Her Colorado Sheriff

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Her Colorado Sheriff Page 16

by Patricia Thayer

  “Why don’t I just take him to school in the morning?” Cullen suggested. “Then he won’t have to get up so early. Give me a change of clothes, and he has a toothbrush upstairs already.”

  Before Shelby could argue, Cullen tugged on her arm and they started out of the room. “I’m walking Shelby home,” he called to his father. “And I’ll get Ryan’s clothes for tomorrow.”

  “Take your time.” Neal waved. “Thank you for today, Shelby, and all the delicious food.”

  She stopped in the doorway. “Thank you for your help and for keeping Ryan. He enjoys spending time with you.”

  Cullen caught a flash of emotion play across his father’s face. “You’re welcome.”

  “Good night, Dad,” he said, then he walked Shelby out the back door. If it were up to him, he wouldn’t come back to the house until morning.

  At the cottage door, Shelby took out her key and unlocked the door. She started to turn on the light, but Cullen’s hand stopped her. “Do we really need lights?” he whispered against her ear.

  Unable to speak, she shook her head. She felt his arms turn her around, and his head dipped down. He dotted kisses across her face until he found her mouth. This was a bad idea, but somehow she wasn’t listening to common sense and allowed him to back her inside and shut the door.

  “Did I tell you how much I enjoyed today, especially the part about being with you?”

  She nodded.

  He kissed her again. “I want to make love to you, Shelby. If you don’t want the same things, then tell me now, and I’ll walk out this door.”

  She couldn’t find enough air to breathe let alone speak. Instead, she ran her hands over his chest, then around his neck before she kissed him. It was quick and hard, and full of meaning.

  She fought to keep from telling him her true feelings, but she knew there couldn’t be any promises between them. One night had to be enough, for now. “I want you to stay...and make love to me.”

  He swung her into his arms and carried her down the hall in the darkness. He walked into her room and set her down next to the bed. Then he kissed her, long and hard, relaying his need for her. He cupped her face. “I never wanted a woman as much as I want you right now.”

  She shivered at his words. “I want you, too.”

  Her hands worked their way to his shirt and began to tug the tails from his jeans, then popped the snaps, revealing his chest. Her fingers found their way through the dark hair, and she felt him tense as her nails moved along his skin.

  “You’re not playing fair.”

  He returned the favor and began removing her blouse. Soon, his hands moved upward over her stomach to her breasts, then unhooked the clasp on her bra. Her breathing grew rapid as his fingers toyed with her sensitive nipples. She moaned in pleasure and gripped his forearms to help keep herself upright.


  “I’m right here, Shelby,” he breathed against her mouth.

  “I need you.”

  He stepped back and helped her remove the rest of her clothes, then placed her on the bed. He stepped back and quickly kicked off his boots, then stripped off his jeans and underwear, and joined her on the mattress.

  He lay beside her and drew her close, so she could feel the heat of his body. “You take my breath away.”

  She reached for him. “I need you, Cullen,” she breathed against his tempting mouth. The realization of how she felt about this man was hard to keep secret. She was falling in love. She closed her eyes and let all her troubles slip out of her mind and let Cullen take her to paradise.

  * * *

  TWO HOURS LATER, Cullen lay on his side and watched as Shelby slept. He ached to touch her, to arouse her, to give her pleasure, then make love to her again.

  Just the memories of their joining had his body stirred up again. Yet, he couldn’t start anything, knowing she had to get up for work in a few hours. She needed her sleep. When had he become such a martyr?

  Not to disturb her, he carefully climbed out of bed. Then he slipped on his jeans and shirt, then carried his boots out of the room. He shut the door and walked across the hall to Ryan’s bedroom. After he finished dressing, he turned on the light, then opened the drawer and took out some clean jeans, a shirt and some underwear and socks for the boy. He started to leave when he spotted the familiar picture book on the dresser.

