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Soldier Page 21

by AKM Miles

  Soldier immediately pulled out carefully and reached to help Dillon onto his back. He moved between Dillon's legs and, before pushing back into him, he looked at Dillon closely to be sure his lover was okay. He leaned down and kissed each eye closed, then one more kiss for Dillon's sweet lips.

  Reaching down and pulling Dillon’s legs up over his shoulders, Soldier eased back into him. Dillon reached his hands up and Soldier took them. He pulled them to his mouth and kissed each, and then bent his arms down to the bed and leaned down to take a kiss. It was a good, long kiss that echoed everything that Dillon had said. Soldier kept on loving Dillon like that, slow and easy. He thrust in over and over, keeping his eyes on Dillon’s.

  Dillon smiled up at him and squeezed his hands. “Oh, my God, I’m going to feel this for days. I couldn’t be happier.”

  “I’m glad. Do something for me?”


  “Jerk yourself off. Let me watch. I want to feel you come on my cock while I watch you, watch your face when you come. You’re so pretty.”

  “Only to you, baby, and that suits me just fine. I’ll come for you.” Dillon took one hand from Soldier’s and put it to Soldier’s cheek, smoothing and caressing. The other, he used to grasp his dick and begin to slowly pump up and down it. Dillon used the drops of come at the tip to ease his way. Rubbing his thumb over the slit, he sucked in a breath. “Oh, love that sting. Oooooh, feels so good,” Dillon said, looking up at Soldier, and continued the movements.

  Soldier was watching carefully to see what Dillon did, what he liked. Lover. My lover, he thought. He moved a little faster and harder as he felt himself near the edge. Soldier looked back to Dillon’s face and watched avidly as Dillon jerked and shook and, finally, come spattered over his stomach and chest. Soldier gazed at Dillon as he thrust in a couple of times, harder than before, and came right behind him. Dillon never closed his eyes. Soldier loved the shared experience.

  It was another unique and special time for them. Soldier realized that they were building quite a compilation of memories, things that were so special to them that he knew they would never forget them.

  “I couldn’t feel more married if I’d stood in front of a preacher. You are my other half, Soldier. I waited my whole life for you.”

  “Yeah. I never thought I’d have somebody. I’m not exactly a babe magnet with my memory demons and my scars. I know... I know,” Soldier said, at Dillon’s quick look. “Same here. But, in general, I just thought I’d be alone all my life. Now my life is so full and so happy, sometimes I don’t know what to do with it all.”

  “You’re such a softy, so thoughtful. I can’t believe you had that old log brought over here and put back there by the back of the fence. It’s special. I love that you felt that, too, and brought it over here for me.”

  “For us.”

  “Yeah, for us. You see. That’s why sometimes I feel like crying. I just have so much emotion in me when we’re making love, like today, or when I see you with the boys, it just fills me up.”

  Soldier lay down beside Dillon and began to smooth the thick spatters of come over his stomach, like lotion. He pulled Dillon to him and plastered them together.

  “What in the world are you doing? Gluing us together? You know we’ll have to shower again.”

  “Aw, gee. That is a shame. Want to just lay here for a few minutes first? I want to hold you and look at you a little. I never get tired of looking at you. Is that weird? Am I scaring you?”

  “HmmMmm. Nope. I can do that. If you’ll throw a hell of a kiss in at the end of your looking. I love, love, love your kisses, all of them.” Dillon put his head on Soldier’s arm and looked right back. Soldier thought Dillon was trying to show him with his eyes how much he loved him.

  “You have so many different kinds -- kisses, I mean. Those long, soft, sweet ones turn me inside out and the others... well, you are one sexy man, Soldier.” Dillon looked from Soldier’s eyes to his mouth and back up... then back down.

  Soldier got the message and leaned to kiss him... both ways. He started out tenderly, using his tongue to trace Dillon’s lips and gently flick them apart. He teased inside and touched Dillon’s tongue, and they spent a good while moving back and forth between the two open mouths.

