Claimed by the Alien Chief: A sci fi alien romance (Zocrone of the Seven Galaxies Book 1)

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Claimed by the Alien Chief: A sci fi alien romance (Zocrone of the Seven Galaxies Book 1) Page 10

by Sloane Meyers

  Nova could not help but gawk as she looked at it. He stood beside the bed, that erection pointing proudly at her as if to say, “Here I am, and you are mine.” The shaft was thick, and appeared to be ridged in a way similar to his forehead. Nova closed her eyes for a moment. It was all too much to take in. Would he even fit inside of her? She honestly wasn’t sure, but she was about to find out. There was no way she was passing up an opportunity to make love with this incredible, gorgeous being.

  He was staring down at her, taking in her body just as she took in his. Suddenly, Nova felt self-conscious. How weak and small she must appear to him! Her pale human body with its small, fragile features could not possibly be causing the passion she saw in his eyes. Could it?

  As if he read her mind, and wanted to ease her worries, a small smile broke across his face. “You’re perfect.”

  “I am? But I’m so small, and so…human.”

  “And so perfect. Now I know why no one has ever been able to truly catch my eye before. I was waiting for you. My sweet human. My delicate human. I had no idea an outsider could be so wonderful. I swear, I will protect you and keep you safe.”

  “Daxar, I…” Nova let the sentence trail off. She what? She wasn’t sure what she wanted to say. She had been about to make some excuse for why she couldn’t do this. She felt unworthy of the affection of a man like him. But she decided to keep her mouth shut. She felt afraid, but for once, she didn’t want to let that fear rule her. For once, she wanted to feel worthy. To be worthy. And if someone like Daxar, a stern Chief who never had time for outsiders, thought she was worth his time, then who was she to argue?

  Daxar put a big, blue finger to her lips. “Shh, my little human. No more talking. Now is the time for action.”

  Nova nodded and trembled as he began to run his finger from her lips down to her neck, and then down to her exposed breasts. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as her breathing sped up. Even the air around her felt intoxicating right now. She could hardly believe that she was lying here, breathing the same air as him. Her mind continued to try to scream at her that she was going to regret this tomorrow, but it was getting harder and harder to hear those screams. All she could hear now was the sound of their breathing, both of them growing more breathless with every second.

  His fingers were on the stiff, hard peaks of her nipples now, tracing circles around them and making them even harder. Nova moaned as little shockwaves of tingling pleasure emanated out from the circles he traced. With every passing moment, she felt herself growing wetter between her legs. He was stoking a burning passion in her that she hadn’t even realized she was capable of.

  But although she’d thought the sensations his fingers caused were intense, she soon realized that she had been completely unprepared for what his mouth would do to her. He drew his fingers back from her nipples, and bent his head down instead, covering first one nipple and then the other with his warm, wet mouth. His rough tongue rubbed against the stiffness of each hard peak, and against the softness of her breasts. She shivered with delight as heat passed from his lips into her body, and the tingling pleasure became so great that Nova felt she could hardly move. All she could do was melt into his touch.

  He switched to using his teeth next. He took one nipple in his teeth, nibbling gently at first and gradually using more pressure until the force of his bite stopped just short of true pain. But that force felt electrifying. Nova writhed and moaned underneath him, feeling that her mere human body could not possibly contain all of the heat that Daxar was filling her with.

  Between her legs, she was hot and wet with desire, and when Daxar reached down a finger to feel her there, he grunted in satisfaction.

  “You want me,” he said.

  That’s the understatement of the century. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”

  This pleased him, and he grunted again as he let his fingers explore the folds of skin that marked the entrance to the most sensitive part of her. “You are so soft and warm, little human. Unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I cannot believe how soft.”

  Nova wanted to ask if that was a good thing, but she kept her mouth shut. It was obvious from the tone of pleasure in his voice that he liked what he was finding.

