Body of Law (Volume 2)

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Body of Law (Volume 2) Page 3

by Amanda Lance

  “Sorry about that. I—”

  “You don’t have the speaker on?”

  I pulled my coffee table closer and put my phone on the edge. “I have now.”

  “Stupid girl. You’re lucky I’m already hard for you.”

  I closed my eyes and moaned loudly enough to fill the room.

  Sebastian’s soft grunt made me shiver. How was he capable of doing that without even being in the room? “Lick your lips, sweet Violet. Can you taste the precum at the end of my cock?”

  “Yes,” I moaned. “Oh, yes.”

  With my eyes still closed I licked my lips as instructed. The subtle sound of stroking emerged from the speaker, turning me on more by the second. I ran a hand to each of my breasts and pretended they were his.

  “What are you doing right now?” His voice was just as raspy as I imagined mine was.

  “T-touching myself…”


  I paused before I continued. Only in my wildest dream had I talked dirty. “My breasts”

  He practically growled at me. “You mean those amazing tits of yours.”

  I nodded as if he could see me. “Hmm.”

  “Say it!”

  This time there was no hesitation. “My tits—”

  “Ah yes,” he hissed. “I’m going to come all over those tits.”

  “Will you at least fuck me first?”

  “Only if you ask me nicely.”

  “Oh, pretty, pretty please, fuck me Mr. Scott.”

  “Slide your hand down between your legs…”

  As if he was watching me, I barely had my left hand off my rock-hard nipple before he barked out his next order.


  With a trembling hand, I reached between my legs, testing my slit with the end of my middle finger. When I realized just how wet I was I gasped, and the soft sound of stroking from the other end of the line stopped.

  “Please don’t stop.” This time I wasn’t saying it to be submissive, or even just compliant. Hearing the subtle sounds of him caressing himself was the perfect soundtrack to me touching myself. It was just the sort of thing I had imagined when I was in high school. Of course, Sebastian had been out of my life by that point and I now knew that my fantasies back then couldn’t begin to compare to my newfound carnal knowledge of him. “Do you know what I am doing right now?”

  He responded before I could think to answer. “I’m thinking of that sweet pussy of yours. How tight it is—”

  Sebastian cut himself off with a sound that was a combination of a hiss and a groan. And like I had suspected—surely like he had already known—the sound of his gravelly voice saying those wonderfully dirty things was more than enough to set me off. Even as my orgasm began sending volts of electricity through me, I heard the groan he was trying to suppress—a union of our pleasure.

  Once the spots in front of my eyes went away, I listened to the sound of my heart pounding in my ears. And just like that, I had the most intense fear that he’d hung-up, leaving me now that he had gotten what he wanted. I gasped and reached for the phone, nearly falling off the couch in the process. I cursed and tried to regain my balance, pulling down my skirt with one hand while searching for Sebastian with the other.

  “Don’t hurt yourself now.” His chuckle was soft, even warm as I turned the speaker off and put him to my ear.

  “I’ve never done that before.” I licked my lips and glanced towards my little refrigerator. Now that my loins had been satisfied, my other thirst begged to be quenched.

  “You’ll get better with practice.”

  I smiled into the sofa, my heart still fluttering like a hummingbird. “I hope so.”

  Chapter 5


  Though the sound of her voice was oddly soothing, I quickly dismissed Violet’s fears about my career and reputation before the doorbell rang. Clearly forgetting about my impending company, however, Violet’s voice ebbed with the slightest tone of disappointment when she said good-bye. I didn’t tell her that I had given the escort service specific directions to send me a 5’7’ brunette. And before I was done I ended up giving them a deliberate description of Violet—my attempt to wean myself off of her.

  The doorbell did not ring a second time before I told the girl to go away. I hadn’t quite had the fill of Violet that I wanted, but our conversation over the phone was still better than taking some whore from behind and pretending that it was my Violet.

  My Violet, ha! The idea was so absurd that I actually laughed out loud, listening to the echo of myself as I turned on the shower. Violet Donovan was anything but a possession of mine, but like any flower, she was a scent and sight I enjoyed too much to just let fall away. I seriously doubted that having her back into my life would be anything but a mistake—probably for the both of us. Yet I had warned her about the kind of person I was, and it wasn’t as if she wasn’t an adult—in her own right, anyway.

  I smiled to myself, proud that I had managed to fuck my little intern from across town bringing her to the sort of orgasm I knew she wasn’t capable of faking. Playing with her over the phone was a lot more fun than I could have anticipated and it caused a new bombardment of ideas to run through my head. Without the temptation of seeing her in the office every day, there was a new threshold to explore, an endless list of possibilities from now until she returned to her regular classes in the fall.

  After pulling on a fresh pair of boxers, I went back to the mess of paperwork on my glass dining room table. Briefly, I had considered taking a vacation, running off to an island with white beaches and fucking some little tourist until I couldn’t remember Violet’s name. Yet considering the charges pending against me, I knew it was better to stick close to the city. Without work, however, and the charges looming, it was difficult to get her out of my head. Vaguely, I hoped that throwing myself into the pro-bono work I had picked up would give me something else to focus on.