  Before too long, though, Soldier was hot again and he pushed Dillon onto his back and came up over him, taking Dillon's head between his hands and thrusting his tongue into Dillon’s waiting mouth. He tilted his head and moved it around, changing angles and moving in ways that guaranteed the most sensation for both. He sucked on Dillon’s tongue until he was panting for breath and then let Dillon do the same for him. He pushed into Dillon’s mouth and reveled in the strong suction against his tongue. He began to fuck Dillon’s mouth with his tongue and began to press his hard cock against Dillon’s.

  Fantastic friction. He moved and felt Dillon harden against him. He was going to keep on until they both came again. There was something to be said for doing without. They moaned and sighed and soon both were adding to the mess on Dillon’s stomach. Soldier dropped his head to Dillon’s shoulder and tried to catch his breath.

  “Think we’re done?” Soldier asked.

  “Yeah. Maybe. Shower sounds good. Hot water, slick skin, deep massage, good smells, wet kisses...”

  “Hey. That doesn’t sound like done,” Soldier teased, moving his hand over Dillon’s shoulder.

  “Nope, sounds good, though, doesn’t it?”

  Soldier laughed, “Yeah. Does. Come on. We’ll play in the shower and then change the sheets and maybe even have a date. Would you like to go to dinner with me, Dillon?”

  “I believe I would. I could sure eat. We’ve got time. Come on, sounds wonderful.”


  They were sharing a huge piece of chocolate cake after a delicious dinner when Dillon’s phone rang. He frowned but didn’t hesitate to answer it. His face turned white and Soldier reached over and took his other hand.

  Don’t let it be the boys. Soldier couldn’t stand it if... while he and Dillon... and he knew Dillon would never forgive himself. He waited impatiently as he listened to Dillon ask questions that sounded like what reporters were taught to ask: who, what, when, where, why, how.

  When Dillon slapped the phone closed, he turned an ashen face to Soldier. He couldn’t seem to bring himself to speak.

  “Dillon, you’re scaring me. Tell me. We’ll handle it.”

  “Someone tried to get Tommy at the shelter. They were watching the movie and Gom had to go to the bathroom and Tommy took him. When they were coming back down the hall, someone grabbed Tommy and pushed Gom down.”

  Soldier flinched at the idea that Gom might be hurt.

  “Gom let out a shriek and they all went running. Somehow, the guy got in a window in the back. They found it broken. He was dragging a kicking, fighting Tommy to the back when Daniel and Big Tom from the shelter caught up with him.” Dillon started talking faster, as if he knew that Soldier had to know everything as quickly as possible. “They were more concerned with saving Tommy than catching the guy and he managed to get away... again. We need to go to the boys. They’re freaked. Daniel wanted to know if we’d come, 'cause they called the police and they have to stay there.” Dillon wound down after telling it all and just sat a second, looking stunned.

  Soldier gestured for a waiter, told him there was an emergency, and handed him a one hundred dollar bill. They were out the door in seconds and running for the truck.

  They had the Hummer, since they had planned on going on over to the shelter and getting the boys so Daniel wouldn’t have to bring them back. They sped back to the shelter. Soldier couldn’t wait to get his arms around the boys. He knew Dillon felt the same. They couldn’t even speak, they were so worried about the boys and the continued trauma they endured.

  When they pulled up, they saw two police cars and an ambulance. Oh, fuck. Was one of them hurt? They hurried inside and there was chaos as they were rushed from all sides. They each
grabbed whoever they could and hugged and calmed, but Soldier was searching for Tommy and Gom. Okay. He loved them. They were special to him and they were missing from the mass of freaked-out children vying for their attention.

  Finally, one of the shelter workers moved and Soldier saw Tommy. He was sitting on a couch. and a more sad and dejected kid Soldier had never seen. Hell, now Tommy’d be sure he should leave them. Well, it wasn’t going to happen.

