Edward Burne-Jones

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Edward Burne-Jones Page 37

by Penelope Fitzgerald

  —— Introduction, Catalogue for the New Gallery Retrospective of the work of Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Bart., 1898

  CARRINGTON, Charles Rudyard Kipling: his Life and Work, Macmillan, 1955

  CARTWRIGHT, Julia Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Bart, The Art Annual (Art Journal, Christmas Number), Virtue, 1894

  CHANDLER, Alice A Dream of Order: The Mediaeval Ideal in Nineteenth Century English Literature, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971

  CHRISTIAN, John Gordon Introduction, Catalogue for the Burne-Jones Commemorative Exhibition, Fulham Library, 1967

  COHEN, Lucy Lady de Rothschild and her Daughters, 1821–1931, John Murray, 1935

  CLIFFORD, Edward Broadlands As It Was, Lindsey, 1890

  COLVIN, Sidney Memories and Notes of Persons and Places 1852–1912, Arnold, 1921

  —— Edward Burne-Jones, The Portfolio, February 1870

  CRANE, Walter An Artist’s Reminiscences, Methuen, 1907

  CRATHORNE, Nancy with Katherine Elliot of Harwood and James Dugdale, Tennant’s Stalk, Macmillan, 1973

  DALZIEL The Brothers Dalziel: a Record of Fifty Years Work, Methuen, 1901

  DE LISLE, Fortunée Burne-Jones (Little Books on Art), Methuen, 1904

  DENT, Robert The Making of Birmingham, J.L. Allday, 1904

  DIGBY, Sir Kenelm The Broadstone of Honour, or the True Sense and Practice of Chivalry, London, 1822 (Editions of 1845–8 are without Book 4)

  DOUGHTY, Oswald A Victorian Romantic: Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Muller, 1949

  DUFTY, A.R. Introduction to The Story of Cupid and Psyche (reproductions of the original woodcuts for the Earthly Paradise), Clover Hill Press, 1974

  DUGDALE, Blanche Arthur James Balfour, by his niece, Blanche Dugdale, Hutchinson, 1936

  DU MAURIER The Young Du Maurier: a Selection of his Letters, 1860–1870, ed: Daphne du Maurier, Peter Davies, 1951

  DUNN, Henry Treffry Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti & his circle, Elkin Matthews, 1904

  EDEL, Leon Henry James, Hart-Davis, 1953–62

  ELIOT, George The George Eliot Letters, ed. G.S. Haight, Oxford University Press, 1954–6

  EVANS, Sebastian The High History of The Holy Graal, translated from Volume 1 of Perceval le Gallois, Dent, 1898

  FALK, Bernard Five Years Dead, Hutchinson, 1938 (includes reminiscences of Simeon Solomon)

  FILDES, L.V.Luke Fildes, R.A.: A Victorian Painter, Michael Joseph, 1968

  FORBES-ROBERTSON, Sir J. A Player Under Three Reigns, Fisher Unwin, 1925

  FOUQUE, H. de la Motte The Seasons: Four Romances from the German, London, 1843 (Sintram and his Companions is the winter romance)

  FREDEMAN, W.E. Pre-Raphaelitism: A Bibliocritical Study, Harvard, 1965

  —— Prelude to the Last Decade: D.G. Rossetti in the summer of 1872, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, vol. 53, no. 1 Autumn 1970 & vol. 53, no. 2 Spring 1971

  FRITH, W.P. My Autobiography and Reminiscences, Richard Bentley, 1887

  FRY Letters of Roger Fry, ed: Denys Sutton, Chatto & Windus, 1972

  GAUNT, W., and M.D.E. Clayton-Stamm William de Morgan, Studio Vista, 1971

  GIROUARD, Mark The Victorian Country House, Oxford University Press, 1971

  GLADSTONE Diaries and Letters of Mary Gladstone, ed. Lucy Masterman, Methuen, 1930

  GRYLLS, Rosalie Glynn Portrait of Rossetti, Macdonald, 1964

  HAIGHT, Gordon S. George Eliot, a Biography, Oxford University Press, 1968

  HENDERSON, Philip William Morris: His Life, Work, and Friends, Thames & Hudson, 1967

