Rough & Rowdy (Notorious Devils #1)

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Rough & Rowdy (Notorious Devils #1) Page 21

by Hayley Faiman

  “Aryan’s retaliated when your shipment was busted. They decided to burn the clubhouse down. Everyone was inside,” Bull murmurs, shocking me.

  “How come I didn’t know about this?” I narrow my gaze on Sniper, but he doesn’t even look at me when he answers.

  “Club voted to keep it quiet so you wouldn’t fuck up in the pen,” he says, all emotion out of his voice. He’s so pissed at me, but I can’t seem to muster a fuck to give.

  “Fine. A vote, whatever. What the fuck happened for retribution?” I bark, wanting to know.

  I’m so fucking pissed, not only at Sniper, but the whole goddamn club. I asked every time Sniper came in to visit me what was going on, and all he ever told me was that the Aryan’s and the Bastards were lying low. I didn’t know they had disappeared. Fuck. And then add blowing up a whole club. I’m not only pissed at them, I’m pissed at my old man, too.

  How in the fuck did nobody tell me a goddamn thing for three fuckin’ years?

  “Your Pops didn’t want to rock the boat after everything went down. ATF was up all our asses, eyes on the club nationwide. He severed ties and that was the end of that,” Drifter states. It makes me question everything; it doesn’t sound right to me.

  “The Cartel?” I ask.

  “In works with the charter club for running dope, huge profit,” Drifter announces.

  Now I know what’s up. They want to give up the guns and become mules.

  More money.

  “More heat on us and more jail time if we get caught,” I announce. They all look at their boots, except Sniper.

  “Won’t be driving big fuckin’ trucks, so odds of getting caught are less. We only carry to the border and we pass it off,” he says.

  “Where we getting’ it from?” I ask, looking right at him.

  “Club members getting it down at the Mexican border, pass it off to the Vegas club, and they bring it to Salt Lake City. The SLC club takes the shipment to Butte, Montana, where we meet up and take it to the Canadian border, where our club in Lethbridge will deliver it to the Cartel in Calgary,” Sniper explains. It makes my fuckin’ head spin.

  “That’s why too many hands in the cookie jar. That’s too much passing off,” I explain. Torch nods his head.

  “I’m in agreement,” he says before he bends down to bring out a map.

  “If we can get the California club out of San Diego to meet us in SLC, that’s halfway. That’s only one exchange off here in the states. Then we hand it off at the border and be done with it. Less hands the dope passes through.

  “I mean, it’s going to be a hard run, but if we set up a schedule and are on a rotation, then it won’t seem so bad. In the long run, I think this could work. Our numbers are growing and we’ll probably each only have to go out once a month,” Torch explains. I look at the route. It could definitely work, and it would only be three clubs involved instead of five.

  “The cut would be more for us too, since we’d only be dividing it into thirds instead of fifths,” I say. I hear the guys murmuring around us. Everybody likes more cash.

  “Let’s take a vote,” I suggest.

  We vote one hundred percent in favor, and that makes me feel a bit better. I have Drifter set up the first meet in SLC and get Torch on making up a schedule. I tell him that I want to be in on the first drop, but after that, he can make me back up in case something happens and a guy can’t go. Normally, as the president, I wouldn’t do shit— but I’m hands on, and I don’t have a problem helping my brothers out.

  “Before we adjourn, I have an announcement I want to bring to you all before tonight, when I make it official.” Everybody is quiet and I can’t hold back my smile.

  “I’m making Kentlee my Old Lady.”

  The room is silent and then, all of a sudden, it breaks out into cheers and laughter.

  “Finally. Fuck me, I was gonna steal her away from you if you didn’t. Hot piece of ass right there,” Bull grins. I can’t even get pissed off at the old dirty bastard, I’m too fuckin’ happy.

  “Hey, sorry we couldn’t help her out more when you were inside,” Drifter says, slapping me on the back. I shake my head.

  “I were in your shoes, didn’t know the girl or have any facts on the baby, I would’a done the same, brother,” I admit, even though I don’t want to.

  I want to be pissed at them; but in the end, it was all my fuck up, not theirs. We have rules for a reason. I get it. I don’t like it, but I get it.

