Three Dirty Harts

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Three Dirty Harts Page 4

by Cara Dee

  After grabbing a jar of the peanut butter he preferred, I pushed the cart to the produce section, where I found Belle picking out strawberries. She held a plastic bag of green apples in her hand, and she put them in the cart after spotting me.

  “I’m gonna make apple pie after dinner,” she said with a grin.

  Let me condition that statement just a bit.

  “We’re eating out tonight, I’m afraid. You’ll have to make it another night.” I took the carton of strawberries from her and grasped her chin gently, moving in closer. “I like it when you ask.”

  Her eyes widened before she quickly composed herself and swallowed audibly. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” she whispered. “I’ll ask next time.”

  “Good girl.” I pressed a kiss to her nose, then placed the strawberries in the cart. “We need a zucchini.”

  She stumbled and flushed. “A z-zucchini?”

  Filthy little princess whore.

  “Yes, for dinner tomorrow.”

  Leaving my bedroom, I rolled up the sleeves of my button-down and aimed for the living room. Jace and Belle were still getting ready, so I could watch the news before we left for dinner.

  “Dad!” Belle hollered. “Where are we going?”

  “The steakhouse,” I called back and folded one leg over the other. I let the remote rest on my thigh and watched a segment on some wildlife accident.

  “But you told me to dress up.” There was confusion in her voice now.

  I smiled to myself. “I like seeing you in dresses, baby girl.”

  There was silence after that.

  Jace was next to appear. Instead of taking a seat next to me, he chose to watch the news with me while pacing absently. He was consumed with rehabilitating his leg, and it was working. He took less of his medication, and his limp wasn’t as noticeable.

  “You seem more comfortable,” I noted, pleased.

  The corners of his mouth twisted up. “I was gonna say the same about you. No shaving, no contacts?”

  I rubbed a hand over my jaw. Truth be told, shaving had always been one of those things I did automatically. Our father would have a fit if we didn’t look professional. But lately, I’d realized I mostly did it to hide the gray in it. And I was done with that. I kept it trimmed, though there was no reason to obsess over it.

  “I am.” I inclined my head. Same applied for the glasses. They were much more comfortable than sticking my fingers in my eyeballs every morning.

  “Good.” Jace looked down the hall and raised his brows. “Damn, little girl.”

  It prompted me to look over my shoulder, and Jace wasn’t wrong. Damn. Belle had donned a lovely wraparound dress, perfect for summer and perfectly matching her hair. Even the ballet flats she’d put on her dainty feet were adorable.

  “Come here, darling.” I held out a hand to her, loving that I no longer had to hide my reaction to her. “Show Daddy your dress.”

  She’d carried herself much more demurely this past couple of days, and it was with an unsure look in her eyes and rosy cheeks that she walked over and gave me a little twirl.

  My eyes raked up her slender legs, the shapes of her exquisite curves, lingering over her ample cleavage, and settled on her beautiful face.

  “I might be biased, but I think I have the most gorgeous daughter on the planet.” I leaned forward and slid a hand up the inside of her smooth leg. Fuck me. How was I going to keep my hands off her? She was all cream and softness.

  Belle averted her gaze and looked positively flustered, yet she took a step closer and wrung her hands awkwardly. “Do you really think so?”

  “Definitely,” I murmured, unable to tear my eyes away from her legs. I lifted the dress a few inches and brushed my fingers along the start of her thigh, and it took every bit of self-control not to go higher.

  “I’m sure you’re popular with all the boys, aren’t you?” Jace rounded her and sat down on the armrest next to me.

  Belle had no idea what to do with our attention. “Um, I-I guess. I haven’t really—I mean, I don’t find them very interesting.”

  “Why’s that?” I glanced up at her, never removing my hand from her thigh. It gave me a dark thrill to see her so out of sorts.

  She lifted a shoulder and sucked her bottom lip into her mouth.

  “Use your words, girl,” Jace told her.

  She didn’t, at first. She seemed rooted in place, frozen, as my hand slipped higher up. So much for self-control. I put the blame on her. She’d started this. She’d woken up two fuck-hungry beasts.

