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Soldier Page 5

by AKM Miles

  Soldier told Jason what he felt he could without causing a problem for Dillon and the boys. He would tell both James and Jason more as he was able to and they got farther along with their plans. He left Jason’s office with forms and checks and more details to think about. Soldier walked with a new spring in his step. Supper that night tasted better than food had in a long time.

  His suite at one of the bigger hotels was big and comfortable, but he noticed none of it as he returned. He sat in a large chair in front of the window and watched the sky as he thought about his plans for the next day. The desire to see Dillon again was strong, but Soldier had things he had to do first.

  He spent the next day shopping. His marathon made a lot of people very happy. Money was no object as Soldier bought clothes, two cell phones, opened an account at a large grocery chain, with both his and Dillon’s names on it, and another at the Costco store near their side of town. He ended the day by purchasing a brand new silver Hummer. Why such a big conspicuous vehicle for someone who was used to being just the opposite? Soldier figured he needed something that big for all the things he was planning and he was breaking out of his shell and jumping into life with both feet, and a big, shiny, showy but functional piece of transportation.

  This was all a little drastic. It was a complete turnaround in his life. People may think he was crazy. But for the first time in years, he felt happy, honest to God, happy. Soldier felt like he was doing something good. He was excited about his plans and hoped he wasn’t being too presumptuous. Having done all this on his own, if he found that Dillon hated the idea and wouldn’t go with it, he’d find another way to use his plans.

  Soldier was anxious to tell Dillon about the things he and his team had been arranging for the future and safety of the house. Making sure that the boys would be able to stay there and be free from any kind of danger was important to him. Soldier could tell how much Dillon worried about it and he hoped that Dillon would accept his help and let him be part of it all.

  Soldier had high hopes He shook his head as the thought passed through. Hope. Something he hadn’t had for a long time.

  There was no doubt in his mind that it was spending the night holding that beautiful little boy, so sweet and so needy, that had tipped him over from living alone on the fringe of life to jumping in and wanting to take it on. Well, that, and holding sexy Dillon in his other arm all night.

  Soldier drove his Hummer to the grocery and filled two carts. Going through the aisles like a madman, he bought fried chicken, pancake mixes (reading the back to make sure he had everything needed to fix them in the cart), milk, juices, and coffee. He bought several boxes of cereal, being sure to get the honey kind of Cheerios for Gom.

  In the first aid aisle, he bought bandages, antibiotic ointment, sunscreen, and rubbing alcohol. Then it was on to the paper aisle. Soldier got paper plates, towels, plastic cups, toilet paper, and then hit the next aisle, where he purchased little individual toothpastes and brushes and shampoos and soaps.

  He got some strange looks as he tried to wrangle the carts to the checkout counter. He’d grown used to the other looks, the ones that stared and then dropped from his scars. It just didn’t matter anymore. He grinned as he rolled all of the goods out to the Hummer.

  After driving to the house, Soldier pulled into the overgrown driveway. Knowing he was being watched as he got out, he didn’t even try to go to the front door. Locking the Hummer, he headed for the back door.

  Soldier knew he looked vastly different, standing here in khaki pants and light blue dress shirt, and if Dillon wasn’t there, he doubted if he’d be let in. He knocked, and after waiting a few minutes, he quietly said, “Gom? Are you in there? Dillon? This is Soldier. Will you let me in? I know I look different, but I promise you there’ll be no problems...” Before he could get the rest out, the door flew open and he was attacked. Good thing he hadn’t brought anything with him. He caught Gom as the little boy launched himself into Soldier's arms and Soldier had a ready laugh for him.

  “Soldier! I can’t believe yer here! Dillon said we had to let you go if you wanted to, but I hoped so hard every day.” Gom cupped Soldier’s face to make sure he was paying close attention to his words. “Are you gonna come in? Please, don’t leave this time, okay?”

  Soldier saw Dillon standing behind the door, looking at him. Dillon’s face was a little more reserved, a little wary. He was quiet, his eyes half closed, as if not wanting his feeling to be clearly shown. Soldier knew he was responsible for the frown and the sad look.

  “Hey, Dillon.”

  “Soldier. You, uh... look different. I’m not sure what to think.”

  Soldier watched Dillon’s rapid pulse in his throat above the faded blue T-shirt he was wearing. He wondered if it was fear, anger, or excitement. The fleeting picture of his lips on that very spot, touching that mesmerizing beat made Soldier wince. If he only would get the chance.

  “I’ll explain everything in a few minutes. Will you let me pull my vehicle around back here and unload some stuff? I... uh... kind of went shopping today and got some things for the boys.” Soldier was excited about giving them the needed items. He hoped Dillon let him follow through on his plans.

  “Gom, will you help the others unpack all the sacks while Dillon and I go talk out back again? We need to get some things ironed out. You have to be responsible, though. There’s a lot of stuff and it’s all for you all, but you’re not to get into anything 'til we come back in. Deal?” Soldier asked, continuing Dillon’s plan of making Gom feel a sense of worth and strength.

