Rough & Rowdy (Notorious Devils #1)

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Rough & Rowdy (Notorious Devils #1) Page 24

by Hayley Faiman

  “I’m in my office. I’ll be there in two minutes.” I hang up the phone before he gets a chance to speak and start to storm out of the clubhouse, almost running over Sniper.

  “What’s goin’ on?” he asks, not missing a fuckin’ thing.

  “I want everybody at my house five minutes ago,” I growl. He nods.

  “Kentlee?” he asks quietly. My eyes cut to his.

  “Fuckin’ disappeared. She’s fucking gone,” I say unable to hide my emotion.

  Snipe knows, he fuckin’ knows my woman, and he knows how I feel about her. I watch as something crosses his face—fear, anger, and rage mixed together. I feel the exact fuckin’ same goddamned way.

  Without another word, I leave.

  I race home and find Rosie holding an inconsolable Bear while their daughter is wrapped in Vault’s arms. As soon as my son hears my boots hit the living room, he cries out for me and wiggles out of Rosie’s arms, launching himself in mine. I pick him up and wrap him tight without thought.

  My boy, my baby, he’s so fuckin’ scared.

  Vault hands his daughter to Rosie and asks her to go to the kitchen for a bit. She doesn’t ask questions, just does it without a word. Old Lady to the core, and a good one at that. Vault levels me with a hard look before he speaks.

  “Rosie was supposed to be here at noon. She was runnin’ about ten minutes late. Says the door was left open, so she walked inside. Lunch is set out on the table for the kids and the girls. Bear was in his room screamin’ his head off, but nothing else was amiss. There were no signs of struggle, and the car is in the garage.” He tells me all he knows.

  “It’s Bear’s naptime from ten to noon. Maybe there was a knock on the door and she yelled out, thinking it was Rosie, and whoever it was came inside. Kentlee isn’t stupid. She probably went because she didn’t want whoever it was to know Bear was in the house. I know her,” I state. Vault nods in agreement. Though he doesn’t know Kentlee all that well, it makes sense that she wouldn’t want harm to come to our boy.

  “Then we’re on the same page, because nothing else makes sense. She wouldn’t run. You’re engaged. She had all the shit out for the playdate, and her car, keys, purse, and phone are here in the house,” Vault confirms, ruling out any other questions I might have had.

  “Retaliation,” I mutter.

  “Retribution,” Vault mumbles before my house is filled with every single patched brother we have.

  “Need to find her fast,” I tell the room of men, my brothers.

  I walk out of the room, still holding my boy, who has cried himself to sleep on my shoulder. I call my Pops. This smells like the Bastards, but I can’t be sure. I don’t want to go after the wrong group and chance not ever finding her, or finding her too late.

  “Torch called me,” my dad says as his answer. I’m glad. I didn’t want to explain shit again.

  “Who’s good for it?” I ask, trying to stay calm. It’s using everything I have inside of me to do so.

  “I tried my contact with the Bastards and the Aryan’s, no answer on either. My guess? They’re in it together,” he suggests.

  I let out a breath. Makes sense. Bastards have been wanting our territory for fuckin’ ever, then we cut ties with the Aryan’s. All has been quiet because they’ve been planning.

  “Together,” I repeat.

  “Massive takeover,” my Pops offers.

  I nod to myself.

  Massive takeover.

  They don’t know what they’ve done. I’ll gut every single one of those fuckers, one by one.

  And slowly.

  “I need backup,” I demand. It’s not a question and my father wouldn’t turn me down even if it was.

  “Already loading up. Be there tomorrow,” he says before he hangs up the phone. I let out a breath.

  “All women and children need to be on lockdown, mandatory,” I tell Sniper, who is behind me. I can smell the rage pouring off of him in waves.

  “Done,” he says. I turn to face him.

  “I want every man to stay here. We’re in planning mode, but I don’t want anybody overhearing us. How they figured out Kentlee was mine already, I don’t know; but if there was a leak, I don’t want to chance it,” I say. Sniper nods before his eyes meet mine.

  “What if the leak is a brother?” he asks.