  Curiosity got the best of him and he opened the book, wanting to see pictures of Shelby and her family. He got to the first page, a little ragged from the child’s fingers. He studied the photo of a baby, which was probably Ryan. The next photo was that of a handsome man in a military uniform, Sergeant First Class Josh Hughes. Sadness rushed through Cullen as he examined the picture that resembled Ryan so much. And a little boy who would never get to know his father.

  He sat down on the bed and flipped to the next picture of a pretty blonde with big eyes who had to be Georgia Hughes. The next picture was of mother and son.

  He heard his name, then the door opened and he saw Shelby standing there in a sleep shirt. His body came to full alert.

  “I was getting some clothes for Ryan.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me?” She came in and sat down next to him.

  “Because I can handle packing up his clothes. And you need sleep.” He held up the photo album. “I thought Ryan might need this book, too.”

  “Yes, but I don’t let him take it to school. Sometimes he gets upset when he looks at the pictures. I know he misses his mother, but sometimes the memories make it worse.”

  She began to flip through the book, and he saw her sadness as she looked at her sister’s photo. “It was such a tragedy. Georgia was so young. She was a good person, and mother, a schoolteacher. Gil shouldn’t have done what he did.” She brushed away a tear. “He killed her, I know it. I just wish we could find what he wants so badly.”

  He pulled her close, kissed her forehead and inhaled her intoxicating scent. She smelled of him and her all mixed together, reminding him that they’d made love not long ago. He wanted her again, but that couldn’t happen tonight.

  He stood and pulled her up, too. “Now I need to go, and you should go back to bed and get some sleep.”

  She tugged on his arm. “Why don’t you stay and we’ll sleep here together?”

  He groaned, wanting her more than his next breath. “You know we won’t sleep.”

  She reached up, and her hands linked around his neck. “That’s what I’m counting on, Sheriff.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Just before dawn, Cullen walked Shelby out to her car. After sharing a heated kiss, he’d reluctantly released her so she could go to work. With a wave, he watched her car pull out of the drive. He walked into the house, where he found his father in the kitchen. Even though he was thirty-two years old, he suddenly felt like a teenager getting caught coming in after curfew.

  “Morning, son.”

  He put Ryan’s change of clothes on the table. “Morning, Dad.”

  His father handed him a mug filled with coffee and paused to study him. “I’m glad you found Shelby. If my opinion matters, I think she’s pretty special.”

  Cullen wasn’t sure he wanted this conversation. “Yes, she is special.” He took a sip of coffee. “She’s been dealt some tough breaks in her life. I’m not sure if I’m the man she needs.”

  “Why would you say that? You’re a good man.” His father frowned. “You were handed a raw deal in Denver—and yes, I’ll regret until my dying day that I didn’t back you up. I put the department first.” His watery gaze met Cullen’s. “You’re my son. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

  Cullen never realized how much those words meant to him until now. “Thanks, Dad.”

  His dad sniffed. “Okay, one more piece of advice and I’ll keep my mouth shut. Don�
�t make the same mistake I did. Let Shelby know how you feel about her.” He put down his mug. “Now I better go feed the horses.”

  Before Cullen could respond, his father was out the door, but his words hung in the air. He couldn’t deny that he cared about Shelby and Ryan, but he still had the same problem. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen with his future.

  He headed up the steps to the second floor. His thoughts turned to the woman he’d held in his arms all night. It wasn’t just the incredible sex, but all the time he’d spent with her and Ryan. He was getting used to having Shelby with him. Even his family loved her, and already claimed her as part of the clan. So why was he holding back? Maybe he needed to convince her to take a chance on an ex-cop with no job.

  After he’d showered and dressed for work, he woke up Ryan. The boy seemed happy, and not at all worried about not being home with his aunt. Cullen helped him shower and get dressed for school, then came downstairs for some breakfast.

  Cullen walked to the stove. “I can’t cook like Aunt Shellie, but I can scramble eggs and make toast.”

