The Fabled
Page 16
Miss Clairol was envisioning my death again but David shook his head.
“Again, didn’t think so.” I downed my drink and turned to Roman. “I’ve had a long night, Romy. I think I’ll head home and make up for some of the sleep you kept me from last night. You being such an insatiable lover and all.”
Miss Clairol smirked. “You expect us to believe you satisfy him without even allowing him to feed?” She looked directly at Roman. “Don’t worry, lover. I’ll take care of you after she’s gone.”
Oh no she didn’t! I reached across the table before the words were fully out of her mouth, grabbed her hand and began pulling her magic into me. She tried to pull away but I used Werewolf magic to hold onto her hand.
“How will you do that when you’re dead? I mean. I’m sure an experienced girl like you knows how to give her blood as well as take it but I don’t think even a woman of your skills can do that from her death bed.”
“Sunshine. I told you not to kill anyone in the club,” Roman said reasonably.
I turned to look at him as I continued to slowly draw from the bitch. “But Romy, she’s a bitch. Just this once. Please.”
He looked at me with a smile but shook his head. I released her hand and she immediately pulled it back. Leaning toward Roman I kissed him deeply and allowed some of the magic I had taken in to be released. Vamps typically absorb energy through the blood of those they feed from and I usually can’t release the magic I absorb but with us being intimate like this he was able to take some of my excess. I wouldn’t be able to give him enough energy this way to equal a full feed but it would be enough to prove to the others that I was indeed feeding him without actually having him bite me.
After a moment I ended the kiss and looked at Roman. He was invigorated both by the kiss itself and the magic he got from it. I turned back to the bitch.
“If you are smart, you will never proposition him again. He is mine. Do you understand?”
She was looking a little green around the gills but managed a nod. I looked back to Roman.
“Good. Now as I was saying, I’m going home for the evening. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Allow me to walk you to your car.”
He slid out of the booth and held out his hand. I took it and he walked me behind the stage and out to my car.
“Is there any news as far as Tristan?” I asked before I got in.
He shook his head. “No, but there is a soiree I must attend in two days’ time. I will expect you to accompany me.”
“How can I watch the club if I’m at some soiree?” I said soiree like it left a bad taste in my mouth.
“How can you play the part of my lover when you don’t accompany me? Besides, it is to be held at Augustus’ home. You may learn more about the Vampere who are being taken or who might want to harm them?”
“I don’t think I’m going to learn jack about this case there. You’re just trying to convince me to go.”
“Alright. Allow me to put it this way. You will accompany me because you have given your word to do anything I ask in exchange for Tristan’s life. I will have a dress delivered to your home tomorrow.”
I opened my mouth to retort but it was no use. He had pulled out the “you’ll do anything for your son’s life” card. Great. Two social engagements in one week. What the hell did I do to deserve this?
Chapter Eighteen
“Catching the skinny on pops”
The next day I went to see Lucian. I knew there was no point in telling him about Tristan becoming Vampere, because he surely knew by now, but I wanted to see if he could shed some light on what this meant for him. I won’t buy that bullshit about Tristan belonging to Roman unless I get a second opinion. And, probably not even then.
“Come in daughter. I’m both relieved and saddened by Tristan’s predicament.”
My father gave me a hug before moving aside so I could enter the house. Brennan was standing in the entryway leading into the sitting room and she was practically bouncing on her toes.
“Let me guess. You have something to show me?”
She let out a squeal. “Yes, come and sit down. Oh, and don’t worry about Tristan. Roman would never let anything happen to someone you care so much about.”
I raised a brow but she yanked me into the room and threw me into a chair then stood back nervously in the center of the room.
“Well, on with it. I want to see this wonderment post haste.”
She nodded, took a deep breath and released it slowly. Then she held out her hand and concentrated on it so intently I thought her eyes might pop out of their sockets. After a minute a small flame formed above her hand. It flickered then went out only to relight and burn slightly brighter. I began clapping enthusiastically, even letting out a howl or two. I know Lucian would have only given her a “that’ll do pig” or the equivalent so I wanted to praise her for the obvious effort she’s put forth.
She looked at me with a huge smile and the flame went out but just the fact that she managed to make the flame and control it was a huge accomplishment. I jumped up and hugged her tight and she hugged me back even tighter. When it felt like my ribs might be crushed I pulled her back and smiled at her.
“You did it. You controlled it. It’s all a matter of manipulating it now.”
“I know. I’ve been practicing and practicing and finally, I let everything else go and concentrated only on the fire. Both the one in me and the one on my hand and it just came.”
“That is great Brennan. I knew you could do it.”
“So can I come stay with you now?”
“I would feel more comfortable if you stayed here with me until you have a better grasp on your magic,” Lucian chimed in.
“Plus I’m working this case and I have to spend all of my time at Roman’s stupid bar so you would be bored to bits at my place.”
