Taste Test: A Hotwife Fantasy

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Taste Test: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 8

by Lexi Archer

  It was one thing to look at yourself in the mirror in the morning and say you didn’t look like you’d aged one bit since college, but it was another thing entirely to find yourself validated by younger guys checking you out.

  Though that Chris one looked like he was a little older. Maybe freshly graduated, but still young. And still looking damn good. Those broad shoulders, that shaggy hair, the way his brown eyes seemed to pierce my soul when he looked into my eyes. On the rare occasion that he was looking into my eyes, come to think of it, considering his eyes spent most of their time focused squarely on my chest.

  Which was just fine with me. After all, that was why I was leaning forward. That was why I picked a halter top that had a built in bra. It was all part of the show and all part of the fun even if the show was more for my husband than for them.

  My husband. God Kyle felt so good groaning against me. I must have gotten him good and turned on with my teasing, though wasn’t that the idea? Only the teasing wasn’t over. No, not by a long shot. I’d decided this was going to be a fantasy weekend where I pushed boundaries for my husband, and that included tonight.

  So as much as I hated to do it, I moved a hand out to his chest and pushed him away. Pushed his delicious lips away from mine. He groaned in frustration and then he was standing there at arm’s length, chest heaving, looking at me as though I’d gone completely crazy.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing’s wrong baby,” I said. “It’s just that if you keep that up I have a feeling we’re going to fall into bed together and I don’t want that to happen.”

  “You don’t? What the hell Leslie?”

  I held up a hand to stop him before he could really work himself into getting upset. He might be annoyed in the moment, but I knew he was going to like what I had planned. At least I really hoped he was going to like what I had planned.

  It was a plan that had just occurred to me down at that desk watching those two guys staring at me like that. A plan that would allow me to think that handsome Chris guy for being so nice to us while at the same time delivering on the promise I’d made to my husband before this weekend started that he didn’t even know about.

  I ran my hand down his chest and then I was wrapping my fingers around his cock which was rock hard and feeling oh so delicious. I glanced to the bed on the other side of the room, this thing really was massive, and it was all I could do not to pounce on Kyle and push him back to that bed and fuck his brains out.

  I resisted though. No, I could think of far more interesting things to do with our time here in this hotel. Particularly after what happened down at the front desk.

  “I was thinking that maybe we could get some room service,” I said.

  “Room service? If you’re hungry then we can always go out after we…”

  I tightened my grip on his cock which definitely got his attention. His eyes went wide as I held it just on the border of pain. The last thing I wanted was him interrupting me when I was busy trying to be a naughty seductress. I might be fulfilling his fantasies this weekend, but if I was doing that then at the same time I was the one who was calling the shots!

  “I want room service from one guy in particular,” I said.

  Kyle actually glanced around the room as though I’d somehow hidden a guy in this suite, never mind that we just got upgraded to this room a few minutes ago thanks to that sexy guy down at the front desk. I suppose it said a lot about how much fun we’d already had that he thought I was capable of a bit of misdirection on that scale.

  “Do you have a guy you’re inviting or something? Is that why you wanted to go to another city for our three day weekend?”

  I wanted to giggle at the excitement in his voice. He sounded like a kid at a birthday party who’d just discovered a giant box that was heavy and didn’t rattle all that much. His breathing was picking up and his cock was starting to twitch in my hands which led me to pull it away.

  I didn’t want him exploding too far ahead of time. No, there was far more fun to be had this evening before he got to that stage.

  “Nothing like that baby,” I said. “Though it’s nice to know you think your wife is capable of that sort of thing.”

  The last bit was only half sarcastic. Now that he mentioned it that did seem like a good idea. And it’s not like it would be all that difficult to find someone to fill a guest starring role in our bedroom life considering how easy it was to set that sort of thing up with the Internet these days.

  But that was something to think about for the next time we were out of town. No, right now there was someone in particular that I wanted up here to have fun with.

  “Actually I was thinking that it might be fun if we ordered some room service and asked that it specifically be delivered by my buddy Chris down at the front desk. I’m sure you remember him. The one who was trying so hard to concentrate on his computer monitor and not look like he was trying to stare down your wife’s shirt?”

  Kyle licked his lips. He took in a deep shuddering breath and closed his eyes. Hell, I glanced down at his cock to make sure there wasn’t a stain spreading down there or anything. I’d spent so much time teasing him, so much time getting him good and worked up, that I was suddenly worried I might have done my job too well and he was going to come whether or not I wanted him to.

  It seemed there were no worries about that right now though. Eventually he came back to earth. He locked eyes with me and grinned.

  “Are you sure you want to do that? We don’t even know if he’d come up here. He does have a job to worry about, y’know.”

  I grinned as I made my way over to the phone. “Spend time down at the front desk dealing with angry clients who were overbooked and have to go across town or come up to enjoy some time in a suite with the hot lady who was totally letting him take a look down her shirt? Yeah, that sounds like a really difficult decision for a young unattached guy who still probably does most of his thinking with his dick.”

