Tudor Redemption (Tudor Dynasty Book 4)

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Tudor Redemption (Tudor Dynasty Book 4) Page 8

by Jamie Salisbury

  “Explain it to him, Daddy.”

  “Let’s see. You know who Angus is—Destiny’s father. He’s a prankster, so beware. Amadeus, well he’s the real talent of the three of us. He’s done well. Married Zara a few years ago, and now, they’ve got two kids of their own. Plus Logan.” I took a hit off my beer. “In case the girls didn’t tell you, Logan’s a love child of Amadeus’s. Similar circumstances. He never knew about Logan until the boy’s mother died.”

  “Yeah and he’s hormonal as hell,” Courtney laughed.

  I gave her the eye.

  “Well, he is. A klutz.”

  “Your mother remarried?” Beth asked. “I would have never thought she’d marry anyone if anything happened to your dad. He was great.”

  “Yeah, he was. But she and Peter MacNichol hooked up and fell madly in love. I think them both having lost spouses brought them together. Peter was sort of Amadeus’s mentor. Long story, but Peter’s a great guy.”

  “You have two sisters too?” Ethan asked, sitting up, listening to everything I was telling him.

  “Yeah, my sister Mary lives in New York right now with her husband Daniel.”

  “Who’s a rockin’ violinist,” Britt added. “He and Aunt Mary went to Julliard together and met back up in London.”

  “Yeah, that’s right, and Mary’s quite a talented violinist and pianist herself. Anne, well, who knows what’s going on with her.”

  “So, it runs all through the family.”

  “Pretty much. Even Courtney isn’t immune.”


  “So, what are your plans, Ethan?”

  “That’s a loaded question. Write, record, tour. For now. My head’s exploding with ideas. Things I want to do, both now and in the future.”

  “Nothing wrong with pursuing your dreams. It’s the only way to make them happen. Isn’t that right, Court?” I glanced over at my daughter, who was reading a text. Rude. “Courtney? What have I told you about that?”

  “Um, sorry, Daddy. It’s Granny Grace.”

  I groaned as I heard Ethan and Beth snicker. Then Britt. “I guess word’s reached her, wherever she is.” I looked at Ethan. “Welcome to the Tudor family, where if you want anything kept secret, you never tell Angus. Or better yet, you don’t tell anyone!”

  “If you don’t call her now, I’m going to have to answer her.”

  I pulled my cell out of my pocket and scrolled through the messages and texts until I found her latest.

  “I’ll take care of her right now. Tell her. Then put your phone up.”

  I sat there for a second then decided on doing a group text with everyone in the family.

  This is all I’ll say on the matter for tonight. Yes, it does appear Ethan Maverick is my son, and Court, Britt, and I are with him and his mom, Beth Asher. Good night.

  I sent the message followed by a picture of Ethan and me Court had taken with my phone. Then, I put my cell back in my pocket and finished off my brew.

  Ethan passed me another one, a sly smile plastered on his face. “So, what should I expect?”

  “From the clan?” Britt snorted.

  “Granny Grace won’t say much. She likes to sit back and observe. But if she gets a burr in her panties, she’ll never leave you alone.”

  “Courtney!” I tried to reprimand my youngest, but burst out laughing at the thought.

  “It’s true. Uncle Angus will sit back too, but beware. When he’s quiet, he’s up to something.”

  “That’s for sure.” Britt giggled.

  “Amadeus is a brooder, and if anyone would think there is an ulterior motive, it’ll be him. He sees the dark side of stuff. With good reason. Zara will take you in like you’ve always been around. Same with Destiny’s mom, Ashley.” I sat back and swallowed my beer.

  “Yeah, he and Aunt Mary are twins, which makes for some interesting conversation, right Daddy?”

  “Oh yeah. He’s a moody one when it suits him. He can be a drama queen, that’s for sure. Mary, bless her, is pregnant.”

  “A lot going on,” Ethan muttered. “I imagine you’re not much different than most families.”