  “I’ll kill him, slowly—deliberately take my time,” I say.

  Sniper grins before he turns around to give my directions to the men.

  Seconds later, Rosie is tearing out of the house and running to her car. I should give her Bear, but I can’t. The boy would just cry. He needs me. I might be able to leave him with Tammy, but I’m not leaving him in the clubhouse. I don’t know how those racist fucks found out about Kentlee, but I do know that if it’s a leak in the clubhouse, I don’t want a soul knowing where my son is.

  It’s time to plan out some murders.

  I grin at the thought.

  I’m ready to kill some racist fucks.



  I wish I could sleep, but there’s no way I can drop my guard around these crazy assholes. They’ve pretty much been ignoring me the whole way, talking amongst themselves, and they are sickening. They are a shame to the human race, and they make me ill.

  “Make the call,” the one next to me orders.

  I can’t help but wonder if he’s the leader. He’s stayed quiet the entire time and has just looked straight ahead, at nothing but the wall of the van. He’s unnerving.

  I listen as a ringing noise takes over the sound in the van. The phone is on speakerphone, and I wonder just who in the hell they’re calling, until the voice on the other end picks up. I don’t have to wonder another second.


  “Where the fuck did you take my woman?” he roars. It makes me jump. The man next to me looks down at me, expressionless, but studious.

  “Your little blondie is perfectly safe, aren’t you sweetheart?” one of the men in front says, his voice sticky sweet.

  “Pierce,” I whimper as my voice cracks.

  “You touch one goddamned hair on her head and I’ll gut every single one of you,” he growls, his voice low and menacing.

  “You’d have to find us first, and we aren’t the type who will be found if we don’t want to be.”

  “What do you want?” Pierce sighs.

  It sounds as though he’s resigned, that he’s given up and will do whatever it is that they ask. However, I know Pierce. He will make these men suffer.

  “We want our guns or our money. That bullshit from three years ago isn’t forgotten.”

  “You blew up a club and killed everyone inside; you took your money in blood,” Pierce says just as I start piecing things together.

  Pierce went to jail delivering guns to these jackholes, and now they want the money they paid for them back.

  “Blood doesn’t pay the bills and doesn’t supply us guns,” the man in front says.

  I kind of understand his reasoning, even if he’s crazy as hell.

  “I don’t deal with guns anymore,” Pierce announces. The man laughs.

  “Yeah, you’re dealing with those wetback fucks. We know all about it. Doesn’t change a goddamned thing. Money or guns, Fury. Get those to me by Sunday at noon or I’ll turn this little white bitch of yours out. Every man in my club loves to fuck pure white pussy, and that’s exactly what she’s got. She’ll be used to her fullest potential here. Text me when you’re ready, and I’ll send you a meeting place,” he says before he hangs up.

  I feel myself grow short of breath. His words ring throughout my head, over and over again.

  Every man in my club loves to fuck pure white pussy, and that’s exactly what she’s got.

  She’ll be used to her fullest potential here.

  I close my eyes tightly and try to calm down before I completely and totally lose it.

  We pull into a warehouse and the van turns off before the doors fly open and I am yanked out. I f
ind myself surrounded by at least twenty more skinheads and a whole group of bikers.

  Scary-as-shit bikers.

  My eyes catch a patch and it says Bastards. Two groups are in this together; two groups against one. I can only hope that I survive this, but it doesn’t seem likely anymore.

  “This the cunt?” a gravelly voice asks. I look up to see a man with a long gray beard and a pot belly standing in front of me, wearing a Bastards cut.

  “Yup. Fury is pissed,” the quiet man announces.

  “Of course, he is. His piece of ass is gone,” the gray bearded man says before he laughs.

  “You know how territorial these types are. You sure this is how you want to play this out?” the quiet man asks long-beard.

  “Hit ‘em where it hurts, their pride and their cocks. It’s the only way they’ll take anything serious, Mark,” long-beard says, calling the quiet man Mark.

  Well, at least I know one of their names now.

  “Well, his pride is definitely on the line,” Mark says with a nod. “I’ll keep her with me. There’s too many men around here,” he offers. Long-beard grins.