  “Obey your uncle.” I pinched the inside of her thigh, hard enough to cause her to jump. “Surely, there’s been someone you’ve liked.”

  She gulped and turned her head. Anything to avoid eye contact. Had her cheeks ever been that pink? They were fucking stunning.

  “No,” she whispered.

  Sweet Jesus. Was there a chance she was actually a virgin? It was incomprehensible.

  “That’s good, hon.” Jace took a gentler approach and grabbed her hand, kissing the top of it. “There’s only one thing those little shitheads want anyway.”

  How true. “I have half a mind to forbid you to date altogether.” In fact, I should. I stroked her higher still, until I came into contact with soft, wet cotton.

  Belle startled and finally looked at me, her eyes as wide as saucers. Her chest heaved with a stuttering breath.

  I clenched my jaw, and my nostrils flared. The girl was wet, and it sent me spiraling. “You want to keep this safe from them.” I gently scratched the surface of her panties with the tip of my finger. Tickling the spot right above her clit.

  In my periphery, I caught Jace adjusting his cock.

  If Belle’s gaze dropped, she’d see the bulge in my own pants.

  “Do I make myself clear, darling?” I asked and withdrew my hand. “You have better things to focus on than hormonal boys.”

  She jerked her head in a nod. “Okay.”

  “Good.” I rose from my seat and dipped down to kiss her cheek. “Let’s go eat. I’m famished.”

  We walked to the steakhouse, and Belle surprised me by holding my hand. It made me question where her sense of self-preservation was. Jace and I were the ones who caused her discomfort and uncertainty, and rather than putting distance between us, she clung.

  It was a wonderful summer evening and a nice stroll down the cobblestone streets, the sun dipping behind the mountains and low buildings. We walked past seemingly normal families and couples, and I couldn’t help but wonder what they saw when they passed us. Were we also a normal-looking family? Despite how young Belle was at twenty, she’d long since exceeded the age where a daughter held the hand of her father.

  Pride and possessiveness built up inside me, and I grasped her hand tighter. She was an extraordinary girl in my eyes, and I was fine with however strangers viewed us. Father, daughter. Man with a younger lover. Family.

  I wanted to believe she’d been brought into my life for more than one reason.

  “Andrew, hold up.” Jace had stopped on the sidewalk. I assumed his leg was hurting until I saw he’d spotted someone across the street. It was a man my brother’s age and…hmm, his boyfriend, judging by how affectionate they were. “I’ll be right back.”

  Belle and I waited outside a bookstore, but her usual exuberance for books was nowhere to be seen.

  Concern hit me squarely in the chest. “Is everything okay, baby?”

  She looked up from the ground and nodded quickly. “Yeah. Um. I was wondering, though…” She broke eye contact and bit her lip. “Have I done something wrong, Dad?”

  “What makes you think that?” I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

  She flushed and stammered. “I-I don’t know. Things feel…um, d-different.”

  Oh, really… “Like what?” I stepped closer and lifted her chin. Her captivatingly green eyes called to me; it was the vulnerability in them. “Tell me, sweet girl.” I stroked her cheek.

  But she couldn’t. I k
new she couldn’t put voice to the atmosphere that’d changed around the house or my behavior or how Jace had tucked her into bed last night. Because if she did, she’d leave herself exposed for my response. Would I call her silly for reading into things? Would I kiss her? Would I call her out for her inappropriate touching?

  “It’s probably nothing,” she mumbled and looked down.

  I smirked, then kissed her on the forehead. “You’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. You’re my perfect little girl, aren’t you?”

  As she lifted her hands, I noticed her fingers were trembling. She fidgeted with a button on my shirt. “I want to be. I miss you tons and tons when I’m in London. Uncle Jace, too.”

  “Oh, my princess.” I hugged her to me, loving her beyond words. I craved her. In old ways and new. I fucking hungered for her. “We miss you more.” I used my hands more freely than I would’ve a few weeks ago. I stroked her back, her sides, brushing a thumb underneath her breast…and let one hand pat her bottom. “I adore having you home,” I murmured into her ear and breathed her in. That sweet scent filled my lungs, clinging as much as she did to me.