  —— Swinburne, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974

  HENLEY, Dorothy Rosalind Howard, Countess of Carlisle, Hogarth Press, 1958

  HOLIDAY, Henry Reminiscences of My Life, Heinemann, 1914

  —— Stained Glass as an Art, Macmillan, 1896

  HOPKINS, G.M. Notebooks and Papers of Gerard Manley Hopkins, ed. Humphrey House, Oxford University Press, 1937

  —— Correspondence of Gerard Manley Hopkins and Richard Watson Dixon, ed. C.C. Abbott, Oxford University Press, 1935

  HORNER, Frances Time Remembered, Heinemann, 1933

  HUEFFER, Ford Madox Ford Madox Brown: A Record of his Life and Work, Longman, 1896

  HUNT, W. Holman Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Macmillan, 1905–6

  IONIDES, Alexander ‘Ion’, a Grandfather’s Tale, Cuala Press, 1927

  IONIDES, Luke Memories, privately printed, Paris, 1925

  IRONSIDE, Robin Pre-Raphaelite Painters, with a descriptive catalogue by John Gere, Phaidon, 1948

  JACOBS, Joseph Some Recollections of Edward Burne-Jones, Nineteenth Century vol. XLV, January 1899

  KING, A.W An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, R.A. Walker, 1924

  KIPLING, Rudyard Language of Something of Myself, Macmillan, 1937

  ‘FLOWERS, THE’ Anonymous, printed Edinburgh, 1849

  LESLIE, G.G. The Inner Life of the Royal Academy, John Murray, 1914

  LETTERS TO KATIE (Burne-Jones’s letters to Katie Lewis) ed. W. Graham Robertson, Macmillan, 1925

  LEVEY, Michael Botticelli and Nineteenth Century England, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. XXIII, July-December 1960

  LOWNDES Diaries of Marie Belloc Lowndes, 1911–1947, ed. Susan Lowndes, Chatto & Windsus, 1971

  LYTTELTON, Lord Glynnese Glossary (the private language of the Glynne, Lyttelton and Gladstone families), privately printed, no date

  MAAS, Jeremy Victorian Painters, Barrie & Jenkins, 1969

  MACDONALD, Grenville George Macdonald and his Wife, Allen & Unwin, 1924

  MACKAIL, J.W. The Life of William Morris, Longman, 1899

  MALLOCK, W.H. The New Republic: or, Culture, Faith and Philosophy in an English Country House, London, 1877

  MEINHOLD, Johann Wilhelm Sidonia the Sorceress, translated by Mrs Wilde, Parlour Library, 1849

  MILLAIS, J.G. The Life and Letters of Sir J.E. Millais, Methuen, 1899

  —— Sir John Millais: his House and Studio, Magazine of Art, vol. 4, 1881

  MILNER, Viscountess My Picture Gallery, 1886–1901, Murray, 1951

  MORRIS, May William Morris, Artist, Writer, Socialist, Blackwells, 1936

  MORRIS, William Letters of William Morris to his Family and Friends, ed. Philip Henderson, Longman, 1950

  NORTON Letters of Charles Eliot Norton with biographical comment by his daughter Sara Norton and M.R. de Wolfe Howe, Constable, 1913

  NOTES & QUERIES Series X, vol. III, 88, vol. X 427, 491 (queries about Phyllis and Demophoon and The Golden Stairs)

  ORMOND, Richard A Pre-Raphaelite Beauty (Marie Stillman), Country Life, 30 December 1965

  PAIN, Amanda St. Eva, Osgood, McIlvane, 1897

  PELLECER, a Cirici El Arte Modernista Catalana, Aymà Editor, 1951

  PENNELL, E.R. & J. The Whistler Journal, Lippincott Co., 1921

  —— The Life of James McNeil Whistler, Heinemann, 1908

  POTTER, Beatrix The Journal of Beatrix Potter 1881–1897), transcribed by Leslie Linder, F. Warne & Co., 1966

