Secrets & Lies (Undercover Love Series Book 2)

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Secrets & Lies (Undercover Love Series Book 2) Page 5

by Michelle Iannarelli

  Faith looked at Ryan and could clearly see that he was upset and that he had been drinking.

  “Come in.”

  “Nah, you go back to whoever you have waiting for you. I’ll be ok.”


  “Goodbye, Faith.”

  Faith watched as Ryan walked down the path to his car. She thought about running after him but she didn’t.

  MILES SAT UP IN bed watching Eden as she slept. He spent the night thinking about the baby and praying it was his.

  Eden rolled over and looked up at Miles. He wasn’t his usual happy looking self. She could tell that he was upset and she knew that it was all her fault.

  “Hey Beautiful, how are you feeling?”

  “I’m ok, it’s you that I’m worried about.”

  “Me? I’m not the one who is prego.”

  “Miles, I know that this can’t be easy for…”

  “I’m fine as long as I have you in my life.”

  Eden sat up in the bed and Miles wrapped his arms around her.

  “We’re not going anywhere. I promise.”

  “Eden, if I’m not this baby’s father then don’t you think…”


  “Eden, the father has a right to know and so does your baby.”

  “This is our baby.”

  “What if the guy sees you pregnant and asks if it is his?”

  “He won’t and trust me a child is the last thing that he would want.”

  “So, uhh…there was only one other guy?” Eden tried to pull away but Miles held her tight. “I’m sorry, you don’t have…”

  “I do have to answer. You have a right to know. Yes, there was only one other man and it was purely sex. I never had any feelings for him. The only man I have ever loved is you, Miles.”

  Miles smiled as he kissed Eden on the forehead. “I love you too, Baby.”

  Faith walked outside to her car and noticed Ryan’s car parked across the street and he was passed out with his head against the window. Faith crossed the street and then banged on the window.

  Ryan opened his eyes and saw Faith banging on his window while she yelled, “Ryan, you big ass, wake up!”

  Ryan started the car and rolled down the window. “Faith, what the…”

  “That’s what I’d like to know. What the hell are you still doing here?”

  “I finished the bottle of Vodka I had and was too drunk to drive. I guess I passed out.”

  Faith wanted to be angry with Ryan but she just couldn’t. Instead she walked around the car and climbed in on the passenger side.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I overhead something last night and I don’t know what to do about it.”

  Faith reached for Ryan’s hand. “Do you want to talk about it or…”

  “I may have gotten someone pregnant.”

  Faith felt a pang of jealousy. “I see.”

  “Thing is that as much as I didn’t think I’d ever want a child, it upset me to hear her say that she wasn’t even going to tell me.”

  “Did you confront her?”

  “No. I was so shocked that I just left. I didn’t know who I could…”

  “And then I made you feel unwanted and you…”

  “I was a dick to you and I’m sorry. I never should have…”

  “We were friends first, I let my feelings get in the way and I lost sight of that.”

  “Yeah well I lost sight of the fact that you were a friend. I used you for sex and I knew better, I knew that I’d end up hurting you.”

  “Hey, I let you. I wanted it.” Faith suddenly felt uncomfortable. She opened the car door. “I have to go. Call me later if you need to talk.”

  Ryan didn’t even have time to answer before Faith had exited and slammed the car door.

  Miguel was pacing through his office. All he could think about was his sister being pregnant. He was making himself sick over it.

  “Hey, you left before I woke up this morning. Was there an emergency?”

  Miguel looked up and Alex was standing there staring at him.

  “Oh, I uh, I had a lot of work to do.”

  Alex looked at Miguel and knew something was bothering him.

  “Miguel, it is quite apparent that something is bothering you. Now fess up?”

  Miguel walked over to the couch and sat down. Alex followed and sat down on his lap.

  “It’s Eden.”

  “Are you upset that she is pregnant and not married?”

  “No, I’m upset because this child may not be Miles’.”

  Alex swallowed hard. Her mind flashed to that day she walked in on Ryan and Eden together.


  “Yeah. Miles said that he could handle raising someone else’s child but Alex, what if he can’t? What if he looks at that child and he can’t handle knowing that it is someone else’s child?”

  “Miguel, calm down. For one they don’t even know for sure, right?”


  “Let’s not worry about it until we find out for sure who the father is. Ok?”

  Miguel hugged Alex and smiled.

  “You always know how to make me feel better, Baby.”

  “That’s why you love me so much.” Alex kissed Miguel on his cheek.

  Miguel slipped his hand up Alex’s skirt. “I love this too.”

  Lacey was carrying a large box down the hallway when Dane spotted her. He picked up his pace and reached for the box.

  “Here, let me carry that for you.”

  Lacey stopped and looked up at Dane.

  “It’s ok, I don’t want to trouble you.”

  “No trouble, Sweetheart.” Dane winked as he took the box from Lacey’s hands.

  Lacey followed Dane down the hallway as she stared at his ass in his tightly tailored slacks.

