Taste Test: A Hotwife Fantasy

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Taste Test: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 11

by Lexi Archer

  2: Fantasies Revealed

  Cocktail Cove was notorious locally. It was also one of the local constabulary's favorite areas to line the local municipal coffers by writing tickets.

  It was a little offshoot of the main lake. And when I say little, I mean relatively little. It was still larger than most lakes, but the lake was already pretty damn big to begin with. The "cove" was lined with expensive houses all around, and it was a favorite pastime of anybody with a boat who was old enough to drink, and sometimes people who were weren't quite old enough to drink but had friends or a skimpy enough swimsuit that they could get away with it, to come out, weigh anchor, and get blasted on the water while blasting music and generally having a good time wearing practically nothing.

  I'd heard about the place, of course. I didn't know anybody who lived in the area who hadn't heard about it. Or seen the articles in the paper whether it was a photo essay glorifying people going out and having a little fun on the water or a report condemning the behavior because somebody got drunk and arrested for some disorderly conduct. How the news reported on the place depended on which way the wind was blowing on a given weekend.

  We'd never actually gone ourselves, though it always sounded like a good time. I'd heard guys from the office talking about it, and the stories they told around the water cooler or before meetings when the old codgers hadn't made their fashionably late arrival yet were nothing short of wild. Unbelievably wild.

  Of course I wouldn't be able to have the kind of fun they talked about. They told crazy debauched stories about meeting up with women out on the water and either having some fun with them right there on their boat or taking them back to one of their houses on the lake and having some fun there. The kind of fun I definitely couldn't have as a married man with my wife right next to me.

  Still, it sounded like the kind of place where you could really have some fun if you were single with enough money and a boat, or even if you were married and you were a little flexible on all the pesky rules that came along with monogamy. I glanced over to Madison. A glance that turned to a lingering look up and down her gorgeous figure.

  Something told me she wouldn't be up for that sort of thing. Not that it really mattered if I had her. I had a feeling she was going to easily be the hottest thing out on the water today. I already knew she was hotter than any of the trophy wives I'd seen parading through the firm for the midday "lunch breaks" they took behind closed doors with the dirty old men who'd married them.

  No, Madison might be a "starter wife" as they referred to them in the firm, but she was a starter wife that I had every intention of staying with for the rest of my life. A starter wife who was far hotter than any of the second or third trophy wives I'd seen.

  I pulled the throttle back down to idle and threaded through the buoys that showed where it was safe to enter the cove. The last thing that I wanted was to run aground with my baby. That would very quickly get even more expensive than running into one of the docks at low speed.

  "We really are going?" Madison said with a raised eyebrow.

  I blinked. "Isn't that where you said you wanted to go?"

  "Well yeah… I just figured with all the wild stuff you hear about the place that you…"

  "What? That I wouldn't want to go? Your wish is my command, after all."

  Madison stood and walked back to where I was manning the wheel. She moved close to me, put an arm around me, and I felt my cock stirring at the skin to skin contact. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. God I loved the feel of my wife's body pressing against me. Sure it was even more fun when her body was pressing against me because we were about to get up to a little bit of naughty fun, but I'd take it no matter what the circumstances.

  "I don't know baby," she said. "What about all those wild stories you hear? I overheard some of the girls at work talking about going out on a boat and meeting some guys who took them back to their mansion for a little bit of fun, if you catch my drift."

  I licked my lips and schooled my face to an impassive stare as I looked at Madison. I cocked an eyebrow to show that I was at least curious. I thought of some of the other nurses who worked with her at the hospital. All the women she worked with were insanely hot. And thinking about any of them out on the water in a bikini, thinking about any of them going back to one of those mansions for a little bit of fun, was enough to have my cock rock hard where Madison sidling up against me was just enough to catch my interest. Damn!

  Of course more than anything I was particularly interested by the confirmation of some of the stories I'd heard at my office. I hadn't quite been willing to believe the stories. I'd almost chalked it up to guys telling tales and bragging. Only if her friends were telling those same stories, well, its not like girls were likely to brag about that sort of thing. At least not as likely as guys.

  "What is it honey?" Madison asked. "Are you thinking about my friends in their bikinis?"

  I rolled my eyes and let out a groan. You tell your wife one time that some of the girls she works with are hot and you never lived it down. Of course at the same time that meant I could be a little more open with her. Oddly enough she didn't seem to mind the thought of me thinking about some of her hot coworkers. At least she'd always seemed more amused than annoyed.

  "What if I am?" I said. Then a really naughty idea occurred to me. If she was going to be a little flirtatious and give me a hard time about her coworkers, well then why not have some fun with it?

  "Besides, what if I was thinking about some of your friends? What if they're out there on the water right now? What if I meet one of them good and liquored up and take her off on my boat?"

  Madison's eyes went wide, but she was also smiling and she didn't seem particularly scandalized. Mock scandalized would be a better way to describe the emotion playing across her face.

  "And what am I supposed to do while you're boating off and fucking one of my friends from work you naughty boy?"

  I shrugged and grinned even wider. "It's Cocktail Cove. You hear what happens out there. Maybe you could have your own fun with some guy! Maybe I could throw you to a group of hot college guys or something."

