Fire Born

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Fire Born Page 3

by Rayanne Haines

  “I'm fast, dear, very fast. It helps to have the wind at my back.” She placed the blankets on the table and sat down again. “Now, I'm sorry to have done that, but as I said we don't have a lot of time to play around with this. I've called your guardian and he should be here soon. You need to be prepared. I've never met the man but I hear he isn't very patient.”

  Exhausted, Alex followed her Aunt’s lead and sat. Her head fell into her hands and she mumbled into her palms, “Now I have a guardian? Maybe I’m losing my mind.”

  “Stop being melodramatic. You aren’t losing your mind. This isn’t easy to explain, but I want you to know that I never knew. Not until years later. Not until my mother died. I hate having to tell you now. I hate that this is happening to you. But there is so little time. I need you to listen and trust your instincts.” Ashen faced, Quinn continued. “Your mother disappeared a lot. She was a fighter, a warrior, a golden goddess to our people. We knew she was in love with someone. She’d make comments here and there, but never revealed who it was.”

  Teary eyed, Quinn took another sip of her tea before continuing. “There are four elders of our race, one for each of the elements in the world——fire, water, earth, and wind. They make the rules we all live by. They agreed to mate your mother to a dragon. The elders thought it was a way to solidify relationships with the dragons.”

  “A dragon?” Alex studied her aunts face, tried to find something real in her gaze. “Maybe you’re losing your mind, not me.”

  “Shut up and let me finish. When your mother found out, she fled. I remember hearing her screaming at our parents that she already had a husband.” She sighed deeply. “The rest is brutal. The dragon found her and her lover. He killed them and locked himself behind his walls before we could seek revenge.” Quinn checked her watch before saying, “That’s the official story. That is what I always knew. Would you like to hear the true story—the confession your grandmother made to me with her last breath?”

  Morbidly fascinated, Alex nodded.

  “Your mother did not die right away. The dragon’s son found out what happened and interrupted his father’s savagery. Unfortunately, he was too late to save Gray’s husband. But this friend to our family, this son, realized Gray was pregnant. He brought her back to die in her mother’s arms, rather than on a cold rock. Your grandmother—Kaylen—delivered the child.” She smiled faintly at Alex. “Kaylen gave that child to the son to hide. That child was you, my darling.”

  Alex swallowed the tears at the back of her throat. “But why kill my mother? What purpose would that serve?”

  “Our family is very, very powerful, sweetheart, and we have been viewed as a threat by other families for many years. Mother had suspicions about why Gray was offered to the older dragon in the first place. She believed there were elders among us that wanted to prevent her from bearing a child.”

  “So, who am I? Who is my father?”

  “I'm sorry, darling, Gray carried that secret to the grave.” Quinn’s voice quivered. “The moment you were born, Mother knew she had to hide you in plain sight, until she could discover who your father was and who orchestrated your mother’s murder. So, she took you to someone who could make you disappear. She took you to the son who saved you—the Dragon King. He brought you to your adoptive family. Made sure you’d remain hidden to all but him.

  Alex’s tea waited, cold and forgotten. The scent of apples ignored. Surprisingly, though, with everything that had been going on, she began to believe her aunt. Now what did that say about her?

  “When you say Dragon King, I assume that's an honorary title, right?”

  “Oh, sweetie. You should feel very, very lucky right now that it isn't. Collum Thronus, King of the Dragons and Guardian of the Races, may be the only one strong enough to protect you now that your transition has begun and the barriers protecting you from detection, have fallen.”

  Quinn ended the conversation. “Now, as I said, there is very little time, and I expect he will be here any minute. I'm going to pack a bag for you. You drink your tea. Maybe make some toast too. I'll be back in a minute.”

  As her aunt walked out of the room, Alex tried to steady her heartbeat. She was left with a ton of new questions, and a cup of cold tea. The toaster mocked her from across the room until she stood up and grabbed the loaf of bread off the island.