She looked crestfallen. It was such an accomplishment for her and now she’s getting nothing but disappointment in return.
“But that doesn’t mean you can’t spend the rest of the day with me. Maybe we could do some, er, shopping. For you. Not me, you. Then I’ll show you where I live and we could hang out there until I have to go back to work this evening. Does that sound okay?”
Her face was alight again and she nodded vigorously. I looked at Lucian and he nodded once.
“Excellent. I have some questions for Lucian if you want to go get ready.”
“Okay, I won’t take long.”
“Take your time.”
She ran up the stairs at warp speed.
When she was out of earshot Lucian looked at me. “Her hold is tentative at best. She still needs much practice.”
“Let her enjoy the small victories Lucian. It will make the large defeats more manageable.”
“And the defeats will make the large victories more joyous. Yes, I know how to train a woman who knows nothing about her abilities to both control them and use them to their full strengths.”
“Alright. I got you. If I can’t keep her for now, I’ll at least offer to spend more time with her. I haven’t hardly even seen her since dropping her at your doorstep.”
“Yes, I believe some time away might help her to gain focus. Now, what can I tell you about the Vampere you don’t already know?”
“How about what is this bond between Roman and Tristan? Roman tried to tell me Tristan isn’t mine anymore.”
He smiled warmly at me. “Tristan will always hold a place in his heart for you. Because of that he will always be yours. But, Roman was telling the truth. He is Tristan’s father now. When a Human chooses to become Vampere it is decided that that Human will leave behind his Human life and begin a new one as Vampere. Those are the reasons for the laws stating all Humans must consent to the turning.”
“But Tristan wasn’t a typical Human. There is no reason to no longer have contact with his old family because we too are Fabled.”
“The reason for the break is not only to prevent the Human family
from finding out about us. A Vampere must relearn everything and, as another species, they do not relearn everything the same way. Their point of view is changed therefore they too are changed.”
“You’re saying Tristan won’t be Tristan anymore?”
“Essentially he is still the same man but some things will be different.”
“You mean like the whole ‘I drink blood instead of eating Wheaties’ thing?”
“Technically he’ll drink blood and eat Wheaties. If that’s his choice. I refer more to his thought processes and one of the most important thoughts he will have is surviving. He will also know that Roman is his key to survival therefore he will place him above all others.”
“Great. So I have to continue to play nice so I can see my boy. I just want to know that he’s okay.”
“He’s fine, Sunny. I know you worry but it is unnecessary. Roman is very strong. He comes from a line of strong Vampere and that strength has now passed on to Tristan.”
“Tell me about Roman’s sire.”
He got up and walked over to the window. “I’d rather not discuss this.”
“I looked him up but all I could find on his death was the legal information regarding Roman gaining possession of his holdings.”
“As I said, I do not wish to discuss Judas Severus.”
“Did you kill him?”
“I did not. Now we will change this subject.”
“Well he couldn’t have been too strong if he died so easily.”
He sighed. “Judas Severus had many issues. Too many to discuss.”
“So now my son is born into a line of crazy Vamps. Don’t try to convince me Roman’s not insane because that horse already left the stables.”
“Roman is quite sane as is his grandsire.”
“Whoa. What about a grandsire? Is he still kicking it?”
“Yes, he is alive and well and quite content to live out his days in solitude.”
“So he’s a shut-in. Great. They just get crazier and crazier.”
“Please child. Don’t judge without all knowledge.”
I took a deep breath. “Alright father. I guess I’m going a little crazy myself. It’s just that I’m so worried about my son.”
“And with good reason but I assure you Roman is one of the best Vampere I know. He will take good care of your son until he is able to be reunited with you.”
“Thanks, Lucian. That makes me feel better.”
“Great! Let’s get this show on the road.”
I looked up to see Brennan standing in the doorway. She had changed her jeans and t-shirt for a black shirt with elbow length fingerless gloves, a short skirt, leggings with holes in them and knee high shitkickers. Her hair was in pig tails and her liner was thick. She looked like a typical teen ready for the town.
“Let’s go then. Maybe I can buy you a pair of leggings without holes.”
“What?! I bought these this way.”
“You got ripped off. Get it. Ripped. Off.”
She looked at me deadpanned. “Stick to your day job.”
“Everyone’s a critic,” I grumbled and she pushed me out the door.
“Have fun ladies,” Lucian said as we left.
I thought she would want me to take her to the mall but instead directed me to a small shop not far from Lucian’s.
“Lizzy’s is the best shop around. She has everything from Goth to contemporary and it’s all totally cool.”
“And how do you know about Lizzy’s?”
“Lucian took me.”
My eyes widened. “Lucian took you shopping?”
“Yeah, did you think I magicked my clothes? It’s not like I brought a bag with me when I escaped from the asylum.”
“Good point. I just figured he sent you with a servant or something.”
“I think it was a test as to whether I could control myself when out in public. That’s not the weirdest part though.”
