is burning up. She could be in pain. We can't just leave them hanging out here."

  "They're in God's hands now. We won't interfere."

  Sheryl kept looking for the gimmick behind the trick, but this miracle was happening right in front of her. There was no smoke, mirrors, or tricky lighting. She walked around and viewed the twins from all angles. Either it was a perfect illusion, or it was frighteningly real.

  "Keep your distance," Aaron said. "We'll just wait and see what happens. In the meantime, we have other business. Smythe, the rest of us are going out. Headquarters is yours while we're gone. Keep an eye on the twins and Jack. If he wakes up, try to help him feel better."

  "Yes, sir," Smythe said.

  "Norbert and Tawni, you'll dress as cops and pick up Ford at the airport. Tell him you're going to a police station. Instead, take him to the following location..."

  Chapter Fifteen

  Tawni felt silly. She was standing on the sidewalk outside the airport and holding a cardboard sign like a limo driver. The sign read, "Sterling Ford."

  Her police uniform wasn't a treat for her either. She couldn't get comfortable wearing the clothes of people she had despised as a child. It made her skin itch.

  Norbert was standing beside her, and he looked great in his uniform. With his huge chest and sculpted body, he was the pride of the force.

  "I heard you and Sheryl did the deed," he said.

  Tawni rolled her eyes. "Indeed, we did."

  He looked down and clenched his jaw.

  "Are you judging me?"

  "I'm trying not to."

  "I don't understand your problem," she said. "Two adults hooked up and had a great time. Not that it's any of your business."

  "How do two women...?"

  "Lots of rubbing, licking, and toys."

  He blushed fiercely.

  "You asked," she said.

  "Are you going to do it again?"

  "Probably. It was the hottest sex I've had in a long time. The orgasms were amazing. Women know each other's physical needs."

  "I suppose that's true," Norbert said. "Sex with the twins isn't as simple. They want every detail to be planned in advance. If I don't follow the script, they freak out. And of course, I have to do everything twice exactly the same way. The girls like to be treated equally, but sometimes, I don't have an encore performance in me."

  Tawni snorted. "I feel your pain. I like them, but I don't want to hang out with them. They're just too geeky for me."

  A short man in a tan business suit walked over. He had straight, brown hair with a prominent bald spot in the middle. He was carrying a black briefcase in one hand and pulling a suitcase with the other.

  "You must be my ride," he said.

  "Mr. Ford?" Norbert asked in an official tone.

  "That's right."

  "Get in. You'll sit in the back."

  Norbert pointed to a nearby blue and white police car. It was parked in a tow zone, but cops had the privilege of parking where they liked.

  "Like a criminal?"

  "That's the only open seat," Norbert said, "unless you want to ride in the trunk."

  Ford frowned. "The back seat will be fine. I suppose I should be grateful for the free ride."

  "Don't thank us. We're just following orders."

  Everybody got in the car. Norbert took the driver's seat and Tawni rode shotgun. Ford muttered about the smell in the back.

  Norbert drove away. He had the cool, disinterested expression of a real cop, but Tawni knew it was just an act. The truth was exactly the opposite. He was passionate about everything.

  "Where are we going?" Ford said.

  "District 26," Norbert said blandly.


  Tawni made sure not to smile. There was no district 26.

  They went south on Interstate 294 for about twenty minutes. The only sounds were the road noise and an occasional squawk from the police radio. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. She hadn't slept enough last night, but it had been worth it. The sex had rocked her world.

  Norbert turned off of the highway. He pulled into the parking lot of a donut shop with a white exterior. Red awnings were the only splash of color.

  "Why are we stopping?" Ford said.

  "I need coffee," Norbert said.

  "I'm kind of in a hurry."

  "It will only take a minute. You want to come in with us?"

  "Sure," Ford said. "Better than waiting in the back of a police car."

  Norbert and Tawni got out. He had to open the back door for Ford because there was no handle on the inside. Everybody went into the shop.