  Ryan smiled. “I like eggs.”

  A few minutes later, Cullen scooped the scrambled eggs onto a plate and took them to Ryan.

  The boy picked up his fork and began to eat. “Are you taking me to school?”

  Cullen nodded and sat down at the table next to the boy. “If you want we can stop by the café to see your aunt.”

  The boy smiled. “Yes, I want to see her.”

  “Then we’ll go there.” Cullen noticed the boy’s photo album on the table. “I brought your picture book from your room.”

  Ryan picked up the album and quickly began flipping through the pages as if he needed reassurance they were all there.

  Cullen was careful how to broach the subject of his parents. “I saw your dad’s picture,” Cullen said. “He was a really brave soldier.”

  Ryan turned to Josh Hughes’s picture. The child’s feet swung back and forth under his chair. “Mommy said he’s a hero. I have his flag, too.”

  Sadness washed over him. How awful that a child had the flag that had draped his father’s casket. “I’m sorry your dad and mom aren’t here with you.”

  Ryan looked up, his eyes wide with wonder. “They’re in heaven. They watch me every day.” He shook his head. “And no more mean people can hurt them ever.”

  Cullen frowned. Could the child have information about Gil? “Do you know who these mean people are?”

  Ryan opened the book again and began to turn the pages, then stopped at a picture of Ryan and his mother. Cullen examined the photo closely and saw two men in the background. One definitely was Gil Bryant.

  “He was mean to Mommy,” Ryan said. “He hit her and she cried.”

  Cullen tensed. He wanted to get his hands on the man. “I’m sorry.”

  He looked back at the picture to examine the other man, a shorter, thin guy with long, stringy blond hair. What stood out was the large tattoo on his forearm. It looked like a snake.

  “Do you know this man?”

  “He’s a bad man.” He pointed to Gil as tears welled in his eyes. “He hurt Mommy’s face. I got scared.”

  Enough. Cullen closed the album. He reached out and hugged the child close against his chest, feeling the tightening around his heart. If only he could take away his pain.

  “It’s okay, Ryan. The bad guy isn’t going to hurt you. I won’t let him.”

  The boy pulled back and wiped his eyes. “That’s ’cause you’re the sheriff.”

  Cullen wished he had the special powers the boy thought he had. He made the promise to the boy, but also to Shelby. It was the only way they could have a future together.

  * * *

  ABOUT SEVEN THIRTY, Shelby should be busy filling her breakfast orders, but she managed to find time to daydream. After spending the most incredible night with Cullen, how could she not? Now the problem was she had to work harder at not making too much of it.

  She recalled her grandmother’s words from long ago. “If you make it too easy for a man, they won’t work for it.”

  She smiled at the precious memory of the times spent in her grandma’s kitchen. She missed those days when she had someone to talk to. The years in foster care she was so lonely, wishing her sister had been with her. Sometimes her insides had ached so badly she wanted to cry. Then years later, she found Georgia, only to lose her again. She’d been blessed with Ryan. And now, a wonderful man had come into her life, and the feelings he’d caused scared her. Last night, she gave him more than her body.

  She gave him her heart.

  Worse she didn’t even know how Cullen felt. Okay, she knew the man cared about her. But for how long? He was here in town temporarily. Would he pick up and move for another job? She couldn’t do that anymore. She needed roots, for herself and especially for Ryan.

  She dipped slices of bread into the French toast batter, then placed them on the griddle. After she scooped scrambled eggs onto a plate, added bacon and wheat toast, she set the plate on the counter window. With a tap of the bell, she called out, “Order up.”

  She pulled new orders from the rounder and began to fill them when the back screen door opened and Ryan rushed in followed by Cullen.

  She took a moment to enjoy him in his sheriff’s uniform. Then she quickly recalled that incredible body not hidden by clothes. She felt heat rise to her face as she caught his gaze.

  Darn the man knew what she was thinking.

  “Hi, Aunt Shellie.” Ryan ran to her. “I missed you.”

