Her Colorado Sheriff

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Her Colorado Sheriff Page 19

by Patricia Thayer

  Cullen shook his head. “No, I have money from my settlement from the police department. I plan to start small, so for now, I’ll probably set up my office at the ranch. Maybe I’ll use the garage for the equipment storage, and the room upstairs for my command center. But since it’s partly your ranch, too, I don’t want to take over the entire place.”

  Trent leaned forward. “How about this? Brooke and I talked it over and decided that I would sign the Circle R Ranch over to you and Austin.”

  Cullen shook his head. “No! You can’t give it to us. The land is too valuable.”

  “Okay, here’s another idea. I’ll take two sections of the grazing land that borders the Lucky Bar L Ranch. That way you get the houses and outbuildings. Especially now that Neal wants to start the therapy riding center.”

  “That’s still very generous of you, Trent.”

  His stepbrother grinned. “I know, but how else am I going to get my brothers to stay here?” He sobered. “Look Cullen, it took me a lot of years away in the military to realize what’s important. It’s family. And I’m hoping you’re smart enough to include Shelby in these plans.”

  “Now that she’s not a flight risk, I plan to keep her and Ryan here permanently.”

  Brooke walked into the kitchen. “If Shelby loves you, she’ll back you.”

  Trent reached for his wife and pulled her down onto his lap. “The right woman will get you to change a lot of plans, or to make plans.”

  Brooke smiled. “You’re the one who chased me to Vegas and brought me back here.”

  He kissed her. “And I’d do it again. I didn’t want to live without you.”

  “And I don’t want to live without Shelby and Ryan,” Cullen added.

  The phone began to ring, interrupting their conversation. Trent answered it and walked out of the room. Minutes later he was back. “That was the head of the city council. It seems that Ted Carson has decided to retire.” He looked at Cullen. “It seems you have another option, brother.”

  * * *

  LATER THAT NIGHT, Shelby couldn’t sleep. When that happened, she usually started planning. Her day...her money...her life...

  She looked down at the list on the paper. If she took Bess and Bill’s offer, she still had to make payments to them, and she’d like it paid off the sooner the better. She didn’t want to be beholden to anyone. That was how her grandmother raised her.

  Don’t take handouts unless there isn’t any choice.

  This wasn’t a handout. This was a business deal, and a good investment for her. It was a future for her and Ryan. And maybe in a year or so, she could even open a bakery at the catering center when Ryan was in school. Then she’d have a second income.

  She looked around at the cottage. This was the best home she’d had in so long, or maybe just because of the connection to Cullen. She smiled. His family was pretty great, too.

  She sighed. Sometimes you had to be practical with relationships, especially when the man wouldn’t be around. If she kept living here when Cullen went off to Grand Junction, would he feel obligated to her?

  She thought about last night and the man’s incredible loving. There was no doubt that Cullen cared about her. And she was definitely head over heels in love with the handsome sheriff.

  Yet, sometimes dreams never come true. She thought of her sister, and her chest tightened. It wasn’t fair that she and Georgia never got to have more time together. That a mother never got to raise her son. She wiped away a tear. Oh, God. She missed her big sister so much. But she couldn’t forget about Ryan. She promised Georgia that she’d give him a good home and love him as if he were her own son.

  She smiled. Loving Ryan was the easy part.

  There was a soft knock on the door. She got up and looked out the peephole to see Cullen. Her heart raced at the thought of being with him. She opened the door a crack.


  He frowned at her. “I know you said you wanted to have an early night, but I had to see you.”

  She wanted to see him, too. “I need to be at work early.” She hated fibbing to him. “So could we talk tomorrow?”

  “This is important, Shelby.” He stepped closer and she tried to back up, but he reached for her. “But I need to do this first.” He lowered his head, and his mouth covered hers.

  Shelby didn’t have a chance to stop him, and once his lips touched hers, she didn’t want to. She needed this man more than her next breath. She wrapped her arms around him and let him deepen the kiss.

  Finally she broke away and stepped back. “Look, Cullen, if this is what you came for, I don’t think I can handle it. You’re going to be leaving us, and I feel that it would be best if we didn’t spend so much time together.”

  She walked away, then turned around. This was strange because she was usually the one to leave. Now, she wanted to stay, and the guy was going.

  Cullen saw the pain on her face, and he wanted to tell her that he wasn’t going away. “Shelby, just listen.”

  “No, I can’t listen anymore. I have Ryan to think about now. He doesn’t need to be torn away from more people. I don’t want to lose any more people, either. I’ve lived on the outside for so long, and can’t do it anymore. I want more. I deserve more.” She forced a smile. “You’re so wonderful, Cullen, and I hope you find the life you want, but I’m staying put, because I worked hard to build a life right here.”

  He walked to her, hoping he could come up with the right words he needed to say. “You’re special to me, Shelby, and so is Ryan. I want you to have your dream. I only hope you have some room in that life for me, too.”

  He took a needed breath. “I’ve been trying to outrun my past as if I did something wrong. I didn’t lie, cheat or steal anything. I’ve been exonerated. I’ll never go back to Denver, but I realized I hadn’t moved on, either. Well, I’m doing it now, by staying put right here.”