  He was done talking, too. He returned his mouth to her breasts, alternating between her nipples and setting off a continuous sensation of tingling heat in Nova’s chest. But he wasn’t content with just her breasts anymore. Now, his fingers continued to explore the warm, wetness of her pussy. He fingered the soft curls that guarded her dripping wet entrance, seeming surprised to find hair there. Perhaps Zocronian women did not have hair guarding their sex, and for a moment Nova felt embarrassed. Perhaps she should have shaved. But Daxar continued to run his fingers through that hair and let out a small sigh of satisfaction, so Nova relaxed. He seemed to like it.

  What he seemed to like even more was what he felt when he pushed a finger past the entrance and deep into her. He moaned happily, but he wasn’t the only one moaning. Nova felt like she’d never been touched before until this moment. His finger was so large and so sure. It moved with confidence inside of her, brushing against the super-sensitive skin of her inner walls. He hit her g-spot, and she gasped.

  He pulled back in surprise, looking down at her with concern. “Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “No. Quite the opposite.”

  He smiled, the skin around his eyes crinkling ever so slightly in amusement. “Ah, so you like that, do you? My little human is full of surprises.”

  Then he went back to nibbling on her nipples, with his finger all the while rubbing firmly against the magic spot he had so quickly found. Nova could only squeeze her eyes shut and gasp for air as an impossible heat and pressure built within her. Her whole body tensed as she reached the point of no return. She felt like she was on the edge of a great precipice, about to fall over into the greatest ecstasy she had ever known.

  And then, she fell. Her release came rushing over her like the steady strong waves of an ocean, pulling her under in the most delightful way. She arched her back as she tried to contain the sensations that filled her, but this could not be fully contained. She screamed out Daxar’s name as he continued to move his finger inside of her, showing no mercy. He never slowed down, the insistent movement against her sensitive inner walls drawing out the orgasm to an impossibly long length of time. Her inner walls clenched around that finger as spasms of tingling hot heat rocked her body.

  If it was the feeling of being alive that she had been looking for, she had definitely found that feeling. The world around her had never seemed so sharp and in focus as when she finally opened her eyes. Every noise, every color, every smell—everything seemed more vivid than it ever had before.

  Daxar let his head fall away from her breasts, lying instead beside her with his forehead nuzzled against the side of her face. He kept his finger inside her even after the last spasm of Nova’s release had faded away, but he no longer moved it with such intensity. Instead, he drew slow, sweet circles inside of her. She sighed happily as her body slowly returned to a more normal state of being, although, truth be told, she wasn’t sure she would ever feel normal again. Not after that experience she’d just had.

  “That was incredible,” she whispered.

  “I’m glad. You feel incredible. So much softer and warmer than anything I’ve ever felt before. Humans might be small, but they are quite intoxicating.”

  Nova smiled happily. “I’m glad you think so. I must say, I myself feel quite intoxicated.”

  Daxar pulled his finger out of her then and raised himself up on an elbow to look into her eyes. Nova was surprised by the tenderness and uncertainty she saw in his face. He’d never looked anything other than completely confident, but right now, he seemed unsure.

  “Was it good for you? I don’t have any experience with what humans like.”

  Nova’s eyes widened. “Was it good? Um, yes. When I said incredible, I meant incredible. That was the
most amazing experience of my life.”

  Daxar smiled, a slight smirk replacing the uncertainty on his face. “Good.”

  Nova laughed. “Are you smirking at me? You’re pretty proud of your abilities, aren’t you?”

  “Shouldn’t I be? The Chief is, after all, the Chief.”

  Nova laughed. “Oh my god. You’re such a dork.”

  His brow furrowed. “Dork? I don’t know this word.”

  “Never mind. It’s kind of an old-school Earth expression.”

  “Hmph. I’m going to have to study up on Earth expressions. The English I know is pretty standard. It doesn’t include a lot of idioms or expressions.”

  “Your English is perfect. But it’s not your language skills I want to talk about right now.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “Oh?”

  “I want to talk about the fact that you still have a huge, hard erection.”