  “No, we’re just a little more dramatic, but we’re close knit and would go to the ends of the earth for each other.”

  “It’s just been Ethan and me for the past ten years,” Beth put in.

  “What about your brothers and sisters?” I asked her.

  “Well, after I did what I did, running off and taking Ethan out of Atlanta, my father pretty well brain-washed the rest of them. We talk, but we’re not close. Only a couple of them live in the area, and my parents still won’t speak to me.”

  “Yeah, I’m the devil’s spawn, according to my granddaddy Asher,” Ethan quipped.

  “His loss,” I replied, gazing back at Beth. No, no, can’t be doing that. She’s making me crazy.

  Beth excused herself and went back into the house. I didn’t know if I’d said something wrong or not. Ethan didn’t act like I had, so I let it slide off my back.

  “You’ve got three song’s you’ve written on the charts? That’s amazing,” he finally said.

  “Yeah, it shocked me at first.”

  “Daddy’s wanting to get started on a new solo album, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I am. It’s a matter of getting everyone together, and I need to get a couple more songs for it. I’ve got some definite ideas for how I want to do it.”

  “You could get started, you know. In this day and age, you can do a lot of the work online.”

  “No, call me old school, but I want to be in the studio. I also want to record it old school. On two-inch tape. That’s where Amadeus and I are having our differences, since I’ve been talking to him about producing it for me.”

  “Why not produce it yourself?” Beth said as she walked out carrying a tray of appetizers and some paper plates. “You were going to produce Alana.”

  “Doing myself might be a bit harder. You know I’m a perfectionist. The album might never get out.” I snorted.

  And so the evening progressed.

  That is, until Courtney happened to look out at the boat and noticed a small powerboat passing slowly. Too slowly. It was about dusk.

  “Holy crap! That prick is taking pictures,” Court exclaimed. She started to get up to walk down to the dock and confront the intruders, but Ethan grabbed her arm.

  “Don’t, Court. That’s what they want you to do. In this light, they’ll be lucky to get anything good.”

  “Have you had this problem before?” I inquired.

  “No, but then Ethan’s not home a lot, and when he is, he’s low key,” Beth replied.

  “They know it’s private property, and it’s posted. They won’t come any closer,” Ethan added, turning his back to the water.

  “We’ll go inside to eat in a few minutes anyway,” Beth said. “I’ll finish getting things ready.”

  “I’ll come help you,” Britt interjected. “If you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. Come on.”

  The two of them left. I was glad to see the girls trying to take things in stride.

  Awhile later, we were all enjoying Beth’s delicious dinner of fresh, local salmon. Everyone was chattering about various things. I sat back and took it all in. It did my heart good to see my daughters at ease with Beth. Ethan too, but that went without saying. They were still somewhat star-struck when it came to him.

  “Have you heard of a club called The Register?” Ethan suddenly asked.

  “Yes, though I must admit I’ve never been. Isn’t it the one where a lot of local talent gets discovered?”

  “That’s the one.”

  “What about it?” I countered.

  “They’ve asked Ethan to come perform,” Beth replied.

  “You’ve already been discovered, Ethan.”

  “True, but I try to perform there once or twice a year. It’s where I was discovered by my label. I like doing it. I’m giving something back to the musicians out there
still working their asses off in the hopes of being the next new star.”

  “That’s very commendable. Isn’t it hard, security-wise, for the club to handle?”

  “No, they prepare for it. And the date isn’t made public. I show up and play.”

  “Probably the best way to handle it,” I replied. “So, when are you going to do your next surprise performance?”

  “Next Thursday night. Would you and the girls be interested in attending?”

  I heard the two of them squeal in excitement. “Girls? I take that as a yes?” I teased. I caught Beth taking it all in out of the corner of my eye. She was smiling.

  “Yes, Daddy!” Court squealed.

  “I don’t know. I don’t think I’ve seen either of you that excited when I or my brothers do a gig around here. I probably need to think about it.”

