by Mario Reading


  ‘ “Men will ra­ise the­ir eyes to­wards the bat­tle­fi­eld.’ Do­es that re­mind you of anyt­hing? On the 12 th of Ap­ril 1961 Yu­ri Ga­ga­rin be­ca­me the first ever man to en­ter spa­ce - in the Vos­tok I - the­reby la­unc­hing the spa­ce ra­ce and furt­her ag­gra­va­ting the Cold War bet­we­en the Uni­ted Sta­tes, NA­TO and the So­vi­et Uni­on. “A star will shi­ne that is no star.” That’s a pretty dam­ned go­od desc­rip­ti­on of an or­bi­ting spa­cec­raft, isn’t it? Es­pe­ci­al­ly when you fi­gu­re that Nost­ra­da­mus was wri­ting 450 ye­ars be­fo­re any such thing had even be­en en­vi­sa­ged.” ’

  ‘What abo­ut “A yo­ung le­ader will emer­ge: he will re­ta­in his yo­uth?” I sup­po­se you’re go­ing to tell me that desc­ri­bes John F. Ken­nedy.’

  ‘Of co­ur­se it do­es. Ken­nedy first to­ok over the US Pre­si­den­ti­al of­fi­ce on the 20th of Janu­ary 1961. “A yo­ung le­ader will emer­ge” - Ken­nedy be­ca­me the le­ader of the Wes­tern world when he to­ok the Oath of Al­le­gi­an­ce. He will “re­ta­in his yo­uth” be­ca­use he will be as­sas­si­na­ted, two ye­ars la­ter, on the 22nd of No­vem­ber 1963.’ ‘I sup­po­se Nost­ra­da­mus calls that one, too.’ ‘Yes. I ha­ve it as “The pa­le car­ri­age of the yo­ung King turns black.” The se­cond li­ne go­es: “The Qu­e­en must mo­urn; the King’s crown will be sun­de­red.” Ken­nedy was shot in the he­ad, on the 22nd of No­vem­ber 1963, in Dal­las, Te­xas. Ro­bert McClel­land, MD, desc­ri­bed the wo­und in his tes­ti­mony at Park­land be­fo­re Ar­len Spec­ter on the 21st of March 1964. He sa­id that the bra­in tis­sue had be­en blas­ted out thro­ugh the top of the Pre­si­dent’s skull. Lo­ok. I’ve prin­ted his tes­ti­mony off the in­ter­net. Let me re­ad it to you: “I co­uld very clo­sely exa­mi­ne the he­ad wo­und and I no­ted that the right pos­te­ri­or por­ti­on of the skull had be­en ext­re­mely blas­ted. It had be­en shat­te­red… so that the pa­ri­etal bo­ne was prot­ru­ded up thro­ugh the scalp and se­emed to be frac­tu­red al­most along its right pos­te­ri­or half, as well as so­me of the oc­ci­pi­tal bo­ne be­ing frac­tu­red in its la­te­ral half and this sprung open the bo­nes that I men­ti­oned in such a way that you co­uld ac­tu­al­ly lo­ok down in­to the skull ca­vity it­self and see that pro­bably a third or so, at le­ast, of the bra­in tis­sue, pos­te­ri­or ce­reb­ral tis­sue and so­me of the ce­re­bel­lar tis­sue had be­en blas­ted out…” That se­ems to me to ac­cord pretty cle­arly with “the King’s crown will be sun­de­red”. Don’t you think?’

  ‘No one will ta­ke this se­ri­o­usly. You re­ali­se that?’ ‘No one will ha­ve the chan­ce to ta­ke it se­ri­o­usly. Be­ca­use I am not go­ing to ma­ke the­se prop­he­ci­es pub­lic. You yo­ur­self exp­la­ined why, with yo­ur Cas­sand­ra pa­ral­lel. I don’t ha­ve the ori­gi­nals. No one will be­li­eve me. And the­re are things in he­re that the Cor­pus Ma­le­fi­cus still want to know.’ ‘But Ba­le is de­ad.’ ‘So he is.’ ‘The­re’s mo­re, isn’t the­re?’

  ‘The pro­of of the pud­ding, you me­an? Well that co­mes next ye­ar. And the ye­ar af­ter that. And the ye­ar af­ter that.’

  ‘What are you tal­king abo­ut?’