  She craved too. The only question was just how much she wanted.

  She’d lost the choice there.

  Jace and I were going to take it all. I could see no other outcome anymore.

  Even now, holding her, comforting her, my cock grew hard, demanding to stake a claim, and I didn’t hide it for shit. If anything, I pressed it against her belly to make sure she felt it.

  It shoved her further outside of her comfort zone.

  I’d pay just about anything to read her mind. What could she be thinking? Was she wondering if I was unaware? Or how I could be pretending as if nothing was going on?

  Jace was about to wrap up his conversation. I saw him in the bookstore’s window. He grinned and shook hands with the taller of the men and bumped fists with the other.

  I patted Belle’s bottom a couple more times, lingering a bit too long, perhaps, and broke the hug. I deserved an award for letting go of that soft, round, perfect flesh.

  “Who was that?” I asked Jace.

  “Casey. A guy I went to college with,” he replied with a smile. “Or, we took a few classes together. We’re gonna meet up for beers sometime.”

  “That’s nice.” I was happy for him; he did need more local friends. Now that I was reestablishing myself in his life, I didn’t have to envy the people he was with. Jace would make time for both friends and family.

  I should follow his lead, in fact. I’d neglected my friends this summer. One night out wouldn’t hurt. I could pick one of the few nights Belle was out with her own friends. For the most part, she chose to meet up friends during the day, only to return an hour or two later and claim she was bored.

  Chapter 6

  “I don’t wanna walk,” Belle whined.

  “We’re almost home,” I chuckled.

  She’d been plastered to Jace until his leg declared the extra passenger too much, and now she was leaning heavily on me for the last two blocks. Our little lightweight. Since we knew Adam and Alessia, the owners of the steakhouse, quite well, Alessia had winked and looked the other way when we’d ordered Belle a glass of champagne. We let her indulge sometimes, but perhaps three glasses had been too much. She clearly couldn’t handle her alcohol.

  “Can I piggyback you, Daddy?” She pouted up at me, eyes glazed.

  I smiled and tapped her nose. “No, but tell you what. I’ll carry you.” Slipping my hands under her armpits, I hoisted her up and positioned her on my hip. “Wrap your legs around me. There we go—oh, your arms are cold, darling.”

  “I don’t feel nothin’.” Her singsong voice tickled my ear as she burrowed closer.

  “Bubbly will do that to you, sweetie,” Jace said.

  I felt her smile against my neck.

  I rubbed her bare arm to warm her up as best I could. Meanwhile, my other hand was firmly cupping her bottom underneath her dress. Belle acknowledged it by squirming once I slid my pinkie between her legs, resting it atop the tempting slit of her pussy. I couldn’t help myself. She’d been teasing us all evening, intentionally or not. She was our little comedian, and she loved to make us laugh.

  I wanted her panties wet again.

  “You’re not like other dads,” she whispered for only me to hear.

  I pressed a kiss to her forehead and let the rest of my hand join my pinkie. Why even bother acting like I wasn’t minutes away from sinking my cock inside her? I’d waited long enough.

  She gasped and froze for a beat, then slowly relaxed and shifted over my hand.

  “I’m willing to bet you’re not like other daughters either,” I whispered back.

  Her breathing hitched as I teased my index finger right into the soft crease between her thigh and pussy. It would be so easy to slip that digit underneath her panties.

  “Do—do you like having me as your daughter?”

  “No, I love it, baby. You’re the best daughter a father could ask for.”

  “Oh,” she breathed. “Okay, good.”

  She was asleep in my arms by the time we arrived home, and my thighs were on fire after I’d walked up three flights of stairs with her. I considered myself in shape for my age, but I was no athlete. Jace had to take over when we entered the hallway, and he carried her into her room.

  I joined them shortly after and leaned against the doorframe while my brother put her to bed. It was, to be honest, one of the most beautiful sights. Belle’s room was a shrine to the boy bands and dance classes of her teenage years, with an abundance of books and trinkets.

  Everything on her bed was pink and yellow. Pillows, duvet, blankets, and even a few stuffed animals.