  Once again, I smiled to myself. What would the good Professor Donovan think if he could see me now? Would representing a couple of street kids or one or two homeless drug addicts make up for the fact that I was fucking his little girl?

  I was still reading over the file the women’s shelter sent me when Roger’s name flashed on my phone. Torn between ignoring it and throwing my phone out the window, I recalled the fact that he was representing me and picked up. A wave of lust surged through as I disconnected my Bluetooth, the memory of Violet orgasming over the phone still fresh in my mind.

  “You owe me a very nice bottle of scotch.”

  I sighed and glanced at the clock. It was too early for Roger to be sloshed, but given the sound of his voice, he was too happy to be completely sober.

  “I seriously doubt that,” I replied.

  “Oh, really?” He laughed and someone in the background giggled. “Did someone else get your assault charges dismissed?”

  The slight worry that had been clenching me over the weekend finally let up. While Morgan’s accusations against me were about as thin as they could get, I was all too familiar with the legal system to think that he had walked away empty-handed. I dropped the file in my hand, doing my best to sound as nonchalant as possible.

  “What did you give him?”

  “Nothing much. Basically just a recommendation letter and the names of a couple of one-time clients.”

  The feeling of relief was still with me, even when the doorbell rang again. While I normally would have been angry, I was really just annoyed. Was the escort service really trying to send me another girl? What part of, “Go away, I changed my mind. Just charge my card for the time” did they not understand? Was I the only competent person in the universe?

  I stood up and headed for the door, not caring that I was practically naked or what time it was. The combination of joy over Violet and the reprieve Roger had granted me had put me in a state that normally only alcohol provided.

  I sighed and put Roger on speaker. “So he’s leaving then?”

“Already gone, from what I understand.”

  “Good.” I glanced out the peephole, more annoyed than ever that there was a funny little man standing there instead of an escort with communication issues.

  I opened the door roughly. “What?”

  “Sebastian Scott?”

  I nodded as he pushed the manila envelope in my hand. With the post marking from some crummy little law firm in town, it was obvious what the contents contained. Forgetting I was on the phone, I cursed to myself and hit my fist against the wall.

  Meanwhile, the giggling voice that was with Roger asked him what kind of feathers he wanted. I listened to him tell her the peacock before coming back to the phone. “What it is, Sebastian?”

  “I just received a summons.” I peeled open the envelope and glanced at the first page in the complaint. “I’m being sued.”


  “Yeah.” I sighed, my mind once again returning to Violet. “For sexual harassment.”

  Chapter 6


  Though I had been threatened with lawsuits before, it was the first time anyone had actually gone through with it—let alone named me in a class action. Still, I’ll admit to the slightest bit of surprise that it was for sexual harassment. Working a few sexual harassment cases myself, I had always been careful about shitting where I eat. The few times I had indulged, I had either been young, or used a relative amount of caution to assure pesky things like sexual harassment wouldn’t be a problem. Doing simple things like assuring the fuck-buddy of my choice didn’t work in the same department as myself or that she was on the same pay scale as me were some common sense moves. Yet, even scouring though the recesses of my mind, I couldn’t remember anyone I had harassed—at least directly. Like any attorney, however, I was aware of the evolution in sexual harassment itself—even something as innocent as winking during the punch line of a joke could be construed incorrectly. And while I knew enough people genuinely needed these laws, there were just as many people who took advantage of them for their own gain.

  The thought brought on an memory—one whose name I couldn’t remember, but whose blonde highlights while she was on her knees for me remained distinct in my memory. Other than her luscious yellow hair, the only things memorable about her were her ability to fit herself under my desk and her fierce sense of competition. Was that the one who said she had once been a gymnast? I searched my mind, but for the life of me couldn’t remember it for sure.

  I was still trying to sort it out when the call came from one of Burke’s assistants. Naturally, I ignored it—no doubt the partners would have some unpleasant things to say. Sighing, I went for a drink and tried to formulate some kind of strategy that wouldn’t destroy my career.

  Chapter 7


  I spent the next morning filing for Nicky and trying not to smile. While I got quite a bit accomplished transferring files from the old software to the new, I completely failed to keep the grin off my face. And though I knew the office was prone to gossip, no one seemed to care about my change of mood. Instead, whispers were circulating about something else, and I was simply glad to have the attention taken off me.

  It was probably because I was so enthralled with my thoughts of Sebastian that I didn’t hear the new set of rumors floating around about him. In fact, it wasn’t until I was walking back from the restroom that I overheard two women from research talking about something else completely.

  “I heard they just arrived—Burke wants to try and settle it before it gets to the media.”

  Her comrade looked both ways before whispering back. “What a bitch.”

  For a split second I thought they were talking about me and I coughed into my hand to make myself known. But as one of them glanced back at me, it occurred to me that even if they had been, they wouldn’t have cared that I had heard them. Either way, they continued to gossip.

  “I never liked her…”

  “Did anyone?”