  Dane placed the box on Lacey’s desk and then quickly turned around, so quickly in fact, that he caught Lacey staring down at his ass. Dane smiled.

  Lacey instantly felt flushed. She knew he caught her staring at him. She wished the floor would open up and swallow her…but it didn’t.

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you for carrying the box or thank you for having a sexy ass?”

  Lacey stood there like a deer in headlights, she was having trouble finding her voice. Finally, she squeaked out one word. “Both.”

  “Ahh, a woman who is honest and beautiful.”

  Lacey did not take compliments well and now she felt very uncomfortable.

  Dane could see by Lacey’s body movement that he upset her.

  “It wasn’t my intention to upset you.”

  Lacey blinked up at Dane.

  “I’m not upset…”

  “Lacey, Miguel asked me to have you bring him the Clarkson files.”

  Lacey was so happy to see Alex standing there and even happier that her conversation with Dane came to an abrupt end.

  “Sure thing.” Lacey grabbed the files from her desk and practically ran into Miguel’s office.

  Ryan sat at his desk trying to decide if he should confront Eden. He didn’t want to upset her but he needed to know what she was thinking. He picked up his phone to call Eden but before he finished dialing his door opened.

  “Can I come in?”

  Ryan hung up the phone as he smiled up at his sister.

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Is everything alright with you and Miguel?”

  “We’re fine. I want to talk to you about Eden.”

  Ryan jumped up from his chair. He immediately thought that something happened to her. “Eden? Is she alright?”

  “She’s fine.”

  Ryan sat back down. “Oh thank God.”

  “Judging by your reaction I guess it is safe to assume that you know she is pregnant?”

  “She doesn’t know that I know. I overheard her yesterday at the hospital.”

  “Ryan, do you think…”
br />   “I don’t know and I’ve been sick since I found out.”

  Alex got up and walked over to Ryan and hugged him.

  “Don’t worry. Miguel said that Miles was willing to raise the child no matter who…”

  “I don’t want anyone else raising my child.”

  “Wow. I thought you were upset because you didn’t want…”

  “I never thought I’d care but oddly I do and if that child is mine I want to be a part of its life.”

  “Ryan, do you have feelings for Eden?”


  “What a mess.”


  “So are you going to talk to Eden or are you waiting to see how this plays out?”

  “I don’t know. I was calling her when you got here but now…oh Sis, I don’t know what to do.”

  The whole drive to work Eden couldn’t help but think about the little life inside of her. She wasn’t sure it was a good idea but telling Ryan was the right thing to do. As she got closer to Ryan’s office her nerves began to get the best of her. She turned to walk in the opposite direction but much to her surprise Ryan was walking towards her.


  “How are you feeling today?”

  “I’m still a bit queasy but umm, Ryan, can we talk in your office?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Once they were inside Ryan’s office with the door closed Eden sat down and looked up at Ryan.

  “I don’t know how to say this so I’m just going to say it. I’m pregnant and…”

  “I could be the father.”

  Eden wasn’t sure what to expect but Ryan calmly guessing was not what she expected.


  “How long before we can find out?”

  “A week maybe two. I will know more after I see the obstetrician tomorrow.”

  “Can I come with you?”

  “I’d rather you didn’t. This is very hard for Miles.”

  “Miles? What about me? Don’t you think it’s hard for me?”

  Eden couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. “I’m sorry.”

  Ryan knelt down next to Eden and held her hand. “It’s going to be ok. I’m sorry.”

  “To be honest, I didn’t think you’d even care.”

  “I’m kind of surprised I do but if it is mine, I want to be a part of its life.”

  “No matter who the father is, Miles and I are still getting married and raising this child.”

  Ryan stood up. Now he was getting angry.

  “I can handle Miles being part of my child’s life but that child will know that I am their father.”

  “I would never keep you from your child.”

  “I know and I didn’t intend to upset you or make you cry.”

  “It’s ok. I understand how you feel.”

  “I don’t need to go to the doctor with you. You can fill me in after. Miles should be there.”

  “I don’t want either of you there to be truthful. I feel awful that one of you are going to be hurt when we find out.”

  “Eden, don’t worry about us. Just take care of that baby. We will all get through this. I promise.”

  Eden smiled up at Ryan as he wiped away her tears.

  MIGUEL, MILES AND DANE sat staring at one another. They were in shock from the news that they just received about one of their former commanders.

  Dane cleared his throat. “I know we agreed to retire but I need to go and help Simmons.”

  Miles looked at Miguel. “Me too.”

  “Miles, you stay here. I’ll go.”

  “We’ll all go then.”

  “No, Miles has a family that he needs to take care of.”


  “Eden’s pregnant.” Miles smiled.

  Dane smacked Miles on the back and then shook his hand. “Congratulations, Man.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Migs is right. You stay here. We can kick ass without you.”

  “Maybe Jakey is ready to head back out?”

  “I’ll hit him up on my way home to talk to Alex.”

  “Migs, I’ll meet you at the airport in two hours.”