  Soldier extricated himself from the boys, leaving them with Dillon, even though he knew it wasn’t fair, but he had to go to Tommy. And where was Gom? He became frantic 'til he saw a couple of paramedics sitting on another couch with Daniel and Gom. Soldier changed direction and went to the little one first, to see how badly the boy was hurt. When he came around the corner of the couch and Gom saw him, you could have heard his shriek in the next county.

  “Soldier!” Gom was up off the couch in a flash and Soldier caught him right up. He wanted to squeeze him, but looked at the medics.

  “Is he okay? Can I hug him? Where’s he hurt?” Gom was clasping Soldier tightly around the neck, but Soldier continued to hold him gently until he knew.

  “Bump on the head and skinned knee. He’ll be okay. Hug away.” The lady paramedic said, smiling.

  Soldier closed his eyes and held Gom to him, dying inside because his little boy was hurt. He rubbed Gom’s back and held him close.

  “I love you, baby. Are you okay? Are you?”

  “Sure I am, Soldier. Now that you’re here, it’s okay.”

  Soldier’s heart turned over in his chest at the sweet words.

  “I was scared. That same mean man tried to get Tommy and I screamed at him and he pushed me down. I hope he didn’t hurt Tommy’s arm. He was draggin’ ‘eem.” Gom pulled his face out to look at Soldier.

  Soldier gently ran his hand over Gom’s little head until he felt the bump on the side of the little boy's head. He put Gom over on one hip and pulled his leg out to see his knee. Other knee. He switched sides and pulled that leg up. Ouch. There was a large bruise and scraped skin around an area where a cartoon bandage had been placed. Soldier wanted some alone time with that asshole. “Honey, I’m taking you to Dillon now. He needs a hug, too, and to know you’re okay. I need to check on Tommy.”

  Gom took Soldier’s face in his hands and kissed him and said, “Thanks for coming to get us. We knowed you would. Go see Tommy. He feels bad.”

  When he got to the couch where Tommy and the officers were he said, “Officers, I’m going to ask if I can take the place of one of you, 'cause I really need to be next to Tommy right now.” Tommy didn’t even look up. Soldier really needed to sit with him.

  Soldier was glad to see that Officers Bradford and Jansen were here. Right now they were talking to Daniel. One of the other officers got up and said, “Are you Soldier? Yeah? He won’t talk to us.” The officer evidently felt sorry for Tommy and could read the worry on Soldier's face. “He just keeps saying he’s sorry. We need to find out more from him. Can you help?”

  “Yes. Will you leave us alone for a minute?”

  The other officer got up and they moved away a little to give them some time.

  Soldier sat right beside Tommy. When Tommy didn’t say anything, Soldier jumped right in. “All right, buddy. You need a hug or you need to hit somebody? I need both, really bad. I know you’re twelve, but would you freak if I just grabbed you up and held on? I was scared to death, Tommy.”

  Tommy turned his head then and Soldier could see pools of tears in the boy's eyes. Soldier opened his arms and Tommy twisted until he was facing Soldier and then he was straddling Soldier's lap and had his arms around Soldier’s neck. He hid his face and just cried. Soldier held him, put his face down on Tommy’s shoulder and rocked him a little. The kid was shaking like Gom did when the little boy was scared.

  “You get it all out. I know some of what you’re thinking. I’ve come to love you very much and I know how you think. You think you have to leave now 'cause you got one of the boys hurt.”

  Tommy jerked and Soldier knew he was right.

  “You’re not going anywhere, buddy. You’re staying with us.” Soldier made that statement and the next promise in one breath. “I will never leave your care to someone else again. How do you think I feel? Dillon and I were eating supper at a restaurant, sharing a big old piece of chocolate cake and someone was trying to hurt my boys.” His voice quivered with anger still at the thought and, yeah, there might have been some guilt in there. He couldn’t help it. “You think I should leave 'cause I let my guard down? If you think it’s my fault, maybe I should leave.” He said it on purpose. He knew Tommy would defend him.