  Daxar seemed amused by this. “So I do, it seems. I can’t help it when I’m around you. You’re so sludging beautiful.”

  “Well,” Nova said as she traced a line down the side of his face with her finger. “Your finger felt amazing, obviously. But it seems a shame to let an erection like that go to waste.”

  The heat in Daxar’s eyes was intensifying again. All hints of teasing were gone as he spoke in a low, hungry voice. “So what do you propose we do about it?”

  She gave him a coy smile. “I propose we find out how compatible the human and Zocronian anatomies really are.”

  He didn’t need a second invitation. With a deep growl, he pushed her onto her back and slid so that his tall, chiseled body was hovering over her. The tip of his erection was just poking at her entrance, which was still dripping wet, and she could feel herself starting to pulse with desire all over again. He paused there, looking down at her as though he wanted to just take in the moment. Nova wanted to take in the moment, too. She had never felt this wanted before. This desired. But Daxar’s eyes didn’t lie. Hunger for her burned in those eyes.

  By now, she had long since forgotten all of her worries over what the consequences of this night would be. All she could think about was that this night was shaping up to be the best one she’d had in a long time. Maybe the best one ever. Daxar was every bit the Chief—he had decided he wanted her, and he was going to have her.

  And damn it all if Nova wasn’t going to enjoy every second of being had.

  “You,” he said, his voice filled with wonder. “It’s always been you.”

  “What do you mean?” she whispered back. Her body was trembling with such anticipation that she could hardly speak. It wasn’t easy to concentrate on words when his erection was poking at her, hinting at that fact that he would soon be inside of her.

  “I’ve been waiting for you my whole life. I just didn’t know it.”

  “Daxar…” That sounded like quite a serious statement. Was he saying he wanted a permanent sort of relationship with her? But no, that was impossible. She was leaving, and he was staying and—

  Her tumbled thoughts were cut completely short when he rammed into her with one sudden, authoritative move. She gasped as her mind tried to process the fact that something so large was inside of her.

  He was huge. His thick, ridged shaft dove deep down into her body and pushed against her inner walls, forcing its way in and insistently making room for itself. Nova felt completely dominated by him and his strength, which only turned her on even more than she already was. She could feel the hot moisture of her desire covering him as he filled her.

  And then, he started thrusting. Oh, Jupiter! Those thrusts! She’d thought that his finger set off fireworks inside of her, but that had barely been a teaser compared to this. As he moved back and forth, going deeper and deeper into her each time he drove his hips back and forth, the ridges of his shaft rubbed against her most sensitive skin.

  “Daxar!” she yelped, unable to do anything except writhe underneath him and call out his name. He let out that low growling sound he liked to make, and shivers of delight ran up and down Nova’s spine.

  “This is how it feels when a Chief takes you, my little human.” His deep voice was filled with hunger, and Nova shivered again. The cocktail of sensations in her body had once again become almost too much to bear. But the most intense sensation was coming from between her legs, where he continued to push into her with his rock hard, ridged erection. As he slid back and forth, Nova’s insides felt like they were burning. The fire grew more each time that glorious dick of his moved in and out, and Nova closed her eyes, trying to contain the feeling. The pressure in her core built and swelled. Every cell in her body tingled, and she whimpered with delight as she felt the waves of release coming for her again.

  “Dax!” It was all she could say before she was once again tumbling into the sweetest sensation she had ever known. Spasms of burning delight passed over her body again and again. She wrapped her arms around her alien’s big blue neck, and held on for dear life.

  He let out another growl, and then, with a final, fierce thrust, he gave in to his release and came as well. She could feel him pulsing deep inside of her, even as her own inner muscles pulsed around him. Together, they rode the waves of ecstasy, until the moment had faded into a peaceful, warm, afterglow.