  PRINSEP, Valentine Reminiscences, The Magazine of Art, vol. XXIV, 1904

  QUILTER, Harry Preferences in Art, Life and Literature, Swannenschein, 1892

  RICHMOND The Richmond Papers, ed. A.M.W. Stirling, Heinemann, 1926

  ROBERTSON, W. Graham Time Was, Hamish Hamilton, 1931

  ROBICHEZ, Jacques Le Symbolisme au Théatre Lugné-Poe et les débuts de L’Oeuvre, L’Arche Editeur, 1957

  ROGET, J.L. The Old Watercolour Society: with an account of its schools and exhibitions, principally in the reign of Queen Victoria, Longman, 1891

  ‘ROMANCE OF MERLIN’ Roman de Merlin, translated in 1450, ed. H.B. Wheatley, Early English Text Society, 1865

  ROOKE, T.M. Introduction to the catalogue of the Tate Gallery Centenary exhibition of the work of Burne-Jones, June 7 1933

  ROSSETTI, D.G. Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, ed. O. Doughty and J.R. Wahl, Oxford University Press, 1965–7

  ROSSETTI, W.M. Rossetti Papers 1862�
�70, Sands, 1930

  —— D.G. Rossetti: His Family Letters, with a Memoir, Ellis & Ellis, 1895

  —— The P.R.B. Journal, Pre-Raphaelite Diaries and Letters, Hurst & Blackett, 1900

  ROTHENSTEIN, Sir William Men and Memories, Faber, 1931

  ROYAL ACADEMY Laws Relating to the School, the Library and the Students, 1862

  RUSKIN, John Mythic Schools of Painting: E. Burne-Jones and G.F. Watts, in The Art of England, Allen, 1883

  —— On the Present State of Modern Art, The Works of John Ruskin, Library Edition, ed. E.T. Cook and A.D.O. Wedderburn, vol. XIX, Allen, 1902–12

  —— Letters to M.G. (Mary Gladstone) and H.G., ed. the Rt. Hon. George Wyndham, Privately printed, 1903

  —— Diaries of John Ruskin 1838–47 and Diaries of John Ruskin 1848–73, ed. Joan Evans and John Howard Whitehouse, 1956 and 1958

  —— The Winnington Letters, ed. Van Akin Burd, Allen & Unwin 1969

  —— Sublime and Instructive: Letters from John Ruskin to Louisa Marchioness of Waterford, Anna Blunden, and Ellen Heaton, ed. Virginia Surtees, Michael Joseph, 1972

  RUSSELL, Bertrand and Patricia The Amberley Papers (includes reminiscences of Rosalind Hoard and of Burne-Jones at Naworth), Hogarth Press, 1937


  SEWTER, A.C.The Stained Glass of William Morris and his Circle, Yale University Press, 1974–5

  SHANNON, R.T. Gladstone and the Bulgarian Agitation, Nelson, 1964

  SHAW, G.B. William Morris As I Knew Him (Preface to vol. II of William Morris, Artist, Writer, Socialist), Blackwell, 1936

  SIZERANNE, Robert de la La Peinture Anglaise Contemporaine, Hachette, 1895

  —— The Late Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Bart., D.C.L. Supplement to The Artist vol. XXII. June 1889

  STEPHENS, F.G Edward Burne-Jones, A.R.A., The Portfolio, vol. XVI, November 1885 and December 1885

  —— D.G. Rossetti, The Portfolio, Seeley & Co., 1894

  STEVENSON, C.R. Sir Edward Burne-Jones, O.W.S. Club 9th Annual Volume, 1932 (includes a list of Burne-Jones’s exhibits at the O.W.S.)