  Seeing the surprised look on her face, he reached for her hand and felt her trembling. “Shelby Townsend, I want you and Ryan in my life. I want you to build that catering business, and I want to help.” He pulled her close. “I love you, Shelby. I want to share that life right here in Hidden Springs.”

  She blinked. “Oh, Cullen. I love you, too.”

  “Good.” He kissed her quick and hard. “Then it’s settled.”

  “Wait a minute. What about your job? Aren’t you going to Grand Junction?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t need to. There seem to be a couple of jobs here that I qualify for. Ted Carson decided to retire. Trent told me tonight. He’s on the town council, so he offered me the job, at least until the next election.”

  He watched her blue eyes widen. “Really?”

  He nodded. “But it gets better. I have an idea about a security business.” He went on to tell her about his plans as he drew her close. “I was trying to think of a way to stay here. God, Shelby, I didn’t want to leave you. I never want to leave you.”

  He stepped back. “I know this isn’t the way a woman likes it done, but I can’t wait.” He went to one knee, his chest tight with so many emotions. “Shelby Townsend, I love you with all my heart. I can’t imagine not having you in my life. I love Ryan so much. I hope one day I can adopt him so he’ll be mine, too. Will you marry me and live right here on this ranch?”

  Tears filled her eyes as she opened her mouth to speak.

  “Say, yes, Aunt Shellie.”

  They both turned to see Ryan standing in the doorway, a big grin on his face.

  Shelby waved him over to her. He ran to her. “So you want us to marry the sheriff?”

  The boy nodded. “Yes. I want him to be my dad.”

  Cullen had to swallow hard as he waited for Shelby to end his agony. Yet, seeing the love in her eyes, he wasn’t worried. “Take one more chance, Shelby. I promise,
I’ll be there for you. I’m not leaving you. Ever.”

  She leaned down and said, “Yes, we’ll marry you.”

  He heard the boy cheer, but Cullen stood and wrapped his arms around his woman. “I love you.” He covered her mouth in a kiss that he hoped told her how much. How much he wanted them to be a family, to build together what had eluded them all. Not any longer. They could do anything, together. He pulled back and scooped up Ryan in his arms. “So you want us to get married?”

  Ryan nodded. “And have babies, too.”

  They both laughed. Cullen was the first to sober, and said, “So you want a little sister or brother?”

  “Yes. One girl and one boy.”

  Shelby smiled. “I think I can handle that.”

  Cullen leaned down and kissed her. “And you know I’ll do my part.” He winked. “We’re a family, Shelby. And don’t you forget it.”


  It was a sunny June day. Perfect for the grand opening of Georgia’s Therapy Riding Center. Shelby stood back with her camera and watched as the group of parents, along with their children, gathered around the ramp for the ribbon cutting. Pops and Cullen stood on either side of Ryan, who held a pair of big scissors. With help, her nephew cut the ribbon, and cheers erupted.

  She’d never get tired of watching Cullen with Ryan. The love and patience the man showed for the five-year-old made her heart swell with love. As if it were possible to love him more.

  She watched the first group of kids as they mounted their horses. High school volunteers assisted all the kids, spotting them during the ride, and cared for the animals in the barn. Shelby knew that Pops was the strong force behind the volunteers, making sure they were serious about their jobs. Four more horses had been donated, Daisy, Clancy, Taffy and Bandit. They’d been lucky that all the horses were well behaved and loved being around kids.

  Trent, Kase and Laurel came to help out because of the extra people today. Neal officially ran the center, and they planned to be open two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, from the spring to the fall.

  Jeanie was a big help, too. She made sure there were adult volunteers, including the sheriff’s deputies who were here today. Great public relations.

  So many of the townspeople showed up to offer support for the program, and for their sheriff, too. Cullen had become a pretty popular figure in the town. He’d kept the position as sheriff for now, at least until the election in eighteen months. Hopefully by then his business, Brannigan Security, would take off, and if it did, he wouldn’t run for the office. He wanted to spend more time with his family.

  Shelby had to concentrate on her catering business, too. And she’d been busy, especially since she’d been planning her and Cullen’s wedding. Luckily, it was a small one, with only family and some friends attending at the Q and L Guest Lodge in July. Then she and Ryan would move in to the house, and Pops would take over the cottage.

  Shelby felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see Cullen. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She got the familiar rush whenever he touched her.

  Aware of people around, she pulled back. “Why aren’t you with the kids?”

  “Not needed with so many volunteers.” He pointed to the arena. “Besides, this is Dad’s show.” He turned back to her. “I wanted to know if you needed some help.”

  She shrugged. “Judy and Corey are doing a great job.” She glanced at the long table filled with food. A banner advertising her catering business was draped on the table as her new teenage hires dished out food. So far they had been a great help to her at the weekend receptions.

  They’d also set up a raffle table to win a free weekend stay at the Q and L Guest Lodge, with all proceeds going to the riding center.

  Cullen pulled Shelby close to his side. He didn’t like her too far away. They’d both worked too hard to get here, to find each other, and he never wanted her to doubt his love.