  Neither one of them said anything anymore. Nova was afraid that if she spoke, she would ruin the moment. It was like a spell of passion had been cast over them, and she didn’t want to break it. Daxar gently slid out of her and wrapped her in his arms, enveloping her with his warmth. He was so much bigger than her. No wonder he called her his little human. But Nova didn’t mind being little, if it meant that he wanted to protect her. She snuggled against his chest and sighed happily, feeling protected and even—dare she say it—loved.

  She closed her eyes and let the exhaustion take over her. She needed to sleep. There would be reality to face tomorrow. She had to deal with the basestos, with the broken ship, and now with the fact that she’d slept with an alien Chief who hated outsiders. The day would be full of problems and stresses.

  But for right now, for this fleeting, stolen moment, none of that mattered. For this moment, at least, she could be happy.

  Chapter Ten

  Nova blinked her eyes open, confused by the pounding in her head. The light streaming in through the one, oval window in her small apartment was bright, hurting her eyes.

  Why is my head pounding? Did I drink too much last night?

  The thought of last night sent a vague sense of worry through Nova’s mind, as though there was something from last night that she really needed to remember. A split-second later, she tried to sit up and realized that there was a very muscular, very blue arm draped across her hips.

  Oh, shit. It all came rushing back to her. Seeing Daxar at the bar, dancing with him, and then coming home alone only to have him show up later, as crazed for her as she was for him.

  And now what? Now it was daytime, and her head was pounding for some reason and she had a shit ton of problems to deal with. Wait, no. Her head wasn’t pounding. Had she imagined that?

  A sharp, pounding knock came at the door.

  Oh. It wasn’t my head. It was someone at the door. Nova slid out from underneath Daxar’s arm, trying not to wake him. He grunted and stirred, but then rolled over and went back to sleep. Nova couldn’t help but pause and smile at him for a moment. He looked so peaceful when he slept. And having the chance to openly stare at his chest without him knowing it wasn’t a bad deal either. She would have liked the chance to stare at his dick, too, but at some point he had pulled the blanket up over them, and the lower half of his body was hidden by that blanket.

  Not that she needed to actually see his dick to remember how large it was. When she stood and started walking, the soreness between her legs instantly reminded her that he had been a bit of a tight fit. Nova grinned, and bit her lower lip to try to hold in a squeak of excitement. Daxar had been quite spectacular in bed.

  The knock came at the
door again, more urgently this time. Nova sighed. And now, back to reality. She had no idea what time it was, but judging by the brightness of Zocrone’s sun streaming in through the window, she had overslept a bit. One of her crew members was probably at the door, irritated with her not being out to check on them and the ship yet.

  Nova looked around for her clothes, quickly throwing on her everyday captain’s outfit, which she affectionately referred to as her starship scrubs. The loose, navy blue pants and shirt were good for getting work done, and Nova had a feeling that there would be a lot of work to be done today.

  The pounding knock came again, and Nova swore under her breath. Jeez, whoever that was needed to give her just a second. And what was it with no one using the intercom system? If you were going to be rude and pound on someone’s door nonstop, you could at least have the decency to identify yourself.

  Nova pulled her hair up into a quick, loose bun, hoping to make it look like she hadn’t just woken up two minutes ago. She wasn’t sure the effort was entirely successful, but she couldn’t put off her visitor anymore. She swiped through the video feeds on the wall console by the door, and was not too surprised to see that her visitor was Maisie. There must be some hiccups in the ship repairs.

  Just what I need. More delays. That basestos is never going to make it off this planet at this rate.

  Not that Nova minded having a bit more time with Daxar. She was already dreaming about the next time they could be alone and naked together. But she did want to make it through this basestos delivery alive, and the longer she was delayed, the less likely that was looking.

  Nova swung open the door, careful not to open it too wide. She didn’t want Maisie to get a glimpse into the bedroom and notice that the bed was not empty. Sure, Nova was an adult and could do what she wanted with whomever she wanted. Whenever the Starburst was docked on a planet, the rule was that any of the crew could spend time with any aliens they wanted, provided that the extracurricular activities took place away from the ship. The last thing Nova needed was some nosy alien man sniffing around her smuggling ship.


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