“What was the weirdest part?” I was genuinely interested.
“Lucian is the one who knew about Lizzy’s. I think he knows the owner, if you know what I mean by ‘knows’.”
“No. Surely not. You think they have a thing?”
“Or they used to. That’s the vibe I was picking up.”
“Now, I’m actually eager to go shopping. I think that is a first for me.”
She patted me on the shoulder. “Stick with me. I’ll have you converted before you know it.”
“I don’t know. If K couldn’t do it, I don’t think anyone can.”
“Who’s K?”
“My oldest friend. Hey, I have to go to her wedding Saturday. Do you want to come? You could be my plus one.”
“Is this going to be some lame, formal affair?”
“Gods, I hope not. If it is, I totally need you with me. Otherwise you’ll be viewing my body after I die of boredom.”
She giggled. “I guess I’ll have to take one for the team.”
“That’s my girl. Now let’s go get you a dress and catch the skinny on Lucian and Lizzy.”
“I feel like I should be singing ‘k-i-s-s-i-n-g’.”
I laughed and grabbed her arm while opening the door to the shop. I pushed her in and walked in behind her.
The shop was quaint and was packed to the max with all variations of women’s clothing. Everything from business attire to evening gowns to club wear. I was actually impressed with the selections. There were several outfits I could see myself wearing.
“Oh my gosh Sunny, look at this dress.”
It was a dark burgundy color and had a lace-up front with a low to high cut skirt.
“Very Steampunky. You should try it on.” I picked up a pair of black high-heel knee-high boots. “Try these on with it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Are you kidding? That totally looks you and you need a dress for the wedding.”
“And what about you? Will you be attending this wedding as well?”
I turned to see the store owner approaching us. She was slender with light red hair and a no-nonsense attitude. No wonder Lucian was attracted to her.
“I’m actually going to be the maid of honor so I don’t get to pick my dress.”
“Too bad. I could think of several that would look amazing on you.”
I smiled at her. “I do have this Vampere soiree to attend tomorrow night. Do you have any suggestions?”
She smiled brightly. “You just made my day. Come into the back and I’ll pick out a few things.”
“Alright. I’m Sunny by the way.”
“I know who you are dear. Lucian can hardly go five minutes without talking about you and your accomplishments.”
I laughed until I realized she was being sincere. “Oh, alright. It’s funny. He’s never mentioned you before, Lizzy.”
“No. I’m sure he hasn’t. We are merely friends who run into each other now and again.”
“Friends who spend all their time talking about me. That doesn’t freak me out at all.”
She laughed. “I didn’t say we spend all our time talking about you.”
She winked at me and I smiled in return. So she and my father dated. Or maybe she was just a booty call. Maybe she still is. She seemed nice enough and I’m not so self-centered to know that my father deserves other relationships that just our own.
“So, what have you got for me?”
“Here. You can start with these. Are you sure there aren’t any other functions you’ll need attire for?”
“She’s been hanging out at a Vamp’s club. What do ya got for that?” Brennan told her.
“That depends. Is it a high society club or a rock bar?”
“Rock bar,” I added from the dressing room.
“Excellent. I’ll be right back.”
I rolled my eyes even though neither of them could see. I have to admit I was running out of clothes to wear to the club since most of my wardrobe consisted of jeans and t’s.
By the time
we left Lizzy’s I was hooked. She managed to throw together outfits I would never have picked for myself but would work all of my assets to their fullest. The dress she picked for me to wear tomorrow looked amazing on me and was sexy without being slutty. When we arrived home to find yet another delivery man dropping off a package and I opened it I was even more grateful to Lizzy for her help. The dress Roman had sent over was cut way too low, I’m talking to my navel, and though it was full length the slit came all the way up to just below my left breast. Only a sheer material behind it managed to keep me from showing everything. Also, even though the dress was black the material was so thin it was practically see through. There is no way I would be caught dead in a dress like that. The black heels that accompanied it would work well with the dress Lizzy picked out which was also black and full length but a lot more sensual than risqué.
“Wow. You’re place is huge.”
Her mouth was open as she took in my home and the surrounding estate. I had parked around front since I would be leaving soon to go to the club.
“Come on. I’ll give you the grand tour.”
She followed me slowly while trying to take everything in at the same time. I have been living in this house since right after I faked my Human death and began training to become an agent of the council so there was a lot I had collected over the years and I had a lot of fun showing her some of my more memorable decorations.
“You can pick a room now if you want or you can wait until you’re ready to move in.”
“I’ll wait.”
I could tell there was more.
“I’m not going to change my mind you know.”
She shrugged. “It’s just that you don’t know me very well.”
“You mean your past?”
She nodded slightly and I moved closer and took her hands.
“I know about the accident, Brennan. It wasn’t your fault. I don’t know why your mom didn’t teach you how to control your magic as soon as you hit puberty but it wasn’t your fault that you didn’t know how to control it.”