  A knock sounded at her door, but before she could answer it some guy barged in. An exceptionally large guy.

  Alex’s mouth hit the floor, the loaf of bread dropping from her limp fingers.

  He wore tight-fitting black cargos and a gray T-shirt that showed off muscled arms covered in intricate tattoos. His hair was tousled, and he had three days’ worth of stubble on his handsome face.

  The look in his eyes promised the kind of sin angels dreamed of.

  Her nipples tightened. He smelled like dirt and muscles and rough sex. She inhaled deeply. Had the urge to jump up on the kitchen counter, spread her legs, and beg him to take her.

  Chapter 4

  Collum could smell her . . . He walked into the room completely unprepared. This was only a mission. Talk to the girl to find out how far along she was in her transition, make her see reason and then get her out. Except, she was more than he’d prepared for. She wore a shabby yellow housecoat and slippers someone’s dog had obviously chewed the shit out of. A knot of fire red hair framed her freckled face. She had a dazed look on her face. She was an utter mess. She looked like sunshine and courage and rebellion.

  He’d begun walking toward her when her scent stopped him in his tracks. Instinct and arousal warred with duty. If he couldn't taste her, he didn't know what the past two thousand years were for. He stalked closer, silently challenging her to turn away. When she stood her ground, the dragon inside him roared. He snarled. She swallowed. Then blushed. That blush pissed him off. Or maybe it was the way his hands kept clenching, reaching for her. He didn't have time for this right now. He didn't want her—couldn't want her.

  He stepped forward, crossed his arms across his chest, glanced at the kitchen clock.

  A female muttering in the distance alerted him to the fact they weren’t alone.

  "You’re the granddaughter?” he asked sharply.

  “I'm Alex,” she said and licked plump cherry lips.

  “Where is your aunt?”

  “Why don't you tell me who you are and what you want?”

  Collum almost laughed. Fuck she was sexy.

  “I'm here to save your life,” he replied before leaning down to meet her eyes. “Unless you wanted something else.” His large hands rested on the counter table and brushed against hers.

  “Yeah, well. That doesn’t answer my question does it. I’m not really in the mood to go fishing so maybe you could try and be a bit more forthcoming.”

  His lips curled. “I’m your guardian.”

  “And does my guardian have a name?”

  “We don’t have time for useless questions, little girl.”

  “You know, Quinn tells me we don’t have time either, but I’m inclined to disagree. Name?” she prompted.

  Grudging respect mixed with arousal as he replied, “Collum.”

  “Collum.” She held out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  A magnetic current thrummed through his body as their fingers touched. Heat pooled in his gut. Flames, a mirror image of his own, danced in her violet colored eyes. Fire exploded inside him. He blew a stream of smoke at her mouth to watch it tickle her lips.

  Collum picked her up and held her against his body. Inhaling deeply, he growled, “You smell like mine.”

  Chapter 5

  Alex refused to break eye contact. Something inside clawed at her flesh—reaching for the man in front of her. Desire crawled through her chest as he pressed his face to her neck. She gripped his shoulder
s as he placed her on the kitchen counter, and stepped between her thighs. The whole time he kept breathing in like he was trying to absorb her. His hands were brands on her skin. One palm stroked her back, the other found its way into her hair.

  She pressed her body against his, trying to take on his heat. Her breasts crushed against his chest, and she whimpered in the back of her throat. Things like this didn't happen to her. She usually dated journalists with very un-dragon like qualities or weekend mountain men with annoyingly trendy facial hair. She did not get ravished by drop dead, slam-dunk, gorgeous alpha males, in her aunt’s kitchen.

  After this morning’s revelations, she was ready for a bit of sinning. She nipped at his neck. His grip tightened as he growled low and deep. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Alex realized she was ready to have sex with a stranger on her aunt’s kitchen counter, with said aunt in the other room, perhaps even on her way back to this room. Awareness crashed in with a resounding thud.