  “That probably is the holy grail for guys in his line of work, but how do you know he’s unattached?”

  I picked up the phone and held my finger poised over the line to call the front desk. I just hoped he was still down there. I hit the button and held my hand over the receiver.

  “I didn’t see any ring, so I figure that’s a pretty good sign.”

  “He could have a girlfriend or something,” Kyle said. “Guys that age don’t usually have rings on their fingers you know.”

  I frowned. He did have a point. I was so used to our group of friends where everyone who was attached was locked down in marriages. Miraculously there hadn’t been any divorces in our group, or at the very least the first wave of divorces had yet to hit us. Either way I was used to living in a world where attached meant married, and I hadn’t thought that he might be taken but not hitched.

  Oh well. The line was ringing and all I could do was hope for the best now.

  “Front desk, this is Samuel how can I help you?”

  I bit back a sigh of frustration. That had to be the other guy who’d been standing there staring at my chest. He was good looking in his own way, but he didn’t have anything on the manager who’d helped us get this suite. Plus I figured it would be easier for a management type to get away from the desk and foist off some of his responsibilities on a minion. That the minion was answering the phone made me think he’d already done that.

  “I’m sorry but I was wondering if I could speak with Chris?”

  “He’s back in his office and I don’t think…”

  “I’m sure he’ll want to talk to me if you don’t mind.”

  The guy muttered something under his breath and I had to stifle a giggle. Normally at this point I’d ask to talk to his manager just so I could complain about him having a bad attitude, but right now I was thinking about the two different experiences I’d had with the guy in the space of about twenty minutes. One where he could see me in my skimpy outfit and he was falling all over himself to
help me out and the other where we were disembodied voices chatting over the phone and he was suddenly less than helpful.

  I wondered what that said about the male psyche, but I didn’t have much time to think about it before the phone started beeping to indicate I was being transferred to the manager’s office.

  “Chris here, how can I help you?”

  I grinned and gave Kyle a thumbs up. I had a little more trouble than I’d anticipated getting ahold of him, but everything seemed to be working. Now to see if he’d actually bite at the bait I’d dangled in front of him down at the desk.

  “Yes I was wanting to order some room service,” I said.

  “I’m sorry but this is the manager’s office. They must have sent you here by mistake. I’ll transfer y…”

  “That won’t be necessary Chris,” I said, trying to make my voice sound sexy and breathy. I wasn’t sure how well that worked considering I was talking over a crappy hotel phone system, but whatever. “You see I wanted to have some room service delivered by you personally.”

  “I’m sorry but what room did you say you were in?”

  “We’re up in the suite. I’m sure you remember helping me out just a few minutes ago?” I paused and considered whether or not I really wanted to say what was about to come next. Did I want to twist the knife just a little bit? Really get his attention?

  Who the hell was I kidding? I was going to have fun with this. That was the whole point of this weekend. I glanced over to Kyle who’d taken a seat on the massive king bed in the room and was staring at me intently as he listened in on one half of my naughty conversation.

  “I’m sure you remember me Chris,” I said. “I was the pretty blonde in the halter top? You were trying so hard to not look like you were staring down my top at my tits while you were helping me out?”

  “Listen, I’m so sorry about that and if there’s anything…”

  “You’re not listening to me Chris,” I said. “There is something you can do for me. You can come up to our room to help me out. I told you I wanted room service.”

  I was feeling drunk on the sense of power that I had. It was so delicious listening to the struggle in his voice. Listening to him trying to maintain a veneer of professionalism when from the way his voice was cracking every time the talked to me it was obvious he wanted to come up here right away and have a little bit of fun. I wondered if he’d retired to his office so he could have a little bit of one handed fun while he thought about the show I’d been putting on for him.

  “Okay, I think I could take an order for you and get it sent up. What would you like?”

  I sighed. Either he was playing hard to get or he wasn’t interested. I had a feeling it was the former rather than the latter judging by his reaction to me earlier. Time to be absolutely clear.

  “I want you. Up here. Now,” I said. “If you want to do that then this is your window of opportunity. If you’re not up here in ten minutes then I’ll just assume you didn’t like what you saw at the front desk and we’ll part friends.”

  A sigh on the other side of the line. “I’m sorry ma’am but what you’re asking isn’t appropriate. If you have any actual room service orders then please place them with the front desk.” Then a click. I stared at the phone and blinked in surprise. Damn. Maybe his commitment to his job was a little greater than I’d originally anticipated. In an instant I went from feeling like a tempting seductress to feeling like an idiot for throwing myself at a guy I figured was interested and getting shot down.

  That wasn’t how this was supposed to work, damn it.

  “What happened?” Kyle asked.

  “He hung up on me!”

  “He what? After all that stuff you said to him?”

  “Exactly! He said something about it not being appropriate and hung up on me!”

  Kyle came over and wrapped me in his arms. I sighed as I felt his muscular body pressing against me. At least I had my husband as a consolation prize even if I wasn’t going to get to act out the seductive scenario that had been running through my head ever since I saw that hotting standing at the hotel desk.