  Madison smacked me. "Ooh yeah! That sounds so hot!"

  Her tone said she was joking, but there was something about the look on her face that made me think she wasn't. Not entirely. Interesting. Very interesting.

  Of course it could also be that I was imagining things. That was a far more likely explanation.

  As I felt her press up against me, as I felt her white hot skin against my own, I found my mind wandering. Wandering to a very odd place, if I'm being completely honest. To a place where I was another man, and Madison was pressing up against me even though in my imagination I wasn't her husband. To a place where I was looking down at this married hottie, ring on her finger and all, and wondering what higher power smiled down on me from above to deliver this perfect moment.

  Not that the thought was completely unexpected. I'd always known how hot Madison was, and to be perfectly honest watching other guys noticing her had always been a little bit of a turn on even if I'd always dismissed it as a silly thought. Sure I'd watched guys watching her and I jerked off thinking about it sometimes, but it had never been a serious thing beyond that.

  Not that I thought it was necessarily a serious thing now either. She could joke about other guys having their way with her, but I knew that was something that would remain firmly in the realm of fantasy. I knew she was probably just joking. That sort of thing just didn't happen in the real world, stories I heard at the office of women going wild notwithstanding. Madison wasn't the kind of girl to go wild, no matter how intriguing the thought might be.

  Of course this time it seemed those dirty thoughts were going just a little farther than usual. This time I was imagining my wife on one of those boats with some guy pulling her top off. I imagined her surrounded by guys who were all staring at her as though she was the most gorgeous woman in the world, which was true as far as I was conce
rned, and thinking about all the depraved things they wanted to do to her.

  No, correction. They were thinking about all the depraved things they were about to do to her.

  It was a ridiculous thought. Madison would never go for it, for one, and it's not like a gangbang out on the water was actually going to happen no matter what sort of stories I'd heard about this place. And yet I couldn't deny how undeniably hot it was thinking about just that sort of scenario happening with my beautiful wife. I looked down at her and smiled, and realized she was looking at me. Studying me, would be a more accurate description.

  I wondered if she was thinking similar thoughts. I wondered if she was thinking about me with one of her girlfriends from work. I know I was certainly thinking about it right along with thoughts of her with some random faceless guy out there on the water. I wondered if thoughts of me with one of her friends turned her on as much as I was getting turned on by the thought of her getting with another man.

  Again, it was a ridiculous thought that had absolutely no bearing on reality, but that didn't make it any less compelling.

  I figured if we were joking around then I might as well get the most out of it. "Sounds good. I'll go off and fuck one of your hot friends, and you can let some hot young college studs have their way with you."

  She cocked an eyebrow. "Is that what you want? To let some other man have his way with your wife as a price of admission to one of my friends?"

  "Actually I'd probably just let you get with another guy," I said. And I immediately regretted it. My mouth snapped shut and I looked down at her with a panic that made it clear I wasn't joking. She looked up at me, searched my eyes, and then giggled. When she giggled I let out a sigh of relief. She did take it as a joke.

  Good. I wasn't sure that was a fantasy I was ready to share with her, no matter how hot and bothered it got me!

  "Yeah, that would be totally crazy," I lied. I figured she'd see right through the lie. I figured it'd be blindingly obvious. Only Madison was looking at me with that same nervous smile. And she laughed.

  "Yeah, totally ridiculous…"

  I didn't quite believe it either. It seemed that neither of us believed the other, but at the same time I wasn't about to say anything. No, there wasn't a chance in hell I was going to risk revealing this fantasy and potentially blowing up our day. Especially when I only had so much time before I was going to have to get back to work later.

  And so I kept the boat lined up between the buoys and made my way into the cove, wondering what was waiting for us in there. Thinking that it was ridiculous to hope that anything close to what we'd just been talking about would actually happen.

  3: The Cove

  When I pulled the boat into the cove I was astonished at the number of people who were already there. Boats were tied together in long lines, and people were walking back and forth across them as though it was one giant party on the water. Music blasted out from these impromptu tied together flotillas, and people were laughing and splashing around and, most importantly, it seemed like just about everybody had a drink.

  I wondered how the local water cops kept up with all of it. I wondered how many poor sons-of-bitches out there were designated drivers. And, more than anything, I resolved to make sure to bring some other poor son-of-a-bitch along with us in the future who could be the designated driver so I could have some fun of my own out on the water.

  I wasn't sure where to even go. Could we just pull up to one of those impromptu flotillas? Could we just pull up alongside and tie ourselves to a boat? I just didn't know. Maybe those were groups of friends out there who were all having a good time together, and we wouldn't be welcome which would make things awkward.

  A horn blasted off to one side and I turned. I was surprised to see a smiling face that I recognized attached to a wildly waving arm.

  "Derek! You son-of-a-bitch! What are you doing out here?"

  I grinned. I was looking at none other than Matt. He was about five years older than me, and he was something of a rock star in the firm. Mostly because of how he'd risen through the ranks so quickly, and because he'd also managed to get mind bogglingly rich in that time. Yeah, everybody who came into the firm at the entry level looked to him as an example of where they wanted to be in a few years. Sure almost everybody ended up burning out and quitting or going for something a little easier after a couple of years, but I looked at him with envy.

