Secrets & Lies (Undercover Love Series Book 2)

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Secrets & Lies (Undercover Love Series Book 2) Page 8

by Michelle Iannarelli

  That one hug washed away all of Eden’s anger, hurt and stress. It was like all was right again. Eden stepped back and took Miles’ hand and placed it on her stomach.

  “Your Daddy’s home, little one.”

  “Ryan told me that he was drunk and that his proposal was only if I left you…but Eden, I’m not going anywhere. I told you, I’ll love that baby whether it’s mine or…”

  “You’re the father Miles, this baby is yours. The doctor ran tests with Ryan’s DNA. That’s why he was here. I wanted to tell him in person.”

  Miles smiled and his eyes filled with tears. He knelt down and at first Eden thought he was about to collapse but then he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her tiny baby bump.

  “Your daddy loves you.”

  Eden leaned down and she kissed Miles.

  “Welcome home, Daddy. Now let’s get you to bed.”

  RYAN WOKE UP WITH not one but two women in his bed and not a recollection of how they even ended up there. He attempted to get out of bed and one of the women grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I have to get to work.”

  “No time for a quickie?”

  Ryan smiled and gave a quick glance at the clock.

  “I have twenty minutes.”

  The woman, Clarisse, leaned over and shook her friend awake.

  “Lexa, get up. He only has twenty minutes.”

  Lexa sprung up and started to kiss Ryan’s neck while her friend saddled up on him.

  Ryan just laid there thinking about the baby that wasn’t his. He didn’t even want children, so why was he so bothered by that and not relieved?

  Eden opened her front door and leapt into her brother’s arms.

  “Miggy, I’ve missed you.”

  “Me too. I would have come by last night but I couldn’t seem to pry myself away from Alex.”

  “I understand. Once Miles and I worked things out, I couldn’t seem to pry myself away either.”

  Miguel put Eden down and then he placed his hand on her cheek.

  “Worked things out? Was he upset about the baby?”

  “No, he was thrilled about the baby. It’s just that Ryan was here when he got home and Miles overheard Ryan and I talking and he jumped to the wrong conclusion. Everything is fine now.”

  “Good, I’m relieved to hear that.”

  “Miggy, I’ve never been so happy.”

  “I know. I never thought I could feel this way either.”

  “If it wasn’t for you and all the sacrifices that you made for me…”

  “Hey, nothing I did was a sacrifice and I don’t have any regrets. Everything I did was a conscious decision that I made knowing it was for the best for both of us. I’m just relieved that I didn’t fuck up and things turned out so well.”

  “I love you.”

  Miguel hugged Eden.

  “I love you too.”

  “I love you both.”

  Eden turned around and Miguel looked up and Miles was standing there smiling.

  “Hey, how are feeling today?”

  Eden walked to Miles’ side and wrapped her arm around his waist.

  “Better now that I’m home with Eden and our baby.”

  Miguel smiled. “Yes, I heard the good news. Congrats, Man. Although, I’m still having a bit of trouble processing the thought of how you got my sister pregnant when in my mind you are NOT having sex with her.”

  Miguel, Eden and Miles all burst out laughing.

  “Seriously, Migs, I’ve always loved and cherished Eden when we were together. I’m not like some of those other guys.”

  Eden pulled away from Miles.

  “Like Ryan?”

  Miguel looked at Eden who went from smiling to gritting her teeth.

  “Sis, calm down. Look, I’m sure that Miles was just trying…”

  “No, Migs, I meant guys like Ryan who only wanted to use Eden.”

  “For your information, Ryan didn’t use me, if anything I used him because you pushed me away.”

  “Ok, I’m going to leave you two now to discuss this.”

  Eden walked over to Miguel and gave him a hug.

  “I’ll call you later.”

  “Take care of that baby.” Miguel turned and looked at Miles. “Call me if you need anything.”

  Miles nodded his head to Miguel before Miguel turned and walked out.