  STIRLING, A.M.W. William de Morgan and his Wife, Butterworth, 1922

  SURTEES, Virginia The Paintings and Drawings of D.G. Rossetti: A Catalogue Raisonné, Oxford University Press, 1971

  SWINBURNE, Algernon Letters, ed. Cecil Y. Lang, Yale University Press, 1939

  THIRKELL, Angela Three Houses, Oxford University Press, 1931

  THOMPSON, E.P. William Morris, Romantic to Revolutionary, Lawrence & Wishart, 1955

  TILLOTSON, G. and K. Mid-Victorian Studies, Athlone Press, 1965

  TUCKWELL, REVD W. Reminiscences of Oxford, Smith Elder, 1907 (includes recollections of Rossetti and his circle at the Oxford Union)

  TWEEDSMUIR, Lady The Lilac and the Rose, Duckworth, 1952 (includes recollections of Norman Grosvenor and Lord Wharncliffe)

  VALLANCE, Aymer The Decorative Art of Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Baronet, The Art Journal, Easter Number, Virtue, 1900

  WATERS, B. AND MARTIN HARRISON Burne-Jones, Barrie & Jenkins, 1973

  WATTS, Mary S. George Frederic Watts: The Annals of an Artist, Macmillan, 1912

  WILDE, Oscar Letters of Oscar Wilde, ed. Rupert Hart-Davis, Hart-Davis, 1962

  WILLIAMSON, G.C. Murray Marks and his Friends, John Lane, 1912

  WILSON, Michael The Case of the Victorian Piano, Victoria & Albert Museum Yearbook no. 3, 1972

  WOOD, T. Martin Introduction to Drawings of the Great Masters: The Drawings of Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Newnes, 1907

  WORKING MENS COLLEGE MAGAZINE ed. R.B. Litchfield, January 1859–1862

  YEATS, W.B. Autobiographies, Macmillan, 1926

  YONGE, Charlotte M. The Heir of Redcliffe, John W. Parker, 1853

  ZAMBACO, Dr D.A. Mémoire sur la Lèpre Observée à Constantinople, Paris, 1887


  Place of publication is London unless otherwise stated.

  APOLLO MAGAZINE Special issue on Burne-Jones, November 1975 (includes articles by L. Lambourne, J. Christian, B. Waters, M. Lago.)

  ARTS COUNCIL Catalogue, Burne-Jones: the paintings, graphic and decorative work of Sir Edward Burne-Jones, 1833–98, ed. Penelope Marcus, Hayward Gallery, 1975–6

  ASH, Russell Sir Edward Burne-Jones Pavilion Books, 1993

  BARTRAM, Michael The Pre-Raphaelite Camera, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1985

  BROWN, Ford Madox The Diary of Ford Madox Brown, ed. Virginia Surtees, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1981

  CASSIVETTI, Eileen ‘The Fatal Meeting and the Fruitful Passion: Edward Burne-Jones and Mary Zambaco,’ in Antique Collector, March 1989, pp. 34–45

  CECIL, David Visionary and Dreamer: Two Poetic Painters, Samuel Palmer and Edward Burne-Jones, Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1983

  CHRISTIAN, John Introduction, Letters to Katie from Edward Brune-Jones, British Museum Publications, 1988

  —— Introduction, The Fairy Family: a series of Ballads and Metrical Tales illustrating the Fairy Faith of Europe, by Archibald Maclaren, illustrated by Edward Burne-Jones, North Berwick, East Lothian, Dalrymple Press, 1985 ‘A Serious Talk: Ruskin’s place in Burne-Jones’s artistic development,’ in Pre-Raphaelite Papers, ed. Leslie Parris, Tate Gallery Publications, 1984

  —— Introduction, The Little Holland House Album, by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, North Berwick, Dalrymple Press, 1981 (facsimile of an album of poems transcribed and illustrated by Edward Burne-Jones)

  DORMENT, Richard ‘Burne-Jones’s Roman Mosaics’ in Burlington Magazine, February 1978, pp. 72–82

  LAGO, Mary (ed) Burne-Jones Talking, John Murray, 1981

  MacCARTHY, Fiona William Morris, a Life for Our Time, Faber and Faber, 1994

  MARSH, Jan The Pre-Raphaelite Sisterhood, Quartet, 1985

  MERRILL, Linda A Pot of Paint: Aesthetics on Trial in Whistler v. Ruskin, Washington and London, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992

  NEWALL, Cristopher Grosvenor Gallery Exhibitions: Change and Continuity in the Victorian Art World, Cambridge University Press, 1995

  NEWMAN, Teresa and WATKINSON, Ray Ford Madox Brown and the Pre-Raphaelite Circle, Chatto & Windus, 1991