  He stepped back and shoved his hands through his hair in jerky movements before drawing a ragged breath. “I’m sorry. That shouldn't have happened. You’re at a critical point in your transition, and that makes your heat difficult to ignore . . . It will likely get worse as it grows.” His jaw clenched. “I should have been more prepared.”

  Alex blinked, her mind jumped from one thought to the next.

  “Did your aunt tell you what’s happening?”

  “What?” She shook her head. “What the hell? Aunt Quinn,” she yelled, jumping off the counter to back away. Pulling her housecoat tighter around her neck, she snapped, “Are you kidding me? You can't do that. And I’m not sending out heat, asshole.”

  He held up his palms in surrender. “I said I'm sorry. We don't have time for this. There are people who will hurt you if they know you’re still alive. I need to get you somewhere safe.”

  A panic attack pushed at the edge of her temple. Confused and turned on, she needed a goddamn coffee. She refused to give control of the situation to him. “So, you're some kind of dragon thing? And I'm supposed to go away with you?”

  Collum sighed and gritted his teeth. “Yes, something like that. Your enemies will make a move soon. As soon as they find out you live, they'll come after you, and me for my part in it. We hoped your element wouldn’t surface.”

  “I'm expected to believe everything Aunt Quinn said was real. Just like that?”

  “Yep.” He blew more smoke at her mouth, his gaze intense. “Just like that.”

  She stumbled back. “Wait, do you know who my father was?”

  “I don’t. But now that you’re transitioning, we need to find out before the elders do. They tend to dislike things more powerful than them. And if I’ve guessed right, you kid, are about to be far more powerful.”

  He pulled at a stray thread on her housecoat, right above an old coffee stain.

  “You need to put some clothes on.” Collum reached for her hand. “We have to go now.”

  Alex yanked her hand back. She knew if she let him touch her they'd be on the floor. She didn't know if she trusted him, but she'd learned over time to trust herself. Aunt Quinn hadn't told her enough, but it was enough to know she wanted to find out more. Now she had to figure out why her parents were killed.

  If sex dragon guy could keep her alive long enough to do that, then she'd go with him. She took a steadying breath. She didn’t usually feel small around men, but this giant dwarfed her. Instead of being frightened, she wished he’d lean down and cover her mouth with his.

  He grinned like he knew what she was thinking, took her hand in his larger one, and rested his other on her hip.

  Alex almost purred with the echo of his heat. She reached to touch the smoke pouring out the strands of his hair. Quinn walked in before she had a chance.

  “Honey I have . . . oh.”

  Alex wished she could sink into the blue wall paper, but Collum simply raised his head and took one step back.

  He gave his head a slight nod. “Quinn, I presume.”

  She responded the same. “Dragon King.”

  “You have her things ready to go?”

  All business, she handed the bag to him. “Everything is here; passport, extra clothing, all her necessities.”

  “Good. We won't have time to stop. I won't make contact again for a few days, but I assure you I’ll let nothing happen to her. I promised Kaylen, and I never break a vow.”

  Alex interrupted them. “Um, hello. I'm right here you know. How about you both talk to me, instead of over me? Besides, I haven't agreed to go anywhere yet.”

  Collum stiffened, and glared at her.

  She stomped her foot. “I’m not a child. I’ll make my own decisions, thank you very much.”

  He snorted and turned back to Quinn. “Say your goodbyes. I'll be in the car.”

  He strolled out of the kitchen like it was any other day of the week—not like her life had been ripped to pieces.

  Quinn dropped the bags at her feet and rushed toward her. “I told you he was impatient. You really have no choice, my darling. I swear on my life that we’re telling you the truth. This must happen. You’ll be safe—he can control your fire.”

  Quinn handed her a yellow tank top and a pair of sweats. “Now put these on. You can't run for freedom in a Hudson's Bay housecoat. It's undignified.”