  Eden walked into the bedroom to finish getting ready for work. Miles followed her.

  “So, you’re not talking to me?”

  “Miles, I don’t understand why you are so damn jealous of Ryan AND why you don’t trust me?”

  “I do trust you.”

  “If you trusted me then you’d have no reason to be jealous.”

  “You think that I don’t trust you because I’m jealous knowing that he was inside you, that you let him cum inside you and that Ryan could have been that child’s father?”

  “He’s not the father and I’m never going to have sex with him again so you had better get over it or…get over me.”

  Eden walked out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

  Faith was happy that Alex had time for breakfast so that she could talk to her about Zac. Although as she sat there waiting all she thought about was Ryan, Ryan and Ryan.

  “Coffee for your thoughts?”

  Faith looked up and Alex was standing there with two cups of coffee.


  Alex sat down and then she looked up at Faith.

  “Fess up!”

  “I wanted to talk to you about Zac.”

  “Ryan’s partner, Zac?”



  “Zac kissed me after I won his case and…”

  “Kissed you how?”

  “A long passionate kiss is how.”


  “Anyway, we sort of became friends and I stopped by his office with some paperwork the other day and he invited me to stay and we ordered in lunch. After lunch he kissed me again and then he told me that he wanted a relationship and he asked me to have dinner with him.”


  “So, I’m going to have dinner with him.”

  “Faith, you don’t look happy about this. What’s really going on here?”

  “It’s Ryan.”

  “Ryan, of course it’s Ryan. Oh, Faith.”

  “Yeah, I guess it is.”

  “Have you told Ryan exactly how you feel in no uncertain terms?”

  “Not exactly but he knows…”

  “Talk to him. Tell him. Give him an ultimatum if you think it will help.”

  “Then what?”

  “Either you will bring him around or you know that it’s ok to move on with Zac.”

  “What if I move on with Zac and it causes trouble with Ryan?”

  “You cross that bridge if it comes to it.”

  “Ok but Alex, you have to promise me that no matter what happens that you will always be my best friend?”

  “Of course. Ho’s before Bro’s…literally.” Alex winked.

  Faith smiled.

  Ryan walked into his office and sat down at his desk before he realized that Miles was sitting at the conference table waiting for him.


  Miles stood up and walked towards Ryan’s desk and extended his hand.

  “I want to apologize for being such a jackass yesterday.”

  Ryan shook Miles’ hand.


  “Ryan, I don’t ever remember not loving Eden and I guess hearing you say that you loved her…it just unleased a rage of jealousy that got the best of me. It won’t happen again.”


  Ryan started to rummage through the papers on his desk hoping that Miles would leave if he ignored him.

  “Look, Ryan, your sister is marrying Eden’s brother. We’re going to be like family. I don’t want any hard feelings.”
/>   Ryan stood up and leaned across his desk.

  “Maybe you should have thought about my feelings before you exploded and hit me last night. I have feelings too and I’m sure you never even considered the fact that I was the one who ended up losing a child last…”

  “Oh Ryan, I’m so sorry.”

  Miles stepped back. Ryan’s words hit him hard and the look of sadness on Eden’s face hit him even harder.

  Eden walked over to Miles. “Miles, give us a minute. Can you please wait for me in my office?”

  Miles didn’t say a word he just turned and left. Eden closed the door and then she walked over to Ryan and reached for his hand. Ryan pulled away.


  “I was so happy that Miles was the baby’s father that I selfishly forgot that yes, you did lose a child, so to speak.”

  Ryan walked to the other end of his office and looked out the window so that Eden couldn’t see how upset he really was.

  “I’m ok. Last night when I found out, yeah, I was disappointed but now I realize that I dodged a bullet. I mean I woke up this morning with two beautiful women in my bed and they reminded me why I never wanted to settle down and have kids.”

