Claimed by the Alien Chief: A sci fi alien romance (Zocrone of the Seven Galaxies Book 1)

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Claimed by the Alien Chief: A sci fi alien romance (Zocrone of the Seven Galaxies Book 1) Page 18

by Sloane Meyers

  She felt like she was in some sort of underwater fantasy. When she opened her eyes for a brief moment, all she could see were walls of water, and Daxar’s face. His eyes were closed, and his ridged forehead was slightly furrowed with concentration as he drank her in. Nova closed her eyes again and gave herself over completely to his kiss.

  His tongue danced with hers, running along her teeth and the roof of her mouth while his hands gripped the small of her back and pressed her body against his. His rock hard erection pushed against the softness of her stomach, and Nova let out a soft moan thinking of what was coming. Her whole body buzzed with anticipation, but Daxar took his sweet time.

  Every second that he dragged this out was sweet torture. The pressure within Nova’s core grew to an almost unbearable level. The fire within her blazed, and the trembling in her hands had become so great that she had to grip the back of his shoulders tightly just to steady herself. Eventually he moved his lips to her breasts, taking her hard nipples and sucking them into his mouth, running his tongue over the nubs, and then nibbling gently with his teeth. Nova threw her head back and moaned as tingling heat filled her breasts and radiated to every part of her body. The water splashed across her face, its soft caress only adding to the cocktail of sensations she was already feeling.

  And then, Daxar decided he’d had enough of fooling around. He pulled his mouth away from her nipples, and reached under Nova’s ass to slide her up so that her soft entrance was even with his thick dick. He let out a low, hungry growl, a sound Nova was coming to know well. He made that sound when he wanted to assert his authority and claim her as his own. Mine, the growl said.

  Yours, Nova’s heart responded. And somehow, he seemed to hear the words spoken by her heart.

  He slid into her in the next instant, filling her completely. His thick, ridged shaft pushed against her inner walls, and Nova gasped. Even though this wasn’t the first time she’d felt him, she still felt just as shocked at how large he was. His stiff ridges rubbed against her most sensitive skin, and all she could do was hold on to him for dear life, moaning loudly as the electric, tingling pressure within her continued to build.

  He never slowed down, thrusting hard and fast deep inside of her. Her desire had made her as wet inside as the water that surrounded her. Daxar slid easily back and forth, claiming her with every powerful push of his hips. It didn’t take long for him to bring Nova to the edge. She held on as long as she could, wanting to drag out the moment forever. But in the end, she was at his mercy, and with his next thrust into her, she tumbled over that edge.

  She threw back her head again, letting the waterfall pelt her in the face as her release came. She moaned as her core clenched up, and then her inner muscles began to spasm. Wave after wave of sweet passion rushed over her, and she knew nothing in that moment except the pure ecstasy of her big blue alien being inside of her.

  He followed right behind her, letting out another loud growl just before he came into her. Nova could feel each pulse of his dick as it pushed out against her, almost in perfect timing with each spasm of her own release. For a delicious eternity, they clung to each other there under the waterfall and let the raw, sweet power of their love consume them.

  Eventually, Daxar pulled out and pulled her away from the waterfall. They swam back to shore, and lay together on the grass with their fingers intertwined, drying off in the warmth of Zocrone’s sun as it shone through the glass city dome.

  When the sun finally started fading into a starry night sky, Daxar sat up and smiled down at Nova. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, his blue, sculpted body seeming to glow in that ethereal light between day and night.

  “You know, it’s funny,” he said. “I was always so afraid of outsiders. But you don’t feel like an outsider at all. You feel like someone I’ve known my whole life. I thought I was brave before, but you’ve taught me what it really means to be brave: to let go of my past, and to open Zocrone up to the possibilities of progress.”

  Nova sat up and leaned her head against his. “Well, you’ve taught me to be brave enough to believe that I could belong somewhere. Truly belong. So I guess we’re even.”

  Daxar leaned down to kiss her. “I guess we are. And you will always belong right here in my arms.”

  And then they were off again, losing themselves in each other’s bodies. Bodies that were so different, and yet somehow fit perfectly together.

  Nova grinned as Daxar rolled her onto her back. That damn basestos job had turned out to be the best smuggling job she ever took.

  Thank You For Reading!

  Book Two in the Zocrone series will be coming soon!

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  More Books by Sloane Meyers

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  About the Author

  Bestselling author Sloane Meyers writes steamy paranormal romance that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

  Sloane thinks we could all use a little escape in our lives. And what better way to shake up the ordinary than to transport yourself to the mysterious worlds beyond our world? Sloane brings you hot alpha males, and spunky, spirited heroines—always with happily ever afters!

  When she’s not busy writing, Sloane spends her time reading, hiking, or just hanging out with family and friends.

  Want more interaction? Visit Sloane on her website,, and be sure to find her on Facebook at




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