  I was looking at him with envy right now, too. I knew he lived somewhere out here on the lake, but I'd never actually thought I'd run into him. Then again, I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find him in Cocktail Cove considering he was the source of some of the more lurid stories I'd heard since starting at the office.

  He had a huge boat. It looked entirely too large for this lake, but he had a house out here somewhere so I'm sure he just docked it when he wasn't using the thing. It definitely wasn't too impractical if he didn't have to worry about loading the thing up on a trailer all the time.

  "Matt!" I yelled, waving in turn.

  I angled the boat over towards his. He was part of one of those flotillas hanging out on the water. One of the larger ones. There were girls in bikinis on his boat as well. Not that I was particularly surprised at that. He was well known around the office as something of a ladies' man.

  Some of those stories about the fun to be had out here on the lake had also come from him, after all.

  "Well hello there," Madison said. "Who's your friend over there Derek?"

  I looked down to my wife and I was surprised to see her staring intently. Staring directly at Matt. I turned back to him and suddenly I was trying to look at him through her eyes. I was trying to see him in the way a woman seeing him for the first time might. To me he was just guy from the office, always wearing the best tailored suits and always with that cocky grin on his face as though he knew that he owned whatever room he was walking into. Only as I looked at my wife and I followed her gaze over to him I suddenly saw a little something of what women must see. At least the women in his stories.

  Matt was a pretty good looking guy. Broad shoulders, muscled chest, six pack abs, it was obvious he spent time working out. And why not? He had a fully equipped gym in his house, wherever the hell it was. I'd never been able to figure out the exact location. He also had tousled hair and blue eyes, in short he had model good looks and I could understand why a girl would look at him and be impressed.

  I was just a little surprised that the woman who was doing the looking and the being impressed was my wife. I looked down to Madison again and she was staring with her mouth open. It was obvious she was enthralled by the sight. Just as enthralled as I was by some of the hotties who were moving back and forth across Matt's boat.

  I wondered if they'd come with him or if they arrived on the other boats and just naturally gravitated over towards his. I'd imagine money and good looks had a way of drawing the hotties in.

  A killer combination that was apparently working on my wife. I felt my cock stirring again. I know it was crazy getting turned on by my wife watching another guy, but at the same time I couldn't deny the feeling. It felt good. It felt hot feeling her eyes on his. Watching her eyes on his body. I found myself thinking about some of the conquests he'd talked about. I found myself imagining that my wife was one of those conquests. I imagined him pulling her bikini to the side, viewing her treasures for the first time, guiding her down on his cock and pressing up inside her, making her just another one of the stories he'd inevitably tell around the office about a hot fuck out on the lake.

  I shook myself out of that reverie. She'd asked me a question, even if she was staring off into the distance as though she'd forgotten everything in the world but Matt.

  "I wouldn't say he's a friend," I said. I was pleased to see Madison snap out of her reverie as well. She looked up to me and her face colored just a bit. Yeah, she knew I'd caught her looking at him. Not that I was going to complain too much. Not when that was so fucking hot!

s one of the rock stars at the firm. Made a lot of money early on, and now he can do pretty much whatever the hell he wants. I'm not even sure why he still comes into work some days."

  I was pretty sure part of the reason he still came into work was that he enjoyed thumbing his nose at some of the older guys who ran the place. They didn't care for him, not exactly, seeing as how he represented the new wave. The old codgers who had their names on all of the stationery didn't particularly care for that considering their best years were at least a few decades behind them. That was another reason why he'd become something of a hero to the younger guys at the office. He was the only one who could get away with tweaking the old guard considering the amount of money he brought in for the place.

  "Really? Interesting…"

  "Thinking about our conversation before we came into the cove?"

  Madison jumped in a way that made it perfectly obvious that was exactly what she'd been thinking about. She looked up at me with wide eyes as though she suspected me of somehow reading her mind. I wagged my finger at her.

  "I thought that was just a joke?"

  "Shut up!" she said, giving me a playful smack on the shoulder. "Besides, don't think that I don't see the way you're staring at those hot young things running around on his boat!"

  I shrugged. "Guilty as charged!"

  Though to be perfectly honest I was far more interested in my wife staring at Matt than I was in staring at some of the hotties running around on his boat. I could look at sexy women in bikinis any day of the week when I hopped on the boat and went out on the water. Seeing my wife staring at a guy with that sort of intensity, though, well that wasn't something that happened every day. I still didn't think there was a chance of anything happening, she was my wife after all, but it was hot watching her watching him.

  I pulled up alongside and Matt tossed a couple of ropes over to me. "Tie it down," he said. "We can catch up!"

  As he tossed me a rope he also looked over to Madison. His eyes ran up and down her body, and it was pretty damn obvious what he was doing. It was also pretty damn obvious to Madison what he was doing, and she blushed under his scrutiny. I noticed she didn't look away though. No, she stood up straighter, her tits jutting out proudly under the thin white strips of material holding her bikini in place. I also saw that her nipples seemed to be straining out ever so slightly.


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