  “We could play for a bit, have a little party,” long-beard offers.

  Mark shakes his head once and long-beard steps back. Oh, fuck, this guy is the one in charge, I think as I am hauled off toward an office. I can feel the men behind me as well as their stares. It’s as if a million needles are pricking my skin. Once we are inside the office, Mark looks right at me, his eyes cold, dead, and unfeeling.

  It’s terrifying.

  “This has nothing to do with you. Don’t take anything personally,” he begins. My eyes widen.

  How do I not take the fact that these assholes kidnapped me and want to fuck me like a blow up doll personally?

  “Its business,” he shrugs, not looking the least bit sorry.

  “Fury isn’t going to just give you what you want and be done with it,” I say. Mark cocks his head to the side before he speaks.

  “Those men may be idiots, but I am not. We had a contract and we warned him that our competitors were fucking with us. Yet, they severed ties with us and went to the competitors. It’s the principle of the thing now, Kentlee,” he says, taking a step toward me. I freeze as his hand comes up and cups my cheek.

  “He and his men are as good as dead, pretty girl. Mourn him quickly because come Monday, you will have a new place and a new life. Can you guess at what that is?” he asks as he dips his head lower and his lips brush against my ear.

  “No,” I croak.

  “In my bed, as my whore. Every time I sink my cock inside of your pussy, it will be my victory against him. Killing him won’t be enough. I need to disrespect him even in death, and I’ll do it by owning you. Then, I’ll do it again by being Bear’s daddy,” he says, releasing me and taking a step away.

  My mouth drops open in full on shock as I stare at him, unable to speak.

  “You didn’t think I knew about that boy? I know everything, Kentlee. Your son will be raised to be a solider for me, and you’ll breed more white children for me. They’ll be beautiful,” he grins before he leaves the room, locking me inside.

  I sink to my knees and, for the first time since I was taken from my own home—I cry.


  “They wouldn’t have taken her far if they want to draw you out,” my Pops says as he lights up a cigarette next to me.

  “Nope. Town ain’t that big, but they could be at any one of the little ones around us,” I say.

  I’m tired as fuck.

  My adrenaline has crashed and now I’m just fucking resigned to this being a complete cluster fuck.

  “This isn’t all about money. I know them, they want to make a point as well,” Pops mutters. I nod.

  Bear is safe at Tammy’s, happy to be with his favorite grandmother type, and I’ve got fuck-all to go on to find Kentlee.

  I can’t help but wonder if we haven’t already been through enough shit in our three years together. Right when we’re happy, more comes raining down on us. It isn’t fair to her, not in the slightest. Kentlee has never done a damn thing wrong, and here I go again, causing her pain. I knew my life would fuck with hers if she was mine. I knew it, but I made her mine anyway, because I’m a selfish fucking prick.

  “You are a prick, but you did the right thing by claiming her,” my dad says beside me.

  I could kick myself for speaking my thoughts out loud.

  “What’s their point then?” I ask.

  “To piss us off, to have the upper hand, to prove they can take what’s ours and there’s nothing that we can do about it. Mark is fucking sadistic. He’ll do whatever it takes to get his point across,” my dad informs me. It doesn’t make me feel any better, at all.

  “I know where they are,” Bull says, stepping beside me. I turn to him as rage seeps through my veins.

  “How?” I calmly ask. It’s going against everything inside of me to be so goddamned calm right now.

  “Kitty. I went to the club to check on the women and kids about ten minutes ago, and Kitty was running her mouth to another whore. She didn’t see me; didn’t know I was there. She’s been feeding them information.”

  Red replaces the colors around me and I quickly walk to my bike. My Pops and Bull follow behind me, along with others, I’m sure—but I can’t give a fuck.

  My only mission is to get that whore and get some answers before I kill her.

  The clubhouse is quiet. I walk inside to see women and children milling around. I don’t care about them. My red, angry gaze is looking for just one person—Kitty. When I spot her, she’s wearing a bikini top and cut offs, painting her toenails like she doesn’t have a care in the world. I walk right up to her, my brothers at my back.