  “But I haven’t said yes yet. It’s—”

  “No, Alex, stop.” Quinn hugged her. “I love you with all my heart. But you have no say in this. You must go now.”

  Alex held on to her aunt as tight as she could for a final minute, then stepped away. “I love you too, Quinn.”

  Five minutes later they walked out to Collum's vehicle. After a final kiss to her aunt, Alex climbed in the vehicle and looked at her would be saviour. “Okay, Dragon Boy. Let's go find out who Daddy is.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Alex stretched out in the car beside Collum. All her limbs pulsed with electricity. She was running into the unknown with a stranger. A very rich stranger if the car had anything to say about it—although that wasn't saying much. I mean, who drives a Hummer anymore? Especially in the environmental haven of Victoria BC. If they weren't careful, they'd get lynched by the green-movement mob before they made it to the ferry to get off the island. He was losing a few cool factor points driving this thing.

  She gave him her most formidable look of disapproval, to which he smirked and replied, “You wanna die, you drive a Prius. You wanna live, you drive a Hummer, baby.”

  Alex knew she had to run and she knew it had to be with this man, but he pissed her off. She turned to look out the window, intent on ignoring him. It would be a lot easier if she weren’t picturing herself jumping him. She prayed he booked separate rooms at whatever hotel they found for the night. “So, you are a king in your world, right?”

  He shrugged. “I suppose so. A few of my kind listen to me.”

  “So why risk it? I mean, I don't understand why you would risk your future, your life, for me?”

  “Your grandmother was my friend. She was one of the very few friends I’ve had in my long life. Hell, I even had a thing for her for a brief amount of time until she let me down easy. She became my family, both her and your grandfather.”

  “My grandfather? I had a grandfather?”

  “You still have a grandfather. Only you don't want to meet him. Domhall changed over the years. Too many wars, too much death. He isn't the same. He’s an elder, Alex. Your grandmother tried to save him, but in the end, nothing was enough.”

  She ignored the scenery flying by them. “Why does he need to be saved?”

  “Watching your mother die messed him up. She was always his favorite and her death did a number on him. Immortals the world over think he's as close to turning dark as any being can get without going over to the othe
r side. All of the council recognizes it.”

  His voice quieted. “After everything happened, your grandmother wanted to take him away, remove him from the council, so she could try and bring him back to the light, but they wouldn't let her. The fucking elders liked him where he was—half mad. It didn't do them any good—he disappeared for ten years after Gray died. These days he's mostly a rambling idiot. But don't let it fool you. He's still more powerful than any of the other elders, probably than any Elemental alive or dead.”

  Alex stared out the window. “I never knew my grandmother, and she died not knowing what happened to me.”

  “Don’t think of it that way. You lived. That's all that mattered to her. She gave you a chance. It’s more than the goddamned council would’ve ever done.”

  “Who are the council?”

  “They are the four elders and other statesmen for the Elementals. It’s like the human parliament.”

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “My place in England for now, until we can regroup and find a way to locate your father’s family. I’ve heard of a witch that might be able to help.”

  Alex closed her eyes. She couldn't take much more. It seemed every time she asked a question, more shit landed in her lap. She just wanted to sleep, and they were almost at the ferry. Once they were on the mainland, things would get riskier. She had to take the time now.

  ~ ~ ~

  Alex woke up to Collum’s thumb delicately rubbing along the edge of her thumb. Their eyes met. Her tongue darted out from between her lips. When she sensed him about to pull away she tugged his head down to taste his tongue.

  The moment his mouth touched hers, desire ignited in Alex's stomach and she clenched her fingers in his hair. She needed to hold on to something. Something that would keep her from drowning. His tongue was making her whimper again. She tried crawling over the seats. Surely the pressure in her gut would ease if she could lie on top of him. Her skin ached everywhere. Her hands were on fire. Alex ignored the ache, struggled to help him undo her shirt buttons.


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