  Eden didn’t believe a word Ryan was saying, well maybe that he did wake up with two women in his bed but the rest…nope not a word of it but she didn’t want to add insult to injury at this point so she let it go.

  “Oh well it’s good to know that you’re back to your old self then. I’m sorry I overreacted.”

  “Nah, it’s ok.” Ryan cleared his throat and took a deep breath before he turned around. “Thanks for caring, Eden.”


  Eden smiled and then she turned and left.

  Faith passed Eden by in the hallway on her way to see Ryan. She wasn’t exactly sure of what she was going to say but she knew she needed to make her feelings clear before she moved on with Zac.

  “Can I come in.”

  Ryan’s stomach twisted in a knot at the sound of Faith’s voice. After what he’d been through over the last twenty-four hours, all he needed now was to deal with Faith.

  “I’m kind of busy right now.”

  “I just need to talk to you for a minute.”

  “What? Are you pregnant too?”

  Ryan looked at Faith who was standing there just staring at him. Now his stomach was really in a knot. What if she was pregnant?

  Faith just stared at Ryan. Then she questioned herself as to why she was even there when Ryan was clearly a jerk…a big jerk but with such a sexy ass and he was a God in bed and…


  Faith was pulled from her thoughts.

  “Pregnant, no.”

  “Thank God.”

  Faith shut the door and then she walked over and sat down.

  “Ryan, I have no idea how to say this so I am just going to blurt it out.”

  “Umm, ok.”

  “I think I’m in love with you and if there’s any chance that we could ever be a couple I need to know now.”

  Ryan wanted to say yes to Faith but he knew that he’d end up cheating on her and hurting her. So he decided to be a dick and break her heart.

  “I value your friendship and we had some hot sex but I don’t…”

  Faith jumped up, she didn’t want to hear the rest of what she knew Ryan was going to say and it ripped her heart out.

  “Thank you for clearing that up. Sorry to have wasted your time.”

  Faith ran out of Ryan’s office before he even had a minute to respond.

  EDEN WAS SO EXCITED that her and Miles were going to find out the sex of their baby. She wanted a son that looked just like Miles but she also wanted to have a daughter that would grow up to be her best friend.

  “Where is that doctor? I can’t stand waiting.”

  “You had better learn to wait because this baby isn’t due for a while.”

  “Well, hello there and how are we feeling today?”

  The doctor pulled up her chair and sat down to talk to Eden.

  “I’ve never felt so hungry or happy.” Eden smiled.

  “So are we having a boy or a girl?”

  The doctor looked at Miles and she smiled.

  “Mr. Dawson, I can assure you that you are having a baby.” The doctor laughed.

  Eden giggled. “Miles, give the doctor a minute to check on the baby and then she can tell us.”

  The doctor examined Eden and then she scanned the baby, printed some pictures and handed them to Eden and Miles.

  “I will see you both next month.” The doctor left them alone.

  Eden looked down at the picture and smiled. She quickly looked up to see the expression on Miles’ face. Miles was staring down at the picture and then Eden saw his eyes light up when he read the words I’m a Boy.

  “I’m having a son!”

  Eden giggled. “I’m having a son too.”

  Miles leaned over and hugged her.

  “I love you, Eden Cruz, marry me.”

  “Miles, do you not see this huge ring on my finger?” Eden giggled some more.

  “I mean now. Marry me right now, Baby.”

  “Ok, but not without Miguel.”

  “I’ll grab him on the way.” Miles opened the door to leave.

  “Miles, how about you wait for me?”

  Miles laughed and shook his head.

  “I guess it would help to have the bride present at the ceremony.”

  “You think?” Eden winked.

  “Let’s get you dressed and then we’re getting hitched.”

  Faith decided that when she saw Zac today that she was going to let him know that she was ready to heat things up. She’d been on several dates with him and it was time.

  “So I heard you’ve been dating Zac.”

  Faith looked up and her boss was standing there in her doorway.

  “Yes, I hope that’s not a problem?”