  “Up,” I grind out. She looks up at me and smiles—what she considers sexily—and slowly stands.

  “Knew you’d get tired of that mommy pussy and come back,” she says as she cups her breasts.

  I almost roll my eyes, but I’m too fucking angry. I wrap my hand around her bicep and drag her behind me. I’m making a scene, I’m sure, but I don’t give a fuck. I take her to our garage, where we house our bikes in the cold Idaho winters, and I throw her nasty ass on the concrete.

  “Fury,” she whines. I glare at her and she promptly shuts up.

  “Where’s my Old Lady?” I ask. She presses her lips together.

  “How should I know?” she huffs.

  I take my knife out of my side and bend down to her level. I watch her eyes widen and then she screams when I drag the top of the blade along her thigh. It's a good sized cut, but she’ll survive.

  “Wrong answer,” I growl.

  “Holy fuck, you’re crazy,” she whimpers. It doesn’t affect me. She’s a cold blooded, cold hearted cunt, and she deserves everything I’m going to give her.

  I take the knife and slice her tit.

  “Stupid bitch. I want my goddamned answers. I already know I’m fucking crazy,” I roar in her face. She starts to cry.

  “The Aryans and the Bastards are in it together,” she blubbers.

  “Where is my Old Lady? Where’s Kentlee?” I scream in her face. I slice her other thigh and watch the blood drip down her leg.

  “They told me they were taking her to a warehouse they rented just for this. They’re going to get rid of your whole fucking club, you asshole. Then Kentlee’s going to be Mark’s whore. It’s awesome. He even promised I could watch while he fucked her so hard he made her bleed. I hate that dumb bitch,” Kitty screams. I can’t hear another word. I wrap my fingers in her hair and I slice my blade across her neck. Blood goes fuckin’ everywhere, but the bitch is quiet now, and fucking dead.

  “Prez,” Bull murmurs from behind me.

  “She ain’t gonna watch shit now, is she?” I say. He grins for a beat before he’s on the phone with the brothers.

  I turn around and lock eyes with Sniper. He’s fucked this bitch more than once; he’s also taken care of Kentlee when I could

  “Good work, boss,” he says with a wide smile. He looks fuckin’ maniacal.

  “I want to know where this warehouse is and I want to know now. If that crazy bastard thinks he’s even going to lay a finger on my woman, or any member of my club, he’s got another thing comin’.”

  “We find that fuckin’ warehouse, I’m gonna pick off those motherfuckers one by one. Watch them drop like flies,” he chuckles.

  “Think Kitty knew where that warehouse was?” Bull asks looking down on Kitty as the blood drains from her lifeless body.

  “She didn’t know shit. No way those crazy fucks would have told her any useful information. We need to find the rental contracts for those warehouses on the outskirts of town. Bet that’s where they are,” I order.

  Finally, finally I see the light at the end of this long dark tunnel.


  I sit in the little office waiting. I watch the men milling around through two large windows that give me the perfect view of these sick, twisted assholes. Bikers and skinheads alike. They seem to be separated by group, like they are in this together, but they aren’t working together.

  Nothing about this makes sense to me. Retribution, revenge, and money make sense, but killing Pierce and taking me doesn’t make sense at all. I can’t wrap my head around it.

  “You look confused,” Mark says as he walks back inside of the office, his cold gaze focused on me. He might be handsome, if he wasn’t so fucking dead in the eyes and creepy.

  “All of this is just because of that severed contract?” I ask, waving my hand around at the men who are talking and drinking.

  “Pretty much. I’m a little dramatic, some might say.” He grins, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

  “Who told you about me?” I ask. He could have done this years ago; there’s a reason this is happening now.

  “A little whore named Kitty. Man, she really hates you,” he laughs. My eyes widen—that bitch.

  “And you promised her…” I let my words trail off and Mark picks up where I left off.

  “Oh, I didn’t have to promise that bitch much. Just that I’d let her watch while I fucked you until you bled. She seemed happy enough with that, so she sang like a bird,” he shrugs. I can’t help the bile from rising in my mouth. That nasty whore.


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