  “Your Pops is coming tonight,” Torch says after he shakes my hand.

  “Gotta make it official with the old man before he tries to take my girl. He already fuckin’ warned me he would,” I admit through a laugh.

  “Seriously?” Torch asks. I nod.

  “Old man threatened me to take care of my shit, or he’d take Kentlee and Bear to Cali and claim her himself. Apparently, we have the same taste in women.” I chuckle and Torch shakes his head.

  “Not hard to want a woman like Kentlee at your side, brother. I don’t know her well, but I’ve seen her around the Devils Club. She’s sweet, and pretty as all get out. Be nice to wake up next to that in the morning,” he grins.

  “You saw her before the Devils Club, Torch,” I grumble.

  “I did. She was sweet then, too. But she changed, grew up, and took life by the balls when she had to. Impressed the fuck outta all of us. Sniper would keep us updated, warn us off of her, too. Nothing makes a man want something more than being told she’s off limits,” he smiles. I give him a hard look.

  “She’s one hundred percent off limits now. She’s a little sister,” I growl. Torch stars laughing.

  “Brother, I am not even trying to go there. She’s yours—your baby mama and your Old Lady. Pleased as fuck you have that for yourself. You deserve it,” he says before he walks away toward the bar.

  I spend the day hanging out with my brothers, catching up on their lives and just enjoying my freedom. Next week, I have to check in with my parole officer; but tonight, it’s just my brothers, my Pops, and my Old Lady. Nothing could dampen my fuckin’ mood.

  That is, until I feel sharp talons on my leg, digging into my jeans. I look down at the completely naked body and bleached blonde hair of a train wreck—Kitty.

  “Can I help you, Kitty?” I ask, removing her hand from my thigh.

  “Missed you while you were gone, Fury,” she whines.

  It grates on my nerves.

  “Can’t say the same about you,” I shrug. I watch as she pouts like a baby.

  “Anything you want today, any hole you want, it’s yours,” she smiles. I shake my head.

  “Nope. I got my own woman, Kitty. Don’t need all that from you.”

  “I know the rules, Fury. It’s a don’t ask, don’t tell. You know you want to fuck all the pussy you can since you didn’t have any for so long,” she whines some more.

  “Bitch, I got a woman. I don’t fuck around on her. I don’t give a fuck what anyone else does, but I ain’t doin’ you,” I growl. She takes a step back.

  “You’re seriously turning me down for that whore? That whore who worked the floor of a strip club and lived with one of your brothers?” she says.

  Her words light a rage inside of me. I reach out and backhand her. I watch her fall to the floor and I don’t even feel guilty about it. I should, she’s a woman, but I don’t.

  “Your job here, Kitty, is to suck and be fucked. It isn’t to talk men into sticking their dicks in your stretched out cunt. It sure as fuck isn’t to talk shit about the Old Ladies of this club. Remember your place, or you’ll be ass first out on the street. You can sell that used up cunt on the corner for all I care. One more outburst from you, and you’re gone,” I roar. The room goes silent.

  I ignore everybody and step over her shaking body before walking into my office. That bitch thinks she can talk about Kentlee like that, insinuate that she was fuckin’ Sniper and whoring because she waited tables in a strip club—she can go to hell.

  I slam
my office door shut and take a breath.

  “She didn’t say anything you hadn’t already thought,” Sniper says from the chair in my office. He’d been waiting for me.

  “Yeah, difference—it’s my right to think and question my Old Lady. It ain’t her right to even think about her,” I growl. Sniper nods.

  “Nothing ever happened,” he says.

  “I know,” I admit.

  I knew all along, no way would Sniper do me like that. And Kentlee, she never could. She’s mine, one hundred percent.

  “You’re a jealous bastard with her,” Sniper says. I look up to see he’s grinning.

  “Fuckin’ right, I am. Got a right to be. She’s a hot piece,” I grin, repeating Torch’s words from earlier.

  “She would be, if she didn’t feel like my sister,” he chuckles. I nod.

  “We cool?” I ask. He shakes his head once.