  “Sure, Soldier. I’ll help you. Okay, Dill?” Gom looked to Dillon for permission to do as Soldier asked. “I won’t let them get into anything 'til you say it’s all right. Hey, Soldier?” Gom looked up into Soldier’s face and then leaned to his ear and whispered to him. “I’m so glad you came back. I missed you. I think Dill did, too. He was real quiet.”

  Soldier held him tight and whispered, “I’m back, buddy. We’ll see if he lets me stay.”


  Gom giggled and Dillon was surprised at the sound coming from the boy. He had to smile at that. Gom jumped down and came to take Dillon’s hand and pulled him out the door to Soldier.

  “Come on, Dill, tell him it’s okay to stay. He came back, Dill, he came back. He said he would, and he did.” Obviously, Gom wasn’t used to people keeping promises.

  “Okay, bud. Stay in here. I’ll go with Soldier and we’ll move that big thing he’s driving and see what all he’s been up to. We’ll see you in a minute.”

  Dillon walked out onto the tiny step and Gom closed the door behind him. Now he was standing beside Soldier and he didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know this well-dressed man. Dillon didn’t know what to think about him.

  Dillon had gone on as usual, making the rounds for food and other necessary items for the group in the big old house, checking in with Daniel, and feeling silly for missing someone he barely knew.

  “Hey.” Soldier touched his hand, briefly, uncertainly.

  “Hey yourself. Are you the same Soldier who left here a few days ago?”

  Soldier looked right at Dillon as he said, “The same in some ways, very different in others. But I’m still very much interested in you and your boys and your life here. You asked if I’d throw my lot in with you. You asked that without knowing anything about me. That was very... kind, sweet... brave of you. Now, well I’m going to ask you to be brave again.”

  “Uh, I guess so. What have you gone and done?”

  Soldier reached out and touched Dillon’s hand again. “Come on, let’s go get the... thing I bought. A Hummer. Looks like what I went around in over there. Weird. Should be good for what I want it for, though.”

  They walked around and Soldier opened the doors and they both climbed in. Before Dillon could look in the back and see all that Soldier had bought, Soldier turned in his seat to face Dillon.

  “Are you upset that I came back?”

  “Upset, no. I
... you just seem so different now. I don’t know you like this. I’m not sure what to think,” Dillon admitted.

  “Will you let me talk to you... in the back like I said? We’ll take all this in for the boys and they can get it unloaded and then you’ll be able to decide where we’re going. I’ll leave it all in your hands. This is your operation, after all. But I promise you no harm will come to you or your boys because of me... or what I hope to do. Will you trust me?”

  “I trusted you enough to sleep in your arms after knowing you a few hours. I should trust you enough to listen to you.” Dillon turned and gasped when he saw that the back of the huge Hummer was filled with bags of stuff.

  “What in the world have you done?”

  “Dillon, I had fun. For the first time in years, I actually had fun. I shopped and thought about someone, or several someones, besides myself. It was great, therapeutic even. I’ll tell you all of it, I promise. Let’s get this done, okay?”

  They drove around behind the house and Soldier parked close to the back door. It opened a crack and Dillon nodded to Gom. He came out, his eyes nearly popping out of his head when he saw the big Hummer.

  “Wow. What is that? It’s so big.”

  “It’s a Hummer. Maybe I’ll give you a ride in it sometime. Would you like that?”

  Dillon watched as Soldier waited for Gom’s answer.

  “You mean leave here?” Gom clearly couldn’t imagine being brave enough.

  “Yeah, maybe.” Soldier smiled and said, “Help us, okay? You hold the door and we’ll get all this inside. You put the stuff in the fridge that needs to stay cold and we’ll be inside in a few minutes. I need to talk to Dillon for a little bit, then we’ll let you all dive in. Okay?” Soldier smiled at the boy to enlist his help and support.

  They got the job done and the door was closed. The two men stepped behind the Hummer and headed for the back of the yard. The Hummer made a sort of blind. Dillon doubted they could be seen from the back of the house.

  They sat down on the log and Dillon waited. Soldier seemed reluctant to start now that the time was here.


  What if Dillon didn’t want Soldier involved? He’d been head of this household for a while now and he might not want interference. Now that the moment was at hand, Soldier was feeling a little uncertain.


  “There’s so much to tell you. I guess I’d feel better if I knew you were glad to see me. Did I dream all that the other night?”

  “No. You didn’t dream it. We slept out here.” Dillon smiled now, hesitantly. “We kissed. It was great. Gom fell in love. He missed you like crazy.”

  “What about you?”

  “I missed you more.” A giant gust of a sigh came from beside him and Dillon turned to look Soldier in the eyes." I thought you weren’t coming back.” Dillon was obviously trying not to make it sound like an accusation. “I thought something had happened to you. I didn’t know how to check. It wasn’t a good few days for me. Then I’d get mad that I was missing you so much when we barely knew each other.” Dillon still sounded a little put out, admitting he had missed Soldier so much.