  She hugged him. “Bless your heart, I missed you, too.” She kissed his cheek. “Did you like sleeping over at Cullen’s house?”

  He nodded. “Pops took care of me good. And Cullen made me breakfast.”

  She glanced at the sheriff, and felt a tightening in her stomach. Darn the sexy man. “Maybe I should have him cook for me.”

  He gave her a sexy grin. “Anytime, darlin’, anytime.” He leaned toward her and placed a kiss on her lips.

  She sucked in a breath and glanced around. Then she realized it didn’t really make any difference who saw them together. “Good morning.”

  He kept his voice low. “It would have been much better if I didn’t have to leave you this morning.”

  Her eyes widened, and she felt the heat rise to her cheeks. “I...I need to check my food.” She walked over to the grill and flipped her toast, and checked her hash brown potatoes. Then she glanced at her orders and began to fill the plates. After she put them on the counter and rang the bell, she turned to Cullen and Ryan.

  “You sure you don’t mind taking Ryan to school?”

  “Of course I don’t.”

  Ryan tugged on her cook’s smock. “Sheriff Cullen is coming to my class and the kids get to sit in his patrol car.”

  “Wow, that sounds like fun.”

  The order bell rang again, announcing she had more breakfast orders. “Sorry, I need to get back to work.” She leaned down and kissed Ryan, then snuck one in for Cullen, too. “See you later.”

  Cullen leaned in. “I’m planning on it.” He winked, then left.

  She realized the tightness in her chest was seeing how wonderful Cullen was to Ryan. She didn’t want to think about anything else except the happiness she felt for those two guys who just walked out. Did she dare think about a possible future together?

  * * *

  CULLEN GOT TO the station by eight o’clock.

  Brad Rogers greeted him first. “Morning, Sheriff. I didn’t know you were scheduled today.”

  “Morning, Brad. I thought I’d come in and handle some paperwork. How did things go on the last shift?” He figured it was a good night since he hadn’t been called out. “Any problems?”

  “Two minor accidents on the highway. An atte
mpted break-in at Hometown Hardware Store on Main Street. Turned out to be some broken window glass that set off the alarm. It was probably done by kids.” He handed him the copy of the report.


  “Do you want to handle the day shift briefing?”

  Cullen shook his head. “No, you can do it.” He hung around as Brad did a short briefing with the day shift them sent them off on patrol.

  When Cullen started back to his office, Brad called to him. “I heard Noah and Luke Phelps went riding yesterday at your ranch.”

  Word sure travels fast. He nodded. “I have a collection of rescued equines living in my barn that can use some exercise. Great horses for kids. And since Laurel Rawlins found a therapy saddle, we had the opportunity...”

  Brad smiled. “If you decide to have another riding day again, I could help out.” He rushed on to add, “That is, if you need anyone.”

  Cullen worked to hide his surprise. “Thanks, Brad, maybe I will. We’re talking about in a week or so. I’ll let you know.” He turned and walked inside his office. Maybe the men were beginning to accept him.

  After closing the door for privacy, he took the photo album out of his jacket pocket and tossed it on the desk. He sat down and got out the number for the Dawkins Meadow Police Department. When the dispatcher answered, he asked for Captain Kershaw.


  “Hello, Captain, this is Sheriff Brannigan in Hidden Springs.”

  “Hello, Sheriff. I still don’t have anything else to report on the Hughes case.”

  Cullen flipped through the photo book. “I think I might have something here that might help in the investigation.” He went on to explain about Ryan’s pictures. “I have a photo of Georgia and her son. In the background there are some interesting-looking people. One is Gil Bryant, and he’s talking with a younger man who looks to be about thirty years old. He has long white-blond hair down to his shoulders. The one thing that stands out is a large tattoo on his right forearm. It looks like a snake.”

  The captain cursed. “That’s a description of Whitey Briggs. His full name is Robert William Briggs.”


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