  “Brother, never weren’t. I was pissed you thought I’d be fuckin’ her behind your back, but it looked shady. I get it,” he admits.

  I agree.

  Shady as fuck.

  “Thank you,” I grind out.


  “Keeping her safe. Keeping her working, and my baby healthy and happy,” I express. Sniper wraps me in a hug and hits my back.

  “Always, brother. But not just for you, for her, too. She’s a good girl,” he says.

  “The best,” I admit.

  I spend the rest of the day pouring over paperwork and financial figures. I have three years to make up for. Three years of minutes to read from church meetings. It seemed like my life was on hold for those years, but life here didn’t stop. It kept pushing along, and now it’s time to play catch up. Then, I’m going to pick up my Old Lady and show her pretty ass off.


  I think that I must be lucky.

  I would have never thought this three years ago, when I was left alone and pregnant, but since that initial fear, I’ve had nothing but wonderful hit my doorway.

  Between Mary-Anne, Bates, and Tammy, how could I ask for better people at my back? Sure, I miss my family—Brentlee most of all—but I have Connellee, and that’s better than having nobody.

  I stand in front of the mirror as a wave of sadness rolls through me. I try not to think about Brentlee often, but when I do, it makes me mournful.

  I was uninvited to her wedding, and I haven’t seen her since the day my parent’s and I had the massive fight over Pierce and my pregnancy. Years have gone by since I have spoken to my own sister.

  That’s a lie. I did see her about a year ago, but she didn’t see me. She was sitting in a restaurant and she looked depressed. Twenty-one years old and she was dressed in a pantsuit, her hair in a French twist, with pearls around her neck. She looked polished and sophisticated, but she looked older. She didn’t look like my young and vibrant sister.

  I watched her, just enjoying seeing her, even if she looked depressed as hell. I watched as Scotty walked up to her table and her whole body stiffened. I didn’t know exactly what that meant, but I hated it. I couldn’t watch once Scotty was there. That man is a snake, and I don’t trust him one single bit. I hope that one day my sister will come back to me, that we can be friends again. I would love for her to know her nephew.

  I shake the sadness and disappointment away and inspect my clothes. Tonight is something special for Pierce. He wants me at his side and that’s where I’ll be.

  I turn to look at my profile and suck in my stomach a bit. It could be toned more, but I’m thinner these days then when I met him. The leggings I’m wearing are tight and are a pleather type material, but with the comfort and stretch of leggings, making my legs look fantastic with the bright red, Devils Club, high heels I’m sporting.

  I look at my white tank, which covers to just above my ass, wishing it were about two inches longer. I've got on a red, lacy bra underneath. I’m wearing my long blonde hair straight and down, my makeup dark, and my lips red against my pale skin.

  I feel sexy and pretty.

  I feel like a biker babe.

  I’m all jeans and t-shirts, except when I have to wear the horrible hot pants and sparkly bra top at the Devils Club. Tonight, I want to be sexy for my man and for myself. I haven’t gone out since before Bear was born, and tonight I’m going to enjoy myself.

  “Ready, baby girl?” Pierce’s voice timbres through the house and I look at myself one last time.

  Ready as I’ll ever be.

  “Yeah, coming,” I call out as I turn the lights off in my bedroom and make my way toward the living room.

  Pierce is standing with Bear in his giant arms and the sight makes my knees weak. I don’t know that I’ll ever get used to seeing this man with Bear in his arms. It’s so beautiful.

  “Babe,” he grunts as his eyes scan my body.

  I blush before looking over to Tammy, who is smiling so wide I think her face might actually crack.

  I ignore Tammy’s smile and Pierce’s hot gaze and take Bear from his strong arms. I nuzzle his sweet baby neck and gently kiss his cheek, trying not to dye it red with my lipstick. I tell him to be a good boy and then give Tammy instructions she doesn’t need—like how the phone numbers are on the fridge to the doctors, that my cell will be on and with me at all times, and the usual panicked mother-leaving-her-child worries.

  “Go have fun, Kentlee, you deserve it,” she whispers in my ear as she gives me a big hug.

  I don’t know if I deserve a night off from work and mommy-hood, but I’m honestly grateful and thankful for it all the same.