  She pouted and mumbled, half asleep. He helped her off with the dress and murmured compliments to her.

  “Do you know how gorgeous you are?” With the dress on the floor, he leaned over her to unhook her bra. Belle yawned a thank-you and rested her forehead on his hip, and her arms came up to hug his thigh.

  “I love you, Uncle Jace.”

  “Love you too, sweetie.” He removed her bra and helped her get under the covers. And the second her head hit the pillow, she was out with a sleepy smile.

  Jace rubbed his fingers over her nipples until they pebbled, a scene I couldn’t tear my eyes away from. It was the first time I’d seen her breasts. They were full yet perky, perfect to fuck. And I couldn’t blame my brother for lowering his head to kiss them. He wrapped his lips around a nipple and sucked, only to do the same with the other a beat later.

  I adjusted my erection.

  “Sleep well, little niece.” He finished with a kiss to her cheek, and he pulled the covers over her before leaving her side.

  The lust was written all over him.

  “When?” His whispered question left no confusion.

  I switched off the light. “Tonight.” We were done waiting. It was time to take her. “And bring your camera.”

  About an hour later, we’d showered off the evening and discussed how we were going to play this. We had the same goal, same wishes, and neither of us was very keen on hearing Belle’s opinions tonight. She’d begun this. Now we ran the show. End of.

  I still wore my towel around my hips, whereas Jace had put on a pair of boxer briefs that already looked uncomfortably tight. On the way to Belle’s room, I handed my brother a bottle of numbing spray and a jar of coconut oil. I might need it myself, though our girl’s ass was my main concern.

  “I don’t want her in too much pain.”

  He nodded and twisted the products in his free hand. The other held his camera and a small tripod.

  There wasn’t going to be any finesse with my taking of her. I’d lost my patience, and all I wanted was to be balls deep inside her. With impatience came discomfort, but the spray should ease some of it.

  Sneaking in to her pitch-black room, I let the sliver of light from the hallway guide me to her bed. She slept peacefully on her side, and I felt the
familiar stirrings of possessiveness and love in my chest. Fuck, but she was lovely. Perfection. And she would finally belong to me—us—in every sense of the word.

  I carefully pushed aside the thick duvet and parted her knees, and she made a sleepy sound and rolled onto her back. With my breath caught in my throat, I hooked my fingers underneath her panties and slipped them off slowly. Waiting for me was the sexiest sight I’d ever witnessed. Her smooth, bare little pussy. Just watching her made my heart race, and blood continued to flood my cock.

  I got comfortable between her thighs and eased my thumbs over the silky lips of her pussy. Jace was ready, and that was good enough for me. I leaned in and brushed my lips to her flesh. Her sweet scent invaded my senses as I breathed her in and slowly teased her slit with the tip of my tongue.

  A groan rumbled in my chest the instant her flavor hit my taste buds. Knowing I’d only have a few seconds of eating her out before she woke up to the touches, I succumbed to my thirst. I spread her pretty little lips with my fingers and tongued her greedily. My mouth closed over her clit, and I sucked on it until she stirred and mumbled her complaint. It wouldn’t be a complaint for very long.

  “Shh, Belle.” Jace stroked her cheek while he rubbed his cock through his underwear.

  His camera was set up on the nightstand.

  “She’s waking up.” I swirled my tongue across her lips, farther down, and circled her tight opening. I didn’t want to prepare her too much, but I had to feel her. I wriggled the tips of two fingers inside of her, and my cock throbbed. “I’m gonna need lube, little brother.” Wetness had started building up, though the few drops I licked up were far from enough.

  I tore off the towel, and Jace got the numbing spray and coconut oil.

  By now, my eyes had adjusted to the darkness.

  “Do I tiptoe around modesty, or…?” He quirked a brow.

  I smirked faintly and lowered my face to fuck Belle’s hole with my tongue, and it was enough of a response for him. My hands were occupied. His weren’t.

  He scooped up a generous amount of the thick, buttery oil and greased my cock. The lubricant melted under his fingers, and I groaned at the indulgence. At the same time, Belle shook off the remnants of sleep that clung to her, meaning we were out of time.


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