  “You can’t... can’t leave. I’m the one! They want me back.” Tommy was clearly ashamed as he admitted new information to Soldier. “She made money off me... did you know that? She wants me back so she can get money... and he just wants someone to hit... and... you know...” He ducked his head.

  Soldier took his chin, gently, and made Tommy look him in the eyes. “Yeah. I know. And you think I’m letting you go? You must not know me too well, yet. I’m going to hound the police 'til they catch them, or I’ll step up and find them myself. Lord help us all if I find them first. No one is going to come in and hurt my boys again.”

  Soldier could tell that Tommy had begun to get an idea of how upset Soldier was on his behalf. Tommy had to feel better knowing how fierce Soldier was. Soldier was proud that Tommy paid close attention to him as he went on.

  “Tommy, you must promise me you won’t leave us. I couldn’t stand it if you did, and Dillon would just die. He loves you all so much. We both do.”

  “I know, but... Soldier... he hurt Gom. I can’t stand that. What if he hurts him more next time... or one of the others?” It wasn’t fair for a twelve-year-old to have to go through so much pain and worry about the safety of other children.

  “Not gonna happen. I’ve been going to the site every day, but I’ve got a crew there. They don’t need me that much. I’m not leaving you all again 'til this is done. By done, I mean them behind bars and you safe with us. Got it?”

  Tommy nodded and dropped his head to Soldier’s shoulder again and sighed. Soldier looked over at the officers and held up his hand for just a few more minutes. He let Tommy gather himself together and then picked him up and put him back beside him. He put his arm behind Tommy and pulled him right into his side.

  “Now, we talk. I’m teaching you to defend yourself. One way is to talk to the police and answer any questions they have.” Maybe if Tommy could help them out, he would feel better. “Try to remember anything from tonight. Did he say anything to you? Did you see which way he went? Is there any way you can help? That might make you feel better, like you have a say in what happens. You’re helping to catch them.” Soldier had another worry. He went right ahead and asked Tommy. “Let me ask you this. Do you have any feeling left for the woman who says you’re hers? Do you care what happens to her? Are you wanting to protect her?”

  “Hell, no. Oh, I’m sorry.” Tommy’s eyes got big.

  “Free pass on that one, kid. No problem. Okay, so we’re going to find them and we’re going to put them both away. I had to know it wouldn’t bother you.”

  “I don’t want to ever see them again. I hate what they did to me and I don’t want them to hurt any of the others.” Tommy looked over to the waiting officers. “Tell them to come back over here and I’ll tell them anything I can.” He leaned forward so he was out from under Soldier’s arm and then he reached up and kissed the cheek nearest him. “Thank you. I love you. I know that now. I know that’s what I feel for you and Dillon and the others.” He hesitated, but went on to say, “But you, you get me.”

  “Yeah, I do. Don’t ever forget it. You belong to us now, not them ever. You can leave us when you graduate from college and go on to be whatever you want to be.” Soldier smiled at the look of relief on Tommy’s face.

  “Officers, Tommy wants to help you catch them. He’s
ready to answer your questions. Tommy, you need me to stay with you?”

  “No, sir. I’m fine. I needed you... and you came. I’m fine now.”

  Soldier almost hated to leave him, but felt Tommy needed to do this on his own. He would talk to the officers later and fill them in on anything Tommy wasn’t able to tell them. He let Tommy handle himself with them. Soldier was proud of him.

  He turned back to the others. They were huddled together on the other couch. Some had arms around others and they all had huge eyes, full of shock and worry for Tommy and Gom. He headed over.

  “Room for me on there?” he asked, bending down to pick Gom up from the middle and take his place, setting him on one knee and reaching to take Ben onto the other. The little ones needed comfort most.

  Jack, of course, was blunt as usual. “You gonna go kick some as... uh, butt?”

  “Love to, buddy. Can’t tell you how much. But I’m going to be staying real close to home until the police catch the creeps. I think we need a project. You know those two really big trees in the back yard?”


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