  “Watch your back, Dane.”

  Dane nodded. “I got this.”

  Miguel grabbed Miles and hugged him. “You take care of my sister and that baby.”


  “I’m off to tell Alex. Wish me luck.”

  “You had better call your sister too.”

  “Damn, yeah, I will.”

  Miguel walked out the door leaving Miles standing there wishing he was going with his best friend.

  Eden looked up and Alex was in her doorway.

  “Alex, come in.”

  Alex walked in and sat down.

  “I wanted to stop by and invite you and Miles for dinner tonight. I’m hoping that Ryan and Faith will come too and then we can talk about the wedding.” Alex smiled.

  “I love to see you looking so happy.”

  “It’s all your brother’s fault you know.”

  “Ahh, so I guess it is all your fault that he is so happy then.” Eden winked.

  “Guilty as charged.” Alex laughed.

  “I will call Miles and tell him we have plans.”

  “Speaking of Miles and plans…have you put any thought into when you two…”

  “No. I think we should wait a while.”

  Alex could see by the look on Eden’s face that she upset her.

  “Eden, are you alright?”

  “I’m fine. I just don’t know if I want to rush into anything.”

  “Because of the baby?”

  “Miles and I are excited about the baby. Why would…”

  “Eden, I know that Ryan might be the baby’s father.”


  Alex and Eden swung their heads around and Miguel was standing there.

  “Get your ass in here and close my office door…now!”

  “How is this going to work if it’s not Miles’ baby? Huh, how are we supposed to…”

  Alex jumped up and grabbed Miguel’s arm.

  “Stop it. Can’t you see how upset you’re making her?”

  Eden stood up and looked at Miguel.

  “I love Miles and I already love this baby. Ryan and I had sex a few times but neither of us love each other. I’m sorry Alex, but I’m praying that this baby is Miles’ baby but if it isn’t I will work things out.”

  Alex grabbed ahold of Eden’s hand.

  “Please don’t feel like you have to apologize. I hope it’s Miles’ baby too.”

  “Eden, is there anything else that I don’t know about you?” Miguel sat down in the chair opposite her desk.

  “Let’s see…oh yes, that watch that you’re wearing, I did originally buy it for Miles but then you called me on it so I had to give it to you.”

  “Gee thanks.”

  Eden smiled.

  Alex sat down on Miguel’s lap and he gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

  “So dear brother, why did you come to visit me?”

  “Well I stopped here to see you and then I was headed off to find my beautiful fiancée but…”

  Alex looked Miguel in the eyes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I know we’ve discussed this but I…”

  Alex knew right away and she leapt off of Miguel’s lap.

  “You’re leaving for another mission!”

  Miguel stood up and walked over to where Alex was now standing.

  “They need me…Simmons has gone missing.”



  “Is Miles going too?”

  “No. I told him that his place was here with you.”

  Eden felt relieved but she also felt guilty that Miles wasn’t going because of her.

  “And your place isn’t here with me?”

  “Alex, don’t be like this…”

  “THIS! You promised me.”

  “Simmons needs us.”

  Alex looked at Miguel and then she picked up her purse. “I guess I don’t need you.” Then she walked out the door.

  “You had better go after her.”

  Miguel hugged his sister and then kissed her on the forehead before darting out the door.

  Alex was running to her car when Ryan spotted her.

  “Alex, hey, wait up.”

  Alex stopped and it was only then that Ryan could see the tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “What happened? What did that asshole do to you?”

  “You’re calling me an asshole?”

  Miguel grabbed Ryan and punched him in the face. Ryan swung back and gave Miguel a shot to his eye. Alex began to scream.


  Ryan stepped back and so did Miguel.

  “I’m sorry, Sis.”

  Miguel looked at Alex and his heart broke when he saw her tears.

  “Alex, we need to talk.”

  “What did you do to her?”

  “Ryan, it’s our business.”

  “Not when you upset my sister it’s not.”

  “Don’t lecture me on upsetting a sister because right now mine is all stressed out that you might be the father of her child.”


  Ryan, Miguel and Alex all turned around and Miles was standing there with his mouth hanging open.

  Ryan swallowed hard. He felt awful. He knew how much Miles and Eden loved each other. He just nodded his head.

  “I’m sorry Miles, I didn’t know you were there.”

  “I guess everyone knew but me. I had hoped it was just some random guy that we would never see again but I guess not.”

  “Miles, Eden loves you. She doesn’t give a rat’s ass about me. I pray that this child is yours.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  Miles walked around the three and headed inside the building.

  “Alex, I need to know that you’ll be here when I get back?”

  “Ryan, I’ll call you later.”

  Ryan took that as his cue to leave Alex alone with Miguel.

  “I will be waiting.”

  Miguel reached for Alex’s hand.

  “I love you, Alex. I swear if it wasn’t Simmons I wouldn’t go but…”

  “I’ll be here but only this time and only because it is Simmons and if it wasn’t for him…I probably wouldn’t have ever been able to forgive you for…”


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