  I felt terrible that I was thinking of my husband as a consolation prize, but as I felt his cock stirring against my stomach that guilt went away to be replaced by pure arousal. After everything that had happened today I was just as worked up as he was, and I needed a release and I needed it fucking now!

  My hands moved down to his cock and then I was fumbling at his belt buckle. He groaned and then his hands were running up and down my body leaving a delicious trail of fire wherever he touched me. I couldn’t help myself. I moaned into his chest as one of his hands moved under my shirt to press against the small of my back and the other barely managed to wiggle into my jeans which were practically painted on so he could give my ass a squeeze that I’d been so desperately longing for all day long.

  I looked up at him and his lips were on mine. It was a forceful, hungry kiss. It was a kiss that embodied all of the pent up frustration he’d been feeling all day long as I teased him by teasing other men. It was a kiss that was filled with lust and hunger and a primal wanting that made me so fucking turned on.

  Okay, so maybe fucking my husband wasn’t going to be a consolation prize. If this is how he got after I did a little bit of teasing then I was going to have to do that sort of teasing a hell of a lot more often! Damn was he like a different man!

  Kyle was angling me towards the bed, I felt my knees hit the edge and I was about to fall back with my husband on top of me, when there was a knock at the door.

  Immediately our prelude to one hell of an intense fuck session stopped and we were frozen like that hovering over the bed. He still had one hand gripping my ass cheek but he wasn’t squeezing it any longer. His lips were still pressed against mine, our tongues were still against one another, but they weren’t swirling around exploring the contours of our mouths like they had been moments ago.

  Finally Kyle pulled away from me and I felt the lack of having my husband pressing against me. I sighed in disappointment.

  “Who could that be?” he asked.

  “No idea,” I said even as I felt a rush of excitement. I had at least one idea of who it could be, and I was feeling warm all over at the possibilities of who might be on the other side of that door. There was really only one person it could be, and if I was right it meant that maybe my feminine wiles weren’t as unwanted as I’d thought when I finished my phone conversation.

  Kyle walked over to the door before I could get there and he peered through the peephole. Whatever was on the other side definitely got a reaction because he grunted in surprise and then he was chuckling and shaking his head.

  “Who is it?” I asked.

  “You’re not going to believe this,” he said, though I very much believed it and I didn’t even know who was standing on the other side of that door. I didn’t have to know. Kyle’s reaction said it all.

  Kyle undid the lock and pulled the door open. Standing there was Chris, my sexy manager, with a huge grin on his face and a bottle of moderately expensive wine. Moderately expensive for a hotel just off of the interstate that mostly catered to business travelers, at least.

  “I heard somebody up here wanted room service?”

  5: Room Serviced

  I moved to the side and this Chris guy stepped in. I took a moment to look him up and down. To try and look at him with the same eyes Leslie was seeing him with. He looked like he was in pretty good shape with broad shoulders and what looked to be a muscular body underneath, though it was difficult to tell for sure with that button up shirt hiding most of his physique.

  Either way he looked like a guy who had an obsession with staying in shape.

  “I thought you couldn’t come up here?” Leslie said with a hint of heat coming to her voice. Yeah, she’d been pretty pissed off when he left her high and dry on the phone. It was all I could do not to chuckle at the way she was acting slighted by this dude.

  “Sorry,” he sai
d with a shrug and a sheepish grin. “You see they sort of record those calls and I’ve never heard of them actually listening in on one but I needed at least a little bit of plausible deniability if someone in upper management got a hair up their ass and decided I needed to go.”

  Leslie blinked and I couldn’t help but laugh. That actually made sense. The guy was just trying to cover his ass before he came up to the suite to get a little bit of ass. And from the way he was looking my wife up and down, from the way his cock was tenting in his pants, there was no doubt what he was looking forward to getting!

  “So are you still up for some of that room service you were talking about?” he asked.

  Leslie grinned and then she was positively slinking across the room towards him with her hips swaying in a very distracting way. “Oh I think I’m more than ready. What about you honey?”

  Damn. This was a moment that I’d fantasized about for so long. It was a moment I’d jerked off to more times than I could count. It was a moment we’d covered in dirty talk on so many occasions. A moment we’d come close to over the years with Leslie teasing men but never going as far as she had today.

  And here we were. Finally. My wife standing in front of another man. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders and looking over at me with a raised eyebrow and a smile on her face that was asking for a final confirmation that I really wanted to do this. A confirmation that she had to know was coming from the goofy grin that was spreading across my own face as I watched my fantasy finally made flesh in a very real way after so very long!

  What else could I do in that moment? I smiled and nodded. The smile that split her face was even wider than the one where she was obviously asking for permission and it was so fucking sexy watching her move closer to the guy. Watching my wife pressing her body against him and leaning up to brush her lips against a very surprised looking hotel manager.

  That surprise didn’t last for long though. The wine and glasses he had in his hand were forgotten almost in an instant and they dropped to the floor with a muted thud for the bottle of wine and no noise from the glasses which seemed to actually be plastic judging from the way they didn’t shatter when they hit the ground.


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