  Pierce doesn’t say a word as I follow him to his motorcycle. It’s been so long since I’ve been on the back. It seems like a lifetime ago. I stand there, trying to decide just how I’m going to ride on this thing in heels, it’s been so long since I’ve been on the back of his bike, as he straddles it and starts the engine.

  My mouth waters at the sight of him, his strong legs hugging the black piece of metal, his hair in his man bun, so fucking sexy, his beard covering his face. I clench my thighs together, remembering just how good that beard felt against me when he was licking my pussy.

  “C’mon, sugar,” he shouts over the rumble of the engine.

  I shake myself out of my dreamy haze and place my hand on his shoulder as I climb on behind him. I wrap my hands around his middle and hold on tight as he takes off toward his clubhouse.

  The night air is crisp and clean, surely making my hair a hot mess of a disaster, but I don’t care. I’ve got my man and I’m finally happy again. He’s made me promises that I can only pray he keeps. I could hold the past against him, I could be angry and bitter, but what good would that do? It wouldn’t be good for Bear or me.

  The best thing I can do is let this man love us, show us, and hopefully prove to us that he’s going to take care of us. I’m going to hold onto my slice of happiness for as long as I can have it.

  The clubhouse gravel parking lot is completely full of bikes. I’ve only been here twice, yet I have never seen it so packed. Pierce parks right in front, in an empty spot that must be always designated for him. There are a few guys standing outside, and he lifts his chin to them before grabbing my hand. I quickly try to finger comb my once straight and sleek hair.

  “Babe,” he rumbles as I tug my hand out of his.

  “I need to fix my hair. It’s a disaster,” I huff, continuing to run my fingers through it to try and untangle all the knots.

  Pierce turns and takes a step toward me before he wraps his arm around my back and hauls me into his chest. I’m startled by the move and drop my arm, looking up into his big gray eyes. He buries his other hand into my hair, messing it up further and I narrow my eyes at him.

  “You look fuckin’ sexy as hell tonight, baby girl. I’m gonna have to keep your ass close, because every man in there is gonna want a piece of you. Your hair is fuckin’ sin, your tits goddamn unbelievable, and your ass—swear to Christ, I almost wept when I saw it in those pants. Stop worryin’.”
br />   He slams his lips down on mine before I can say a word. His hand slides from my lower back to my ass and he squeezes roughly, causing me to moan into his mouth.

  “Let’s go,” he grunts.

  I take a moment to wipe my lipstick from his face as he cleans mine up as well. I can’t stop the giant smile from forming on my lips, and Pierce grins as he shakes his head. He keeps his hand firmly planted on my ass as he guides me inside of his club.

  We walk inside and it reminds me of the night I came to tell him I was pregnant, except times ten. There are naked women, barely dressed women, and women in jeans and tanks milling around. A few people look at us but keep doing what, or who, they were doing before.

  My eyes crash with familiar gray ones and I try to hide my shock, but I really am bad at it. I watch as the man smiles before he makes his way toward us.

  “Kentlee,” he says, taking my hand in his warm one.

  Pierce’s fingers dig into my ass and I hear him grunt beside me.

  “Pops,” he grumbles. The man looks at his son—they look even more like twins standing right here in front of me, together.

  “MadDog,” I say as he smiles warmly at me.

  “You do as I suggested?” MadDog asks.

  Pierce narrows his eyes and grits his teeth as he stares down his father and then he moves his hand from my ass and whistles so loud that it feels like I’ve burst an eardrum.

  “Listen up,” he hollers.

  The room goes silent.

  The men stare at him and wait. He’s in control of everyone here. He is completely in charge, and I swear, he looks even bigger in this moment.

  “Three years away was a fuck’ve a long time. I missed a lot with the club and with my brothers. I’m happy as fuck to be back. I also missed a lot personally, that means this little girl standing next to me. This is Kentlee, she’s the mother of my son, and she’s agreed to be my Old Lady and my wife. Anybody so much as looks at her sideways, and I’ll fucking kill you,” he roars.

  I swear, you could hear a pin drop.

  Then, not more than thirty seconds later, there are cheers and the music goes back up.


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