  POULSON, Christine ‘Costume Designs by Burne-Jones for Irving’s Production of King Arthur,’ in Burlington Magazine, January 1986, pp 18–24

  RUSSELL, Frances ‘Advice to a Young Traveller from Burne-Jones: Letters to Agnes Graham, 1876,’ in Apollo, December 1978, pp 424–7

  TATE GALLERY Catalogue, The Pre-Raphaelites, Tate Gallery, 1984

  TAYLOR, Ina Victorian Sisters: the remarkable MacDonalds and the four great men they inspired, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987

  WARRELL, Ian Catalogue essay, Burne-Jones, watercolours and drawings, Tate Gallery, 1993


  Of the more important pictures mentioned in the text, the following are in private collections: Beatrice, Fair Rosamund, Green Summer (1868 version), Heart of the Rose, and the portraits of Frances Balfour, Georgiana Burne-Jones, Margaret Burne-Jones, Dossie Drew, Mary Gladstone, Frances Graham, Cecily Horne, Katie Lewis, Lady Windsor (the Countess of Plymouth).

  The following are in public collections, or in private collections which are shown to the public:

  Annunciation, The (1876–9) Lady Lever Gallery, Port Sunlight

  Avalon (begun 1881) Ponce Museum of Art, Puerto Rico

  Beguiling of Merlin, The (1872–7) Lady Lever Gallery, Port Sunlight

  Briar Rose (1894) Buscot Park, Faringdon

  Chant d’Amour (1865) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

  Danae (1888 version) Glasgow City Art Gallery

  Depths of the Sea, The (1886) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, Mass.

  Flower Book (original watercolours) British Museum Print Room

  Golden Stairs, The (1876–80) Tate Gallery, London

  Hesperides, The (1870–3 version) Birmingha
m Museums & Art Gallery

  King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid (1880–4) Tate Gallery, London

  Laus Veneris (1873–5) Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle

  Love Among the Ruins (1894 version)Wightwick Manor, Wolverhampton

  Love and the Pilgrim (1877–97) Tate Gallery, London

  Love’s Wayfaring (begun 1872)Victoria & Albert Museum, London

  Merciful Knight, The (1863) Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery

  Merlin and Nimuë (1861) Victoria & Albert Museum, London

  Mill, The (1870–82) Victoria & Albert Museum, London

  Phyllis and Demophoön (1870) Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery

  Sidonia and Clara Van Bork (1860) Tate Gallery, London

  Sirens, The (begun 1870) Ringling Museum, Sarasota, Florida

  Sibylla Delphica (1886) Manchester City Art Gallery

  Sponsa di Libano (1891) Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool

  Vespertina Quies (1893) Tate Gallery, London

  Wheel of Fortune, The (1872–6 version) Hammersmith Public Libraries, Fulham Branch


  With a few exceptions, references have only been given for hitherto unpublished material. Printed sources are given in the bibliography.


  Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. Letters from Edward Burne-Jones to George Howard, Castle Howard collection

  Castle Howard, G.B.J. to R.H. Letters from Georgiana Burne-Jones to Rosalind Howard, Castle Howard collection

  H.M.G. Letters from Edward Burne-Jones to Helen Mary Gaskell

  R.D. The studio diaries of T.M. Rooke. The page numbers are from the duplicate of a copy belonging to Mrs Celia Rooke, which is deposited in the Victoria and Albert. Some corrections have been made from the original copy made for Lady Burne-Jones, which is now in the possession of Mr Lance Thirkell

  Walthamstow William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow

  Chapter 1

  1. R.D. p. 46

  2. R.D. p. 160

  3. R.D. p. 46

  4. R.D. p. 468

  5. R.D. p. 470

  6. R.D. p. 218

  7. 19 May 1896 in G.B.J.’s copy of R.D.

  8. R.D. p. 38

  9. R.D. p. 491

  10. Undated letter to Olive Maxse, Lord Hardinge of Penshurst

  11. 19 May 1896 in G.B.J.’s copy of R.D.

  12. R.D. p. 139–40

  13. 19 May 1896 in G.B.J.’s copy of R.D.


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