  ‘Think abo­ut it, Cal­que. We ha­ve the star­ting da­te to the co­unt­down as 1960. That’s cle­ar. Even you can’t dis­pu­te that. And I ha­ve forty-eight qu­at­ra­ins mo­ving on from that ye­ar, desc­ri­bing an event or events in each suc­ce­eding ye­ar which pin­po­ints that ye­ar as part of the cycle. They’re not all in or­der, but when you spre­ad them out, they tally. I’ve got the US de­fe­at in Vi­et­nam. The Chi­ne­se Cul­tu­ral Re­vo­lu­ti­on. The Arab-Isra­eli War. The Cam­bo­di­an Ge­no­ci­de. The Me­xi­co City Earth­qu­ake. The First and Se­cond Gulf Wars. 9/11. The New Or­le­ans Flo­ods. The In­di­an Oce­an Tsu­na­mi. And that’s just the tip of the ice­berg. The­re are do­zens of smal­ler events which se­em to tally too. It’s be­yond the re­alms of hap­pens­tan­ce. ‘

  ‘So what are you tel­ling me?’

  ‘I’m tel­ling you that the Ma­yans we­re right. Ac­cor­ding to the Ma­yan Long Ca­len­dar, they ha­ve the Gre­at Chan­ge as oc­cur­ring in 2012. On the 21st of De­cem­ber, to be pre­ci­se. 5126 ye­ars - that’s thir­te­en bak­tuns, each comp­ri­sing twenty ka­tuns - from the ca­len­dar’s in­cep­ti­on. That tal­li­es pre­ci­sely with Nost­ra­da­mus’s own in­dex da­tes. Ex­cept that he starts in 1960, at the exact turn of the Age of Aqu­ari­us. And he gi­ves us fifty-two qu­at­ra­ins and a fifty-two-ye­ar war­ning. That’s 2012 too. It co­uldn’t be cle­arer.’

  ‘And you ha­ve the prop­he­ci­es for the suc­ce­eding ye­ars?’

  ‘Yes. I’ve iso­la­ted them by de­fa­ult. It’s exactly tho­se prop­he­ci­es that Ba­le wan­ted so badly. One desc­ri­bes the Third An­tich­rist. The one who will bring the world to the abyss. Anot­her desc­ri­bes the Se­cond Co­ming. And anot­her desc­ri­bes the lo­ca­ti­on of a new vi­si­onary who will eit­her con­firm or deny the da­te - who can see in­to the fu­tu­re and chan­nel the in­for­ma­ti­on. Only this per­son can tell us what awa­its - re­ge­ne­ra­ti­on or apo­calyp­se. But all will ul­ti­ma­tely de­pend on whet­her we are pre­pa­red to re­cog­ni­se the Se­cond Co­ming. Re­cog­ni­se it uni­ver­sal­ly. See it as so­met­hing be­yond re­li­gi­on, in ot­her words - as a uni­ver­sal bles­sing. Nost­ra­da­mus be­li­eves that only by brin­ging the world to­get­her - in the com­mu­nal wors­hip of one en­tity - can we be sa­ved. ‘

  ‘You can’t be se­ri­o­us.’

  ‘De­adly se­ri­o­us.’

  ‘The Third An­tich­rist, then. Who is he?’

  Sa­bir tur­ned away. ‘He is with us now. He was born un­der the num­ber se­ven. Ten se­ven ten se­ven. He has the na­me of the Gre­at Who­re. He al­re­ady holds high of­fi­ce. He will hold hig­her. His nu­me­ro­lo­gi­cal num­ber is one, in­di­ca­ting ruth­les­sness and an ob­ses­si­ve de­si­re for po­wer. Nost­ra­da­mus calls him the ‘scor­pi­on as­cen­ding’. That is all I can tell you.’

  ‘But that is not­hing.’

  ‘Oh, it is.’

  Cal­que lo­oked se­arc­hingly at him. ‘So you know his na­me?’

  ‘Yes. And so do you.’

  Cal­que shrug­ged. But he had go­ne pa­le be­ne­ath his tem­po­rary Ca­mar­gue tan. ‘Don’t think I won’t try to work it out. I’m a de­tec­ti­ve. Nu­me­ro­logy isn’t an en­ti­rely ali­en con­cept. Even to me.’

  ‘I ex­pec­ted not­hing less.’

  ‘And the Se­cond Co­ming?’