  “Whew. Okay. At least we’re still on the same page. Do you want a kiss as bad as I do? Then I promise I’ll give you a fast but thorough version of what’s going on.” Soldier tried not to sound like the beggar he felt he was.

  They were in each other’s arms in seconds and both moaned as their mouths met. Soldier brought Dillon over onto his lap and their groins met in a most satisfying way. Soldier attacked and plundered Dillon’s mouth like he was the whole starving Army. He licked, he flicked, and he thrust. He couldn’t get enough. He went deeper and harder and was afraid he was going to bruise Dillon’s lips, but he couldn’t seem to stop. He pulled back and said, roughly, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to hurt you...”

  “Shut up. More.” Dillon attacked right back. Well, well, feisty little man. He took just as strong a kiss as Soldier had gotten. He moved his hips against Soldier’s and moved his tongue in the same way. He seemed just as hungry. He licked and sucked and tasted and then started over.

  “I was so afraid you’d disappeared from my life. I was so interested and so excited. Then I worried that you were hurt or something. Then I was just resigned to you being gone from my life. It wasn’t a good time for me.” Dillon was obviously trying to make up for that now. He sucked on Soldier’s tongue and hummed as Soldier’s arms tightened around him.

  “Oooooh, baby. We’ve got to stop or I’m gonna strip you and throw you down behind this log and take you in all the ways I’ve been thinking about for days.”

  “You have? I mean, been thinking about me?” Dillon looked delighted.

  “Do you doubt it? I was here the other night... and morning. I was into it. Of course I thought about you, a lot, especially at night. I want to see where we can go. I know where I want to go, but we have to get things settled. We’re supposed to be talking here. I’m going to have to let you go for right now.” He snatched another quick kiss and picked Dillon up and put him beside him.

  “Damn, you’re strong.”

  “Yeah, and you’re gorgeous and sexy and hot as hell. Now let me tell you what I’ve been doing. I really hope you like it and want to let me be part of your life, and the boys’.”

  Soldier noted that Dillon shivered at the words, and he hoped that it wasn’t in fear or denial.

  “I am a very rich man. I know it wasn’t evident when we met. I was coming off a really hard time in my life, as you know. I was as lost as the boys you work with in there. Meeting you and Gom and spending the night holding you both changed my life. It made me want to live again. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t heading toward ending it all or anything like that. I just wasn’t really living, you know.”

  “Gom really took to you. He missed you terribly. He hasn’t slept, I know that,” Dillon said.

  Soldier looked closely at Dillon and told him how things changed. “I felt good, really good just knowing I helped that sweet child sleep when he needed it. And, God knows, I loved holding you. But that’s another story.”

  Dillon blushed at his words and Soldier wanted to take him back in his arms again. He fought it and continued.

  “I’m the last in my family. My grandfather and my father were in banking and they invested well. I could never spend all I have. I never even touched all I made in the service. It’s just been building, also well-invested.” He made a gesture with his hand as if to say it all meant nothing to him.

  “So, you’re rich?”

  “Yeah. So, here I found myself with a renewed interest in life. Wanting to help in a situation that needed what I could give. I felt good about maybe being able to help you all. Uh, the reason I was here to begin with is... uh... I own a lot of property around here, including the house, this house.”

  “Oh, man. I’m sorry. I’ll...”

  “Shhh. I was just kind of rambling around looking at things here and there, checking on different holdings around the state, and got interested in what was happening here in Parkington. I’m thrilled the house is being used like this.”

  “I didn’t know. I’ll...”

  It was important that Dillon understood the next part. “Wait, please. You’re repeating yourself. I’ve been to my lawyer and accountant in the last few days. I found out that someone went to the city and found that the house wasn’t being used, asked around and found the caretaker, followed the trail to the right office and got permission to use it. I’m surprised the Social Services allows you all to stay in there with it in the shape it’s in. It needs a lot of work, Dillon. It’s a wonder they didn’t shut you down.”

  “I’ve told you. We’re kind of under their radar. We’re not an established bona fide Social Services home. We’re working on different things to come up to par, but right now, I’m mostly working with Daniel. He keeps the brass off our backs and out of our business. He covers for us, so to speak. It’s not perfect, but it works f
or us and we’ve gotten by with it. So far, it’s been the best thing for these boys."

  “I’ve arranged for the future use of this house. It’s yours. I have opened accounts at grocers and other places in both our names. I hope you don’t mind. I also opened a bank account in both our names.” Soldier watched as Dillon’s eyes got bigger, though the young man stayed quiet and still and listened. Soldier hoped he didn’t sound like some crazed stalker. Deciding to get it all out, he continued.

  “Now this doesn’t have anything to do with you and me. This is strictly business. I want to be part of your... thing here. I like what you’re doing.” Soldier hoped Dillon recognized the sincerity in his voice. Here was another point that Soldier wanted Dillon to understand and approve. “I want to see it continue. I want you to be able to do it legally and with the backing you need to give these kids what they need.”


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