  The woman from researched looked both ways before laughing. “Apparently Sebastian did—”

  My attention was earned again at the sound of his name, and I couldn’t help but notice the small group gathering at the reception desk in the lobby. Maybe it was just my imagination acting up, but it seemed like the mingling group was just trying to look busy.

  “Uh, excuse me.” I wiggled my way back behind the desk just in time to see the elevator open. And despite the legislative talents of the lookie-loos, they neglected to pretend to look anywhere else but at the group emerging from the elevator—primarily the tall blonde with the incredibly tight dress. Someone whispered the name “Madison” and rolled their eyes. Still, the pretty blond didn’t seem as interesting as Burke himself, who I only recognized from my own Google searches on the firm. Despite his designer suit and freshly shined shoes, his expression was clearly that of a frightened man. Needless to say, I found this insanely amusing.

  Meanwhile, the blonde that I quickly identified as Madison drew more than one or two glances from the men who passed the lobby. Yet despite her obvious beauty, I was hardly intimidated. To me, it seemed that someone who wore her sunglasses inside and a hemline that short in a professional environment was probably trying to prove something that she couldn’t with her mind.

  The elevator group was no more than two steps into the lobby before Nicky emerged from around the corner. Cordial and friendly as always, she beamed at her guests. Still, I was almost certain that from beneath her dark sunglasses Madison threw a nasty glare at her. Nicky, however, didn’t waver in the least. The small but substantial interaction made me insanely happy as I watched the elevator group follow Nicky toward the conference room.

  “I didn’t know there was going to be a meeting up here today.” I stole another glance at the oddball group heading for the room. “Isn’t that a little…odd?”

  In the three weeks I had been at the firm, all negations had taken place downstairs. And like all big law firms I knew that the criminal law division was strictly for whales of clients.

  “It’s a settlement conference.” one of the lookie-loos said. “I think the partners will pay just about anything to keep it quiet.”

  Another lookie-loo agreed with him. “It’s better than being known as the ‘sexual harassment firm.’”

  “Someone is suing us for sexual harassment?” Maybe it was preemptive to include myself in the ‘us.’ But I enjoyed my work at Gardner, Burke, and Gates a lot more than I wanted to admit, and without completely realizing it, I was already starting to picture a future there.

  The first-year standing beside me rolled his eyes. Then they immediately went back to staring at the blonde’s backside as she walked away. “Yeah, I guess she’s the primary plaintiff”

  “Of course she is,” said a woman from research. “She was always a troublemaker.”

  Admittedly, I struggled to focus on my work as the group dispersed. Instead, I became upset by the idea that the firm I had come to like so much might be in trouble. I didn’t doubt that the partners had enough money to settle any kind of in-house lawsuit, but if this Madison person didn’t want to settle or sign a disclosure agreement, it wouldn’t look good. If the word got out that the firm allowed their employees to be harassed sexually, odds were that we’d lose at least one corporate client that had a female at the head of their table—not to mention the potential clients who would choose another firm over us.

  I waited until she and the collective of attorneys around her walked past before I went back to the computer. It didn’t take long to find Madison in the law firm’s database, but as I read more about her, it only made me uneasy. After earning her BA in sociology from NYU, she attended law school right here in Chicago and ended up receiving recommendations from all of her mentors.

  Cringing, I clicked out of her profile. I didn’t need her pretty face staring back at me.

  Less than an hour later, the door to the conference room opened. Silent and clearly agitated, Nicky gave directions bac
k to the elevator but didn’t bother to show them there herself. For another moment I felt amused, and I made a mental note to ask her about her relationship with Madison later. That feeling, however, quickly evaporated when I realized Madison had stayed behind while the group of admires and attorneys walked to the elevator.

  “Hello there.” Her voice was much softer than I expected. “Can you tell me where the ladies room is?”

  Since her role as an intern only ended three years ago, I seriously doubted she had forgotten where the restrooms were. Still, my curiosity about her and the need to be polite forced me to smile as nicely as possible.

  “Right at the end of the hall.” I stood up and smoothed out my skirt. “I’ll show you”

  I walked with all the authority and engagement I could, trying not to feel her assessment of me as I led her past the lobby.

  “You’re a summer intern, aren’t you?”

  Apparently it was more than my handbag giving me away.

  “Yes” Despite feeling awkward, I extended my hand and smiled. Though I was a very small kink in the chain, I still represented the firm and its partners. Being cordial to any guest was a minimum requirement. “You are?”

  Her smile dropped slightly as she looked down at my hand. I felt myself turn red and put it down.

  “Madison Harris.” This time she looked me up and down, not bothering to be discreet. “How did you get an internship in criminal? Most of the bigger firms barely let first years touch this division.”

  I considered mentioning that I had a friend—and potentially more—working there, but decided against it. Instead, I let the question linger in the air and tried asking some of my own. “Are you an attorney?”

  “Second year at Baum and Lehrer.” She took off her sunglasses to reveal a set of piercing green eyes. “But I actually interned here.”



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