  “Daddy, we’re used to seeing you and your brothers play. This is different,” Britt chimed in.

  “Sure, why not? I need to start making the rounds anyway. This would be a good way to do it.”

  “Great. I’ll have Mom get all the details and tickets to you this week.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “I’ll make sure there are some extra tickets too. In case there’s someone else you want to invite.”

  “Thanks, Ethan. I look forward to it. Are you going to attend, Beth?”

  “Yes, I was planning on it.”

  “What do you two do? Grab a hotel room or make the long drive back?”

  “Usually grab a hotel room,” Beth replied.

  Hell, what was I thinking? I needed to slow down. But that’s not what I wanted, was it? “Well, why don’t we talk about it next week? We can work out the details.”

  Finally, the girls and I headed down to the boat. Though Beth had offered for us to sleep up in her house, I wasn’t so sure that was the right idea yet.


  Beth called Tuesday, saying she was on her way over. Something about an appointment. We agreed to meet up for lunch. She’d give me the tickets then. This would be the first time we’d been alone for any length of time since all this had happened. I was excited to have some one-on-one time with her, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. I hadn’t been able to concentrate on much of anything.

  I caught up with her at a small restaurant not far from my condo. She was standing outside waiting on me. Amazing, she looked fucking amazing. She was dressed in khaki pants with a light blue blouse. A darker blue sweater was secured around her shoulders.

  “Am I late?” I asked as I approached her.

  “No, I got here a few minutes ago.”

  “Shall we?” I opened the door for her.

  She nodded, the corners of her mouth curled up in a smile. As she passed in front of me, I caught her perfume. Something light and citrusy. Intriguing, just like the woman who wore it.

  Once we were seated and our order taken, I blew out a breath. “How’s your week been going?” I inquired, feeling like a teenager on his first date. Was that what this was? A date?

  “Interesting,” came her reply.

  “How’s that?”

  “You do know this revelation of Ethan being your son has people curious, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I suppose. Though it’s no one’s business.”

  “True, but that’s not the way the media and such see it.”

  “To hell with them. Why? Is there something I should know?”

  “Only that Ethan’s getting besieged with requests for interviews or appearances on television talk shows. You haven’t had that?”

  “If it’s something important, Zara would let me know. She’s been helping me out, handling that stuff. Just until I can get someone in place. You know, my ‘all under one roof, one stop shopping’?”

  She giggled. “I take it you don’t give interviews?”

  “I do. I’m picky about them. I told her I saw no reason to waste my breath giving an interview about my relationship with Ethan. It’s nobody’s business.” The look on her face changed for a moment. I wondered if I’d been too crass. “If the subject matter were about, say, Ethan and me collaborating together on a project or something, I wouldn’t hesitate. Provided it was the right venue.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “Look, Beth, he’s my son. This is all new to all of us. I simply believe there are some things best kept private. You know how relentless they can be. When the time’s right...”

  “I completely agree. Answer this for me then. How are you going to stay anonymous at the club?”

  “Don’t know. The girls and I are simply going there to see Ethan perform. In fact, you just gave me an idea on how I might be able to have a more enjoyable evening. If I’m seen.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Hire a fella that was mine and Amadeus’s road manager. He’s great when it comes to security.”

  “That might not be a bad idea.”

  “I’ll give him a call later. You do know that people will be there to see Ethan, so it may be easier than you think.”


  “Would you like to sit with us?” I asked. “Or do you have to do manager stuff?”

  “I’d love to sit with you and the girls. Ethan’s had a table reserved. It’s out of the way, but you can still get a great view of the stage.”


  “In fact, I have some extra tickets for you. I didn’t know if your brother’s daughter might want to attend or not.”

  “Destiny will be ecstatic. Angus said that’s all she’s talked about since we all met on Bainbridge.” I chuckled. “I suppose we need to have a family cookout and introduce the two of you to the Tudor mob. Before Ethan goes back on the road.”