  “I can’t believe this turnout,” he said.

  “Word gets around in a small town. We’re blessed to have so many friends and family.”

  “And I’m blessed to have you and Ryan.” He kissed her, and whistles filled the air. “I guess we better continue this in private. Later.” He took off and went back to the arena, thinking about later when they had time to themselves and he could show her how much he loved her.

  * * *

  ON A WARM July afternoon, Shelby came out of the upstairs guestrooms at the Q and L Guest Lodge on her wedding day. With one last look, she checked her long, ivory lace and satin wedding gown. She felt her eyes mist as she stroked the fabric lovingly. She was blessed that her cousin’s wife had heard of her upcoming nuptials and contacted her about Grandma’s ivory wedding dress she’d found in the attic at the farm. And on this, her special day, Shelby felt her family was with her.

  She touched the gold chain that held Georgia’s sapphire teardrop pendant, which she’d borrowed for today. Then she would put it away for Ryan’s bride. She wore no veil, only flowers woven in her updo-styled hair. She carried the same simple flowers as in her bouquet.

  “You look pretty, Aunt Shellie.”

  She smiled at the boy in the tux, his curly blond hair combed neatly, and his face scrubbed clean of any traces of peanut butter. She’d come to love this child more than she could ever imagine. “Thank you. I think you look pretty handsome, too. You ready to get married?”

  He nodded. “Yes, ’cause Cullen’s gonna be my new dad, but I don’t have to forget my other dad. Cullen said so.”

  Her chest tightened with emotion. “I think we’re pretty lucky to have Cullen.” And she couldn’t wait to become his wife.

  She looked up when Brooke Landry called to her. Her matron of honor walked toward her dressed in a long sheath-style gown of pale blue.

  “The music started, so that’s our cue,” Brooke said.

  “Let’s go.” She took Ryan’s arm and they headed down the open staircase to the large main room where their family and friends sat on either side of a long white runner. At the end stood her handsome groom dressed in a black tux. There was a large picture window and in the background the majestic mountains.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as she somehow made her way up the aisle to Cullen. She kept focused on his hazel eyes. Next to him was Neal, smiling at her.

  Once they arrived, the minister asked, “Who gives this woman away in matrimony?”

  Ryan raised his hand. “I do.”

  Snickers of laughter moved through the group as he went and stood beside Pops.

  Cullen couldn’t take his eyes off his beautiful bride. He was mesmerized as he took her hand and kissed it, then leaned forward and whispered, “Glad you could make it.”

  She squeezed back. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  He blew out a breath, trying to calm his racing heart, but the condition seemed to be permanent whenever he was around this woman. Somehow he managed to pull himself together and focus on their vows.

  A few minutes later, the minister said, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  “This is what I’ve been waiting for.” He lowered his head and tasted her sweet lips. Once he pulled back, he said, “Hello, Mrs. Brannigan.”

  She smiled. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Get used to it, because you’re stuck with me for at least the next fifty or sixty years.”

  They faced their guests as the minister announced, “I’d like to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Brannigan.”

  “Yay!” Ryan cheered. “We’re married.”

  Cullen took the boy’s hand as did Shelby, and they walked down the aisle as a family. He began to count his blessings, recalling the night that he found Shelby and Ryan in his house. That night his dark life began to brighten.

/>   Sometimes you never find what you’re looking for, and sometimes...you’re lucky enough to have that someone find you. He reached for his bride and pulled her close. And you get to go on the journey together.

  * * * * *


  Sheikh Ibrahim al-Ansari must find a bride, and quickly… Thankfully he has the perfect convenient princess in mind—his new assistant, Ruby Dance!

  Read on for a sneak preview of



  Liz Fielding

  ‘Can I ask if you are in any kind of relationship?’ he persisted.


  ‘You are on your own—you have no ties?’

  He was beginning to spook her and must have realised it because he said, ‘I have a proposition for you, Ruby, but if you have personal commitments…’ He shook his head as if he wasn’t sure what he was doing.

  ‘If you’re going to offer me a package too good to refuse after a couple of hours I should warn you that it took Jude Radcliffe the best part of a year to get to that point and I still turned him down.’

  ‘I don’t have the luxury of time,’ he said, ‘and the position I’m offering is made for a temp.’

  ‘I’m listening.’

  ‘Since you have done your research, you know that I was disinherited five years ago.’

  She nodded. She thought it rather harsh for a one-off incident but the media loved the fall of a hero and had gone into a bit of a feeding frenzy.

  ‘This morning I received a summons from my father to present myself at his birthday majlis.’

  ‘You can go home?’

  ‘If only it were that simple. A situation exists which means that I can only return to Umm al Basr if I’m accompanied by a wife.’

  She ignored the slight sinking feeling in her stomach. Obviously a multimillionaire who looked like the statue of a Greek god—albeit one who’d suffered a bit of wear and tear—would have someone ready and willing to step up to the plate.

  ‘That’s rather short notice. Obviously, I’ll do whatever I can to arrange things, but I don’t know a lot about the law in—’


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