  ‘I will tell no one of that. It was the re­al pur­po­se of Nost­ra­da­mus’s gift to his da­ugh­ter. It is a sec­ret that men and wo­men wo­uld die for. A sec­ret that co­uld chan­ge the world. You are the only per­son on earth who knows that I ha­ve it. I am con­tent for things to re­ma­in that way. Are you?’

  Cal­que watc­hed Sa­bir si­lently for so­me mi­nu­tes. Fi­nal­ly, awk­wardly, he sto­od up. He nod­ded his he­ad.


  Ale­xi kid­nap­ped Yo­la when the sum­mer was at its he­ight. They ran away to Cor­si­ca and Ale­xi to­ok her vir­gi­nity on the be­ach ne­ar Car­gè­se. As he ma­de lo­ve to her for the first ti­me, a flight of ducks tra­vel­led over them, cas­ting the­ir sha­dow ac­ross the ma­ting co­up­le. Yo­la sat up the mo­ment he withd­rew from her body and told him she was preg­nant.

  ‘This is im­pos­sib­le. How can you know?’

  ‘I know.’

  Ale­xi ne­ver do­ub­ted her. To him, Yo­la pos­ses­sed a myste­ri­o­us un­ders­tan­ding of sec­rets be­yond his ken. This su­ited him, as so­me­one out the­re ne­eded to know such things - and to carry the­ir we­ight - if Ale­xi was to be al­lo­wed to li­ve his li­fe in the pre­sent, with ne­it­her a back­ward nor a for­ward

  The mo­ment Sa­bir he­ard of Yo­la’s kid­nap, he to­ok a pla­ne ac­ross to Euro­pe and wa­ited for the co­up­le at the camp in Sa­mo­is. In his new po­si­ti­on as Yo­la’s brot­her and the ti­tu­lar he­ad of her fa­mily, it was in­con­ce­ivab­le that she sho­uld be al­lo­wed to marry wit­ho­ut his pre­sen­ce and per­mis­si­on. He knew that this was the one fi­nal thing he ne­eded to do for her and that his ap­pe­aran­ce at her wed­ding wo­uld at last free her of the blo­od ta­int from her brot­her’s de­ath.

  Yo­la had kept the to­wel she had la­in the at be­ach in Car­gè­se and when this was disp­la­yed be­fo­re the wed­ding gu­ests, Sa­bir for­mal­ly ack­now­led­ged that she had be­en a vir­gin be­fo­re her kid­nap­ping and that her lac­ha was un­tar­nis­hed. He ag­re­ed to pay Ale­xi her bri­de-pri­ce.

  La­ter, af­ter the ce­re­mony was over, Yo­la told him that she was preg­nant and as­ked him if he wo­uld be kir­vo to her son.

  ‘You know it’s a son?’

  ‘After Ale­xi pluc­ked out my eyes, a ma­le dog ran up to us on the be­ach and lic­ked my hand.’

  Sa­bir sho­ok his he­ad. ‘It’s crazy. But I be­li­eve you.’

  ‘You are cor­rect to do so. The cu­ran­de­ro was right. You are a wi­ser man now. So­met­hing hap­pe­ned to you whi­le you we­re dying. I don’t want to know what it was. But I fe­el that you can see things so­me­ti­mes, just as I can, af­ter the eye-man ga­ve me my two half-de­aths. Are you a sha­man now?’

  Sa­bir sho­ok his he­ad. ‘I’m a not­hing. Not­hing’s chan­ged. I’m just happy to be he­re and to see you mar­ri­ed. And of co­ur­se I’ll be kir­vo to yo­ur son.’

  Yo­la watc­hed him for a few se­conds, ho­ping for so­met­hing mo­re. But then a sud­den un­ders­tan­ding daw­ned ac­ross her fa­ce. ‘You know, don’t you, Da­mo? What the cu­ran­de­ro told me abo­ut my child? Abo­ut the Pa­ro­usia? It was all writ­ten on tho­se pa­ges that you bur­ned. This was why the sec­ret of the prop­he­ci­es was gi­ven to my fa­mily for sa­fe ke­eping? That was why you bur­ned them at the risk of yo­ur li­fe?’

  ‘Yes. It was writ­ten.’

  Yo­la pres­sed her sto­mach with her hands. ‘Was anyt­hing el­se writ­ten? Things I sho­uld know? Things I sho­uld fe­ar for my son?’

  Sa­bir smi­led. ‘Not­hing el­se was writ­ten, Yo­la. What will be will be. The die is cast and the fu­tu­re writ­ten only on the stars.’


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