  “Oh dear. Your mother included?”

  “I wouldn’t count so much on her right now. My sister is on bed confinement until they decide to take the baby’s or she goes into labor. Mother’s staying with them to help out.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it might have sounded.”

  “Don’t be. My mother can be a force to be reckoned with sometimes. You’ll be fine when that time comes.”

  The waiter came with our meal, and we slipped into a comfortable silence until he left.

  “You don’t have to include me in all this, Dame.”

  “What do you mean? Of course, I do. I want to.” I winked at her and began eating.

  Beth said nothing, but her face said it all. She was blushing. I tried to watch her without staring as she settled in to eat.

  Chapter Eleven

  I was a hot mess the night of Ethan’s club gig. Not about going to the club to see my son play for the first time. That still sounded weird. Son. Beth was the reason for my meltdown. My emotions were on overload. I wasn’t the only one. Court and Britt were literally freaking out over what to wear and other girl stuff.

  “Come on, girls. Hurry it up.”

  “We’re hurrying,” Britt yelled.

  Someone knocked at the front door. Opening it, I was relieved to see Angus and Destiny. They walked into the entry.

  “Come on. Red’s driving. He says we’re going in through the back entrance. Less conspicuous, as there are press lined up out front.”

  “What? He doesn’t think they won’t be lurking out back?”

  “You haven’t seen this club’s star entrance, have you?” Brat. He had to chuckle like he held the secret of the universe. “You enter and leave through a private portico. The car enters and doors come down in the front and back of the vehicle. Guests exit, not seen by the press. Oh, and did I mention, there’s an ultra-private parking area?”

  “Well, aren’t you a fountain of knowledge? Who told you this? Red?”


  “I feel better then.”

  “I thought you might,” he replied. “Come on, girls. This train’s leaving now.”

  The girls came hurriedly down the hall. It was a good thing Angus was there, or I might have made a sc
ene. They were dressed, well, they were dressed for a club. I could envision all sorts of things I shouldn’t.

  “Dude, chill out, would you?” Court said to Angus as she slapped him on his arm. “The world isn’t going to end if we’re a minute late.”

  “Don’t ‘dude’ me. If it wasn’t for you three, we’d be on our way.”

  “Come on, enough with this. Let’s go,” I muttered, wondering what I’d gotten myself into going with this lot of crazies.

  True to form, Red had scoped the place out beforehand. The VIP entrance was as he said, and impressive. Red had been a road manager for me until I’d gotten ill. Amadeus had hired him before an interloper stole him away from us. These days, with us off the road, he was doing just this—providing security detail to people like us. It was good to see a familiar face.

  Red led us through the back of the house and into the club. The place was already packed, leading me to believe word had leaked out about Ethan performing this evening. Our table was in what they referred to as a VIP reserved area. It definitely had its advantages. The view of the stage was spectacular, and free of the crowd that would be standing to get a better view of the evening’s headliner.

  As everyone settled in and ordered their drinks, I craned my neck, searching for Beth. My actions were obvious, because the four of them started giggling. Even Angus.

  “Dude, you have it bad. She’s probably in the back with Ethan.” Angus snickered.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. She said she’d meet us here, so I was looking for her.”

  “Tell that to someone else, Dame.”

  “I see her. Red’s bringing her now.” Britt giggled.

  “Behave yourself,” I hissed at my kid brother. Brat and trouble maker.

  “Always.” He snickered.

  “Sorry,” Beth said as she joined us. “This place is mad. You wouldn’t believe the record execs here wanting Ethan’s attention.”

  “I didn’t know he was shopping for a new label,” I replied.

  “He isn’t. This last CD is his last with the one he’s with. So everyone assumes he’s a free agent.” She leaned next to me and whispered, “Something he wants to discuss with you.” I caught that sweet scent she wore. It did mad things to me. I noted out of the corner of my eye that everyone was watching us. Let ‘em. Angus especially.


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