  Tawni inhaled deeply. The donuts smelled fresh, and she decided she would eat a couple. She had rushed through breakfast this morning.

  Sheryl was already sitting in the corner unobtrusively. She had a paper cup and a half-eaten bear claw in front of her. There were no other customers.

  Aaron walked into the shop. He wore a gray suit which was perfectly tailored for his impressive physique.

  "Mr. Sterling Ford?"

  Ford turned with a surprised expression. "Do you know me?"

  "I'm Frank Geyer," Aaron said. "Please, take a seat."

  Norbert quickly moved to the front door and locked it. The clerk behind the counter vanished into a back room, and Tawni took his place, blocking that exit. Ford was trapped.

  "What's going on?" Ford glanced at Norbert and Tawni anxiously.

  "I don't want to be interrupted," Aaron said. "Sit."

  Ford sat at one of the small tables. "Why are we meeting here? I thought I was going to a police station."

  "I have a confession." Aaron sat across from him. "I'm not a police detective, and my friends here aren't the police." Aaron pulled a .45 caliber semi-automatic out of his pocket. "And if you try to run, I'll shoot you in the back."

  Ford looked at the gun and became pale.

  "How does it look outside?" Aaron asked.

  Norbert peered out the window. "All clear. He wasn't followed."


  "Are you going to tell me who you are?" Ford said.

  "CIA Counterintelligence Center. We catch traitors like you."

  That statement produced an even stronger reaction in Ford than the sight of the gun. He checked the exits. Tawni positioned herself in case he took off. Her orders were to prevent his escape by any means necessary.

  "I've done nothing wrong," Ford said. "I'm not a traitor."

  Aaron raised his eyebrows. "Really? Is the name Neville Cantrell familiar? He's paid you a lot of money. That's strange considering he was kicked out of the agency six years ago. It's hard to imagine any legitimate reason for you to have a business relationship with him."

  Ford was shi
vering. "The story about Holly being dead isn't true?"

  "Correct. As far as I know, your mistress is alive and without child. I needed you to come to Chicago."


  "Because Cantrell is here," Aaron said, "and you're going to spy on him for me."

  Ford swallowed. He checked the exits again.

  "I have to admit we don't know a lot about him, except he's crooked. Somebody deleted all the files. So, let's start with background information. Tell me everything you know about our mystery man."

  Ford looked down at the table.

  "You have a wife and two children," Aaron said. "If you want to see them again, you'll start cooperating. I'm authorized to make you disappear. The CIA is extremely disappointed with you. You've been in this business long enough to understand what that means. If you don't talk now, you will talk later."

  "You want to do this here? What about her?" Ford pointed at Sheryl.

  "She works for me, too. Everybody here has clearance. You can talk freely."

  Ford sagged. "I met Cantrell in Russia. We were both assigned to the Vladivostok station. He recruited assets, and I managed them. He's the slickest operator I ever met but not the nicest guy."

  "What do you mean?"

  "He had a little harem of Russian girlfriends that he controlled with intimidation. I didn't want to know about it. My relationship with him was all business."

  "I see." Aaron narrowed his eyes.

  "After five years overseas, we rotated back to the States. I became a senior analyst. He was put on the Indian Head project."

  "Which was?"

  "Some kind of top secret scientific research," Ford said. "It included a whole team of doctors and psychologists. I wasn't directly involved, but I visited Cantrell a few times and met the staff. He wanted me to join, but I'm not a scientist. The setup didn't smell right, either. The CIA shouldn't be performing those kinds of experiments."

  "What kind?"

  "With human subjects." Ford made a sour face. "What we do normally is bad enough. There has to be a line even the CIA won't cross. Indian Head was definitely on the wrong side of that line. I stopped visiting after a while."

  Aaron nodded and stood up. He walked around the counter in the shop. He grabbed a chocolate covered donut from a shelf and ate it thoughtfully. Tawni followed his lead and took a couple of powdered donuts for herself. They tasted as delicious as they looked.


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