  “No, not at all. It’s good to see him enjoying his life and not stressing over that awful ex-wife of his.”

  “Thanks, Gene.”

  “I still can’t believe that we both loved that woman.”

  “Love is blind and dumb.”

  “Sounds like you are talking from experience?”

  “You could say that.”

  “Well hopefully things will work out for you and Zac then. I’m off to court. I will see you later.”

  “Good luck with that!”

  Gene turned and left. Faith let out a sigh as she thought about Ryan and how she was such a fool to have allowed herself to fall in love with him.

  Miguel and Alex were having sex in his office when Eden began banging on the door.

  “Miguel, it’s me, Eden, open up!”

  Miguel pulled out and stood up and began to dress.

  “I’m sorry, Alex.”

  Alex jumped up and smoothed down her skirt and buttoned her blouse.

  “I hope everything is alright.”

  “I know because she’s banging on the door like the place is on fire.”

  Miguel walked over and pulled the door open.

  “Jesus, is everything alright?”

  Eden yanked Miles inside and closed the door behind them.

  “Oh Alex, you’re here too. Good.”

  “Eden and I have some news.”

  “We’re having a boy!” Eden pulled out her picture.

  Miguel high-fived Miles and then he turned around and hugged Eden.

  “I’m having a nephew.”

  Alex hugged Miles and then Eden.

  “How about we all go for lunch and celebrate?”

  Eden wrapped her arm around Miles’ waist and then she grabbed Miguel’s hand.

  “We have some more news first.”

  Alex’s eyes opened wide. “Are you having twins?”

  “Oh God, no.” Miles let out a nervous laugh.

  “Miles and I want to get married…today.” Eden batted her eyes at her brother knowing that would increase her chanc
es of him not throwing a fit.

  “I see but Eden don’t you want a big wedding?”

  “I used to think that but honestly as long as it’s Miles that I’m marrying I could care less if we got married next to a dumpster in the parking lot.”

  Miles leaned down and kissed Eden on the top of her head.

  “I love you so much, Baby.”

  Miguel let go of Eden’s hand, walked over to his desk and picked up the phone.

  “Lacey, cancel all my appointments for today and get Judge Hadley on the phone.”

  Miguel looked over at Eden and winked.

  “Judge, I am wondering if you’d have time to marry my sister today? Thank you, she’ll be there at four o’clock.”

  Miguel hung up the phone and Eden hugged him. Then Miles walked over to Miguel.

  “Migs, will you be my best man?”

  “Aren’t I always?” Miguel winked.

  Eden walked over to Alex.

  “And will you be my Maid of Honor, Alex?”

  Alex grabbed Eden and hugged her.

  “Yes, yes of course. I’d be honored.”

  Eden smiled and then the tears began to roll down her cheeks.

  “Baby, are you alright?”

  Eden nodded. “Yes, I’m just so happy.”

  Miguel didn’t like to see Eden cry…be it happy or sad tears, so he decided to change up the mood.

  “Alex, you take Eden to order some flowers and get a dress and I will take Miles to pick up some rings and a suit.”

  Eden kissed Miles and then Alex whisked her off.

  Faith was crawling around under her desk looking for her earring when she heard her office door close. She peeked out from under the desk and Zac was standing there.

  “Hey Beautiful.”

  “I bet you’re wondering what I’m doing under my desk?”

  “It had crossed my mind but then I lost my train of thought watching your beautiful ass.”

  “Did you lock the door?”

  “I did.”

  Faith kneeled up and reached for Zac’s belt, unbuckled it, pulled out his cock and deep throated him before he had a moment to blink.

  Zac reached down and grabbed Faith’s hair. Faith sucked hard and fast until Zac finally came. Zac stepped back and then he got down on the floor and kissed Faith while he undressed her. He kissed her neck and then all the way down to her pussy where he nuzzled his face and licked and sucked her clit until she came.


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